MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 434 4000 years later, true and false Time Dragon

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

After wandering in the galaxy world for a few days and admiring the magnificent beauty of the galaxy, Garen and Yuna returned to the Dragon Court plane together.

Not long after arriving at the Dragon Court and entering the Dragon Nest deep in the Eternal Palace, Yuna quickly fell into a deep sleep state to digest the huge energy drawn from the star core.

The moment when this energy is completely absorbed and transformed is the moment when Yuna officially breaks through the demigod level and becomes a weak and other divine creature.

As for the specific time required for this process, both Garen and Yuna themselves are not very clear, and they can only estimate that it will take at least a few years.

When Garen was still a young dragon, sleeping for a year at a time was considered a very long time.

Deep sleep most of the time, usually for weeks or months.

But with the passage of time, his own age group has improved, and his body has become more and more mature. Garen's deep sleep now is the same as Yuna's, basically on a yearly basis.

Unless something disturbs you in the middle, or you don't want to sleep for so long, if you let nature take its course, you will sleep for at least a year or two.

Yuna habitually buried herself under the treasure, sleeping at the bottom of the dragon's nest.

The silver dragon located above is bending its body at this time, lying on top of layers of gold, silver and gemstones, while slightly closing its eyes, breathing evenly and vigorously amidst the slight ups and downs of its body.

Garen seemed to be asleep.

In fact, his mind is maintaining an active state, constructing and simulating various experimental plans, trying to change the basic principle of resonance spellcasting.

Garen didn't believe in evil, and tried to do it himself again.

Regrettably, in the quiet passage of time, a few days passed, but the progress was not satisfactory to Garen. The improvement plan he simulated, the most efficient one, was only equivalent to 50% of the original resonance casting left and right effects.

After changing the alpha bloodline to the real dragon bloodline.

Not to mention improving the effect of resonance casting, even if it is maintained as it is, or even slightly reduced, Garen can accept it. However, the cruel reality is that the effect is greatly reduced, to the point where it is no longer considered a magical skill.

After some time.

The silver dragon slowly opened its eyes, showing a slightly helpless look.

"Hey, innate talent, in terms of magic creation, I'm still a little short."

How can a spellcaster become a legend, become a demigod, or even become a god?

A wise man once said that it takes ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent talent.

However, few people can understand that this one percent talent is far more important and critical than ninety-nine percent hard work.

Although he failed many times, Garen was not discouraged.

After all, he is a time dragon and not a magic dragon.

Magic was just an auxiliary means for Garon, and as Garen became stronger and his understanding of the power of time deepened, magic took less and less weight in his abilities.

"Let's go to another time and space."

"Once the resonant spell is successfully cast, the **** Canon will hand it over to the Dragon Clan, which can make the newly promoted godhead of the God Cannon more stable."

Garen thought silently in his heart.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Because he has personally been to the time and space where the Alphatia Empire is located, and has seen the miraculous spells created by the wind magicians through resonance casting, Garen is still looking forward to the future performance of resonance casting.

And now the dragon clan is much more united than before, and it is also the most suitable time to use resonance casting.

Before the War of Glory, even if there was such a method as resonant casting, Garen estimated that apart from the metal dragons, no other dragon species would be willing to use it.

As for whether resonant spellcasting can form authority and add another function to Godhead, Gallon is still not sure yet.

In today's multiverse, it is actually very difficult for gods to improve their own level.

Because the world plane containing rich intelligent biological resources has basically been divided up by the gods, and the belief pattern is generally in a stable state. Unless there is a big movement like the Glory War, it is difficult for any **** to break through the current situation. level.

Except faith.

If the gods want to make themselves stronger and more omnipotent, they need to create something unique and widely recognized and used by their followers.

With enough sincere recognition and widespread use, there is a possibility to form a new **** authority.

The so-called authority is simply the exclusive skill of the gods, and naturally the more the better.

In the silent dragon nest, the silver giant dragon slowly stood up, stretched a pair of dragon wings as wide as a curtain, and moved its body.

