MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 445 Forbidden place, target!

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Global Cards: Dueling Monsters Chapter 445 Forbidden Lands, Targets!

Barbaros' aura suddenly emerged, but Kabarun and Dapeng were not surprised at all. They seemed to know that Barbaros was coming.

"Damn, you..."

Anxiety appeared in the giant beast's heart. He thought Kabarun's words were bluffing people, but he never thought that it really came true!

If there are only Dapeng and Kabarun in their territory, and they have territories to assist in the battle, not to mention defeating the two beasts, at least their own safety will not be threatened.

Unless the two beasts are desperate for their lives, but if they really want to, even if they kill it, the two will not be able to think about it.

If that's the case, then no one can get involved in the hidden treasure of the beast this time. In the end, it will only make Barbaros cheaper.

The giant **** beast was sure that the two beasts would not dare to do that, so even when they saw Dapeng coming, they still spoke forcefully.

But now the situation has changed again. If even Barbaros is on the same front with them, even if he is in the territory, once a fierce battle occurs, he will die!

In terms of individual combat power, Barbaros is the most powerful of the four master beasts, excluding the territory bonus.

So irritable as a giant beast, deep down in his heart, he was also a little apprehensive towards Barbaros.

Just when the giant beast was uneasy, the aura was getting closer. Under the pressure of this aura, some super black star dinosaur monsters burst without any warning.

Totally unbearable!

Even the red star monsters are all trembling, with a feeling of imminent death.

"Go away!"

The gigantic beast suddenly roared violently, raised its claws, the surrounding air fluctuated, and some kind of restriction seemed to disappear.

Those dinosaur monsters were stunned for a moment, but soon a smart guy reacted and fled away as if flying.

Seeing this, the rest of the dinosaurs were ecstatic and started to run away as if they were granted amnesty.

No matter how much you despise these rations, the giant monsters will not just watch them being killed by others. Those guys are all their own!

Therefore, the behavior of Kabarun before will arouse the great anger of the giant beast.

Soon, all the dinosaurs scattered like birds and beasts, and when the scene was cleared, the owner of that breath appeared right after.

It was a figure with a naked and strong physique, with long golden hair that reached to the waist, and in the pale golden eyes, there was a sharp and stable golden glow from time to time.

This figure is not tall, probably only the average level of a normal human being, but his whole body exudes an extremely powerful aura, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

Barbaros walked over slowly, his eyes flashed over Kabalun, and then he said in a heavy voice, "When will Lady Mary arrive?"

"I don't know, just follow the instructions and wait here."

Kabalun made a faint sound, but Barbaros didn't speak again, but closed his eyes tightly, clenched his fists tightly, and the breath on his body began to circulate at an extremely balanced speed.

This seems to be a special way of meditation. During this waiting period, Barbaros is not willing to waste it, and the key is to seize it and use it to strengthen himself.

"Miss Mary—!"

Hearing this key word, the gigantic beast suddenly yelled out.

The giant beast has already awakened the consciousness of the dark source, and this name should be like a thunderbolt to it.

That is the Dark King Envoy of the Dark Source King Domain!

In the entire dark source realm, it can be called the king of the Big Dipper!

And Divine Beast Island is just a third-level realm, even if it is now promoted to a second-level realm, those big figures are still out of reach for them.

But now, Barbaros has mentioned the name of that lord, and according to him, is that lord planning to visit Divine Beast Island in person?

For a moment, the giant beast's heart trembled wildly, it was unbelievable!

After being dazed for a long time, the giant mythical beast hurriedly looked at Dapeng, and quickly said, "Dateng, what's going on? Why did Lady Mary come to the Divine Beast Island today?"

It didn't link this matter with the secret treasure of the divine beast. The secret treasure of the divine beast is indeed extremely valuable, but it also depends on who it is.

In the eyes of that kind of big shot, the so-called secret treasure is nothing more than a small sesame seed.

When I asked Dapeng at this moment, I didn't think she knew the most, but simply thought that the other two were not suitable for communication.

Dapeng glanced at the Giant God Beast, and said casually: "Naturally, I have something important to do. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see Lady Mary's demeanor this time. There is nothing more gratifying than this."

As he spoke, longing flashed in Dapeng's eyes, and he was very much looking forward to the moment when he saw the Dream Demon Mary.

Unable to get the answer he wanted, the giant monster could only suppress the confusion in his heart.

If this matter is true, its current crisis can be resolved, and it doesn't need to spend any more thought on how to risk its life.

The four master beasts began to wait patiently.

At the same time, the new city association belongs to the eye of the world.

Through the teleportation circle, Lin You and others arrived here.

