MTL - Dwarf In The Future-Chapter 28 Golden House Hidden Treasure (1)

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Self-help hair-cutting robots require guests to manually set the desired hairstyle. There are not too many types to choose from, and complex ones cannot be cut, but for boys But it's enough. Chu Rong stood in front of the setting panel, after the instrument scanned Georgia's head shape and existing hair style, clicked here, dialed there, and finally selected a neat short hair style, and clicked OK.

After receiving the order, the robot extended a shelf to fix Georgia's head, preventing him from disturbing, and lowering the scissors accurately.

Ka Ka Ka Ka's voice was ringing densely at the top of his head, with broken hair falling constantly. Georgia was sitting and unable to move. He was afraid that his ears would move because he was too nervous. He turned his eyes to look around and diverted his attention.

Chu Rong found that he was looking around, thinking about it, came to him, took out a free candy from the hospitality jar of the self-service barber shop, fed it to his mouth, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Candy is the kind of fruit hard candy, which looks good in color and smells sweet. Georgia was stunned by his natural sugar-feeding action. He glanced at him, opened his mouth to eat candy, and turned his tongue around the mouth while holding the candy. When he wanted to shake his head, he couldn't move. what."

"Monday's report Tan Shengwei will take you there." Chu Rong did not continue to ask about this question, and turned to the topic directly. He leaned side by side, with a somewhat casual attitude, and appeared gentle with his casual daily wear. Many things, "I have asked Xiangnan to say hello to the school in advance. You are in a special situation. There may be many unsuitable places in the school, but since you have chosen a bad road, you must stick to it. "You have to be upset, don't waste this opportunity."

His eyes looked calm and encouraging, like the soft spring breeze blowing on his face, which was completely different from the usual indifference and deepness. Georgia looked at him, and after a brief loss, a gentle emotion suddenly spread in his heart. "I won't let you shame."

Chu Rong heard a smile, but sneered, mildly as if it were all an illusion. In the blink of an eye, he changed back to his usual style of poor patience and grumpy, and said, "It doesn't matter if you leave the person for the time being, don't just throw it all the way. Face depends on If you have the strength, you wo n’t lose anything like face when you have strength. ”

The words were rough, and Georgia felt that he understood what he meant, and he laughed, but a kind smile, saying, "So you are not afraid of those wearing white uniforms, nor are they afraid of those wearing green uniforms. Because you have a lot of face. "

The army of the Xiang family wears white uniforms, and the army of the Wei family wears green uniforms. This is to say that they are brazen in disguise.

The corner of Chu Rong's mouth ticked slightly, revealing a real smile that was so shallow that he could barely see it. The instrument helped him cut his hair, and he came forward and touched his shortened hair, and said, "My mouth is so sweet. ... Yes, I have a lot of face, so you can make small mistakes within a reasonable range, and I can cover you. "

"Thank you." Georgia tilted his head and rubbed his palms, and smiled at him again, promising: "I will work harder, and then find a way to cover you." The defender is the most tired, The white hairy monster is hard everywhere, and I ca n’t wait to stab the whole world. It will be because the protector is too tired. He doesn't want the white hairy monster to be more tired.

Such a good person should be protected.

Chu Rong rubbed his hair with his hands, and looked down at him, squeezing his ears, and smirking: "After eating sugar, my mouth has become sweeter, and it's time to buy stationery."

Georgia moved his ears, stood up obediently, waved goodbye to the hair-cutting robot, and followed Chu Rong's footsteps.

On the fourth floor of the mall, a fat boy poked at the tall boy around him, and said strangely, "Chu Yan, I seem to see your brother, and it's really strange to have someone close to us. "

The tall boy was drooling while holding the auction poster. He didn't even lift his head when he heard the words and said, "You must be wrong. My elder brother may only be with my sister-in-law when he comes to the mall. The one who is with him is definitely not We are such a big child, but my big sister-in-law. "

"It's not your elder brother, it's your second elder brother. I still can't recognize that white hair. You should recognize it, if it's so." The fat boy saw him ignore him, was angry, and simply snatched his hand. Poster.

