MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 429 The real culprit who attacked and killed the time dragon and caused the glorious war.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The eighty-ninth floor of the bottomless abyss, the Sea of ​​Shadows.

The deepest place in the vast and boundless Sea of ​​Shadows, the Iser Sea Abyss, is a dark place with no light to be seen. It is like a seabed ravine in a dark world, stretching for hundreds of millions of kilometers, as if it can swallow the entire main material world.

Haiyuan means the abyss in the sea.

The bottomless Iser Sea Abyss is home to creatures such as devil fish, deep divers, devil squid, deep sea murlocs, etc. These creatures are not only residents of the Shadow Sea, but also have another name—the son of the ancient **** of the deep sea, Dagon. civil.

This moment.

In the deepest part of the Iser Trench, under the terrifying water pressure, there are almost no living creatures.

Huge shadows, deeper and darker than shadowy seas, squirmed slowly in the bottom of the rift.

Twisted and greasy tentacles, countless pale and glowing eyes, and a fish-like head covered with blue-black scales. It looks like a combination of fish, molluscs, moray eels, octopus and other creatures. Staying quietly in the deepest part of the Iser Trench, breathing in and out is completely consistent with the law of the shadow sea's rise and fall. It seems that the entire shadow sea exists for it.

This is Dagon, the Ancient God of the Deep Sea.

Few creatures know Dagon's true face.

In the main material world, only some intelligent creatures with strong spiritual will can see the shadow silhouette of this ancient **** in dreams, blood sacrifices, cults, or when they are about to drown.

Dagon has the power to corrupt the mind of wisdom.

All intelligent creatures who notice it, or are noticed by it, will fall into a terrifying and trembling dreamland, their spirits will become increasingly trance, it is difficult to distinguish reality from dreams, they will fall into madness under the whisper of the ancient gods, and then they will collapse step by step, even The physical body changes accordingly, becoming a hideously deformed creature.

In the end, only by dedicating one's soul and faith to the ancient **** of the deep sea can one be freed, or end with death.

This is also the way Dagon uses to erode the main material world and transform his followers.

Dagon is not like your average demon lord.

While it is an ancient demon lord, it is also a desolate god, an evil god. In the shadowy corners of the coastal areas of many main material worlds, cult organizations that believe in Dagon are often well hidden.

Humanoid creatures who believed in Dagon would mate with sea creatures, and then through various secret means, they would give birth to half-human, half-fish offspring.

They defiled their own bloodlines and sacrificed them to please the ancient gods of the deep sea.

In return, the ancient gods of the deep sea will give them the ability to breathe in water, rich catches, strange treasures that may contain curses, or weird spells and so on.

What's more amazing is that although he has the dark power to drive everything crazy, Dagon himself is a rational and wise ancient existence.

Aside from the Demon Prince, Dagon is definitely one of the worst demon lords in the Abyss to provoke.

What's more, even the devil prince never took the initiative to offend the ancient **** of the deep sea.

The abyss level that Demogorgon occupied back then was the salt water swamp on the eighty-eighth level, which was close to the Shadow Sea. Generally speaking, attacking the adjacent abyss level was the most convenient, far easier and cheaper than attacking other abyss levels.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

However, even in Demogorgon's heyday.

When this demon prince was at his most brutal and bloodthirsty, he never attacked the Shadow Sea.

Demogorgon once went deep into the Sea of ​​Shadows, but soon returned to his own salt water swamp. The demons rumored that after testing Dagon, Demogorgen found that the ancient Obiris demon was not easy to mess with. Only then did he suppress the impulsive thought of invading the Shadow Sea.

Not just Demogorgon.

The King of Insects and the Queen of Chaos have all been to the Sea of ​​Shadows and have a certain relationship with the ancient gods of the deep sea.

At the moment when the Lord of the Shadow Shoal was sealed, the cry for help from the vampire demon lord was transmitted to the Sea of ​​Shadows and to Dagon's ears.

However, it is difficult to reach from the Shadow Sea to the Myriad Abyss Plain in an instant.

Even without preparation, it took Dagon a few seconds to lower part of his limbs to the Wanyuan Plain.

Garen's explosion was too violent and too fast.

Almost before the Lord of the Shadow Shoal could react, he sealed it with the momentum of thunder, and then retreated into the abyss without hesitation, returning to the plane of Dragon Court, and it took only a blink of an eye.

not to mention.

The ancient **** of the deep sea didn't have the slightest intention to save the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

When it heard the Lord of Shadow Shoal's call for help, it just blinked its pale eyes, and remained silent in the Iser Trench without any movement.