Seeing them, the new town guard who had been notified earlier immediately greeted them warmly: "You are all duelists from the Jiangcheng Association, right? I am the guard of the Realm Eye here, Weicheng. It is an honor to meet you."

"Wei Zhenshou is polite."

Everyone returned their salutes one after another, and then among the few people, the older one said: "Guardian Wei, we are newcomers, and we have limited knowledge of the Divine Beast Island, so I have to trouble you to take care of it."

"this is necessary."

Acropolis smiled, and then the magic power was activated, and the duel disk shone brightly.

After a while, he had a few more maps in his hand, and he distributed them to Lin You and the others, and then said: "Regarding the basic situation of the Divine Beast Island, and even the more complicated situation, you must have known something before coming here, Wei These maps may be the only ones that are useful at hand."

As he spoke, he specially explained: "This is a specially drawn map that marks almost all the important areas in the island. As long as you get close to a certain amount, the marked points will shine and guide you to a certain extent. With this A map, I think it will be helpful to some extent for the affairs of the island."

"This is a very precious map."

The older duelist smiled and said, "Thank you Wei for guarding."

Regarding this map, several people are not surprised. Before coming, they knew that they could get this item.

But getting it in hand will really help the next action, so several people are in a good mood.

Jiang Lantian didn't go to court, and was the first to open the map, followed by Lin You.

The map does not show the whole picture of Divine Beast Island, but marks dozens of areas in three colors.

The most common one is gray, but even gray represents the area here, which has a certain meaning in the island of beasts, and it is almost indistinguishable from the unmarked area.

This is followed by red, eleven in total, highlighting the dangers of these areas.

But the most eye-catching ones belong to the three areas marked with gold.

And these three areas, as early as before entering the country, several people knew about them.

It is also the territory where three of the four famous master beasts belong to in the island of beasts.

No, it would be more appropriate to say the forbidden area!

Few people dare to go deep into these forbidden areas, after all, no one wants to easily deal with those dominant beasts.

The encounters outside the forbidden area are okay. In their respective forbidden areas, the master beast is said to have a huge bonus in combat power.

This kind of bonus is like the Amazons who benefit from the hometown of Amazon.

It's just that it is more obvious in the body of the dominating beast.

Looking at the three forbidden areas on the map, Lin You couldn't help but wondered: "Speaking of which, it is clear that one of the four ruler beasts has no forbidden area of ​​its own. It is inferior, because its ability is not enough to open up the forbidden area?"

"No, quite the opposite."

Acropolis immediately explained: "The dominant beast is named Barbaros. In terms of combat power, it is actually the most powerful one. Even if it does not rely on the forbidden area, it is enough to compete with any of the remaining three. The battle is indistinguishable! And those three, once they leave the forbidden area and encounter this one, they will definitely lose!"

"So strong?"

Lin You was surprised, but even more puzzled, "But logically, since he is already so powerful, why doesn't he open up the forbidden area and go up a few floors, and think that he is too strong?"

"This Wei doesn't know either."

Acropolis shook his head slightly, but added: "But as far as I know, Barbaros always likes to be alone, and constantly improves his own strength through various experiences. For him, UU Reading To some extent, Divine Beast Island is a kind of restriction instead, the limited platform prevents him from further training."

"Is that so..."

Lin You thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Maybe this guy doesn't think that being limited by the increase in a certain place is the real increase in combat power, what he pursues is still his own improvement, and that is the combat power that can explode anytime and anywhere. "

"Makes sense."

Wei Cheng nodded slightly, then smiled and said: "I see that you are so young, but you have good insight, it's really rare."

Lin You smiled, and suddenly looked up to the sky.

The little guy also flew out and stared at it. In the air, there was something faintly circulating.


After observing for a while, the little guy made a judgment.

Those are likely to be the secret treasures that are constantly being bred in the island of beasts, and the precious energy exuded!

This conclusion also surprised Lin You.

Logically speaking, the secret treasure of the divine beast should be extremely far away from here, but its precious energy can directly affect this place.

Once the treasure is conceived, what kind of treasure should it be?

Thinking of this, Lin You felt waves in his heart.

Among other things, Lin You was very interested in the evolutionary white stone mentioned in Yi Wenye's message.

This thing, after being absorbed by the monsters under Venus, is said to be able to directly form a qualitative change in levels!

And his current trump card, the super magic dragon knight, no matter how abnormal his performance is, in terms of level, he is still a dark red star!

This also means that the evolution of Baishi can work on him!

Of course, relying on an evolutionary white stone to help the super magic dragon knight complete a qualitative change, the probability is not high.

But what if it's two or more?

In short, the evolution of Baishi is Lin You's clearest goal at present.

As for the other treasures, naturally they come in whatever way they are fragrant, the more the better.