MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 436 Now that you see the god, why don't you worship?

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Nessus Floating Void City, the headquarters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

This is a gigantic city hovering between the sky and sky in the sea area. The huge and magnificent floating city blocks the sunlight, and casts a looming silhouette of shadows on the blue sea, fluctuating with the waves of the sea.

Just today.

Nessus Floating City is bustling like never before.

Spellcasters, whose bodies were wrapped in elemental aura, arrived at Nessus Floating City from various places.

At this time, people came and went on the streets in the floating city, coming and going in a hurry, and most of them gathered towards a majestic dragon-shaped temple.

The whole body is made of silver-white strange metal, and the grand temple in the shape of a dragon as a whole is the church headquarters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult in this floating city. Since the divine grace ceremony once every ten years is about to begin, there will be people from all walks of life Spellcasters come to participate.

During the Divine Grace Ceremony.

The Eternal Dragon believed by the Dragon Cult of Time and Space will descend into an incarnation, and will bestow blessings on the devout believers he chooses, enabling them to obtain more powerful magical abilities related to time.

Most of the spellcasters who came to Nessus Floating Void City just watched the excitement.

After all, it is relatively rare for a **** to descend. Even if you don't believe in a god, you can use this to gain some knowledge.

In contrast, the members of the Space-Time Dragon Cult participated in the divine grace ceremony with a fanatical and pious attitude, eager to gain the attention and favor of their own **** master and obtain the unique magic of time.

As for these foreign casters who have no faith.

When the Space-Time Dragon Cult holds the divine grace ceremony, it does not exclude spellcasters from watching the ceremony.

Every time after the Divine Favor Ceremony ends, some spellcasters who see the real body of the Eternal Dragon will abandon their original thoughts and turn to the embrace of the Eternal Dragon, joining the Space-Time Dragon Cult. .

Naturally, the Space-Time Dragon Sect would not refuse such a good deed.

In addition, because of the influx of a large number of outsiders, it will inevitably lead to a mixed situation, allowing some unruly elements to mix in. In the past, organizations such as the Dragon Worship Cult and the Dragon Worship Cult came to make trouble and sabotage.

However, because the Space-Time Dragon Cult has a close relationship with the Nether Empire, and is protected by the great arcanist in the floating city, and the church itself is not weak, it will not be afraid of these possible threats.

Among the three religions of Nether, the space-time dragon religion is the smallest.

It is far from being able to compare with the Holy See of Death and the Temple of Magic.

However, any intelligent creature who understands the origin and history of this church will not underestimate it.

at the same time.

In the floating city surrounded by wind and clouds, a young man with long silver-gray hair and a long and profound temperament was strolling on the street. On his handsome and calm face, a pair of platinum-gold eyes seemed to stare at the stars. The shattered light is impressive and hard to ignore.

The floating city is the kingdom of arcanists and the domain of spellcasters.

Just throwing a fireball into the crowd here will blast out a bunch of spellcasters. There are many spellcasters with noble status in other places in the floating city.

Therefore, every pedestrian here has its own characteristics.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】


Even if people come and go around and the population is dense, strange people can be seen everywhere.

Even in such an environment, the silver-haired young man still stands out like an open flame in the dark, with a unique temperament, causing nearby spellcasters to look sideways frequently.

It was Garen who was going to the headquarters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

Behind Garen, Amber followed Garen's footsteps respectfully, one body behind, and introduced the situation here to Garen in a low voice.

"... At the divine favor ceremony once every ten years, the Eternal Dragon, no, the false **** who pretends to be you will show up."

Amber quietly glanced at Garen's back, with a look of admiration and awe on his face, and said.

"The Divine Grace Ceremony?"

"It seems that I arrived just in time."

Garen smiled slightly, and slowly mixed in the crowd, moving towards the headquarters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

During this process, he stopped in front of the magic shops with a little interest, and at the same time listened to the conversations of the spellcasters around him. Through the situation of this floating city, he observed the current level of prosperity of the Nether Empire.

Garen soon had a clearer understanding of the Nether Empire at this time.

Under the protection of the Goddess of Death and Magic, the Nether Empire has developed steadily during these four thousand years.

Although there were no explosive spells, all kinds of new spells emerged one after another, and the division of arcane spells was more comprehensive. Some miniature cores of the magic net could be seen everywhere, and they were even extravagant enough to be used to supply energy for the magic crystal lamp.

