MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 684 Returning to the soul, returning to the sea god

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The 648th chapter of the soul is returned, the sea **** returns

Both Oscar and Ning Rongrong are struggling to support them. They have burned all their energy and gathered together to support the two gods who have come to release their power. However, the so-called manpower is sometimes done, their minds are attached, and energy is limited. Seeing the chance of resurrection is in sight, but the soul power they released is no longer supported. The two gods have the possibility of being separated at any time.

How to do? How to do? Ning Rongrong and Oscar stared at each other anxiously. The two men clenched their tongues and used the sting of the tongue to gather the last energy.

At this time, they have thought about the way they can think of in their minds, but the gods and bodies attached to them are still separated.

It’s not that Oscar and Ning Rongrong don’t want to supplement themselves with Oscar’s sausages, just as Ning Rongrong’s Jiubao Glass Tower’s increase cannot be applied to Tang San’s body. At this time, their martial arts fusion skills have fully reached the level of God, and this god-level effect is doomed to all their own all the increase ability is invalid. This is true for both Oscar's sausages and Ning Rongrong's Jiubao Glass Tower.

At this critical juncture, suddenly, from all sides of the parliament hall, countless subtle white light spots appeared quietly, these white spots slowly drifted, the target is the Tang lying on the ground three.

At this point, the soldiers outside can see that the red light that was originally enveloped outside the Chamber of Deputies is slightly rhythmic, and the white light is in its rhythm.

These white light slowly converge toward the body of Tang San, and each thread is very weak, but thousands of white light are merged together, but it is a force that cannot be ignored.

砰 ——, the gods behind Ning Rongrong and Oscar finally turned into a little bit of light, and the two bodies swayed at the same time, softly fell to the ground, they have completely erupted their potential and all the energy, now It’s just that the oil is running out, just a sigh of relief.

The little dance sighed and rushed. The wound in front of Tang’s chest had not healed, and his golden heart could not continue with all the meridians.

"Don't move." The master suddenly screamed and stopped the movement of the little dance. The physical pain and mental torment caused the little dance to be pale and finally fell. However, she did not want to stun, and her eyes stared at Tang San’s body. She was never willing to give up until the last moment.

The master opened his arms and stopped Tang Yan from his side. "No one should move. Don't be close to Xiaosan."

Everyone's eyes were a little sluggish. At this time, they also discovered the changes in Tang San's body. The white light is so subtle that it can't be discovered without careful observation. Of course, most of the people present are strong in the soul division, and naturally look at it. But they have always thought that this is the effect of Ning Rongrong and Oscar's martial arts fusion technology. But at this time, it is not the case.

Because Ning Rongrong and Oscar are soft and unconscious, but the slender white light still exists, still instilled into the body of Tang San, and blended into the wound on his chest.

Around the golden heart, every meridian is still in the process of continuation, although the speed is much slower than that previously hosted by Oscar and Ning Rongrong. However, as this process continues, it proves that there is still an opportunity.

"This is..." Tang Yan's eyes narrowed, and although he had already had an idea in his heart, he and the master looked at each other and the two almost said in unison: "The power of faith."

Yes, the slender white light is the power of faith from the millions of troops in the Tiandou Empire. The power of one's faith is naturally nothing, but if it is a million people, it is totally different. In particular, this million-strong army is absolutely devout to Tang San’s beliefs, even if some impurities are completely filtered by the strange red light outside. The power of faith that can enter the Chamber of Deputies and integrate into Tang San is the purest power.

The power of these beliefs has taken over the fusion of Ning Rongrong and Oscar's martial arts, and continues to repair the body of Tang San.

"Fast, let us continue to pray for the third." The master shouted, his hands clasped together, his face full of excitement.

Everyone has done the same thing. For this last chance, for the resurrection of Tang San, they began their most sincere prayers.

Time, bit by bit, the wound healing of Tang San’s chest was significantly slower than that of the resurrection of the two great gods, but it never stopped. As long as the process of resurrection continues, there will be opportunities.

Seeing that a root meridian on the heart of Tang San gradually continued, everyone in the hall had forgotten the time. During the period, only the avalanche went out. He issued a death order to all the empire of the Tiandou Empire. As long as the resurrection process here did not stop, he could not stop praying for Tang San. He told the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire that this was the last hope of the empire. Only when the sea gods were resurrected would they be able to defeat the strong enemies and allow the empire to continue.

The faint light flashed in the entire hall of the conference. Between the light and the flow, every change in the face of Tang San can make everyone in the room scare.

The muscles of Tang San will be twitched from time to time, especially the position of the heart, and occasional tremors will affect everyone's heart.

