MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 432 First meeting with the progenitor of the power dragon

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

In the dead and silent space, time passed quietly.

The bright flames from the stars were reflected in Garen's pair of platinum dragon boys, and at the same time reflected on his silver-gray dragon scales, which made Garen look as if the scorching light was rising from his body, shining brilliantly. Dazzling, can't look directly at.

Suspended in the boundary hundreds of kilometers away from the stars.

Garen's gaze was always focused on Yuna.

At this time, the power dragon girl has broken through the scorching nuclear fusion flame on the surface of the star, and is heading deeper into the interior of the star.

The bright light and turbulent fire couldn't cover Gallon's eyes. Gallon watched Yuna fall rapidly, passing through the photosphere layer, fire corona layer, and radiation layer... step by step into the stars.

In the end, Yuna stopped at the inside of the star, the colorful and dangerous radiation layer, and hesitated a little.

At the same time, a mass of energy that is so thick that it is almost white is displayed in front of Yuna's eyes, bursting out the most intense nuclear fusion reaction all the time, with the highest temperature and the most terrifying gravitational force.

Passing through the radiation layer, the deepest part is where the star core is located.

Garen's eyes shimmered, and he also saw these scenes.

Next, after hesitating for just a few seconds, the powerful dragon girl covered with diamond-like dragon scales flapped her dragon wings, passed through the radiation layer, and reached the core, her whole body was submerged in the blazing white star core. middle.

The blazing white flame engulfed the body of the powerful dragon girl.

Extreme gravitational force, high temperature, fusion, radiation...these factors are mixed together, making Garen's vision slightly dull, but this pair of eyes that can penetrate the essence of everything can still see To Yuna's scene in the star core.

In the vast and cold universe.

In the field of vision is the high temperature and bright star core.

There is also the silhouette of a giant dragon in the star core.

In the blazing white star core, Yuna folded her wings, curled her body into a ball, and closed her lavender eyes.

Her condition doesn't look very good, her body seems to be under tremendous pressure, she is trembling slightly, her breath is unstable, and the dragon scales on her body are like red-hot irons, like forked lightning, and like spider webs The cracks in the cracks emerged in the silent extension.

Seeing this scene, Garen couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Fortunately, under Garon's watchful eye, Yuna is gradually adapting to the environment in the star core as time goes by.

Her aura gradually stabilized, and while the dragon scales on her body were shattering, falling off, and being melted by the star core, brighter and tougher bright red scales grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The new scale armor is obviously stronger.

Although there are still cracks extending and appearing, it is much slower than before.

The invisible force field covers Yuna's body surface, while resisting all kinds of destructive energy inside the star core, it is also continuously transforming and absorbing the power of the star core, strengthening itself bit by bit.

Under the pressure of the star core, Yuna's dragon scales shattered and melted again and again.

Then it is born again and again, and becomes stronger and stronger.

In the blazing star core, the powerful dragon girl at this time is like a dragon-shaped ruby ​​undergoing tempering and polishing, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Although far apart.

But Garen could still vaguely feel that Yuna's aura was steadily improving.

"This is the star core tempering... The effect looks good."

Seeing that Yuna's condition had stabilized, Gallon breathed a sigh of relief while thinking silently.

Then, in the boundless cosmic vacuum, the silver dragon hovered near the star, silently guarding its partner, focusing a large proportion of its attention on the inside and outside of the star, as well as the surrounding cosmic environment, in case of any accidents happened suddenly.

The river of time still exists here.

The long river of time that envelops everything flows quietly. Although there are no references such as clocks or the cycle of the sun and the moon, Garen still has a clear and keen perception of the passage of time.

If he couldn't perceive the passage of time, it would be a major and unacceptable sudden situation for Garen.

Under the shining light of the stars, two years passed quickly.

Yuna's breath became stronger and stronger.

After undergoing special tempering in the star core, in the past two years, her biological level has risen to fifty-six, and she is gradually approaching the threshold of the weak and other divine powers.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before becoming a supernatural power.

