MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 431 A Vigorous Power Dragon Nesting in a Black Hole

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Let's set off now. I want to follow the guidance in the inheritance and go to a world suitable for star core refining."

Under Garen's gaze, Yuna said impatiently.

"So anxious?"

Looking at Yuna's eager look, Garen said.

Yuna nodded, and said: "Taking advantage of my good condition now, let's find a suitable planet as soon as possible, or if it takes longer, maybe I need to adjust again."

The silver dragon nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

"You have been preparing for star core refining for more than a year, so you should know what kind of planetary world is most suitable."

"Tell me the coordinates, and I will use the time teleporter to take you there."

Yuna flicked her tail and said softly: "When I was playing alone in the main material world, I found a suitable world. A large galaxy world with many planets is enough for me to find suitable planets."

Next, Yuna told Garen the coordinates of the main material world.

With a thought in Garen's mind, the power of time exploded around his and Yuna's bodies. Under the influence of time, the bodies of the two giant dragons gradually became illusory, and disappeared from the dragon's nest in a blink of an eye.


main material world.

Albert galaxy.

In the dead and vast vacuum of the universe, planets, large or small, are suspended silently. The entire galaxy is cold and silent, and there seems to be no fresh life.

Not all prime material worlds can give birth to life.

Especially in the main material world of the cosmic form, due to the special danger of the universe, most of the time there is no condition for the birth of life, the probability of birth of life is very small, and 99% of the area is lifeless .

Therefore, the gods are basically unwilling to pay attention to this kind of main material world.

Just like the earth where Garen lived in his previous life.

The universe where the earth is located is even more boundless and boundless, with very few lives.

The first generation of Ferrous Dragon Kings fled to the location of the earth because this kind of main material world is not easy to be watched by the gods, but they still failed to escape the pursuit of the Immortal Dragon Queen.

On the surface of a barren, dry, dusty planet.

There was a slight fluctuation in the long river of time, and immediately, the figures of two giant dragons condensed and appeared here.

Having just arrived at the destination, Garen immediately looked around to observe the surrounding situation.


Gusts of more than tenth level kept blowing over the dry and dry surface of the planet, rolling up yellowish reddish fine-grained dust all over the sky, blurring the field of vision, and because there was no protection of the atmosphere, the planet was directly exposed to the universe. In a vacuum, there is no oxygen, the temperature is freezing, and there are all kinds of high-energy rays that are fatal to ordinary creatures.

During the time of the Alphatia Empire, Garen crossed the cosmic vacuum in his physical body.

The surrounding environment is not unfamiliar to him.

The cosmic high-energy rays, which are difficult to see with the naked eye, fell on the body surface of the giant dragons, making the two giant dragons seem to be shrouded in bright light clusters in the energy field of view, but these high-energy rays, which are fatal to ordinary creatures, , is the best supplementary energy source for both Garen and Yuna.

The silver dragon raised its head and took a deep breath.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Due to the large concentration of energy, a gorgeous vortex visible to the naked eye appeared in front of the dragon's mouth, attracting and involving all kinds of high-energy rays, continuously swallowing them into the lungs, and then being converted into usable energy by the digestive organs like a giant dragon's furnace .


The highly compressed cosmic rays in Garon's mouth burst out in a flame-like form, and at the same time, the explosion kept dancing.

"The high-concentration energy has a strange rusty smell after being compressed. It tastes ordinary, but it will react explosively. It tastes good in the mouth."

Garen tasted the taste and made a pertinent comment.

In addition, this behavior has a high risk and should not be imitated.

Looking back, Yuna is also imitating herself, opening her mouth and swallowing cosmic rays. At the same time, her whole body is covered by bright light, and bright red diamond-like dragon scales shine brightly. If the best ruby ​​is cast.

at the same time.

At the boundary not far from the two giant dragons, a creature that looks like an ant, whose body is covered by a thick carapace, but whose body is like a liger, crawled out of the barren ground, revealing its head.

Looking at the two giant dragons covering the sky and covering the sun, like gods, swallowing dangerous radiation energy like drinking water and eating.

There is a great sense of shock in the creature's small eyes.

"Smart creatures born in such a harsh environment are rare."