Due to the existence of immortality, coupled with Death's protection of his homeland and fellow race.

Over time, the number of great arcanists in the Nether Empire has accumulated more and more, and many top arcanists at the demigod level have emerged, possessing the strength not weaker than the former king of arcanists.

There are no less than 5,000 floating cities in Faerun Continent alone.

This meant that there were at least 5,000 Arcanists with a creature level above thirty.

Moreover, the brilliance of the Nether Empire left the continent of Faerun as early as a thousand years ago, shining on other main material worlds and even outer planes, plus the Nether floating city in other main material worlds... ......The strength of this empire is incalculable.

"The Nether Empire in this time and space is probably not weaker than the Alphatia Empire."

"It can be called a super magic empire."

"It can develop to this extent, which is extremely rare in the entire multiverse."

Garen was thoughtful.

In his opinion, the comprehensive national strength of the Nether Empire should be almost the same as that of the Alphatia Empire.

However, the future of the Nether Empire is far brighter than that of the Alphatia Empire.

the reason is simple.

The Alphatia Empire has no protection from the gods.

According to Garen's personal experience, when the magic empire in the main material world is strong to a certain extent, if there is no strong enough gods to protect it, it will inevitably lead to irresistible disasters from the gods.

Moreover, the more powerful the magic empire is, the less willing it is to respect the gods.

No matter how powerful a magic empire is, it is still difficult to compete with the power of the gods.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

When the gods are determined to destroy a magic empire, then the end of the magic empire is already doomed.

The situation of the Nether Empire is quite special.

Even though the vast majority of arcanists do not believe in gods, they still have the protection of gods.

And not one, but two gods.

More importantly, neither of these two gods is a simple character.

A goddess of magic who has become increasingly powerful due to the prosperity of magic, and a **** of death with special death authority.

The Goddess of Magic doesn't really need faith. This **** is the mother of magic. As long as the magic is strong, she can have incredible power. Not to mention Karl, the **** of death. God's original intention was to save Netheril who was in crisis.

The great arcanists of the Netherian Empire were not stupid either.

They were protected and favored by two gods.

In return, although the Arcanist himself did not believe in gods very much, he was willing to use the influence of the empire to bring the Holy See of Death and the Temple of Magic to more and more worlds, making people in other countries believe in the two gods.

With these two gods as the background, as long as the Nether Empire does not cause catastrophe, it can continue to develop steadily, and it is also possible to become an unprecedented ultimate magic empire in this time and space in the future.

Thinking about it, a strange creature passed by Garen.

Garen paused slightly, with a strange look on his face, and glanced at the other party.

In Garen's vision, it was a very weird and terrifying creature.

Its body trunk looks like a worm, its brown skin is covered with folds, and it has human limbs, and its head can vaguely see the face of a human being. In its slightly opened mouth, you can also see circles of meat grinders. As fine and sharp teeth.

The appearance of such a weird looking creature in the floating city, which is dominated by human spellcasters, did not cause any riots.

The spellcasters are not surprised by it, and seem to have become accustomed to it.

"Is this, the hybrid of Felin Mokui and human?"

After a careful look, Garen revealed a look of astonishment.

When I left the continent of Faerun last time, thanks to the promotion of Yin Aureum, who is also the king of the magic sunflower and the king of the arcanist, the connection between the Nesser Empire and the magic sunflower field has deepened. knew.

The two powerful races can be regarded as not knowing each other, and now they have become staunch allies.

"In terms of aesthetics, some humans seem to be no different from my dragon race."

"The Felin Mokui and human hybrids were both born, and at the same time have magic absorption and good magic talent... amazing."

Garen gave a heartfelt admiration.

Strolling through the bustling streets of the Floating Void City, Garen saw many new things that did not exist in Faerun 4,000 years ago, so he gained some knowledge.

Time passed quietly.

Not long after, Garen arrived at the headquarters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult, crashing into the shadow of this magnificent dragon-shaped building.

Looking up to see the appearance of the Space-Time Dragon Cult, Garen focused his gaze on a huge dragon statue that was 90% similar to himself.

In Garen's field of vision, the giant dragon statue standing in the ring-shaped open space spread its wings and looked down. It has the characteristics of a ring of black scales and three pairs of dragon horns, reflecting a faint brilliance in the sun. Guang, with an awe-inspiring look.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

A member of the Space-Time Dragon Sect, with a devout face, prayed around the dragon statue.