The different time and space of Faerun that Garen has been to has a big difference from the time flow of the main timeline, so you can go directly without thinking too much about it.

Because even if he stayed in Faerun's different time and space for hundreds of years, the main timeline would be worth a short time in the past, and there would be no changes that would be unacceptable to Garen like the vicissitudes of life.

"It should have been many years since I left Faerun different time and space last time."

"It's been such a long time... I don't know if my disciple of the **** of death has succeeded in taking down the first generation of goddess of magic."

Think of the looming ambiguous relationship between Karthus and Miss Riel.

Garen couldn't help grinning, showing an auntie smile on the dragon's face.

With this in mind, Garen took action.

The power of time was released from the silver dragon's body, sinking into the long river of time, making the quietly flowing long river of time stop, and at the same time, flowing in front of Gallon to build an invisible and stable ring-shaped gate of time and space.

After being promoted to a class of weak and other divine powers.

Garen could stabilize the gate of time and space with his own strength.

The Yinmasca Secret Artifact used to stabilize the structure of the Gate of Time and Space was no longer needed.

Taking the secluded canyon where he lived for a while and taught Karthus magic knowledge in the early days as an anchor, Garen locked onto the different time and space of Faerun, and then took steps to enter the gate of time and space.

In the ripples that appeared like water waves, the figure of the silver dragon disappeared from the dragon's nest.


Faerun Continent, a land of deep canyons.

Under the light of the faint sunlight, towering ancient trees are scattered everywhere, accompanied by the rustling sound of branches and leaves rubbing against the breeze, there is a waterfall at one end of the canyon, and the rushing water collides with the rocks below. Together, there was a dull thunderous roar.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The meandering stream from the waterfall passes through the canyon, surrounded by lush green grass and fragrant flowers.

Occasionally, there are vigorous stags, alert hares and other small animals drinking water here to quench their thirst. At the same time, there are ferocious ligers and deadly magical creatures waiting in the dark.

In the deepest part of the canyon, there is also a mage tower.

A young-looking female spellcaster in a white robe is not far from her mage tower, scanning the surrounding land inch by inch with her eyes glowing with aura.


The breeze blows.

A leaf swirls and floats, but the falling posture that was originally slow and orderly, suddenly becomes chaotic when passing somewhere, sometimes speeding up and sometimes slowing down like a snail crawling. Sometimes even stand still in the air.

This scene fell into the eyes of the female spellcaster.

Her eyes lit up and she rushed over immediately.

With his eyes slightly closed, the caster's body lit up with a bright magical aura, and his mental power swept across the space like a radar.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes, with a pious look on her face, found the exact coordinates of the time disorder, and began to practice the time magic that she had mastered.

at the same time.

She murmured in a low voice, and in a warm and pious tone, she recited the church prayers according to her old habits.

"Hear the call of your humble followers.

Lord of the Dragon.

The only one in all worlds.

The source of change, the master of time and space, the wings of disaster, the immortal dragon, the master of the colorless river, the embodiment of eternal time, the master of death, the manifestation of the eternal river, the one who traverses time and space, the master of destiny, the destruction of the empire with the asylum.

The omnipotent eternal dragon of traversal.

Your faithful, humble believer, here calls, here desires, here prays for your answer. "

Obviously, she is not a pure spellcaster, and at the same time, she is a senior member of the Time and Space Dragon Cult.

Although he didn't get any real response, the caster still prayed tirelessly over and over again.

After reciting the prayer again, the caster is ready to end his prayer for the day.

But at this moment.

The originally bright sky suddenly became dim, and shadows enveloped it.

It was as if something huge had appeared in the sky.

The caster was taken aback for a moment, with a vigilant look on his face, and immediately raised his head while preparing the spell.

In the field of vision, there is a silver dragon whose body manifests from nothingness and condenses into shape.

The gigantic body of the giant dragon is like a mountain, with a pair of dragon wings covering the sky and the sun, just quietly suspended in the air, naturally there is a kind of majesty that cannot be ignored.

