MTL - Dressed As a Green Tea Female Supporting Role In Three Texts-Chapter 72

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Holding the hem of her skirt, Su Concubine looked around, anxiously said, "Lingling No. 8, what should I do? What should I do? I'm going to die!"

The footsteps were getting closer, so she had no choice but to hide under a table, where the light was weak, so no one would notice her.

When she only saw that adult, Su Mi couldn't help being taken aback, it turned out to be Lu Yan!

She blinked and held her breath, only to see Lu Yan stop when he walked directly opposite her.

The jailer behind him asked, "My lord, what's the matter?"

Lu Yan shook his head and said with a smile, "It's nothing, please trouble your Excellency."

The jailer waved his hand, took a few steps forward, opened Zhou Yan's cell door, and said to Lu Yan, "What did your lord say? At that time, my wife was ill, and I didn't have money to buy medicine. Thanks to your help, my lord, how can such a trivial matter be troublesome?"

As soon as the cell door was opened, the lock jingled, and the jailer asked Lu Yan to look at him.

Seeing that Zhou Yan seemed to be burnt out, he opened his eyes in a daze, but he couldn't recognize anyone. Lu Yan frowned when he saw it, and handed the jailer a piece of silver, "Please trouble me to find a doctor for the Seventh Prince."

The jailer declined, not wanting his silver, "I can't ask for the adult's money, I'll call the doctor right away."

After finishing speaking, the jailer ran out, and Lu Yan didn't have time to stop him.

As soon as the jailer left, Lu Yan turned around, looked at the dark place under the table, frowned, "Come out."

Concubine Su's heart tightened. How could she have forgotten that Lu Yan's voice was so loud, she might have known she was here long ago, but what she was worried about was, how should she explain to Lu Yan?

She heard Lu Yan sigh, and said to her again: "Are you waiting to be arrested if you don't leave now?"

Concubine Su was startled, slowly came out from under the table, blinked, and asked him, "You...don't ask me why I'm here?"

Lu Yan adjusted his sleeves slowly, but without looking at her, he just said, "If you want to talk, you will talk even if I don't ask."

Concubine Su couldn't tell how she felt right now, but she thought it wasn't bad, so she wiped her nose, thanked him softly, and walked out.

Arriving at the door of Zhou Yan's cell, he stopped, pointed to Zhou Yan inside, and asked Lu Yan softly, " he okay?"

She asked Zhou Yan not only now, but also after three days.

After hearing this, Lu Yan only glanced at her lightly, and snorted, "You're a clay bodhisattva, why don't you care about other people?"

Seeing her drooping her head, as if curling her lips, Lu Yan urged again, "Why don't you go?"

Concubine Su stepped forward and trotted outside. Seeing Lu Yan, she shook her head and sighed.

When Su Concubine got out of the prison, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but because she had no stealth skills, she was very careful walking this way.

But she didn't expect that she would meet Gong Jidao, who was still dying.

A stone flew through the air and hit Su Yu's leg with a "bang", making her gasp. She looked in the direction the stone flew from, but couldn't swear.

She ran forward quickly, only to see Gong Jidao leaning against the wall, her clothes were soaked in blood, her eyes opened a crack, her lips parted, and said hoarsely: " me."

"Why did you do this?" Concubine Su was startled, and hurriedly bent down to look at his wound first.

The wound wasn't fatal, but it was bleeding profusely, and it was only because he still had the strength to throw a stone at her.

She opened his skirt, and besides the newly added wound, there were many large and small wounds on his waist and abdomen, she couldn't bear to look at it, she tore off the cloth strip, stopped the bleeding for him, and moved cautiously .

After everything was done, she slowly helped him up, and said in a low voice, "Hold on, I'll take you away."

Gong Jidao nodded, "Thank you very much."

"Stop talking, save some energy." Su Ying said while helping him up.

The two walked through the back alley, but saw corpses all over the place, she couldn't help but her legs went limp, who did this palace offend?

The smell of blood was so strong that she almost vomited it out, so she had to walk out holding her breath, her face flushed red.

Gong Jidao's throat tightened, and he couldn't help swallowing, but he felt itchy, and suddenly coughed up, the coughed up blood sprayed on Miss Su's shoulders and face.

Concubine Su froze for a moment, felt warmth on her face and shoulders, wiped her face with her other hand, supported him even harder, and said with a trembling voice: "General, it's okay, you'll be fine Yes, it'll be fine."

She is most afraid of death, and now seeing Gongjidao's appearance, she doesn't know how long he can last, and he vomits blood even after walking, woohoo, isn't it the male lead?

How come one or two are going to die?

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host, the male protagonist of the third world has +5 favorability value, and +200 life value, host, you will be rewarded again soon, please work hard!" the system said sweetly.

Hearing what the system said, Concubine Su felt relieved. Since he still has a good impression of her, it proves that he is far away from death. Otherwise, where would he have time to think about her?

She helped Gong Jidao all the way back to Lu Yan's yard, and after a while of busy work, she finally wrapped him up well, fearing that he would get fever and lose consciousness, so she took care of him all night.

Fortunately, Gong Jidao is in good health, as expected of a great general, but in one night, she was much better than yesterday, while Su Concubine has dark circles under her eyes, which made Gong Jidao laugh at her.

Concubine Su wrinkled her nose, touched her eyes, ground her teeth and said, "Who am I doing this for?"

Gong Jidao's heart warmed up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he made a gesture to get up, which startled Concubine Su, and pushed him down, "Don't move around!"

The way she bared her teeth and claws made Gong Jidao laugh, but she really hurt his wound, so she let out a "hiss", "Be gentle..."

He said it in a suppressed manner, but Su concubine shivered for no reason. How did this man turn into a sheep bleating?

She was about to ask Gong Jidao what happened, when she heard a "bang" and the door was kicked open, Concubine Su looked back, but saw the man against the light and asked, "What are you doing lightly?"