Garen turned his gaze to the strange-looking creature.

The creature's fairly active mental fluctuations were understood by Garen, which meant that it had a certain amount of intelligence, but it was not high, only similar to the lowest level of kobolds.

With a flash of silver light, the giant dragon came to the front of the unknown creature as if the body of the mountain teleported, and the shadow silhouette formed by the body covering the cosmic streamer enveloped it.

"The vitality should be very tenacious."

Garen looked curious.

At the same time, the creature he was targeting curled up, its carapace was tightly stitched together, and turned into a stone-like shape, pretending to be dead and motionless.

"Forget it, life is rarely born in this kind of place."

Garen scanned the planet with his mental power, and found that the only life was the one in front of him, and there were not many of them, concentrated near the surface below the surface.

"Give you some benefits, maybe civilization will develop in the future."

"Let's have a look at it later."

"Don't let me down, little one."

Just like when human beings meet interesting ants, according to their own mood, they may trample them to death or reward them with sugar. Gallon didn't do anything to the frightened creature, but instead took out a legendary-level elemental crystal Nuclei, stamped with time, and threw it in front of it.

in the future.

If this race can develop civilization, it may be able to evolve the myths and legends about Garon's scaly claws.

Yuna also approached and sized up the creature.

"The last time I came to this planet, I also found that only this kind of creature exists."

"At that time, I flew to other planets to check, but I didn't find any more intelligent creatures. This main material world is very dead, but there is a probability that a prosperous life can be born in a certain corner."

Garen looked at Yuna and asked, "What is the specific state of the planet you want to choose for star core refining?"

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Yuna considered her words, and slowly described and explained to Garen.

After listening, Garen suddenly realized.

What Yuna means is that the suitable planet needed for the hardening of the star core is a star that can undergo nuclear fusion reaction in the depths of the planet, that is, a star like the sun, and it also needs to be a young and middle-aged star that is in the most stable state. sequence stage.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the cold cosmic vacuum, some streamers can be seen.

It is the light emitted by a star.

The planet under the feet of Garen and Yuna was slowly rotating, and it was also surrounded by light.

On the opposite side, on the other side covered by the planet under his feet, Garen could clearly feel that there was a main-sequence star that was rotating in a stable and orderly levitation.

Yuna chose this place because she found a suitable star.

Next, Garen took Yuna to perform time teleportation again and arrived at the other side of the planet under her feet.

After the two giant dragons left, the huddled creature stretched out its body timidly, turning its insect-like head to look left and right.

After not discovering the terrifying dragon just now, it hesitated for a while, and finally picked up the element crystal nucleus dropped by Gallon, and then looked at the position where the dragon left. A few seconds later, the creature headed towards Underground, gone.


The other side of the planet.

The figures of the two giant dragons shattered the dazzling light emitted by the stars, and they stopped firmly on the surface of the planet, looking at the huge stars glowing and glowing in the distance.

The bright and high-temperature star light is overwhelming, and if you don't protect it when you look directly at it, the eyes of ordinary creatures will not be able to withstand the high temperature carried by the light, and they will be instantly blinded.

In front of a mature star, even a giant dragon that is as small as a small mountain appears as small as a speck of dust.

Looking at the stars that obscured his vision, Garen couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Are you sure you want to choose this star, or do you want to change to another smaller one?"

There was concern in Garen's tone.

Visible to the naked eye, in the distance of an unknown number of light-years, there is another star that looks like a basketball in the field of vision, and its actual size is several circles smaller than the closest star to Jialong and Yuna at this time.

It was the other star Garen was referring to.

In this galaxy-sized prime matter world, only these two stars exist.

Yuna raised her chin and said: "It doesn't matter, you may not know, as long as you can resist the fusion reaction of the star and go deep into the interior of the star, you can absorb the substantial gravitational force in the star core, and continuously strengthen yourself."

The power dragon girl said proudly: "No matter how strong the gravitational force inside the star is, it is not too dangerous for us power dragons."

"I promise there will be no surprises."

"And the greater the mass of the star, the better the quenching effect of the star core."

Seeing Yuna's confident expression, Garen was skeptical, and just said: "Okay, but don't talk too much, or accidents will happen."