At the same time, the original blazing star core is now obviously darker in color.

As for Garen himself.

While he was waiting, he was also absorbing the energy dissipated from the stars and all kinds of high-energy particle streams and rays traveling through the universe. Coupled with his incredible growth rate, his biological level naturally increased to sixty-four.

The later the stage, the heavier the gold content of each level represented by the creature level.

In the young dragon stage, Garen could even rise to more than 20 levels in a row and step into the legendary realm after one or two years of growth, but now, he can barely rise to a level in a few years, and according to Garen's prediction, It will only be slower in the future.

However, if other types of divine power or even gods find out about this, they will still show envy or even jealousy.

I don't know how many types of divine powers and gods have been unable to advance even an inch for thousands of years, and they have stood still. Only when they get a huge opportunity can they have the opportunity to make further progress, and it is difficult to be a major breakthrough.

Garen had already become a supernatural power of the weak class, and he could still have such a rapid increase in strength.

All the gods will stare at him.

At this time, under the light of the stars, Garen closed his eyes, like a dazzling silver meteorite, motionless, suspended in the vacuum of the universe.

This state continued for another week.

Suddenly, the silver dragon's body trembled slightly, opened the platinum-gold dragon child, turned its head, and looked coldly at the distant direction.

Almost at the edge of Garen's field of vision, he saw a faint blue dot, flickering for a moment, like a space leap, towards Garen's position, no, to be precise, it was this star The location is approaching extremely fast.

It seems that Yuna, who was tempered in the star core, attracted this unknown creature.

Just a few minutes later, the originally faint blue dot has turned into a huge monster with a length of 10,000 meters. It looks like a giant shark that takes the universe as its sea and swims freely. The sharp teeth are terrifying.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Its body surface was covered with a layer of ferocious armor like a black iron meteorite, and veins shimmering with faint blue light were distributed scatteredly, like blood vessels, clearly visible.

Garen stared at the unexpected visitor.

On it, Garen felt brutal, bloodthirsty, and chaotic mental fluctuations. It was not an intelligent creature that could communicate normally.

Just now, Garen had stretched out his mental tentacles, trying to repel the space giant shark, but the other party seemed unable to feel his spiritual tentacles, did not respond, and could not communicate.

"It should be a space creature bred in this cosmic world."

Garen thought silently.

This was the first time Garen had seen this kind of creature, but it was not the first time he had heard of it.

In the world where the Alphatia Empire is located, there are similar creatures, but they are very rare.

This kind of creature is called a space beast. It is born to resist all kinds of harsh conditions in the vacuum of the universe. It has a strong body and can roam and live in the universe. When it passes by some planets inhabited by intelligent creatures, if it comes to the past, it can often cause destruction. damage, and is known for its huge size.

at this time.

Attracted by the energy fluctuations emanating from Yuna in the star core, the space giant came straight over.


The silver light flashed away, and Garen teleported in time, and arrived directly in front of the space giant shark. The two happened to be located in a meteorite group.

The 10,000-meter-long space giant shark didn't notice Garen at this time, like a pitch-black cannonball, it savagely smashed into the meteorites blocking the way, and the meteorites were silently shattered into fragments.

Garen didn't know the purpose of this guy wanting to get close to the stars.

In this case, he held the idea that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

The opponent's body looked intimidating, but in Garen's eyes, it was no different from other demigod creatures.

The life essence of this giant space shark is not even a demigod, but relying on its naturally huge body, it can indeed compete with demigod creatures in the main material world.

The silver dragon raised its neck and narrowed its eyes slightly.

Under the traction of the power of time, the river of time boiled to form an invisible vortex, and Garen's body was in the center, and the river of time flooded Garon's body continuously.

Giant God!

Garen's size skyrocketed.

In the blink of an eye, it changed from a 100-meter-long giant dragon to a body size of more than 2,000 meters, and a pair of wingspans reached more than 3,000 meters.

