MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 435 The Origin of the False Time Dragon

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen looked down and watched the female caster's expression change.

This member of the Space-Time Dragon Sect now seemed to have doubts about Garen's identity, and regarded the real Eternal Dragon as a false god, and the devout expression on his face gradually turned into vigilance.

Garen was not surprised by this.

After all, Garen has been away from this time and space for nearly four thousand years. In the long-term deception, the false Eternal Dragon has already occupied this church. It is natural for him to suddenly appear as the rightful lord.

"I see doubt in your eyes."

"Very well, this shows that you are not a stupid and blind person."

Garen did not reprimand the believer for doubting him, but instead gave him an appreciative look.

In front of the object of my belief, I can still think rationally and calmly about the words of a god, and find contradictions in it, which shows that this spell caster has good wisdom, quick response, and will not blindly trust the gods .

"Since you don't believe me, why do you want to worship again?"

"Mortal, stand up."

Garen stared at the female caster, and said in a calm but unquestionable tone.

Although Amber had doubts in his heart, the power displayed by Garen was not false, so after hearing Garen's words at this time, his body couldn't help but stood up slowly according to Garen's instructions.


Just after Amber stood up, he didn't know whether he was in a trance, or the whole world was in a trance, and then he suddenly found that his body, which should have stood up, was still kneeling on the ground.

"...Didn't I stand up just now?"

"Could it be that you are too nervous and have hallucinations and conjectures?"

Amber looked dazed and at a loss.

Immediately, under the gaze of the silver dragon, the female spell caster gritted her teeth and tried to stand up again.

This time, Amber's attention was all concentrated and his movements were very slow.

The result is the same as last time.

There is clearly a memory of standing up in my mind, but for some reason, my body is still kneeling on the ground as before, as if my action just now was just a fantasy.

Hanging high in the sky, the silver dragon that covered the sunlight remained indifferent, just quietly watching Amber try to stand up again and again, being turned back to its original state by the countercurrent time again and again.

Unable to stand up all the time, Amber, as if trapped in the cycle of time, began to vaguely realize that this is the power to reverse time.

After dozens of attempts, the doubts in Amber's heart dissipated.

According to the teachings of the Space-Time Dragon Cult, the only being that can control time in this way is the Eternal Dragon they believe in.

"My lord, please forgive my disrespect."

The female caster bowed her head deeply, her body trembling slightly, and said.

The dragon lowered his eyes and said, "My people, it is not your fault that you were blinded by false gods."

Next, Garen asked Amber about the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

However, she is not considered a high-ranking member of the Dragon Cult of Time and Space, and because she is keen on pursuing the footprints Garen left in this time and space, she has not stayed in a fixed church temple, and has not participated in many activities within the church, so she is concerned about Garen's question. Just smattering.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

I felt that there were other creatures posing as myself, at first.

Garen's first reaction was that a certain Garen from this timeline discovered the Space-Time Dragon Cult, and then gladly accepted the worship from the believers.

But this idea only flashed in Garen's mind before he rejected it.

Because, the trace of power in Amber's body was not Garen's power of time.

Garen was still able to distinguish the power of time that he had mastered.

If he in this timeline has mastered the Dragon Cult of Time and Space, then the power in Amber's body at this time should be the power of time that he is familiar with, not a similar but essentially different power.

Garen's eyes glowed with aura, and he scanned Amber's body, locked on a trace of power in her body, and carefully analyzed and observed it.

"It's a magical technique bestowed by extraordinary divine power, and it simulates my power of time."

Since there is a **** avatar with the power of time, he has a better understanding of extraordinary divine power. After observing carefully for a few seconds, Garen saw through the essence of this ability similar to the power of time.

"It should be a certain **** with time authority."

Garen thought silently.

What's strange is that even for a **** with time authority, it is not so easy to pretend to be himself and invade his own church.

Garen is not alone in this world. He has a disciple of the God of Death and has a certain relationship with the powerful goddess of magic. If these two gods find out that other gods are occupying the church left by Garen, there is a high probability that they will not sit idly by. reason.

Garen thought about it, and decided to contact Karthus first.

It's easy to contact Karthus.

You only need to recite the god's real name silently, and call the god's name directly, and it will attract the god's attention.

Of course, even if the vast majority of creatures call the name of the **** directly, the **** will not bother to answer it after a brief glance, but if you offend the evil **** who is in a bad mood, the creature who calls the name of the **** will suffer, so all things It is rare to call the gods by their real names.

