MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-Chapter 5066 golden rain

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I want to go too, can I go?

Jiang Chen's face was full of bitterness, and there were seven emotions and six desires, which no one could escape. The six desires were unified, which was one desire, and Jiang Chen could not escape.

At this time, the three of them had already lost the support of their Origin Qi, and in the seventh dimension, no one could escape.

It is human nature to love men and women, but the horror of the seventh dimension is here. It will use the power of desire to destroy everyone who falls here. Chen Lu is equivalent to sending them directly to Avici Hell.

Without Origin Qi, no one can continue to stir up the situation, and now they are just the simplest relationship between men and women.

Chen Qingqing was also completely dumbfounded. Her heart was full of mixed feelings, and the desires on her body completely devoured her. The transformation of the seven-dimensional space was completely unexpected to them.

At this moment, Chen Qingqing and Chen Muran were completely crazy, swallowed by desire, and they were only crazy.

Jiang Chen wanted to struggle, but was unable to recover, so he could only choose to resign.

Such a dramatic scene was completely unimaginable and unimaginable for him. One dragon and two phoenixes, he, Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing were completely integrated.

The three of them have gradually lost their minds, especially Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing. The two of them do not have the same concentration as Jiang Chen at all. They are swallowed up by desire in the seventh dimension, and they are already helpless.

Although Jiang Chen knew very well in his heart that he had to make changes, his strength was completely suppressed, and both women were able to ride on him to make a fortune. Although he still had a little clarity in his mind, he absolutely could not change the status quo. .

After a cloud of rain and a second ascension to the sky, Jiang Chen was gradually swallowed by desire. He is not a god, and he cannot change the terrifying oppression brought to them by the seven-dimensional space. Time has passed minute by minute, but his body and soul, All in a state of chaos.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Chen's body suddenly shook, and the golden laurel tree emitted a terrifying golden light that almost shot through Jiang Chen's body, making him feel an unprecedented shock. To the whole world, it seems to have become clear.

Jin Guishu enriched Jiang Chen's soul and spirit, and also prevented himself from being completely immersed in the seventh dimension.

"Who am I? Where am I?"

Jiang Chen murmured, suddenly opened his eyes, naked body, intertwined with Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing, his heart, like a bell chirping, was deafening.

"I can't let this sink in!"

Jiang Chen's heart was full of anger, and he shot straight into the sky.

"I'm Jiang Chen, I want this place, change for me, I want this day, no longer cover my eyes. Seven degrees of space, what can I do!"

Jiang Chen roared, his soul was severely injured for a time, it was the oppression of the seventh dimension, but the golden osmanthus was there, and in Jiang Chen's mind, there was still clarity, and the spiritual platform was bright and clean, guarding the last square inch.

Desire was abandoned little by little by Jiang Chen. He wanted to regain his confidence and change the seven-dimensional space.

Jin Guishu saved Jiang Chen's life. As long as Jin Guishu was there, there was hope.

The golden rain is scattered in the seven-dimensional space. Although Jiang Chen's Origin Qi has been banned, he is able to communicate with the golden osmanthus tree. Layers of golden raindrops fall from the sky, like a storm, sweeping away Pass.

The colorful seven-dimensional space was gradually covered by golden rain, and the thought of desire was eliminated bit by bit from Jiang Chen's mind.

At that moment, covered by the golden rain, even Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing's eyes gradually regained their clarity, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"This this…"

Chen Muran murmured, shocked speechless.

"What happened to me just now..."

After Chen Muran finished speaking, seeing that he, Jiang Chen and others were naked, his face flushed instantly, and the anger in his heart welled up in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, you you beast."

Chen Muran's delicate body was trembling constantly, Jiang Chen was also a big head, and I was forced to do so, okay? I don't know how the two of you survived the fierce energy just now.

Chen Muran bit her red lips tightly, her eyes were full of tears, and she put on a white coat. She couldn't believe the scene in front of her. She also knew that Jiang Chen couldn't be blamed for this matter. Everything was caused by the seventh dimension. The seven-dimensional space is a layer of space in the mirror space, full of death threats, that is, to destroy them with seven emotions and six desires.

Jiang Chen looked helpless, but that was a fact that no one could change.

Chen Qingqing was also stunned, she didn't say a word, and the tears couldn't stop lingering, but when the rice was cooked with raw rice, the boat was done, even if she cried, she couldn't solve the problem, but how helpless they are now, Only they know it best in their own hearts.

"Chen Qingshan used his life to open up the way for us. Is that how you take care of his sister?"

Chen Muran said with a sneer, at this time, she was standing beside Chen Qingqing, and the two seemed to have become a united front.

"I, Jiang Chen, am not an irresponsible person."

Jiang Chen looked at Chen Qingqing and Chen Muran.

"Damn, you just got it cheap and sold it well, I don't need it."

Chen Muran stared at Jiang Chen, the anger in his heart can be imagined, but now they are on the verge of life and death, this seven-dimensional space is their tomb, and they can't get out at all.

"What's going on with this golden rain?"

Although Chen Qingqing's eyes were full of resentment, she knew that she couldn't kill Jiang Chen if she wanted to, so she might as well find a way to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I made it. As long as this golden rain fills the seven-dimensional space, it will be able to crush all the emotions and desires. This space is likely to be self-destructed."

Jiang Chen said solemnly, now that he is the only man and the man of two women, he naturally has to bear all this. Although he was forced, Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who runs away after eating and wiping his mouth.

"You made it, can you escape?"

Chen Muran stared at Jiang Chen and said word by word.

"After escaping, I will definitely kill you."

Chen Muran's eyes were extremely complicated, but could she really kill Jiang Chen? She was not sure, when Chen Muran looked at Chen Qingqing, Chen Qingqing was also at a loss and at a loss.

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, he really didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing.

But at this moment, a colorful glow appeared in the sky, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, representing emotions and six desires. Ran and the others once again felt the fear of being dominated by desire.

"Jiang Chen...I...I won't kill you anymore, you must save us."

Chen Muran gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, his spirit was dominated by desire, that kind of fear was more uncomfortable than death.

Now, the only hope is on Jiang Chen.