"Well, you are such a person." The tall boy couldn't stop it, but he insisted, he reluctantly looked in the direction he was pointing at, but he didn't even see a white hair, he couldn't help turning it over. After the fat boy turned his eyes and grabbed the poster, he said, "Yuan Xiu, did you stay up late last night? The young eyes are so poor. How can you go to the military academy in the future and be careful that your dad draws you. My second brother is shopping? With that said, 80% of people in the Federation will not believe it. "

The fat boy, namely Yuan Xiu, was still unwilling to take another look at the place where the figure was no longer visible, and scratched his hair: "But I really looked like it, and I slept early last night ..."

"There are many people with white hair following the wind, especially those with a high level of mech warriors, like a lot of them." Chu Yan answered indifferently, carefully looked at the bold remarks on the poster, and took pictures. On his shoulder, he said excitedly, "Mysterious weapons are rampant. We are right here. It is definitely a good thing to make famous products sell like this. Let's go. Let's go to Fan Qi's main points to solve the problem."

This time Yuan Xiu rolled his eyes, he frowned and said, "Don't always go to trouble Fan Qi, we are not with him for another term. He is now a military academy and is a reserve soldier. Busy, you can stop."

"It is even more important that he is enrolled in the military academy, otherwise you think my elder brother gave his family a lot of mutant red tin mines to make famous products gimmicky. Fan Qi is a personal talent. , Fan ’s big piece of meat, when Fan Qi entered the military academy, do you think that the other ones will stop? ”Chu Yan, wearing an unreliable face with a baby fat, said the old plan, and bluffed Yuan Xiu Stunned

"You are really ..." Yuan Xiu suddenly felt that he no longer knew his friend.

"Learn it, a simple boy." Chu Yandang Erlang patted his shoulders locally, and the old man calculated that he broke power in an instant, raised the poster and continued to drool, green eyes: "I let the second brother bring mech model He must have forgotten to buy it. I have to restock here and look at the latest limited-edition model on the shelf. It is so handsome! I have to order it from Fan Qi privately! Fortunately, I am smart and took Fan Qi secretly. Look, we do n’t have to worry about our future models, thank you guys! "

Yuan Xiu: "..." This is really the friend he is familiar with.

After buying the school supplies at the fastest speed, Chu Rong took Georgia into the very deserted floor of the mall and took two strange machines from a custom shop.

"This is a mental force simulator." Chu Rong fiddled with the two stud-style things, took out one of them and pinned it to his ear, pressed the gem button on the top, and touched it again.

A slightly sharper spirit flickered in my ears, the place where the simulator was worn was hot, and then a strange feeling came over, and Georgia couldn't help raising his hand and touching the earrings, looking up Chu Rong didn't know why it looked so bad.

"In your case, you should have gone to a special college, but since you want to learn mecha manufacturing, then it is not appropriate to go to a special college, so I let Xiangnan set you a general junior college." Chu Rong Pulling his short hair, he slightly covered the earrings studded with light green gemstones, explaining in detail: "Ordinary colleges often use mental energy in their daily learning. If you do n’t have it, it will be inconvenient, so I People made this. This gem-like thing is actually a reminder light. The gem will turn red when the stored mental power is exhausted. You will feel your ears warm. When you do, remember to remove the earrings and wear this spare. , And then take this exhausted back and let me recharge you. "

Only then did Georgia understand what Chu Rong said before that he would encounter a lot of unsuitable places in school-it turned out that his "third level disability" was so troublesome to go to an ordinary college. No less worried about this. He took another spare stud and nodded obediently

Chu Rong looked at him obediently, his brows frowned even more, but his tone was lowered, and he took a touch of comfort, saying, "You wear this, other students may look at you with strange eyes after seeing it, You don't need to worry. If someone laughs at you for this and just go back, they must be less powerful than you. "

Georgia, who had a clear idea of ​​his character, faintly guessed the reason for his unhappiness, warmed his heart, smiled up at him, and replied, "I won't let people bully me, don't worry."