Several ring-shaped black dragon scales are distributed on the dragon's body.

Three pairs of dragon horns meander backwards, forming a strange crown-like appearance.

When he saw the scene in his field of vision, the caster immediately opened his eyes wide, and at the same time knelt down on the ground, with tears in his excited eyes, and his body trembling uncontrollably.

Garen, who had just arrived in the canyon, noticed this strange caster.

Looking down, Garen's eyes flicked over the caster's body.

"Huh? There is a power in my body that is similar to mine but not the same."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Let me think about it... When I left Faerun, I gave a church a little power of time.

"That church...that's right, I remember it's called the Space-Time Dragon Cult."

"It's been nearly four thousand years since I left last time. After such a long time, the Space-Time Dragon Cult still exists."

Garen thought silently.

The dragon looked down at the spellcaster kneeling on the ground below, thought for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Mortal, raise your head and tell me your name and identity."

The female caster trembled and raised her head, showing a flushed face from being too excited.

"My lord, the great Eternal Dragon."

"My name is Amber, and I am an angel of time who tirelessly pursues your footsteps."

Hearing Amber's answer, Garen, who had pondered for a while, felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"The power of time I bestowed on the first generation members of the Space-Time Dragon Sect is not much, and logically speaking, it cannot be passed on for such a long time."

"Besides, after I returned to the main timeline, the belief connection with the different time and space was severed."

Garen revealed his real body at the beginning and bestowed the power of time to the Space-Time Dragon Sect to verify whether he could gain the belief of creatures from different time and space. As a result, when he returned to the main timeline, the chain of belief in different time and space disappeared immediately. .

Maybe Garen's own level is not high enough to sense the belief in different time and space.

Maybe the believers are not devout enough for him to cross different time and space.

But in any case, after Garen returned to the main timeline, he never had anything to do with the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

Logically speaking, the creatures I believe in have not responded for four thousand years. This church should have died out. Why do there still exist members? I even followed my footsteps and found the canyon where I once lived. .

"Almost four thousand years have passed... The Space-Time Dragon Sect can still exist."

"And there is a trace of energy similar to mine in this caster."

"In addition, if the Space-Time Dragon Cult still exists, I should be able to detect the believers' belief in me, but this is not the case."

When Garen first arrived here, he didn't feel any faith.

After Amber discovered him, the thread of faith representing the caster appeared.

That's not how it normally should be.

"Interesting, very interesting."

Garen smelled something wrong.

The silver dragon's visor exuded breathtaking majesty, looking down at the caster under the shadow of his own dragon wings, and calmly said: "I have been away from this world for four thousand years, and I have never answered my prayers."

"Tell me, why do you still believe in my existence?"

The caster showed a blank lord, why didn't you respond? "

"Fifty years ago, when I was praying to you, I was honored to listen to your teachings. I have remembered that day in my heart, and only death can make me forget it."

"Many time angels have had similar experiences like me..."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

As he spoke, the caster's gaze moved slightly, as if he had realized something.

There was a touch of guard on the devout expression.

After all, she was an arcanist who was very close to the legendary stage, so she was very vigilant, but now she began to doubt the authenticity of Garen.

Watching the change in the expression of his disciple, Garen's eyes penetrated her heart and knew what the other party was thinking at this time.

At the same time, she also understood that what she said was true.

The silver dragon narrowed its eyes slightly, showing a cold expression on its face.

In the analysis of the current situation, thousands of possibilities flashed through Garen's mind, and finally, he locked on the one with the highest probability.

"It seems that a false eternal dragon has occupied my Holy See."

"I want to see who is impersonating me."

This false Eternal Dragon has allowed the Space-Time Dragon Cult, which was supposed to perish, to continue to this day.

But in Garen's view, things that belonged to him should not be occupied by other creatures even if they perish.

Even if he didn't need it at all, Garen could give it away depending on his mood, but he would not allow other creatures to steal it secretly.