MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 425 Dark King Hall

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in a large square. The originally peaceful space suddenly shook violently. On the way to the shock, a mirror-shattering sound spread, Zhang Ze's figure stepped out of it first, followed by Lin You and others.

With Zhang Ze's hand, everyone returned to the outside world with extremely high efficiency. The location where it appeared was the square where the medals were first collected.

The difference is that the black hole-like twisted vortex at the beginning is no longer there. Returning to this square again, everyone seemed to be in a different world.

From coming to participate in the World Duel City Competition to ending the death fight, it was actually just over a month.

But in the past month or so, everyone has experienced a lot, and after this, they have gained a lot. Especially Lin You, it is a qualitative change.

If the current Lin You were to duel with the self at that time, he would be crushed in minutes. Not to mention the changes in cards, let alone the arrival of the super source power.

Even the most basic magic powers are scary changes. When he first entered the competition, Lin You's magic power was not even 10,000 points.

But what about now? The upper limit of the glory level has been reached, and it has entered the stage of crossing the devil with the combination of the spirit and the devil. Even the achievement of crossing the devil is close to 20,000 points. With his aptitude, I am afraid that it will not be long before he can completely complete the crossing of the devil.

Such growth was unexpected for Lin You, who had just made up his mind to participate in the World Duel City Competition. After all, at the competition, his idea was very simple, he tried his best to fight to see if he could get a decent ranking, so as to get some benefits.

Never imagined that things would evolve to where they are today. And soon, the association will also give them a reward for winning the death battle. This reward, just thinking about it, is exciting.

Even if I don't know what it is for the time being, but this achievement is placed here, and the reward is the behemoth of the Duelist Association Headquarters. Thinking about it with your toes, you know how amazing it is.

However, Lin You now, aside from excitement, has a little more sense of equanimity. Because he knows that there are still many strong people in this world, and there is still a long way to go.

At this moment, Zhang Ze glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, before you decided to participate in the deathmatch, each of you received a corresponding merit and the authority to duel cards, right?" I heard Zhang Ze mention that. Merit, everyone's heart moved and nodded quickly.

It is not difficult to guess that the association is going to give them merits again. And this time, after the war! Still a big win!

Everyone's breathing could not help but fluctuate slightly. It's not that they are not stable enough, but that the rewards of such meritorious deeds are really tempting!

Zhang Ze didn't delay, and quickly said: "According to reason, if you win the death battle, the association should hold a grand celebration banquet for you, and tell the association of your achievements, but I am a person. I don’t really like these red tapes, I prefer to be more honest, and reward them according to your merits, you have won the death battle for the Human World, and you have made great contributions, so you should give them a heavy reward.” As soon as these words came out, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

But there is a personal exception...Li Zihan! do not! I still value those 'red tape'!

Such a great achievement should be well publicized! Due to the special circumstances, it is inconvenient to publicize it to the general public at this stage. On the side of the Duelists Association, don't they say more?

We are role models! If it were the past, Li Zihan would definitely quit. But now, the person who said this is Zhang Ze!

It is not a wise move to refute Zhang Ze's proposal. But this is not the key, the most important thing is... This time, in terms of merit, Li Zihan thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

It's better than others, at least he did some finishing work and killed individual sub-source duelists.

But when they were killed, the opponent was already at the end of the shot, and it was nothing. Facing the greatest threat of this death battle, Li Zihan felt powerless when the crime was true.

If Lin You hadn't provoked the lead, everyone would have died! When it comes to auxiliary warfare, Ye Qingyi is the only one who truly deserves this title.

Although in terms of performance, Li Zihan is already above several others, but that is nothing more than the so-called set off by his peers.

Recalling these, Li Zihan, who was hesitant to speak, completely shut up.

"Now take out your dueling cards." Zhang Ze had already taken out a card before he spoke. The crowd suddenly looked strange.

That card is still a black card, but the difference is that there are some golden particles attached to it.

