MTL - Dreadful Radio Game-Chapter 13 Incident time

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The tongue fell to the ground.

The camouflage man did not have such kind of mental defense at all, and the whole person was on the spot;

The sunglasses man gave a sigh of anger: "Guo Gang, back!"

The camouflage man is like a slap in the face, and the whole person is rushing forward with a slap in the face.

The sunglasses man has taken off the sunglasses at this time, his eyes are actually white, not the same white as the dead fish eyes, but with a faint light, this moment, in his gaze Next, in the position where Guo Gang stood before, there was a hand. It was a very pale hand, and the hand was still frosted.

Holding in your hand --- a pair of scissors.

"Impossible, how could it appear here in advance!"

The sunglasses man told the emperor to talk to himself. At the same time, he looked deeply at Guo Gang on the other side and immediately turned around and did not hesitate to run out of the house door.

Guo Gang saw his companion actually throwing himself away and opening his mouth and thinking about it, but because the tongue has been cut, he couldn’t speak at this time.

And, very quickly, Guo Gang found his waist there, suddenly a sting, bowed his head, and suddenly found that his waist has been inserted into a dagger.

Su Bai who climbed up completely regardless of the hand and the scissors in that hand, it is revenge!

What is the powerful thing in front of the tube, can scare the former male sunglasses man directly to scare away his companion to escape, and regardless of whether he can safely escape at the time, first slap you a knife and say goodbye!

After the dagger penetrated, Su Bai wanted to stir up. However, at this time, he found that Guo Gang’s muscles were tightening at a level that humans could not imagine. He simply stuck his dagger in his own. It is said that it has been stirred up, and it cannot be done even if it is pulled out.

"You see..."

Guo Gang couldn't understand the newcomer in front of him. When faced with the unknown fear, the first thing he thought was not to escape, but to come up and lick himself.

However, he did not want to think about it, but he planned to kill this newcomer.

Guo Gang’s hand quickly stretched out and directly caught Su Bai’s neck, his wrists force, and Su Bai immediately felt the pain of a neck that was about to be broken.

Two people, in the face of the existence that can scare the sunglasses male directly to escape, actually began to guilty.

In the face of the horrible existence, kill each other!

Guo Gang’s strength is a bit too big for humans. His muscles are just like stones. This is not a simple muscle. It is a bit like a legendary iron cloth.

Su Bai grabbed Guo Gang's arm with both hands, and then the waist was forced. The legs were lifted off the ground. The scissors feet directly buckled Guo Gang's neck. The two men entangled and fell to the ground.

Guo Gang first cut his tongue, and then he was stabbed a knife at the waist. The original strength can now be issued to a 50%. It is very good. Su Bai fell to the ground together in such a way. For a time, actually, it’s not the case with Su Bai. The two people are like **** that are anxious, and they have already reached out to the knife of the “chef”.


The surrounding temperature is instantly reduced, or the feeling of a whole body is suddenly more appropriate.

Then, with a pair of scissors, appeared in front of the two people who are still entangled in Su Bai and Guo Gang.

This is like a judgment of death.

The pale hand, continually stroking on the scissors, with a hesitation, but also with a touch of surprise.


The scissors fell, and Su Bai’s arm was cut into a large piece of meat!

Guo Gang’s face is a touch of excitement. The thing is ready to kill Su Bai. As long as it kills Su Bai, according to the rhythm and pattern of the story, he can certainly get it because of the death of a participant. Breathing for a certain time!

Su Bai immediately almost fainted in the past, because now that his neck has been squatted by Guo Gang, he couldn’t breathe, even when he watched a large piece of skin on his arm being so sharply cut by scissors. When I cut it, I couldn’t even scream, but my eyes were full of blood and staring at the scene.

This is a great torture, a terrible torture!

Guo Gang was laughing, even if his tongue was cut off, and he kept bleeding while he was laughing, and he was still laughing.

However, soon his smile froze.

A firefly flew in, and then floated on Guo Gang's arm, which is now on the arm of Su Bai's neck.

Guo Gang’s eyes were so big that he knew the origin of the fireflies and who knew who could release the fireflies!


The fireflies burst open, no damage, just a small group of fingernail-sized fireworks, instantly Fanghua;

However, the hand seemed to be stimulated. The movement that was aimed at Su Bai’s second scissors was changed instantly and directly penetrated Guo Gang’s arm.




Without any block,

Su Bai used his dagger to pierce Guo Gang's waist unexpectedly. Guo Gang could also kneel down directly after the reaction, but in the face of this scissors, he couldn't help but couldn't hold it!

Half of the arm, as the scissors fall, fall together.