Just a few seconds after Garen silently recited Karthus' real name.

The sky suddenly became dark and gloomy.

Suddenly, an atmosphere of dead silence filled the air, and everything was silent.

The power of death grew out of thin air, swept and condensed, forming a figure in a black robe, with the aura of death lingering all over his body.

The avatar looked at the silver dragon, and Karthus' joyful voice reached Garen's ears.

"Teacher, we meet again."

"The contract summoning last time was too hasty, and I didn't have a good time with you. This time, return to the old place and stay for a while longer."

Looking at the familiar face, Garen smiled slightly and said, "Carl, you are stronger now."

Through this temporarily condensed incarnation, Garen noticed that Karthus was more proficient in controlling the power of death, not at the same level as when he first seized the power of death.

"The authority of death is unfathomable. Not long ago, I was promoted to medium divine power."

Karthus said.

"Teacher, who is this?"

Karthus' eyes moved slightly, looking at the female spellcaster in the canyon below.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The **** of death's eyes focused on him, and Amber immediately felt a deep, irresistible chill, as if the other party's eyes could make him fall into the abyss of death and welcome the end of death.

Karl, the **** of death... Under the gaze of a dragon and a god, Amber trembled.

Karl, the **** of death, whose full name is Karthus, was originally a great arcanist of Netheril, and even as a mortal arcanist, he was placed high hopes by the Netherian Empire and was called the Light of Netheril. Later, With the assistance of the giant dragon of different time and space and the goddess of magic, he seized the authority of the ancient **** of death with the ascension technique created by himself, which made all the gods look at him.

In the prayers of the Dragon Cult of Time and Space, the description of Garon has the title of Master Death God.

Moreover, today's Faerun Continent already belongs to the world of the Nether Empire. Although different countries coexist, there is no dispute about the uncrowned king of the Faerun Continent. It's just that the arcanists of the Nether Empire are obsessed with magic research and have no struggle for hegemony. Will, otherwise only one country would exist in Faerûn today.

More than that, Nether Floating City no longer exists in Faerun in this time and space.

Floating cities can be seen in many main material worlds and outer planes.

These floating cities, led by great arcanists, are now the magical holy places that many spellcasters dream of. They are independent of the mainland countries and hang high among the wind and clouds.

As long as you prove your identity as a spellcaster and you can board the floating city, you will have the opportunity to learn the incomparably rich magic knowledge of the Nether Empire.

As for magic knowledge, the tradition of the first generation of Arcanist King Iolum continued, and the great Arcanists have always been generous with their teachings, which played a big role in the prosperity of this space-time magic.

In the root world of the Nether Empire, and a member of the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

Although Amber is not a believer in the **** of death, he is no stranger to this thunderous **** of death.

"One of my believers, the Time Angel of the Space-Time Dragon Cult."

Garen asked Karthus, "Karl, you should know about the Spacetime Dragon Cult."

Karthus nodded and said, "I have always paid attention to the church left by this teacher."

There was a pause in the voice, and Karthus smiled, and said softly: "I knew, teacher, after you return here, you will definitely notice the situation of the Space-Time Dragon Cult."

Next, under Garen's watchful eye, Karthus recounted the things about the Spacetime Dragon Cult.

When Garen left this time and space, he asked Iolum to help the Space-Time Dragon Cult as much as he could.

The King of Arcanists who led Nether to glory did not forget Garen's entrustment, and he also had enough influence.

With the assistance of Iolum, the Space-Time Dragon Cult gained a lot of resources. Therefore, although Garen could not get any response in the early millennium, the Space-Time Dragon Cult did not weaken, but reached a peak .

Most of the arcanists in the Nether Empire do not believe in gods, and the church of gods is also not allowed to exist in the empire.

But this situation is not absolute.

The Church of Death belonging to Karl the God of Death, the Temple of Magic of the Goddess of Magic, and the Space-Time Dragon Cult of Gallon...these three are official clergy organizations recognized by the Nether Empire, In today's Faerun continent, it is called Nether Tritheism.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Although not as large as the Holy See of Death and the Temple of Magic, the Space-Time Dragon Cult is no longer the small gathering at the beginning.

In Faerun Continent, Nether Arcanists do seldom believe in gods.

However, arcanists with spellcasting talents are in the minority after all.

Due to the influence of the Nether Empire, the Space-Time Dragon Cult, one of the official churches of the empire, has grown in size. After a long period of development, it has become a large organization with strict order and specific members such as priests, priests, and knights. The number of intelligent creatures of the Eternal Dragon is increasing day by day.

