MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-Chapter 5068 permafrost

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They were born in the Chen family and grew up in the Chen family, so they naturally understand what this mirrored space represents and what this seven-dimensional space means. They have even accepted their fate, stepping on countless skeletons, ready to welcome them. die.

But Jiang Chen gave them endless hope. No one had ever broken through the seven-dimensional space of the Realm of Desire, and they were all torn apart by Jiang Chen. It was truly astonishing.

"Thank you!"

Chen Qingqing looked at Jiang Chen, with mixed feelings in her heart, this man seems to have been tightly entangled with him for a long time.

Chen Muran was also extremely hesitant, glanced at Jiang Chen, hesitated, not knowing what to say.

The surrounding glaciers are covered, the world is still the same, Jiang Chen's heart is extremely anxious, and his heart is Chen Lu, but at this moment, Chen Lu has disappeared, and there are only the corpses of ancient giant beasts everywhere, that scene, very tragic, countless The blood flowed, and countless glaciers were broken.

"How could this be? Where's Chen Lu? Where did she go?"

Chen Muran was extremely puzzled. At this time, the whereabouts of Chen Lu was the most important, not only because of the Promise Blade in her hand, but also because this mirrored space contained their lives and deaths, and Chen Lu could not be found. , they are all unpredictable.

"The Blade of Promise may have completely controlled Chen Lu, and it would be almost impossible for her to escape. If it wasn't for Chen Lu, we would not have been infiltrated into the seven-dimensional space. The big killer, she can't control it at all."

Chen Qingqing also expressed her inner thoughts. Although Jiang Chen didn't want to believe it, it was true. If it wasn't for Chen Lu before, they would not have been infiltrated into the seventh dimension. The blade of the infinite seemed to have swallowed her up. That Chenlu, will you come back?

Jiang Chen didn't know, his face was solemn, looking at the monstrous beasts that fell down, their situation is difficult to describe, Chen Lu's disappearance affects everyone's heart.

Chen Qingqing and Chen Muran naturally hated Chen Lu very much. They almost killed them. This was definitely a life-and-death feud, but Jiang Chen hoped that Chen Lu would not fall, and that she could keep her faith. , stick to your heart.

But hope is slim.

"She's already enchanted, Jiang Chen, don't have any illusions about her anymore, she's no longer the Chenlu you know, she almost killed us."

Chen Muran stared at Jiang Chen with burning eyes.

"I know that I will find her, no matter where she is, alive or dead."

Jiang Chen's firm confidence made Chen Muran and Chen Qingqing silent. After all, the relationship between the two was still quite close. Chen Muran also knew that in Jiang Chen's heart, he would definitely not be able to communicate with Chen. Compared with Lu, although the two of them already had a love affair, in Jiang Chen's eyes, Chen Lu was clearly the true love of his life.

At this time, Chen Muran couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. She knew that she was not jealous, but she felt uncomfortable. Chen Lu's life and death were no longer important. In Chen Muran's heart, she had completely turned into a demon. , the demon around the blade of the Promise.

"There have been many deaths of the giant beasts ahead. Let's hurry up and take a look."

Chen Qingqing said, glanced at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen nodded slightly, the three walked side by side, crossed this mountain, and looked for a farther distance. Leave the mirror space alive.

At this moment, Chen Dianya and Chen Yingying have also disappeared, their life and death are unknown, Jiang Chen's heart is still very worried.

The seven-dimensional space is broken, but they are still in the mirror space. Although their lives cannot be killed here for the time being, in the virtual space, living is no different from death.

No one will know where Chen Lu will go, and neither does Jiang Chen. In the mirror space, the Blade of Promise is the biggest demon.

Jiang Chen and the others passed through several mountain peaks. The mountains under the ice cover were splashed with blood. Since then, they have seen more than 20 giant beasts lying in a pool of blood, red and white, shocking. , the blood has long dried up and melted under the glacial mountains.

"It seems that we came out a little late. It is very likely that all the giant beasts here have been killed by Chen Lu. Even Chen Dianya and Chen Yingying may not be able to survive."

Chen Muran teased at the corners of his mouth, and kept confronting Chen Lu, that's why he was so brooding.

Chen Lu and Chen Muran are a pair of life and death enemies. She doesn't want to find Chen Lu. Even if she finds it, it is best to be dead Chen Lu, but obviously, she also thinks that is impossible. It's not bad to become a big devil. If they meet again, they may not have the slightest to keep their hands. The Blade of Promise is the culprit, but Chen Lu is to blame.

"The land of the ancient times is indeed a mess. Here, no one can leave alive. The land of the ancient times, the sadness of the ancient times and the present, is the most important thing."

Chen Qingqing's mood has always been low, because even if they come out of the seventh dimension, they may not necessarily be able to escape, but there must be hope in life. This is the expectation of her elder brother. She knows that she can't change this. Everything can only be done with all our strength.

"Let's go ahead and take a look. If Chen Lu has really been completely swallowed by the Blade of Promise, I will definitely not show mercy. At least, we have to leave this mirror space first."

Jiang Chen's face was grim.

"This is a trap laid by the ancestors of the Chen family. It is impossible to die without life."

Jiang Chen still believes in himself, as long as they can find Chen Lu, they will definitely be able to make changes.

It doesn't seem to be difficult to leave. He doesn't know how strong Chen Lu is, but he will definitely not be merciful, otherwise the seventh dimension will be their burial place. Last time, Jin Guishu rescued him, It's hard to say this time.

"hope so."

Chen Qingqing murmured, they walked for a long time, giant beasts fell in the pool of blood, no one survived, there has been no news from Chen Dianya and Chen Yingying, for Jiang Chen, it is also a person who is unwilling to face fact.

"There are no giant beasts in front, it is a flat river."

Chen Muran's eyes lit up, more than fifty giant beasts all died here, no one knew what happened here not long ago, but the Pingchuan in front of him gave people a very dangerous feeling, thousands of miles away. Pingchuan was covered with ice and snow, but Jiang Chen could feel that the temperature here had dropped suddenly, and the surrounding sky had also become darker and darker.

"It's so cold! Could it be the eternal frozen soil here?"

Chen Qingqing looked at Chen Muran.

The two looked at each other, and even the soul became extremely painful and cold.

"What is permafrost?"

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.