The effect of becoming a giant is related to Garen's control over the river of time.

After being promoted to weak and other divine powers and further deepening his control over the long river of time, the effect of giant deification is obviously much stronger than before.

When he ran away in the bottomless abyss before, through giant deification and fine control of his body, Garon's dragon body even soared to the point that it was like an asteroid. It is impossible to see the whole picture of the dragon.

In the main material world, if Garen goes all out, his size can grow again, and he can even be equal to the space giant shark.

But in this way, he needs to devote a lot of attention to resist the erosion of time, his reaction will be greatly reduced, he will become dull, and his combat power will decrease instead.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The body shape at this time was the most suitable posture for Garen.

Seeing the silver dragon that suddenly appeared, the giant space shark was taken aback for a moment, then paused for a moment, then the trend continued, and it directly hit Garen.

His body was several times larger than Garon's and was very aggressive. When he smashed the meteorite, the jet-black armor rubbed against the meteorite fragments, shooting out streamers like flames and electric arcs, which looked extraordinarily ferocious.

"Stupid and ignorant."

The silver dragon's face was indifferent, and at the same time, the dragon's wings shook, and its body disappeared in place.

In the meteorite field, a straight silver light appeared, piercing through each meteorite like a needle-punched tofu, brazenly facing the giant space shark several times bigger than itself.

The giant space shark opened its abyss-like mouth, biting towards Gallon like a big fish eating a small fish.

Given the size gap between the two, the space giant shark could indeed swallow Gallon in one gulp, and that's what it thought.


The straight silver line flashed away, one second it was still in the snout of the giant space shark, but the next second it broke through from its tail.

Kacha, the black heavy armor was cracked, and a flat blue line emerged from the middle of the space giant shark's body, and then more dark blue energy liquid emerged like blood, floating in the vacuum of space.

Along the horizontal line, the 10,000-meter-long monster wailed, and its body seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, splitting into two.

Its vitality is tenacious, and it has not died.

The sticky blue glowing blood pulled and sewed each other like a living thing, trying to glue and regenerate the divided body.

But when all the injuries were repaired, its condition became much weaker.

At this time, Garen, who was not stained with any blood and whose dragon scales were as shiny as new, turned his head and looked at the space giant shark.

Under Garen's indifferent gaze, it finally felt the irreparable gap in size, and turned its head to run away.

But at this moment, time stood still.

The streamer traveling through space, the scattered meteorite fragments, some blood from the space giant shark... including the space giant shark itself, all remained motionless and froze.

Garen took a look at the space giant shark.

Immediately, he used the space compression technique to reduce the space where the space giant shark was in to a few meters square, and then sealed it with time amber.

Picking up the amber of time, which looked like a small glass marble, Garen took a look at it.

The space giant shark inside has turned into a miniature animal-like body, frozen in time amber, lifelike, like an insect solidified in resin amber.

Because of its shrinking size, its original vicious appearance turned into a vicious and cute appearance.

"This kind of space beast is even rarer than ordinary demigods."

"That's right, I have one more collection of strange creatures."

Garen put away the time amber with satisfaction.

If a creature is lucky enough to get this time amber and open it, the originally compressed space will spread out without restriction, and the little shark that looks harmless to humans and animals inside will also recover its terrifying body As it is, give the other party a big surprise.

After finishing the space giant shark, Garen returned to the vicinity of the star where Yuna was.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

However, what happened next made Garen faintly feel that something was wrong.

Space Shark seems to be just the beginning.

Just a few hours after Garen returned to the vicinity of the star, another more ferocious space beast came towards here as if it smelled like a shark smelling blood.


The breath of time shattering crosses the space distance, killing a space beast that looks like a giant wolf and can run wildly in the vacuum of the universe.

"The fifth one."

Garen frowned.

Glancing at Yuna inside the star core, Garen felt that something was wrong.