This time, Chu Rong did not deny his words, acknowledged his concerns, and dialed a number of short hair that appeared to be more energetic after his short cut, training: "Don't always be so stupid."

Georgia continued to laugh, and gave his hand a kiss.

After lunch, I found a restaurant with better privacy. After dinner, Chu Rong took Georgia to go to the floor where the mech model was sold, and bought a model for him. He was going to take him to the ancient martial arts training hall. See, I saw him standing under the billboard on the floor, staring at a poster.

He looked down, glanced at the words on the poster, and got a little interest: "Auction of famous mech models and accessories?"

Georgia returned to his life, and walked to him, saying, "Sorry, you accidentally lost your mind. Where did you just go? Let's go." I never imagined that the auction where the giant sword participated was actually here. It was held in a shopping mall, blame him, because he didn't know the surrounding environment, so he didn't pay attention to the location of the auction. He did not expect such a coincidence. The shopping mall that Chu Rong brought him happened to be the shopping mall held by the auction.

This time, Chu Rong couldn't leave. He stared at the words of the mysterious weapon on the poster. He remembered the brother who had been looking for a model when he met last time. Look."

"Ah?" Georgia froze.

"You need to buy something." Chu Rong replied, walking towards the floor where the auction was held.

Georgia is stupid, look at the poster, and look at Chu Rong, who walks fast. He moved a bit stiffly, followed in a panic, his thoughts were instantly confused-should, should not be found. He participated in the auction anonymously. A1 also said that as long as it is anonymous, others will not know the true identity of the auctioneer, confidentiality can be guaranteed, and the machine will not lie.

But, what if it was discovered? In case he was found out, with a white furry temper ... He jumped fiercely, he tightened his fingers, only to feel more confused. Originally, it was decided to sell the Great Sword in order to gather money for pharmaceutical tools as soon as possible, but now it seems that this decision has been made too hastily.

If found ... that, that ...

frank? But if you want to confess ... the magic storage ring, mutant red tin ore, magic power, magic formation, secondary mutant red tin ore, weapon forging that can't be scanned by mental power ... he counts in his heart what he conceals, and the heart is even more He bounced quickly, his ears moving uneasily.

Before he knew it, he had concealed so many things from the white hair monster. At first, Mingming just wanted to conceal the origin of the black hole and the specificity of the magic ... I do n’t mention the origin of the black hole, only the magic, this is really true. Can you confess?

He walked slowly, glanced at Chu Rong walking forward, his expression tightened slowly, his lips tightened, hesitated, and accelerated his pace to follow.

It is completely different from the magic of this world power system. His final hole card, this kind of thing that will surely be questioned once it is revealed, can it really be said? After speaking, what would the white fur monster do to him? Will it be associated with something else? And the military forces behind the white hair monster ...

He looked sideways at Chu Rong, raised his hand and touched the simulator on the earlobe. He felt the sharp spirit contained in it, and his heart sank slowly.

All the way to the floor where the auction was located, Chu Rongchao staff showed the status of a senior member, purchased the admission letter temporarily with member privileges, and took Georgia into the VIP box of the auction from the VIP channel.

Sitting in the box, Chu Rong pushed the product catalogue of this auction to Georgia, and said, "Allow you to buy three things, pick one, it's a gift for school."

Georgia took the album, and calculated in his heart the money spent by Chu Rong today, and decided silently to buy nothing for a while, and he was not in the mood to buy anything now.

They decided to come to the auction on an ad hoc basis, so they arrived a little late, at which time the auction had been going on for a while.

Chu Rong probably flipped through the product atlas. Seeing that there was nothing particularly unusual on it, he put the atlas aside, turned on the light brain, flipped through the documents to be processed next week, and waited for the final mysterious gift.