As for Li Nenglong's understanding, he is definitely not as good as Yuna herself, so he chooses to believe in his partner's ability.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Yuna showed yearning, and said: "In the inheritance records of our clan, it is said that the ancestor even used a black hole celestial body as a dragon's nest."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Use a black hole as a dragon's nest?

so fierce.

After hearing Yuna's words, Garen showed shock.

In the main material world, there are countless kinds of dangerous celestial bodies in the universe. Celestial bodies such as stars, supernovae, white dwarfs, and neutron stars are pure forbidden areas for life, and even gods will not easily set foot in them.

Restricted by the rules of the main material world, when the divine power cannot be fully exerted, if the body descends and encounters such a dangerous celestial body, it is really possible to fall into a desperate situation.

In the end, if all dangerous celestial bodies are ranked, black hole celestial bodies are definitely among the best.

After the Dawn War that broke out between the gods and the original Aragami, some of them were hard to kill, and the concept-like terrifying Aragami was said to be sealed in a massive black hole, which was more difficult to break through than a sealed air tunnel.

All the information about the original ascension to the gods was also thrown into a miniature black hole by the goddess of magic and sealed up.

"Even light cannot escape the gravitational belt of a black hole, and time will be distorted by it."

"How strong is the body that can cast a dragon's nest inside the black hole?"

Garen also longed for this level of power.

At the same time, he remembered the Primordial Power Dragon he saw for the first time when he was fighting the Rage God clone.

That primordial power dragon finally created a miniature black hole with the infinite multiplication of gravitational force and concentrated collapse, which directly shattered the avatar of Rage God. Because the scene was quite shocking, Garen still had a fresh memory of this scene.

"So, don't worry about me, the celestial restricted area is not dangerous for us Li Nenglong."

"And even if there is an accident, I'm not afraid."

"I'm still underage, and there will be powerful elders secretly guarding me when I'm refining the star core."

Yuna shook her head and said nonchalantly.

Garen was relieved, nodded, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's choose this star."

Once again looking at the vast and huge mature stars, Garen took Yuna to perform time teleportation, spanning an endless distance of light-years, and using the long river of time as a medium to leap away.

Yuna herself has mastered a special teleportation technique using a force field as a medium.

However, she needs to refine the star core in the most perfect state, so all matters such as teleportation and traveling are left to Garen.

Time travel is much faster than the speed of physical crossing.

After a period of time, the bodies of Garon and Yuna condensed into shape at a position not more than a few hundred kilometers away from the star.

Endless high temperature and bright light rushed towards us.

At this distance, huge stars filled Garon's field of vision, and nuclear fusion explosions burst out all the time on the surface of the planet, forming flares visible to the naked eye, and the flames soared into the sky, even enough to lick Garon and Yuna's place s position.

Unlike the cosmic world where the Alphatia Empire is located.

The vacuum here does not use great spells to form an air cannot transmit sound, and all nuclear fusion proceeds silently, but the scene formed is still terrifying.

The temperature on the surface of a star is high enough to melt and vaporize steel.

Arriving at the outskirts of the star at a close distance, looking at this huge fireball with a destructive atmosphere, Yuna inevitably became a little nervous.

No matter how indifferent and confident she was before, it was also the first time for her to temper the star core, and it was also the first time for her to be so close to a mature star without corresponding experience.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"I, I went."

Under the light of the stars, Yuna swallowed and said.

Gallon saw Yuna's nervousness, and said, "Why don't you come back when you're stronger?"

Yuna stiffened her neck and said, "No, I will also use the black hole as a dragon's nest in the future. Hmph, how could a mere star scare me, Yuna? I'm not nervous at all."

After finishing speaking, Yuna propped up the force field shield, covering the surface of the dragon scales, then gritted her teeth, and galloped towards the stars like a meteor falling.

In a blink of an eye, the body of the power dragon girl was swallowed by the endless fusion flames, but if you look carefully, you will find that these flames can't break through the force field around Yuna, they just cling to Yuna, but they don't really touch her dragon scales.

Time passed quietly.

Garen's gaze pierced through the layers of flames of the stars, and was always focused on Yuna.

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