MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 534 Conference of power

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In the sixth universe, Elephanta is eating barbecue on the hillside and enjoying a relaxing time leisurely. Since the last game, the earth of their universe has returned to its original state, not only the resurrection of human beings, but also the civilization with food. . He spent a few months on the earth and brought a lot of food back.

It’s great to have a planet in your own universe. Xiang Pa is more than once sighed.

But at the same time, he ate and ate in order to cover up his inner panic. The last time the whole king said, "Hold a universe-wide martial arts meeting" has been lingering in the heart of Xiang Pa. As one of the initiators who provoked this congress, he never forgot this sentence, and he was even scared at any time.

Only when he is eating crazy, will he forget his troubles and feel comfortable.

It will eventually come.

"I like a big man." Bardos interrupted the eating and drinking of Xiang Pa, and smiled. "The big priests and the adults communicated, let all the gods of destruction and the king of the kings see the palace of the whole king."

"What!" Like a par, he almost bit his tongue and jumped up in surprise.

"It seems that what you are most afraid of is still happening."

"It is best not to be a martial arts association, Bardos, get ready, let's go."

"Haha, don't you wipe your mouth first?"

Bardos saw a slap in the face like a slap in the face.


Similarly, the destruction of the gods in the seventh universe, Birus heard the news also jumped up and forth, moving back and forth, my heart was restless.

He doesn't want to go more than Elephant, because his relationship with other gods is not so good. He can speak when he talks. This gathering of many gods made him feel a little stressed.

"You don't want to be late for the adults of Birus. The will of the whole king is going to go."

"I know." Birus downcasted. "But I always feel that something bad happened, oh... Latiz, will that guy go?"

"All the kings and gods of destruction will be played."

"Well... this kid can't take it anymore. Weiss, let's go first."

"Yes!" Weiss saw Billus finally plucked up with courage and smiled.

The gods of other universes were shocked, and then they were ready to report to the palace of the king.

Not long after, the destruction gods, kings and angels of the twelve universes reached the palace of the whole king, and they were arranged in two rows on both sides of the king. They bowed on one knee and bowed to the whole king.

It brings together the most powerful gods in the universe. They can influence the development of the universe and the trajectory of history, but they can only bow to the great king.

"Everyone, please come over this time, there are important things to announce. The whole king wants to host a competition in the universe. I believe everyone has seen the sixth universe and the seventh universe in the oil pipeline." What adults want to do is a similar martial arts competition."

As the agent of the whole king, the great priest announced the specific situation.


"Twelve universe games?"

The gods underneath whispered, they did not expect that it would be such a thing. However, if you want to come, you will be the one-time play of the whole king, and you will behave well. Those gods who thought that something big happened quietly wiped the sweat from the forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

The great priest continued with a smile: "Of course, because the twelve universes are somewhat redundant, the whole king decided to clear some of the universe. As long as the universe eliminated in this game will disappear completely."

"Disappear completely!" The king of the ninth universe, Lor, screamed.

Subsequently, a group of gods could not restrain themselves from talking, and each one was scared. In particular, the universe in which the strength ranks behind is even more flustered. In the end, the martial arts competition is more than strength. What does it do for them?

The palace of the whole king is the most sacred and warm place, but they feel the chill of the bones.

Latiz was not surprised at all. He had already guessed that there would be such a hand and he was not alarmed. The scores for assessing the pros and cons of the universe are calculated by the average. From this point of view, the seventh universe does not predominate, but the real game is the selected warrior, and the quality of the seventh universe warrior is unquestionable.

It’s strange to blame Birus for being too lazy. The number of humans in the seventh universe is too large, which seriously lowers the average.

The weak universe like the ninth universe is different, their weakness... is really weak!

"Everyone is quiet, may I ask the great priests, how many universes can survive in the end?" Anat asked the first universe. Their universe ranks first in all universes, confidence is not cleared, and the tone of the question is very calm.

This question is also what everyone wants to know. For a moment, everyone is quiet and listens to the explanation of the great priest.

"All the kings mean, try to leave a high level of the universe, so only the top four can be saved from being cleaned up. As for the rules, I will announce later, the time for everyone to prepare. However, I can first Revealing the rankings of the major universes, the first place is now the first universe, followed by the twelfth universe, the third is the fifth universe, and the fourth is the eighth universe.

"The fifth place is - the seventh universe, then the eleventh universe..."

I heard that the seventh universe ranked fifth, and that Birus, Xin, and the old kings were stunned. Not far away, the fourth universe destroyed the **** Quetta, the ninth universe king, Lor, and asked questions. Anat was also shocked. Even Latiz was unbelievable. He thought that the great priest said that he had wronged the universe, but until the end, all the universes were seated and there was no mistake.

"No, the seventh universe has risen so much?!"

"God, not long ago, they still count down?"

"Impossible! Impossible!" Lol screamed wildly. The same countdown brother, the seventh universe is quietly in the upper position, just like everyone has been taking 59 points to eat and die under the passing line, and then suddenly one day he told you that he can actually test 90!

Lorton's face was There is nothing impossible. Since Latiz became king of the world, the growth of the seventh universe is very fast. The king of the ninth universe, you have to Latiz learns how to be good. Of course, the contribution of Birus is not small. ”

"Yes..." Lor's lips were shaking.

Birus was almost surprised to hold Latiz. He knew that these were all of Latiz's handwriting. In the fifth place, he never got such a high ranking, and he was praised by the great priest.

Xin knows what is going on. He is the executor of all enhancement plans. Now the martial arts penetration rate of their universe is very high, and the four major galactic rivers are coordinating development and progress together. The speed of improvement is indeed amazing. The large number of people has led to their average level is not high, but they are winning in unity, everyone develops and shares methods together, and achieves some achievements that the universe cannot achieve.

"Latiz, I really have you." The old king also sneered.

"I didn't expect to improve so much." Latiz said with a smile, it seems that it is not difficult to raise the level of the universe.