There are also some True Dragon Cultists who reveal their true bodies, distributed in high places around the Dragon Cult of Time and Space, and strands of dragon power overlap and cover them, shocking all directions.

Whispers of prayer reverberate through the space, creating a strange, irresistibly immersive atmosphere.

Garen stayed quietly among the crowd, admiring the surrounding scenes with great interest, while waiting for the opening of the divine favor ceremony.

The long river of time, as always, flows steadily and orderly.

Soon, the sun went down, dusk fell, and night fell... The time came to midnight.

As time passed, the faces of the believers surrounding the giant dragon statue gradually became agitated, and the prayers in their mouths became more urgent and louder.

"Hear the call of your humble followers.

Lord of the Dragon.

The only one in all worlds.

The source of change, the master of time and space, the wings of disaster, the immortal dragon, the master of the colorless river, the embodiment of eternal time, the master of death, the manifestation of the eternal river, the one who traverses time and space, the master of destiny, the destruction of the empire with the asylum.

The omnipotent eternal dragon of traversal.

Your faithful, humble believer, here calls, here desires, here prays for your answer. "

Right at midnight, the moment when the old day changes with the new.

With the end of the last sentence of the prayer, the whole world suddenly changed.

What can be seen in the floating city, the wind and clouds that had been moving all the time, froze at this moment, as if the pause button was pressed, forming a strange scene.

When many onlookers saw this scene, their hearts trembled, and they couldn't help holding their breath.

at the same time.

A powerful force descended and enveloped the entire floating city.

The silver light full of sacred aura lit up, dispelling the night, and at the same time, a majestic dragon covered with silver-white scales emerged from nothing and condensed into reality in the divine light.

The eternal dragon has come.

She hangs in the airspace above the floating city, with her wings spread out, and she looks down at the crowd below like a statue, her eyes are indifferent and calm.

"Great Dragon of Eternity, your radiance illuminates all worlds."

The believers became fanatical and chanted, praising the greatness of the Eternal Dragon.

"I have come here to bring grace to my people of believers who are loyal to me."

"Congratulations on that."

The Eternal Dragon said in a deep voice.

At the same time, an extremely oppressive divine power rolled out, centered on the Eternal Dragon, spreading out like a hurricane.

Wherever they passed, a number of believers, as well as spell casters who were just watching the show, couldn't help but have the urge to worship, and under the might of the gods, they couldn't help but bow down together.

The gods come.

Even if you are not a believer, as long as you appear in the sight of the gods, you need to show your respect with enough etiquette, otherwise it will be regarded as disrespect to the gods.

Worshipers throw themselves to the ground, and the caster at least bends down in a gesture of respect.

The crowd lowered their bodies like waves, bowing to the eternal dragon.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Therefore, Garen, who didn't respond to the arrival of the Eternal Dragon and was still standing upright, became the most conspicuous existence here.


The Eternal Dragon fixed his eyes, looked at Garen, and let out a low nasal voice.

At this time, without waiting for the Eternal Dragon to attack, a high-ranking priest of the Space-Time Dragon Sect glared at Garen and scolded: "Bold, you don't pay homage to the great Eternal Dragon God himself, you want to provoke the power of God! ?"

Almost all the members of the Space-Time Dragon Cult looked at Garen with hostile eyes, and the casters also showed surprise expressions and cast their gazes at Garen.

Garen didn't reply.

Amidst the concentrated eyes with different reactions, Garen just turned his head to look at Amber who followed him.

Under Garen's gaze, Amber, who was kneeling on the ground, showed an embarrassed expression, and stood up embarrassingly.

"My lord, please forgive me for subconsciously kneeling to a false god."

When he saw the incarnation of the God of Death, Amber was sure that Garen was the real Eternal Dragon, but after seeing the false Eternal Dragon just now, he still subconsciously knelt down on the ground.

Garen didn't say anything, but just looked away.

at the same time.

The term "false god" was introduced into the ears of the followers of the "Eternal Dragon" and the Space-Time Dragon Cult.

The face of the Eternal Dragon hanging high in the sky sank, the sky became dark, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became solemn. A believer's eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at Garen and Amber.

The spellcasters showed a look of optimism.

The wiser spellcasters among them backed away silently, away from the center of the storm that might erupt.