Although Yuna did emit different energy fluctuations when she was tempering, which may attract space beasts, but space beasts are very rare, and they shouldn't appear one after another, and the frequency is so fast.

After the fifth space beast was dealt with by Gallon, there was no new space beast attack for a long time.

However, something else happened during this period.

A giant comet that dragged its long light tail across the universe and crashed into a star.

Sweeping, densely packed, millions of meteorite groups.

There are also large-scale passing freezing clouds.

A violent high-energy particle storm.


More than half a year has passed, and Garen has faced countless times of emergencies targeting this star during this period. In comparison, the fierce space beast has become the easiest to deal with.

"Which Your Excellency is secretly targeting?"

Another unexpected situation was solved, and Garen, who was very annoyed by it, had cold eyes, and burst out mental waves containing his own will, which radiated towards the vast space of the universe.

However, what responded to Garen was a spot of light that suddenly rose from the far side.

Because of the long distance, this spot of light was very small in Gallon's field of vision.

However, it is so bright and bright that it is unimaginable, and it is changing rapidly, getting brighter, more dazzling, and more brilliant.

Until......... Collapse!

There was obviously no sound, but Garen seemed to feel the tremor of the entire galaxy, and his face immediately became solemn.

Endless light stretches out, all kinds of radiation waves and high-energy particles are condensed into substance, and spread at the speed of light in a ring with the light point as the center, like an incomparably gorgeous river of light, almost illuminating the entire dark galaxy world.

Looking at this dreamlike scene, Garen's heart sank.

Because under the dreamy appearance, there is a deadly danger.

The spot of light that Garen saw was another star in this galaxy, that is, the smaller star that Garen wanted Yuna to choose at first.

Like the star where Yuna is currently located, the star that was originally in the young and middle-aged stage, but for some reason, consumed all the nuclear fusion energy in a very short period of time and entered the next stage.

Then the core collapses, the helium fusion reaction, the star expands and collapses again......

After a series of rapid changes that were too fast for Garen to see, the supernova explosion that lit up the entire galaxy world was born.

The destructive light stream formed by the supernova explosion is destructive, sweeping in all directions, and the planets are shattered under the terrifying high temperature and radiation. Wherever they pass, there is a horrible scene of the world shattered and everything extinct.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】


"Sure enough, you can't stand at will."

Looking at the sweeping supernova stream of light, Garen smelled a strong smell of danger and conspiracy.

Yuna's previous words were full of confidence, and she felt that there would be no problems in the star core tempering, but now an unexpected accident came, and it was obviously not formed naturally.

Making a star evolve into a supernova in a very short period of time...... The information behind this made even Garen tremble.

However, he doesn't have time to think about it now, because the extremely dangerous supernova light flow is approaching, and Garon is not afraid of the destructive power of the supernova light flow, but the problem is, if it hits the star where Yuna is, It is impossible to predict what kind of violent reaction will occur.

If there is a problem with the star, Yuna in the core of the star will be in danger.

The danger level of this supernova explosion surpassed the sum of the unexpected situations Garen had encountered before.

The star is too huge, and the destructive light stream formed by the supernova explosion is also overwhelming, so it is difficult for him to guard the star from being affected.

"Yuna, it's time to leave."

Garen looked at the star core, and cast time teleportation without hesitation, intending to take Yuna away from the main material world, but what made his face darken was that the gravitational force around the star core was too strong, which made the long river of time messy and made the time flow chaotic. He couldn't pinpoint it.

Inside the star core, Yuna curled up with a peaceful expression, as if completely unaware of the imminent danger.

The so-called powerful and powerful senior I don't even see a shadow.

Garen turned his head, staring solemnly at the approaching supernova stream of light.

After exhaling a long breath, the power of time in the silver dragon's body plummeted like a torrent of floodgates.

at the same time.

Under the influence of the massive power of time, the long river of time turbulently churned, forming vortices one by one, and then, creatures with distinctive temperaments and appearances condensed and formed from the vortexes.