After Garen left this time and space, his connection with the belief here was severed.

When faith is isolated by the long river of time.

With the passage of time and the growth of the Space-Time Dragon Sect, in the day and night prayers of a famous believer, the belief of no master gathered together, and gradually condensed the gods through the believers' imagination of the eternal dragon when they prayed. sex.

After another thousand years, the disorderly and changing beliefs took shape.

An 'Eternal Dragon' was born from then on.

This eternal dragon is not a time dragon, but a pure god.

"......Teacher, when the Eternal Dragon gave birth to divinity, Mystril and I discovered him immediately."

"After discussing for a while, we decided to keep him, wait and see what happens, and make a decision after you return. After all, he was born in your belief."

After listening to what Karthus said, Garen showed surprise.

"I thought it was a strange **** who invaded my church, but I didn't expect this to be the case."

"A **** born of faith in me? Interesting."

This situation is so special that even Garen didn't expect it.

The gods in the multiverse are rarely born from faith. Gods are basically born powerful, born from the rules of the universe, and gain faith and worship because of their powerful power, not because of faith.

There are gods born from nothing through faith alone, but there are very few, and generally speaking, they are not very powerful.

What made Garen even more interesting was that.

This **** was born in the known belief in himself, not the concrete worship of some unknown things by intelligent creatures.

Because of his own deeds, he attracted believers who worshiped and believed in him, but because of his departure, the belief in him became a thing without an owner, and then gods were born in his own legends, deeds and beliefs.

This was the first time Garen heard of this situation.

After searching the inheritance in his mind, he failed to find any similar precedents.

"Teacher, what are you going to do with this god?"

"This is the first time I have encountered a **** who was born from the belief of others."

At this time, Karthus said with a look of curiosity.

Garen thought for a while, and said calmly, "Since it was born from my faith while I was away, now that my rightful lord is back, I should take back this power."

Karthus thought about it, and said, "Are you trying to turn him into a clone?"

Garen nodded and said with a slight smile: "Of course, since this 'Eternal Dragon' was born out of belief in me, there is no doubt that it will be the most suitable clone for me."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

If you get the time **** and this eternal dragon at the same time.

When Garen ascended to the gods, he would choose to transfer the mighty power of the gods to the eternal dragon instead of giving time to the **** of evil.

"As far as I know, He has regarded himself as you, and because he was born in the imagination and belief of believers, his temperament is much more arrogant than your teacher, and he will definitely not give in easily."

After hearing Garen's words, Karthus said.

"That's a sure thing."

"I'm not going to sit still in a similar situation."

Garen asked, "What level has this guy developed now?"

Karthus said: "After about two thousand years of development, He is now only one step away from the weak and other divine powers."

Although born out of the belief in Canon, this Eternal Dragon obviously does not have the growth rate of Canon. It is just an ordinary **** who regards himself as Canon.

"Bearing my name, but still staying at the level of a demigod for more than two thousand years......"

Garen shook his head.

After all, it's fake or not If you replace it with Gallon, if you go through two thousand years of growth in the main timeline, it will definitely be a kind of powerful supernatural power at the stage of the ancient dragon.

However, the speed of ordinary gods' improvement is almost like this, even if there is no progress for thousands of years, it is normal.

It's not to blame for the slow progress of the other party, it's just that Garen's growth rate can be called abnormal.

Karthus smiled slightly and said, "Teacher, do you need my help?"

"Although He has not formally broken through the weak divine power, but the difference is not too much, and he has his own kingdom of God."

The silver dragon raised its chin and said calmly: "If you need help dealing with a demigod, Karl, I am not worthy to be your teacher."

"Breaking into the Kingdom of God is not an easy task, but I believe in your strength, Teacher."

Karthus nodded slightly and said.

At this time, Garen's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "Did the ancient **** of death secretly plan against you in the past four thousand years?"

Hearing this, Karthus looked serious, and said, "After being deprived of the power of death by my ascension to God, he fell to a medium level of divine power, but only after hundreds of years, he returned to the level of strong divine power."

"Afterwards, He wanted to take back the power of death, and targeted me more than once or twice. However, with Mystril around, and I rarely leave the Kingdom of God, He has nothing to do with me."

Under the sunshine, the silver dragon said: "It's okay, but don't take it lightly."

After a pause, Garen continued: "Carl, you should leave first."

"I'm going to meet another Garon Aurelion who was born in the faith, and I'll find you to talk about the past after I finish this matter."