It never thought of rescuing the Lord of Shadow Shoals.

For Dagon, it is better to die for this kind of servant who does not think carefully before committing suicide.

It was never Dagon's style to provoke a strong enemy because of a servant.

This demon lord can occupy a unique position in the bottomless abyss. In addition to its powerful power, its wisdom and rationality are indispensable. During the several major turbulences in the bottomless abyss for countless years, Dagon did not Not involved.


In the air bubbles rising from the depths of the Shadow Sea, the tentacles of the Ancient God of the Deep Sea flicked lightly.


The sea water is rippling, and the space is violently fluctuating.

In the main material world, a legendary spellcaster who was constructing a plane teleportation technique and wanted to go to Tiantian Mountain to collect spellcasting materials, looked at the space gate that suddenly became weird and tainted with a strong sea smell. With a look of vigilance, he quickly stopped casting spells.

However, the unformed space gate did not dissipate, but instead turned into a deep and dark vortex.

Through the vortex, the legendary spellcaster faintly saw the squirming and slippery huge black shadow, his brain suddenly became dizzy, and countless indescribable horror and weird experiences appeared in his mind, and he fell into a coma.


A tentacle-like limb full of teeth, pustules, and eyes emerges from the vortex, wrapping around the caster's waist, dragging him into the vortex.

Shadow Sea, Isiel Trench.

The spellcaster in a coma was caught in Dagon's soft tentacles at this time, wrapped in layers of erosive flesh and blood, and there were tiny blood vessels inserted into the caster's body, injecting an unknown strange liquid into it.

The caster's face twitched, as if he was having a horrible nightmare, and at the same time, there seemed to be countless worms wriggling under his skin.

At the same time, the aura of a legendary creature is climbing rapidly.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Dagon is creating a new Lord of the Shadows for his own service.

It needs a servant to handle miscellaneous chores for itself. Since the last one was not very smart and wanted to die, it is enough to create another one. For this ancient **** of the deep sea, creating a demon lord with weaker divine power, Not too difficult.

Time passed quietly.

After a period of time, above the ink-like sea of ​​shadows, the gloomy space was fragmented like a mirror, and a section of purple-red tentacles protruded from it, and then extended infinitely to the boundless sea of ​​shadows, heading straight for Yisie. Trench.

Deep in the Iser Trench.

The colossal black figure, which was darker than the darkness, moved slightly, causing a deep sea undercurrent with raging waves.

"After chaos, the Sea of ​​Shadows does not welcome you."

The Shadow Sea trembled, and with the will of the ancient **** of the deep sea, it passed into the mind of the Empress Chaos through the purple-red tentacles.

"Dagon, you should know that I have rescued my demon prince."

"In today's abyss, Demogorgon has been severely damaged and hidden, and Obox is weak and useless."

"Only my prince has the qualifications to become a king, not to mention my assistance."

The mind behind the chaos communicated with Dagon through the air.

It wasn't the first time for her to come to the Sea of ​​Shadows, and she knew how to find Dagon, and she was already familiar with it.


"It seems that you have already made up your mind to become king of the tarantula."

"Since that's the case, what's your purpose in coming to the Shadow Sea?"

Dagon responded.

After Chaos cut to the point, he said calmly, "Because I need your assistance."

"I know that you don't want to get involved in the battle for becoming king, and just want to stay in the Sea of ​​Shadows safely, but I don't need you to take action directly, you just need to use your deep soul to find Demogorgon for me."

After Chaos followed the temptation, he said: "If Demogorgon is found, my prince will definitely become a demon king."

"Dagon, as long as I become the Demon Queen, I promise you that from now on, no demon will disturb your Sea of ​​Shadows. Even after the entire multiverse becomes the only abyss, the current Abyss can It's all up to you to rule."

The ancient **** of the deep sea was silent for a moment.

"Stop talking about these empty words."

Faced with Dagon's refusal, Chaos Hou became irritable, mentioned what Garen had done, and said, "Dagon, do you really want to remain silent in the Sea of ​​Shadows forever?"

"Even a newly promoted dragon **** who has only been a **** for decades, dares to design and kill your subordinate lords, without fear of your existence."

There are not many demon lords who are good at hiding.

The reason why he was looking for the Lord of the Shadow Shoals was that Empress Chaos also had the idea of ​​stimulating Dagon to come out of the mountain when Eternity and the Dragon of Time seek revenge in the future.