A Volibear wrapped in thunder.

Like the ice phoenix Anivia made of ice crystals.

The calm and tall Ornn.

Karthus shrouded in black robes.

The king of arcanists with eyes full of wisdom.

Two giant dragons covered with colorful scale armor.


Consuming a huge amount of power of time, Garen summoned people who were in different time and space and had signed a time alliance with him.

This is the first time he has gone all out.

"Teacher, where is it?"

Karthus, who was already dressed as a **** of death, was smiling. Just as he was about to reminisce with his teacher, his expression changed slightly, and he turned to look at the supernova stream of light that was sweeping towards him.

The other allies of time have demigod powers in the material world and have also discovered the impending supernova explosion.

"Brothers, Yin Olem, Karl, Isaac and Chris."

"The situation is urgent now, so I won't explain it to you in detail."

"Please help me resist the supernova explosion, and don't let it affect the stars behind."

Seeing Garen's solemn expression, these allies from different time and space stopped talking, glanced at each other, dispersed, and stopped around the stars, using their best defensive abilities.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen condensed the barrier of time, but no longer surrounded himself, but blocked between the supernova light flow and the stars like a barrier, and expanded the envelope as much as possible.

Karthus controlled the power of death, and condensed a super-giant black curtain formed by the power of death.

Isaac and Chris cast their magic, releasing dazzling, colorful lights with a sense of indestructibility.

Yoon Aureum used a strange magical power as thick as asphalt, covering the space in front of him.

Several elemental gods from Valoran used their elemental powers to form powerful elemental barriers with violent thunder, pure ice, and first fire.

All kinds of defensive barriers guard the stars.

Soon, the supernova streamer arrived as promised.

Electromagnetic pulses, high temperatures, shock waves, solid metals that are engulfed by the flow of light without being damaged, all kinds of riotous high-energy particle flows... just after the end, Garen felt under enormous pressure.

With a large enough energy shock, the age barrier began to sag.

The other seven allies also looked dignified, and it seemed that they were under a lot of pressure.

Even with the suppression of the main material world, it is still easy to protect oneself in a supernova explosion with the power of a demigod, but to guard a star... the difficulty is exponentially multiplied.

The pressure from all directions consumed Garen's power of time rapidly.

At the same time, the bodies of the seven allies he summoned gradually changed from solid to illusory due to the large consumption of energy as time passed.

But the supernova explosion has no intention of stopping at all.

Yin Aolemu was the first to run out of energy, and showed a helpless expression to Garen, saying: "Garon, the magic power of this avatar is limited, I have tried my best."

This body became illusory and transparent, and was gradually submerged by the stream of supernova light.

There was a gap in the defense, and Garen couldn't help but look down. He exhausted the power of time and formed a barrier of time to block the gap.

After some time passed.

More allies ran out of energy one after another, and their bodies dissipated.

"It seems that we can only use Time Dragon Reverse Current."

In the end, Garen sighed secretly.

He didn't expect that he would use Time Dragon Reverse Current one day without seeing any enemies.

So far.

Garen let go of his defenses, exposed himself to the supernova light stream, and at the same time cast Time Dragon Countercurrent, sending the power of time into different timelines, calling other Garon.

However, at this moment.

A deep voice came into Gallon's mind, saying: "Garon Aurelion, Dragon of Eternity and Time, this is the second time we have met, unexpectedly, you and my bloodline descendant became partners. "

Garen was shocked.

This one is probably the senior Li Nenglong that Yuna mentioned.

It's just that while his spirit was shaken, Garen was also a little puzzled.

There seemed to be something wrong with the other party's tone. It sounded as if he had seen him before, but this was the first time Garen heard this voice, so he was very sure.

"It's just that you are much weaker than the dragon of eternity and time in my impression."

"I can't even pass my little test."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Hearing this, Garen was taken aback for a moment, then his face darkened.

Listen to the meaning of this senior Li Nenglong.