Su Bai, the whole person, was stunned, fell to the ground, his hands stroking his neck and greedily breathing the air.

Guo Gang was horrified and wanted to get up and run away. However, when he just stood up and prepared to run to the gate, one of his legs separated his body. The whole person fell to the ground, and blood flowed out and dipped the entire tile floor.

Then, the scissors seemed to focus entirely on Guo Gang. With a pair of scissors and scissors, Guo Gang’s skin was like a ramen-finished chef, and the meat was still a little bit separated. Playing in the air, creating a strange aesthetic harmony.

Guo Gang was struggling and struggling desperately. He wanted to leave, but when his hand was about to touch the threshold, the only remaining hand was immediately separated.


Guo Gang unwillingly gave a roar, and then the vitality of the two eyes began to dissipate. Finally, lying sullenly on the ground, unable to move, apparently dead can no longer die.

The pale hand was obviously contaminated with too much blood when killing Guo Gang. It seems that Guo Gang’s blood also has its own special features. The hand can’t get rid of it, it becomes a little soft and collapses, and the scissors also change. It’s a bit distorted, it’s like blunt, but it’s not like that.

Su Bai looked at the hand that had just killed someone, and he didn’t move because he knew that if the other person wanted to kill himself, he couldn’t escape. The hand and the scissors, when you wanted to cut you, you didn’t even have it. Opportunity to avoid, just the power that Guo Gang broke out when he was running was very fast, but he was separated between the beggars.

However, the hand just slowly held the scissors back, and in the end, disappeared into the darkness.


Su Bai was a little hard to stand up, and his left arm was cut off with a large piece of meat. It was so painful, but at this time he could only hold his teeth.

Exploratoryly walked out to the door, Su Bai walked very slowly and was very cautious. When he walked through Guo Gang’s body, Su Bai also looked at the other’s body deliberately. Until now, Su Bai could not understand why the camouflage man And the men with sunglasses have deliberately deceived themselves to come down to killers. They seem to be a type of person with themselves, but they don't seem to be a type of person. The reason for the difference is that they know something that they don't know.

Finally, out of the door, the back of the whole person of Su Bai has been wet by cold sweat, which is really a line of life and death.

And, come, some are inexplicable.

Walking down the stairs, the arm was too pale due to excessive blood loss, but the face of Su Bai began to become paler, but fortunately, there was no life, it was a great fortune.

At the entrance of the unit building, standing alone, Su Bai subconsciously went to find his own dagger, but did not find it, apparently left in the room.

The man chewed the gum, one foot on the wall, and a coin in his hand arbitrarily fiddled, but what made Su Bai pay attention was still the flashing light between the man's cuffs.

That is a firefly, a group of fireflies!

Before, if not the firefly suddenly appeared, then, it should be self, not Guo Gang.

"How, when you see the savior, don't you kneel down and say thank you?" The other party was very contemptuous. Under the moonlight, his figure was very slender, and the whole person also had a bohemian temperament, hair, Still very long.

According to Su Bai's cognition, this kind of person is actually more suitable to go to the bridge and hold a broken wooden guitar to sing a song, and then put a bowl in front of him.

"Thank you."

Shantou, when it is impossible, but a thank you, but it is deserved.

The other party seemed to be just joking before, and did not take it seriously. It was just a random removal of a handkerchief from the pocket, spit the chewing gum on it, and finally looked at Su Bai:

"The two self-righteous fools want to get stuck in the time and place of the incident, relying on the most primitive rules, killing an audience to cut down the dangers and avoiding the hardships to accomplish their mission.

However, they are a bit silly, a bit naive, and don’t look at today, what the **** is it. ”

The man turned his head and turned away. When he left, he held out a hand and directed the wave:

"I don't want to save you, it's just the way they wanted to use it. If it's a last resort, I will use it."

Su Bai didn't know what the guy was talking about. He didn't know what the sunglasses man and the camouflage man were doing before. But according to his previous experience, it seems that if the audience dies, the danger that is going on will be interrupted. It should be that the glasses man and the sunglasses man swindled himself to try to kill himself.

Take off the clothes, bandaged the arm, Su Bai left the community, intends to go back to school, find some medicine in the infirmary;

When crossing the road, he just saw a familiar figure, Chen Chu!

At this time, Chen Chuzheng carried a barbecue takeaway and walked into a **** theme couple hotel opposite the school.

Su Bai suddenly understood and understood what the long-haired man said:

Tonight, Chen Chu and his girlfriend did not go back to the rental house to live, but went to the couple's hotel to live, it also means ... the time of the incident, not tonight, myself, sunglasses men and camouflage men...

All wrong!