After the death battle, everyone who has experienced a huge increase in knowledge also recognized that it was the power of the super source! As expected of the chief swordsman of China, the dueling cards in hand are so different.

Maybe this is the real powerhouse, the super source power in the body is almost inexhaustible. With emotion in their hearts, Lin You and the others also took out their duel cards.

When they took out the duel card, Zhang Ze's duel card flickered and quickly passed over everyone's cards. While the light continued to flicker, Zhang Ze said, "I will help you to upgrade the authority level of the current dueling card. After the upgrade, everyone will first get 3,000 dueling merit points. This is the fixed part, and there are additional parts. , when I go back and analyze the entire deathmatch process, and then according to your respective performance, give additional rewards, no need to wait too long, no accident, within three days, you can be arranged in place." 3000 duel merit points !

As soon as this astonishing value came out, Yue Yongming and the others were shocked, and they turned into a burst of ecstasy. They thought that the reward would be very rich, but they didn't expect that it was just a basic reward, and they got a full 3,000 dueling merit points, and even with an increase in authority level!

The permission level of b- is not low, and if it goes up, it will reach level b! And when their authority level is raised, they should be surprised to find out that Lin You's authority level has reached B-level before the death battle begins.

This time the level has risen, and it has reached the A-level in one fell swoop! This kind of authority, for a young man who is less than twenty years old, is a bit surprising.

"That's it." The light on the duel card stopped, Zhang Ze took it back, and turned to smile: "Since the meritorious service has been issued, I will not say more, you have just fought a battle, and the next time will be Let's all go back and have a good rest, seeing the outstanding new-generation duelists like you, the future of the Human World, I firmly believe that it will not be gloomy."

"Thank you, senior." Everyone's heart swayed slightly, and they thanked them in unison.

"Then I'll send you out now." After Zhang Ze finished speaking, seeing that everyone had nothing to say, he quickly shot.

The power of the golden super source at hand emerged, quickly wrapping everyone in. I have to say that Zhang Ze's use of super source power really feels like a waste!

And the people wrapped by the super source power quickly turned into golden light and dissipated in place.

"Senior, is this?" Lin You looked at Zhang Ze in surprise. He was the only one who was sent away.

Zhang Ze would leave him alone, obviously for a reason.

"Someone said that he is very interested in you and wants to meet you." Zhang Ze chuckled lightly, but also straight to the point.

"Could it be which senior?" Lin You was a little surprised, but thinking about it carefully, it might have something to do with the existence of the little guy.

Chen Fei'ang had told him before that the innate elves were much rarer than the acquired elves.

This kind of existence, even if you look at the entire Duelist Association, may be extremely rare. Zhang Ze nodded slightly and smiled: "It is indeed a senior, called Jiang Yuan."

"Senior Jiang?" Lin You's eyes widened, surprised. This time, it was Zhang Ze's turn to be slightly surprised.

"you recognize?"

"When I followed the teacher to practice the way of psychics, I heard the teacher mention it." Lin You's face was full of surprise, and he explained: "It is said that Senior Jiang is the psychic in the eyes of the psychic, a well-deserved ceiling, like a psychic king. Existence." Such a god-level figure, but he has already paid attention to himself, and even has the idea of ​​meeting him?

How to make Lin You not surprised!

"Is Xiao Jiang's reputation so loud now?" Zhang Ze pretended to be jealous: "It seems that I'm about to become an old antique left behind by him. Time is not forgiving!"

"Senior, what are you talking about?" Lin You quickly said: "Senior is so energetic and independent in the world, how can you be constrained by this age?" Zhang Ze couldn't help laughing: "You are a young man, but you can talk very well. ." Complimented, and quickly added: "But I like it."

"Thank you for your love, senior." Lin You cupped his hands and turned to ask, "I don't know what senior said, why did senior Jiang want to see me?" Zhang Ze smiled lightly: "You are also a psychic, I I think you should understand what the existence of the congenital elves means to the psychic, and the root of your talent here can be said to lie in this." Hearing these words, Lin You immediately understood.