From day to night, and from night to day, everyone forgets the time. They just pray for Tang San in their hearts. The power of the ruthless faith has never been broken, and the process of integration with Tang San’s body is constantly being carried out.

Finally, the golden heart began to tremble continuously. At the beginning, its trembling was still weak, but with the integration of more faith, its trembling began to become powerful. The wound in front of Tang’s chest finally healed completely. The bones, meridians, muscles, and the most important heart all healed in the prayers of all the people.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong have woke up and are on the sidelines. At this time, they have completely become ordinary people, and even their physical strength is not as good as ordinary people. However, their hearts are filled with satisfaction. As the initiator of the light of resurrection, they can clearly feel that Tang San’s vitality is returning bit by bit, and his own body function is being awakened. As long as his power can wake up, even a serious injury is nothing, and it is enough to repair it.

Everyone's eyes were firmly staring at the position of Tang's chest, and his chest began to slowly undulate, and everyone could not help but burst into tears of excitement. Successful, they succeeded. Tang San already has a heartbeat, and there is breathing!

Master, Tang Yan and his face pale as paper, at any time there may be a small dance that may faint in the past, all came to Tang San, Liu Erlong supported the body of the little dance, everyone in the recent distance to observe the changes of Tang San body.

Tang Yan carefully took the wrist of Tang San and carefully felt the condition in his body.

"How?" the master asked anxiously.

Tang Hao nodded and said: "Small three's body is recovering quickly, not only from the power of faith, but his own power seems to have been awakened and recovered. I can feel the huge energy in his body. Even my The soul can't go deeper. His pulse is getting more and more powerful. As long as he can wake up, our resurrection process will be successful."

"No, it hasn't been successful yet." The voice of the little dance said a little trembling.

Tang Yu looked puzzled and looked at the little dance. "You mean..."

The little dance is still full of sadness. "Brother has become a god. According to you, his body has recovered to this extent. If he lives, he should wake up now. He must be able to feel our fears." However, he is still in a coma, and it can only prove a problem. We are only resurrecting his body, but not his. The last attack he launched against Bibidong was a soul attack. For God, it is At that time, Bibidong was obviously hit hard, and when the brother himself was seriously injured, he was directly comatose. It is likely that his soul has been crushed by Bibidong. For God, perhaps the heart is not fatal. But the spirit is broken, but it is..."

"No, it's impossible. You are nonsense." Tang said with a roar: "Small three is alive, you didn't see it? He is breathing now, you listen, how powerful his heart is. My son is not dead, my son is still Live. Xiaosan, wake up quickly, and prove to them quickly that you are still alive."

The mouth is roaring, but the tears in Tang’s eyes have already flown down. I am afraid that he will have the most tears left in his life. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. After two days and two nights passed, I finally completed the resurrection of Tang San’s body. The words of the little dance were like the blue sky, which made each of them unbearable. However, they all know that the most familiar with the physical condition of Tang San is necessarily the little dance that always follows him. No one knows him better than the little dance. Even the little dance said so, then...

The discussion hall suddenly became silent, dead silence, and their eyes looked at Tang San who had recovered his breath, heartbeat, and even the wound had completely healed. They can even feel the breath of God again from Tang San. However, Tang San is still lying there, there is no sign of recovery.

Unwilling emotions are filled in everyone's minds. They have exhausted their efforts, but in the end they still can't succeed. Such a blow, even the most determined people, must be broken.

If the resurrection is just an ordinary person, the soul of the resurrection can resurrect the body and wake up the soul. However, Tang San is not an ordinary person, he is a god. His spirit is not awakened by the **** of food and the colorful goddess. Moreover, the **** of food and the goddess of the nine colors did not insist that the body of Tang San was fully restored. At this time, everyone has a desperate embarrassment in their hearts. In their hearts, they have lost their last hope.

At this time, suddenly, Tang San’s body trembled fiercely, and he caught everyone’s gaze. Tang Yan hugged his son tightly, and his last cry and prayer in his heart. At this moment, even if he is allowed to use his own life to exchange the soul of Tang San, he is willing.

At this time, suddenly, everyone in the hall found that they could not breathe, and the strong suffocation made them suddenly in a state of pain.

The surrounding scene has also changed at this moment, and everything has become illusory and unreal. Blue, that is endless blue. Although they are in this closed room, but looking at it, the scene in the eyes is an endless blue, as if it is far from the depths of the sea.

Then, a strange scene appeared in front of everyone, they saw Tang San, a completely blue Tang San.