What he encountered during this period included the space beast attack and the supernova explosion at this time, which seemed to be caused by the other party.

"Well... I see, the time on you doesn't flow sequentially, which is interesting."

In the whisper of no one else.

Not far from Gallon, a dark vortex that was deeper than darkness quietly formed, with a diameter of about 100 meters, not too big.

But, at this moment.

It seemed that there was a terrifying attraction that Garen could not feel at all, like a whale swallowing a long river, absorbing the supernova stream that filled the sky, and in just a short time, the crisis was resolved.

"This is, a black hole?"

Since he was not within the range of influence, Garen couldn't feel its horror, but through its performance, he also guessed its composition.

Immediately, the black hole with a diameter of 100 meters changed into a giant dragon.

It has bright red dragon scales, inlaid layer by layer, and the multi-faceted crystal structure is like a diamond. It looks very similar to Yuna. The dragon wings on both sides of the body are exaggerated, almost twice the length of the body. , It contains violent power at first glance.

On its visor, a pair of golden dragon children look like burning flames.

What caught Garon's attention the most was that there were also three pairs of dragon horns on the top of the dragon's head, which didn't look like crowns, but were sharper and sharper than Garen's, winding and extending backwards.

Beside this power dragon, there seems to be an unimaginably huge attraction.

Garen looked at the river of time, and found that the river of time around it was obviously distorted, sunken, and flowing in an extremely unnatural way.

Looking at Li Nenglong again, Garen felt that in front of him was not a dragon, but a vast black hole celestial body, and even his gaze seemed to be sucked in, making it difficult to leave.

"This senior, what is your name?"

Garen asked.

The power dragon, which was similar in size to Gallon, smiled but said, "Saga Arceus."

"However, my descendants and bloodlines prefer to call me the ancestor."

"You are the partner of my descendants, and I allow you to use this title."

Hearing the other party's words, Garen's dragon body trembled, with a look of shock on his face.


Could this be what Yuna said, the ancestor of the powerful dragon clan who sees the head but doesn't see the end?

Just getting in touch with it, it gave Garen the feeling that it was as bottomless and mysterious as an ocean abyss.

With a high probability, it is indeed the ancestor of the power dragon.

Garen swallowed, and asked in confusion, "I heard that you seldom show up, why did you show up here?"

"Before this, in the world of endless planes, I have never heard any news about you."

Under Garen's watchful eyes, the ancestor of the Power Dragon said in a low voice, "I traveled across time and space."

"Like you, time is not a simple straight line for me."

Garen was thoughtful.

After a short thought, Garen said curiously: "You just said that this is the second time you saw chapter is not over, click [next page] to continue reading-->>

【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Where did you meet me for the first time? Why don't I have any impression."

After scanning Garen's body a few times, the ancestor of the power dragon raised his chin and said, "In the future."


Garen was slightly taken aback.

"If it's the future, then this should be the first time, and seeing you in the future is the second time."

he said,

The ancestor of the power dragon said casually: "It's like this for you, but it's the opposite for me."

Looking at Garen, the ancestor of the Power Dragon said with great interest: "According to the rules of time, we will meet again in the future, but I don't know, Garon Aurelion, will you recognize me by then."

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The time and space you are in is now stormy. Improve your strength as soon as possible."

"Also, treat my heir well, see you in the future."

After finishing speaking, before Garen could persuade him to stay, the body of the ancestor of the powerful dragon suddenly began to collapse, turning into a black spot, disappearing from Garen's vision, and no longer existed.

Come and go in a hurry.

Looking at the direction the other party was leaving, Garen flicked the dragon's tail, because of the words of the ancestor of the powerful dragon, his mind was full of doubts.

"Forget it, forget it."

"Time will naturally give me the answer."

Looking at the stars, Garen looked at Yuna, curled up like a young dragon, peacefully in the core of the star.

Immediately, the silver dragon quietly hung above the real dragon of the universe, waiting for the end of this tempering of his partner.