And just as expected after Chaos, the newly promoted Dragon of Eternity and Time in the Dragon God Department is also a ruthless character, so she was surprised to catch up to the abyss for revenge so quickly.

"Dagon, where is your majesty as an ancient Obiris demon?"

Regarding the aggressive method after the chaos, the ancient **** of the deep sea was calm and unmoved.

"Russell was bewitched by you because it was stupid and ignorant."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"It's just that you want to use this to anger me, which surprises me. I'm surprised at how shallow your wisdom is."

"As for my majesty... Do you think that the death of a mere servant can shake my status?"

Dagon's rational analysis and implied sarcasm made the body of the steam swamp after Chaos angrily smashed mountains to vent their anger.

Without waiting for Chaos to respond, Dagon continued: "In the past, you invited me to participate in the battle between Order and Chaos, but I refused, and your failure has verified the correctness of my choice."

"This time, my thoughts are still the same."

Dagon's will was calm and rational, and he said: "After Chaos, I understand you, and I know that your ambition is unimaginable."

After a pause, Dagon murmured under the increasingly annoyed will of Chaos, "But, I know better that you don't have the wisdom and strength to realize your own ambitions."

"I have seen your future, and you will die in the fire of your own insatiable ambition."

After Chaos originally sought Dagon's assistance.

This trip failed to get Dagon's assistance, and instead he was beaten up, which immediately made Chaos Empress very angry.

"good very good."

"Dagon, when my prince becomes a demon king, your Sea of ​​Shadows will be the first to be conquered!"

"When the time comes, I hope you will not regret your choice today."

The purple-red tentacles toppled the river and rolled the Shadow Sea. After killing countless deep-sea creatures living in the Shadow Sea, they left and returned to the steam swamp.

After Chaos left, Dagon fell silent again and continued to reform the captured spellcasters.

It's just that it didn't take long.

In the depths of the Iser Trench, not far from Dagon's location.

The deep darkness condenses into substance, like a solid mist, full of filth, distortion, evil, and other terrifying auras. In the endless black mist, there is a huge spherical black shadow, comparable to the ancient **** of the deep sea.

If there is a creature's eyes that can penetrate the shadow sea and black mist, and see the huge black shadow hidden in it.

You will be able to see that on the spherical body made of squirming and rotting flesh, there are countless tentacles crowded together, densely packed, layer after layer, eyes with evil gazes, and **** mouths interlaced with ferocious fangs.

In the past, the original **** of the sun who was severely injured in the joint siege of the heavenly mountain gods headed by the **** of light and the metal dragon god.

It is hidden in the Isher Trench in the Shadow Sea.

"I didn't expect that the time dragon who was weak and frightened when I was shrouded in my black light, has now ascended to the top and become a god."

"Hehe, if it wasn't for this young time dragon, I wouldn't be hiding like I am now and lingering on my last breath."

The black mist rolled endlessly, and the eyes of hatred were condensed into substance.

In the face of the siege of the gods, the real body of the original **** of the sun was blown up, and it can be said that he was already on the verge of death. If it weren't for the secret help of the ancient **** of the deep sea, it might not be able to escape under the pursuit of the **** of light .

"Dagon, you can promise the Queen of Chaos just now."

"Then ask her to take action with the tarantula, and work with you to design and forcibly kill that time dragon."

"I have a hunch he will be our confidant to carry out our plan."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Facing the will of the original sun lord with hatred, the ancient **** of the deep sea said calmly: "You are right."

"The failure of the Faceless King's attack last time caused a war between the dragon gods and the elf gods. I thought that both the dragons and the elves would suffer losses and die endlessly, and even lead to an all-out war involving more gods."

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect the elf gods to lose so quickly, and even revive the dragon gods and become even stronger."

"These unforeseen events have nothing to do with Garon Aurelion."

The Primordial God of the Sun asked in confusion, "If that's the case, why didn't you agree to the Chaos Queen?"

The ancient **** of the deep sea looked at the **** of the original sun, and said slowly: "The time has not come yet."

"The opponent is not stupid. If we fail again, we are likely to be exposed in the eyes of the gods."

"To subvert the world currently controlled by the gods, we need to wait patiently, wait for the right opportunity, and wait for more original wild gods to unseal from the seal and return from death."

The ancient **** of the deep sea showed a look of pity, and said: "After the chaos, it should be our colleague, an original wild god."

"It's a pity that, like the king of insects, she has been transformed by the will of the bottomless abyss without knowing it. She regards herself as a demon lord and has no essence of a wild god."

"It's sad to be caught in an endless fight for a so-called demon king."

(end of this chapter)

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