According to the convention, the mysterious gifts marked by famous products are generally rare good things, and it is worth waiting for.

The ring screen inside the box clearly showed the scene of the outside auction hall. Georgia looked at the meeting and saw that the auction process was similar to those he found on the Internet. Then he looked away with no interest and took a peek at the light. Chu Rong had something on his head, lowered his head to open the album, and turned to the final mysterious gift. In the morning, the famous customer service told him that the weapons he made were assigned to the final auction after appraising the level, but he I did not expect that the other party actually made the giant sword into a mysterious gift, and made such a big gimmick.

Slightly sweaty palms, he was slightly annoyed by the things that he had communicated with the famous products before. He only wanted to be anonymous to conceal his identity from the outside. There should be no big people to notice such things as model toys, but he ignored the possibility of this thing being recognized by acquaintances, although he has few acquaintances here. Pathetic ...

The outside auction was in full swing, but the box was extraordinarily quiet. The exquisite and interesting model accessories were photographed in the same way, and the album left only the last page. Chu Rong finally noticed the unusual quietness of the people around him, and looked away from the light brain, and asked, "Did you want to buy?"

"No, no." Georgia shook his head, concealing his disorientation with the movement of turning the album. His thoughts were chaotic. Yu Guang glanced at him and saw that he seemed to be in a good mood. He hesitated: "Chu Rong, if , I mean if, if I make a mistake— "

"200,000! Chu Yan, you're endless! You're addicted, right? You took a set of phantom swords at the last auction. This time you shot them. Why, you need to take them back for washing!"

A rude voice of a teenager who was in the sound-changing period suddenly came out of the loudspeaker. On the screen, at the window of a box on the second floor of the hall, a handsome boy slammed open the cover glass toward the diagonally opposite one. The box was angry and scolded.

Georgia's question was stunned, Chu Rong was distracted after hearing a name, and looked darkly at the box the teenager was looking at.

"Twenty-five thousand." Another lazy teenager sounded, and the blocking glass on the window of the box opposite the room was pushed away. A handsome teenager leaned out his head and said furiously: "Yeah, Change the wash, this set of swords was photographed, and I am going to dye it and put it on 'Pink Princess'. "

Pink Princess, a set of mech models that are sold as girls by the crowd, is not very aggressive, it is a beautiful expensive toy, and even powerful weapons are just a waste.

The auctioneer on the stage paused, and the guests in the hall were all settled. He turned his head and looked at the two teenagers who had talked in the air, and suddenly a burst of coquettish burst out.

"Xiang Shao and Chu San confronted each other again, and there was a lively look!"

"I knew they had to come. If they didn't take photos, they wouldn't take photos anymore. We definitely couldn't take pictures of what they wanted. It would be nice to watch it lively."

"Tens of thousands of things have been increased to more than 200,000. It's good to have money. It is indeed a well-known name among the four."

"People are better than you. Proper military academy preparation. Talents are there. We can't compare."

"It's really rare to see four generations of people who are so grounded, pat, pat! Photo! Don't ask for money!"

The Qingxiu boy was almost annoyed by Chu Yan ’s "Pink Princess", and he patted the armrest that was exposed after the box glass was pushed open. He said angrily, "300,000! I want to see how much is left in your hand. Money! Your second brother is back, I don't believe he will make you spend so much! "

"Four hundred thousand, it ’s as if your brother did n’t come back, oh yes, your brother came back because he was ill and said he was going to help my second brother share the task of inspection, and he got sick as soon as he went. This delicate look, my family went to the battlefield. The second brother is not comparable. "Chu Yan refused to let it go, his tone was deliberately careless, and his anger was doubled.

"You!" The Qing Xiu youth listened to the whispers of everyone in the lobby, his face flushed, knowing that continuing the argument would only make his older brother more ugly, gritted his teeth and glared at the auctioneer, shouting: "500,000!" Look overwhelming in price.