The Tang three slowly came out of the endless blue, his face full of excited expression. He looked at everyone, but he couldn’t seem to talk, just step by step, the feeling of suffocation accompanied by tremendous pressure from the soul, so that everyone stared at the blue figure until he Then I walked into the body of Tang San in Tang Huai’s arms.

Boom--Tang Yu only felt that his body was shaken by an invisible potential. Tang San, who was originally in his arms, suddenly floated up and became erect from the original lying, so floating here. Within the Chamber of Deliberation. The original white light disappeared almost instantly at this moment. Whether it is Tang Yan, the master, the little dance, everyone in the room, or the three military officers who are always praying for Tang San, they have raised the same voice at this moment.

"I am back."

Yes, when the blue Tang three steps into the discussion hall, Tang San came back. Really coming back. The blue Tang San is nothing else, it is the soul of Tang San. The soul is returned to home, and the sea **** returns. Tang San finally completed this final resurrection process.

The resurrection of a **** is undoubtedly a fantasy in this human world, and its difficulty is unimaginable. However, in the process of this resurrection, Tang San not only got the resurrection light launched by the combination of the two great gods brought by Oscar and Ning Rongrong Wuhu fusion technology. It was the strength of the prayer belief of two million and two soldiers in the Jialingguan. His god-level flesh is restored. His soul, under the auspices of the Poseidon of the Seven Principality of the Poseidon, in the common prayers of trillions of marine life, with his trace of the thoughts of staying on the top of the sea god, regained.

Haishen Mountain and Haishen Temple are undoubtedly the most powerful places of Poseidon. It is also the inheritance of Poseidon. This is why the thoughts left by Tang San still did not completely dissipate in a short time after his death. Of course, this is also the merit of the Seven Holy Columns guarding the Douros headed by Hailong Douro. If they did not promptly launch the final defensive array on the sea **** island, and motivate the power of the seven gods of the sea god, with the last trace of the soul of Tang San The sea is calling, and Tang San is unlikely to be resurrected.

At this moment, Tang San has truly stood in front of everyone, and the sea **** is resurrected.

At the moment when Tang San opened his eyes, all the blues in the hall of the conference had all disappeared, and the feeling of suffocation also followed.

The little dance stared at Tang San. When she saw the resurgence of the light in Tang Sanshuang, her belief finally relaxed, and she fainted and fainted in Liu Erlong. At this time, the red light that had always been around the hall of the Chamber of Secrets disappeared quietly, and sneaked back into the little dance from the ground, without any sound, even if Tang San, who had just resurrected, was not aware of it. The cold breath of the little dance body disappeared.

The faint light shimmered, and Tang San’s face was deeply touched, and his gaze swept through everyone’s face. His fists clenched unconsciously. "Thank you, thank you."

The blue light of the cockroach was released from the body of Tang San, and it swept the body of everyone present. The soft sea gods nourished their bodies and wiped out all the fatigue and anxiety they had spent these two days and nights.

The avalanche slammed down to the ground and looked at Tang San with tears. "Teacher, you are finally resurrected. It all blames me. For the empire, you pay too much."

Tang San floated to the ground and lifted the avalanche from the ground. "Avalanche, you are very good. Although I was killed by Bibidong, everything that happened was seen by the soul of my collapsed in the air. You are not a god." The emperor of the Empire. You are a generation of Ming Jun. It should also be the most qualified emperor of the Tiandou Empire."

The avalanche shook his head hard. "No, I am a Mingjun. I don't even have the power to protect my people. Teacher, emotionally, I really don't want you to go to the battlefield again. But the Empire needs yours. Asylum. I..."

Tang San patted the shoulder of the avalanche. "Don't say anything. Some things are inevitable. It must be broken. I must have the final result between Bibidong and Qianxue. They don't. I will let go of me, and I will not let them go."

"Little three." Tang Hao and the master strode to Tang three.

"Dad, I am worried about you." Tang San looked at the two fathers, his lips squatting tightly. Of course he knows how lucky he is to be resurrected. However, his heart did not ease up because of the resurrection. Before he faced it, he still had to face it again. How easy is it to talk about defeating each other?

From the eyes of Tang Yan and the master, Tang San saw a lot of things. He understood that the two fathers did not want to take risks again. They were not willing to lose themselves again. As long as you are out of the battlefield now, even if you are teamed up with Bibi and Qianxue, you can't stay with yourself. However, can he really go?

"Dad, my second life is shared by everyone. I can't abandon people who believe in me. You don't want to say anything. The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with Bibi and Qianxue." As he said, he stepped forward and forced the two fathers to forcefully show them their determination with their firm and powerful arms.

