MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 533 Too much in the universe

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"Call..." Ratiz, who had recovered his strength, breathed a sigh of relief and vented all the turbidity that filled his heart, and his mind suddenly became clear. The breeze that swept through the grass was so cool that it was refreshing and refreshing.

Birus also breathed a sigh of relief, so that he could destroy the majesty of God.

"I can actually level with Billus, my brother is so strong." Wukong eyes were shocked and excited.

Although Vegeta was shocked, she was still cold and unwilling to reveal.

As the strongest, Weiss praised Latiz, and habitually laughed at Birus, who was caught up by the younger generation, and finally encouraged Goku and Vegeta to work hard.

"I understand, I will catch up with my brother! Vegeta, come on."

"Hey, I won't lose to you!"

When Wukong listened, it immediately came to the strength. Vegeta was not willing to show weakness. The two men were not convinced in the battle. In order to surpass themselves, they became stronger and immediately invested in training.

Latiz looked at Wukong and Vegeta constantly pursuing a stronger look and smiled. This is the Saiyan man he knows.

"Since there is nothing, I will go back first, and the family is waiting for me to eat. Do you want to go to the food of the adults?"

"Let's go, let's go, let's talk about it next time." Billus was hardly tempted to be tempted.

Latiz was curious, but didn't care, and greeted everyone and made a teleport.

Looking at the lush green grass, the wind blew, and Birus stood quietly for a long time, finally looked up at Vis, and gently opened:

"Hey, Weiss, you tell me the truth, is this kid of Latiz left a hand?"

"Haha, Birus is really keen." Weiss smiled heartily, suddenly the ground color converge, nodded, "Yes."

"I really don't want to be embarrassed."

"Birus is also a good person, but Latiz's progress is too fast. To be honest, he may go further and maybe challenge me."

"Yes... is it?" Birus had a momentary mistake, and he groaned and said, "Cough, no matter what, prove that my dream is not wrong, the super Saiyan **** really appeared. right?"

Birus circled around and finally wanted to explain that his dream of dreams was correct.

Weiss no longer argued with him, nodded with a smile. "This time, even if it is better than Ruth, hahahahaha."

"This kid..."

Birus was not frustrated by knowing the truth, but instead raised his mouth and revealed a hint of meaningful smile.


In the mist of a sea of ​​stars and dreams, the chaotic and fascinating light wanders intricately, and the silence is a little more active. Under the dome, there is a "full" shaped palace that looks like the gate of a kindergarten. The color is full of... childlike?

This is the palace of the whole king, the supreme place.

Inside the palace, the child-like king sat on a large chair against a huge chessboard. There was a thick "Dragon Ball Heroes" on the chessboard. He held his arm and held a finger.

In front of his fingers, there are the stars projected on the board. This is not the planet simulated by the virtual game, but the real existence. Every move of the whole king will affect the fate of the planet.

He poked his finger, "nail!"

The crisp sound echoed, and a planet slammed into another planet under the impetus of the whole king. The two touched each other and made a slight explosion, which was transformed into ashes. The ashes are brightly lit, like the debris of the stars.

The whole king saw this scene, and his feet could not stop swinging. It seemed very excited. The guard standing on the side stood quietly, neither participating nor speaking, like two pillars.

After playing for a while, the whole king saw that the planet on the board was getting less and less, and gradually became bored.

"Hey, big **** official, "Dragon Ball Heroes" is almost finished, these games are also boring! Is there any other interesting things?"

The whole king flipped through the last few pages of the book, and it was almost over. The children always liked to keep the good things to the end, so they kept the last few pages and were not willing to read them.

The big priest smiled and stood by, respectfully said: "I don't know this, I have to ask Latiz, do you want to urge him."

"Well... yes, last time I didn't say that I want to hold a grand event of the whole universe! This must be fun! Latiz will come."

"He will be the king of the world, he will definitely be there."

"Great!" The whole king seemed to discover the New World, jumped out of the tall chair and paced: "How many universes are there now?"

"There are still twelve in total."

"There are still twelve." The whole king reached out and counted, and found that his fingers couldn’t be over, and he said with distress, "Too much, or else reduce it a little."

He looked up at the big priest, his tone was faint, and it was as simple as destroying the universe for him.

The big priest still smiles. "What is the whole king ready to do?"

"I didn't think about it, it's up to you to arrange it. The universe with insufficient level doesn't need that much. Last time, the way of the sixth universe and the seventh universe was very interesting. We can make a bigger one." The king tried hard for a while and finally threw the problem to the great priest.

The great priest nodded. He always commented on the will of the whole king and would never defy it. Now the whole king wants to conduct the screening of the universe through combat, and it is also in line with the rule of survival of the fittest.

Considering that the gap between the strengths of the universe is obvious, some universes are too powerful. For example, the first universe averages far more than other universes, so it is necessary to make rules. The great priest should have done this and began to prepare.

"Right, the situation in the ruins of the whole king remains unresolved. If you are sure to eliminate the post-ranking universe, can you use those universes to fill the seal and isolate the negative energy?"

"Ah... haven't you found those people yet?"

"Yes, I am very sorry." The great priest bowed his head and apologized.

"It's okay, just like this, wait for them to come out and deal with it." The whole king did not care. After all, there was nothing that really threatened him. "Get the general assembly of the universe first, I can't wait." It is."

The whole king was in a whim, and it was difficult to calm down when he remembered the fierce battle between the Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe. He once said that he wants to hold a universe-wide, and at this moment is a promise to realize himself.

"Then I will arrange it immediately."

The great-god official bowed and used the Scepter to contact the angels of the lower bounds, and spread the call of the whole king, and all the high-ranking gods received the orders of the whole king.

The whole king wants the gods to gather.