Amber, who had never seen a big scene before, was pale and shivered slightly under the huge pressure, but he still stood up hard.

Garen, who was at the center of countless gazes, was smiling and looked up at the 'Eternal Dragon' without seeming to notice any pressure or threat.

At this time, the Eternal Dragon looked down at the silver-haired youth with awe-inspiring eyes.

"Since you see this god, why don't you worship?"

Her voice sounded calm, but it also contained coercion and anger, resounding through the entire floating city.

Unmoved, Garen said calmly, "I'm standing right in front of you, haven't you recognized me yet?"

Hearing Garen's words, the Eternal Dragon felt a little uneasy in his heart.

She fixed her eyes and looked at Garen carefully.

Under the appearance of the human figure, there is a phantom of a huge silver dragon hidden.

At this time, a pair of platinum dragon boys of the silver dragon were staring at him indifferently...'Eternal Dragon' raised his chin and asked Garen: "Where did you come from, the evil god, how dare you pretend to be me and confuse my followers!"

The "Eternal Dragon" is righteous.

The conclusive words almost made Garen feel unconfident.

Garen couldn't help smiling, and at the same time realized what Karthus meant when he said that she had regarded herself as the real Garen.

In the silver light that emerged, Garen's human form soared into the sky, and he returned to his original form in an instant in the air.

It is more than 100 meters long from head to tail, covered with layers of silver-gray dragon scales, three pairs of dragon horns winding like a crown, and several rings of black scales distributed around the body...... .. Garen's body was reflected in the eyes of the surrounding crowd.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The 'Dragon of Eternity' that descended in its incarnation was no more than sixty meters long.

In front of Garen who showed his true body, in contrast, it was like the difference between an adult true dragon and a juvenile true dragon.

One big and one small, two similar-looking giant dragons appeared in everyone's field of vision.

After a brief silence, the crowd rioted.

"Born from a belief in me and asking who am I?"

"It's so sad."

Garen looked at the 'Eternal Dragon' with pity in his eyes.

On the other side, feeling the power of Garen and seeing the appearance of Garen's body, the 'Eternal Dragon' shrank back, and the anxiety in his heart became more intense.

"Evil thing, who are you? What is the purpose of pretending to be me?"

This deity is immersed in his own conception, believing that he is the real Canon, just the Canon imagined by believers, so when he sees Canon himself, he stubbornly thinks that Canon is just some kind of disguised himself of evil.

"Since it was born from the belief in me, I need to be responsible to you."

Under the other party's questioning, Garen smiled gently and said softly.


Garen stretched out his dragon claws covered with fine silver dragon scales.

The power of time rolled in, and part of his dragon claws turned into giant gods, covering the "Eternal Dragon Eternal Dragon" like a sky, and he was shocked in his heart, and immediately used the power of time to cast the time-stop domain.

The surrounding people who realized that a battle of gods might break out here, and fell into agitation and chaos, instantly froze.

However, what she didn't expect was that the giant god-like dragon's claws were still grabbing, without the slightest stagnation, and seemed not to be affected at all.

In such a moment of astonishment, the Giant God Transformed Dragon Claw had already grasped the 'Eternal Dragon' in the palm of his hand and squeezed it hard.


The 'Eternal Dragon' was crushed by an irresistible force and turned into fragmented extraordinary divine power.

Partial giant deification is a branch ability extended by Garen after he was promoted to a weaker divine power because of his mastery of giant deification. It can be used more flexibly in battle.

At the same time, the time stop is released.

Looking at the battle that ended in just an instant, the followers and spellcasters of the Space-Time Dragon Cult all opened their eyes wide, unable to calm down for a long time.

Many believers were shaken in their hearts, and their eyes on Garen gradually took on a different color.

After crushing this avatar.

Garen raised his head and looked towards the sky, as if he saw the frightened 'Eternal Dragon' in the Kingdom of God, and grinned at the same time.

"Hey, don't resist anymore."

"Hand over your godhead, and I will make your wish come true and become the real Garon Aurelion."

no respond.

Garen shook his head, and said softly, "Do you think there's nothing I can do if I hide in the Kingdom of God?"

With one dragon claw, the dispersed supernatural power gathered.

Garen closed his eyes slightly, feeling this extraordinary divine power carefully, and at the same time using it as an anchor to perform time teleportation, his huge body disappeared in place.