Tang Hao and the master did not speak. They looked at Tang San, and his eyes were full of complicated light.

Tang San walked between the two fathers and came to Oscar and Ning Rongrong. After the moisturization of the sea gods, their looks were much better, but they still wilted there, and even the strength of standing up was not .

Tang San extended his hands and pressed them on their shoulders, injecting the power of two more pure sea gods into the two partners. With the support of this force, Oscar and Ning Rongrong finally stood up.

"Second brother, Rongrong, Daen does not say thank you. Your martial arts have not disappeared. I have reawakened them with the power of Poseidon, but it takes a long time to recover, even my power. I can't help them recover immediately. It's probably a year long."

Oscar smiled and said: "Resurrection of a person takes a month to recover. It takes only one year to resurrect a god. This is a good deal. It is much better than selling sausages. However, you should stop visiting."

Ning Rongrong’s eyes were reddish, and he looked at Tang San. He just called a third brother and could no longer speak.

Tang San turned around and glanced at the little dance in Liu Erlong’s arms. He resisted the emotional fluctuations in his heart and said to everyone: “The time given by Bibidong is three days. From now on, there is the last day and night. The last time they appeared was too abrupt, I don't know anything about the strength of Bibidong. Now I am resurrected, give me one day, I will be able to return to the peak state. Fighting Bibi East and Millennium Snow I am confident that they will be completely destroyed. Please believe me. Avalanche, you have to appease the soldiers of the Three Armies. One day later, it is the moment of the final battle."

"Yes, teacher, don't worry. I will announce this good news to the three armies now. You can rest assured that I will seal the lock message and will never be known by the other party." Listening to Tang San said that he has the confidence to completely destroy the other gods. There is an unspeakable excitement in the eyes of the avalanche. He is very clear that Tang San has never said a proverb. He said that if he can, he will do it.

Tang San continued: "Now please leave this to me, I need to calm down and restore my power."

The crowd nodded, and the generals first retired under the leadership of the avalanche, and then the poisonous Luo and others. Master, Tang Yan, Flanders, Liu Erlong and Ning Rongrong, Oscar stayed at the end.

The master couldn't help but say: "Small three, do you really have confidence? With one-on-two, God-level confrontation, skills have been difficult to work."

Tang San smiled confidently. "Dad, you are my teacher. I grew up. Do you still believe me? When did I say a lie? Don't worry, I already know Bibi East and Qianxue Snow. The flaws. Just be careful, you will be able to defeat them."

The master sighed with relief. "That's best. But you must remember that in any case, you must focus on your own life. I can't afford to be a white-haired person to send a brunette again."

He said, he waved to Liu Erlong and Flanders and turned and walked out. Tang San looked at the little dance in Liu Erlong’s arms, and resisted the desire to rush up. “Mom, please take care of the little dance.”

Liu Erlong looked deeply at Tang Sanyi and gently nodded his head.

Everyone went outside, but Tang Yan, stayed at the end. After everyone else went out, Tang Yan slowly walked to Tang San.

"You have already decided?"

Tang Sanyi, "Dad, what happened to you? What do I decide?"

Tang Yan looked calmly at Tang San. "You don't have to act again. You deceived them. Can you deceive me? You are my own son. You have many places like me. One possibility may even be your own. I don't know, although you have just said that whether you are talking or firm confidence, there is no flaw. However, when you are lying, your right hand will subconsciously pinch your clothes, which is exactly the same as me. Didn't notice, because you really never lie, but when you were talking to everyone, you did this kind of action. With one enemy two, facing the two gods, can you have a sure grasp? So, I decided that your decision is not to defeat them, but to be the same. This is the best result you can achieve. Right?"

Tang San looked at his father. He never knew that his father knew him so well. From the habit of inheritance, take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale, Tang San nodded silently. "Dad, you know, I have no choice. I can't watch the Tiandou Empire destroy it. Bibidong is you and My mother's enemies are also the teacher's father and my own enemies. I don't have a way back. It is the strength of everyone who will raise me up. I can only do everything I can to do what I can. I believe that you can understand me. It’s changing all the time. Maybe, I am not a chance to retreat without a whole body?”

"No, maybe." Tang Yan suddenly violently roared, "Small three, I do not allow you to do this. I and the master, only you son, I am a father, do you let me see my son with my own eyes Can you die? You can go, but you have to step on my body."

Looking at his father's incomparable gaze, Tang San sighed, "Dad, I am sorry." The blue light quietly spread behind Tang Yin, another blue Tang San did not have any omen in Tang. Behind the scene, the blue light flashed, and Tang Xiao snorted and fell in Tang Sanhuai.

