MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-Chapter 5067 lucky nostalgia

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Life and death are at stake, Jiang Chen's expression is solemn and extremely serious. At this time, even he is absolutely not sure that he will be able to break through the seventh dimension, but at this moment, only he can do it.

Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing have no choice at all, they can only be at the mercy of their emotions and desires. In other words, their real enemy is themselves, because they can't control their own desires, so they will be deeply trapped. Unable to extricate themselves in distress, it is like a person who has fallen into a swamp. The more they struggle, the more they sink. At this time, only outsiders can help them.

It is impossible for Chen Qingqing to ignore Jiang Chen, even if it is a gentleman's agreement between him and Chen Qingshan, and he has a relationship with two women, if he just leaves them alone, then Jiang Chen is different from a beast. already?

As long as he can go out, he will never let the two of them get hurt.

Men, there is always something to be done.

Jiang Chen has never been ashamed of his actions.

"Jiang Chen."

Chen Qingqing looked at him, Jiang Chen's heart moved, Chen Qingqing's eyes were extremely pure, but the relationship between the two people could not be pure. At this time, Chen Qingqing was also very distressed. She didn't know her life or death. What should be done, the love and hatred between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen, there is no way to let go now, whether it is the eldest brother or himself, they are already firmly bound to Jiang Chen's fate.

If you don't know how to cherish this body, then the death of the elder brother will be meaningless.

Chen Qingqing couldn't tell how she felt about Jiang Chen. Perhaps she couldn't predict or control such an outcome. If she were to leave alive, it would be considered a fortune, a rebirth.

Jiang Chen could see that whether it was Chen Qingqing or Chen Muran, they were both people who valued affection and righteousness. Although they fought endlessly, at the juncture of life and death, there was an inexplicable tacit understanding between the two women. In between, it seems to have become a lot calmer.

Jiang Chen had a love affair with them, but it was a last resort. The only person who could change all of this was Jiang Chen himself.

The innocence of a woman is always the most important thing. The eyes of the two of them looking at Jiang Chen have also become very different from before. They can't talk about love, but they are full of feelings that are beyond words.

At the juncture of life and death, as the only man, Jiang Chen had to stand up, especially because of the existence of Golden Osmanthus, if there was no Golden Osmanthus, perhaps they would all die in their own desires, even Jiang Chen was no exception.

The golden rain gave him a glimmer of hope.

"I will definitely take you out."

Jiang Chen said unswervingly, whether they can go out or not depends on him alone.

"It's horrible here, I don't want to drown in my own desires."

Chen Muran murmured that fear had completely swallowed her heart, and she was not as strong as Jiang Chen imagined. At this moment, Chen Muran was like a little girl overwhelmed by desire. That all-powerful, computer-running witch has now become so lonely and helpless.

Chen Qingqing held Chen Muran's hand tightly, and Chen Muran hid in her arms, sobbing in a low voice.

Jiang Chen and Chen Qingqing looked at each other, Chen Qingqing said in a low voice:

"She has no relatives since she was a child, and I am her only relative..."

Chen Qingqing's words made Jiang Chen suddenly realize that Chen Muran doesn't have any relatives at all. It is because of this that she has become so perverse, so dangerous, and full of vigilance against anyone. This is why she made herself The reason for being so strong.

If she hadn't been full of vigilance against anyone, she might not have been able to live to this day.

In the Chen family, above the Yongye star, it is full of intrigue. She can rely on her own strength to meet the requirements of the Chen family's ancestral land and enter this ancient battlefield for experience. This is the most impressive respected.

"At least, I used to have a brother, but now I have nothing."

Chen Qingqing bit her red lips, tears gradually falling from the corners of her eyes.

The same is the end of the world. At this moment, the two sisters are hugging each other, and they are each other's last relatives.

At the moment of desperation of life and death, the hearts of the two people were finally tightly connected. At this time, they never thought that after falling in love and killing each other, it turned out to be Liu Yinhuaming.

It's a pity that it is still unknown whether he can leave this seven-dimensional space now.

Jiang Chen also felt sorry for Chen Muran, not only her, but also Chen Qingqing, he could not represent anyone, but deep down in their hearts, they had completely collapsed, so Chen Muran with such a face, At this time, she was not pretending, but was really so miserable.

Compared with Chen Muran, Jiang Chen is quite confident in his heart, at least he is safe, at least he is not as sad and lonely as Chen Muran.

He still has his father, Yan Chenyu, Wu Ningzhu, Yan Qingcheng, Ling Yun, everyone he loves deeply, and Feng'er, who has been pursuing hard, but she has nothing.

This is the most tragic scene in lust.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but miss him. He didn't care about No. 1 in the world. In his heart, he only missed his wife and children.

A touch of nostalgia, vividly in his heart, his love has countless warmth.

Facing Xiaoyu, Ningzhu, and the others, Jiang Chen's heart was full of fighting spirit. He absolutely couldn't die here. He wanted to leave, and he wanted to return to the world that belonged to him, his own little home.

The seventh dimension itself is a dead end, no one can escape their desires, so no one can leave alive.

The golden rain gradually drifted down, and the terrifying colorful clouds also shrouded, and the two competed against each other.

Under the colorful clouds, Jiang Chen's expression became even more ugly.

"Break it for me!"

Jiang Chen roared, and the golden rain fell madly. In less than a stick of incense, the colorful clouds were gradually swallowed by the golden rain, and there seemed to be a crack in the sky.

At that moment, both Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing raised their heads and stared at the crack in the sky. The crack was azure blue and full of ice.

"We... are we really going to leave this seventh dimension?"

Chen Muran couldn't believe it at all. Under their feet, there were all dead bones, and the dead bones became mountains. No one who came in came out alive, would they be the only exception here?


Jiang Chen's thoughts moved, the golden osmanthus kept shaking, pieces of golden leaves fell in the seven-dimensional space, the clouds retreated, a blue halo appeared on the sky, and the glacier reappeared.

"Come out, we're out!"

Chen Qingqing burst into tears with excitement.