Sure enough, as expected, the reason why Senior Jiang wanted to see him was precisely because of the existence of the little guy.

If the big man waiting at the apex of the psychic path meets him, he will probably be able to find out something from the little guy.

In fact, even Lin You himself had doubts about the existence of the little guy. In terms of definition, the little guy does fit the so-called origin monsters and dueling monsters in this world.

But is the little guy really what he had in the first place? At least when he woke up in this card world, Lin You didn't notice it.

From Jiang Yuan, you may be able to get some answers. Of course, this is not the point. The point is... If it is such a big man, he should be able to give him many opinions, which will help his cultivation and growth.

Therefore, Lin You quickly said: "I see, senior, senior Jiang offered to see Lin You, and Lin You was flattered. When senior Jiang is willing to see me, Lin You will come as soon as possible."

"You're welcome, Xiao Jiang will be happy when he finds out." Zhang Ze smiled, and then said, "I will inform you of the duel number when the time comes. As for now... take a good rest and digest the gains. , I know that you young people have unlimited passion, but you must also combine work and rest properly." As he spoke, he patted Lin You on the shoulder,

"Come on, let's exchange a duel number first." Lin Youdun felt honored that such a big man really offered to exchange a duel number with himself.

At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, and quickly completed the number exchange.

"Then there will be a period later." Zhang Ze smiled while inspiring the power of Chaoyuan, flocking to Lin You,

"I have great expectations for you. I believe that it will not be long before you can become a powerful blade in the human world. Those guys in the chaos realm will have a headache."

"I will live up to the expectations of my predecessors." At this moment, Lin You was also full of confidence. He is ready to ascend to the throne of the real powerhouse.

The power of Chaoyuan covered it, and soon, under Zhang Ze's admiring gaze, he disappeared in place. …Dark Origin Realm.

This is a world with pitch black as its keynote, and you can't see any plants, animals, or buildings when you look around.

Some are just a large number of scattered pitch-black spheres, like pitch-black stars, scattered slowly and disorderly.

Occasionally on the way of drifting, a collision will be formed, resulting in a violent explosion, but it will disappear silently.

The seemingly violent explosion was placed in the whole world, but it was just as inconspicuous as a small wave of waves swaying on the boundless sea.

At this moment, in this dark world, a figure is silently rising. The speed of his rise is clearly extremely fast, but visually, it is impossible to feel it, as if he is only rising slowly.

And if that figure was seen by Lin You and the others who had just finished the death fight, they would be able to recognize it at a glance, it was Nikolofia!

At this moment, Nikolofia's face was gloomy, which made the already cold and scary baby face even more creepy.

In the process of continuous ascent, the strange laughter of 'hee hee' came from time to time, those with some ethereal and ethereal sharp voices, like the call of the resentful spirit.

Along with the sound, there will also be some illusory white shadows. But just as these white shadows approached Nikolofia, they were immediately swallowed up by the dark smoke emanating from him.

But those white shadows, UU Reading are not afraid, constantly showing. This made Nikolofia's eyes even colder, he knew who was doing the trick.

If it was in the past, he would definitely have to fight him, but today is different from the past, he who led the team to fight to the death with the human world, but returned with a painful defeat!

What a shame! What a shame! Nicolofia knew what kind of consequences and punishments such a terrible ending would lead to.

Therefore, in the face of the provocations of those white shadows, he just kept silent and continued to rise. I don't know how long ago, how many lonely and cold dark stars passed by.

Finally, above Nikolofia's head, the outline of a huge building appeared. It was a pitch-black palace, and on the palace, there was an incomparably huge power of the dark source.

Under the package of those dark sources, ordinary people, let alone stepping into it, even if they are within 10,000 meters, will immediately turn into powder.

And here is the Palace of the Dark King. Seeing that he was approaching, Nikolofia's mood also became heavier.