Holding my father's body, Tang San's face showed a faint smile. "Whether for you, for the little dance and everyone, how can I withdraw from this battle?"

The blue light flashes, the body and the body of the soul form merge, this time from the birth to death, and then from death to life, although Tang San has experienced hardships, but this has completely inspired his **** of the sea god, let him A deeper understanding of the various abilities between the soul and the body. This is also the reason why Tang San has a certain degree of certainty.

With a wave of tears, tearing open a crack in the air, Tang San sent Tang Yan's body into it, and a series of strange magic lines bloomed around the crack. This is a temporary space created by Tang San with his own power. This space intelligently supports two days. After two days, even if Tang San will not release Tang Yan, this space will be broken by himself and release the body of Tang Yan. By that time, everything had settled. Since Tang San has made up his mind, he has not left any retreat for himself.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the soul is surging, the blue brilliance envelopes itself, and Tang San began to practice without a trace of his own thoughts. At this time, even if Bibi stood in front of him, he would not feel the fluctuation of his power. From the realm, Tang San has surpassed Bibi East and Qianxun Snow.

The day passed quickly. No one was bothering Tang San. Even though the little dance was awake from the coma, it did not come to the Marshal House. There is only one person in Tang San.

As if it were an alarm clock, when the sun just rose from the horizon, Tang San opened his eyes.

There is only one layer of luster in the blue eyelids. When he floats from the ground, the whole person looks like the most common human. The connection between the soul and the body has reached a near perfect level, and this has the scene of returning to the present.

Slowly walked to the door, when Tang San opened the door, everyone was waiting there. Standing at the forefront are avalanches, masters and small dances. Their eyes are condensed on Tang San.

Tang San smiled slightly. "Don't worry, today's World War will end everything."

The master looked at Tang San’s eyes. “Small three, no matter where you are, we will be with you. You have to keep this in mind.”

Tang San sighed. He knew that the master also saw something. After all, the father had disappeared for a day, and they could not be unaware. He did not explain, his eyes looked at the rising sun in the sky, and a blue stream of air flashed through his eyes. The coming will come, and a layer of blue-blue ripples begins to appear around his body. "Let's go."

The blue light rolled up everyone's body, just like being lifted by a huge wave. Everyone was ascended into the air at the same time. Almost just a flash of light, they appeared in the city of Jialingguan. There was a slight change in the look of the master's eyes. Tang San's divine power has obviously improved, or his use of divine power has reached a new level. The fear in the heart has been slightly reduced by half.

From the beginning to the end, the little dance did not speak, just staring at Tang San with her calm eyes. Tang San seems to know what the little dance is thinking. When everyone comes to Jialing Guancheng, he does not go to see the Wuhun Empire first, but quietly walks to the side of the dance. Her hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her body over, so that her back was facing herself.

Carefully hold up the long hair of the little dance, and break up the hair that was originally neatly tidy. I don’t know where he changed a comb, gently combing her long hair for the little dance. hair.

The shoulders of the little dance began to tremble slightly, and everyone else would care not to turn over and leave the silence before the storm just to them. The bright sunshine sprinkled on them, and their shadows stretched behind their backs. From the beginning to the end, Tang San did not say a word to the little dance, he just reorganized her hair.

When he finally finished all of this, he once again pulled back the body of the little dance and looked at her eyes that were already tearful. Tang San used his forehead against the forehead of the little dance, whispering: "Dear ,I love you."

The little dance trembled, slammed the waist of Tang San, and put his face tightly on his chest. "If you really love me, let me stay with you forever. The result will not Change, let me look at you."

Tang San stunned a little. He knew that the little dance had understood what he was going to do. He also knew how determined the little dance was. He wanted to send her into the temporary space. But the little dance has already told him that the results will not change anyway.

In the end, Tang San still did not do that, and died together, this is their commitment to each other.

Gently kissed the forehead of the little dance, Tang San’s body has turned into a blue light and slipped out of her arms, and at this time, in the distance of the Wuhun Empire camp, two figures are slow. Slowly rise.

"Tang San?" When the gods of Rakshasa and the **** of angels saw the blue figure flying from the head of Jialingguan, they could not help but stay, even if it was a hazy heart like Bidong, it could not help but tremble slightly. A bit. Yes, Poseidon is back. He will once again challenge the angel **** and the Rakshasa god. Oscar and Ning Rongrong have temporarily lost their soul power, and he is unlikely to be resurrected again. This battle is, in the end, destined to be the last battle.