"Six hundred thousand." Chu Yan continued to increase the price, calmly furious.

From the beginning of this tyrannical confrontation farce, Chu Rong's breath began to go wrong. Georgia watched him put on the table and slowly tap the light brain's hand, and looked at Jun Xiu juvenile and Chu Rong on the screen. A seven-point-like face raised a guess in his heart and asked, "That boy, do you know?"

"It's more than just knowing." Chu Rong replied with a sneer, opened the communicator, turned out a certain number and dialed in, and said coldly: "Room 233, roll over for me."

Seeing that the handsome boy on the screen suddenly paused, then leaned down and pressed something towards the inside of the box, then his body was visually stiff, and without any warning, he dropped the roaring 700,000 handsome boy and lowered the cover glass. , Disappeared.

Georgia looked at Chu Rong's cold face, and honestly silenced the existence—this manifestation was really more than just a look.

The opponent ran straight, and Qingxiu shuddered, then smashed the armrest even more angrily, and shouted, "Chu Yan, you **** pit me again! You wait for me! You must strangle me next time!"

The box diagonally opposite did not move, the Qingxiu boy could not sing alone, and he felt sorry for the hundreds of thousands of white flowers he went out, turned and closed the cover glass vigorously!

After the excitement, the customers in the lobby kept looking back and talked about the grudges of the Chu family and the Xiang family for a while. After satisfying the gossip desire, they turned their attention back to the next auction.

In less than a minute, the door of Box 233 was carefully opened, and a handsome young man with his hair shaved round and barely concealed came in. His eyes moved around the room and he stunned when he saw Georgia. Alas, then quickly skipped him, looked at Chu Rong with a poor expression, and smiled dryly, "Second brother, how are you here? I just played with Xiang Kun just now, really Yes, you see I didn't spend any money. "

Chu Rong sneered, knocking on the table: "You have less messy flowers? Come in, what does the door look like!"

Chu Yan tightened his scalp, opened the door with persuasion, but didn't come in, but turned back and shrank Yuan Xiu at the back, but was met with fierce resistance from the other party.

"What are you afraid of, my brother doesn't eat people!" Chu Yan was unwilling to give up.

Yuan Xiu froze desperately, dare not look at Chu Rong's cold face, and lowered his voice and said, "I don't want to go back to be stabbed by my dad, do you still have friends who have the morale, let go!"

"Now it's not me who doesn't talk about righteousness, you are not allowed to run!"

"If you die, I don't just accompany you!"

The two dragged at the door, but didn't come in. Chu Rong ran out of patience, sneered directly, and yelled, "Chu Yan."

Chu Yanhu's body shook, and Yuan Xiu took the opportunity to break his hand, leaving him a look of hope for blessing and turning away.

No sense of anger!

He condemned a friend in his heart, Chu Yan adjusted his expression, lowered his head and entered the door. After closing the door, he walked to the table and pulled a stiff and bright smile toward Chu Rong. "Second brother, long time no see, I miss you very much."

"I went home ten times and you were ten times absent. The school disappeared as soon as the school was closed. I called you eight times in the newsletter and could n’t connect. I asked you to come and follow me to train and never came. This is what you said. Miss me so much? "Chu Rong ruthlessly tore apart the" false "brotherhood between the two, leaving no face at all.

"Uh ..." Chu Yan was speechless, turning his gaze, seeing Georgia looking curiously next to him, his eyes brightened, and the subject shifted bluntly, saying, "Who is he, brother your new subordinate?" Does it look like he is not too old? "

"Don't change the subject." Chu Rong frowned.

"Why is this changing the subject? This is obviously basic politeness." Chu Yan quibbled and looked at Georgia enthusiastically. "Hello, my name is Chu Yan and he is his brother."

Sure enough, he was a brother. Georgia sat upright, smiled, and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Georgia."

Chu Rong was so brightly smiled by him that he immediately set aside his second brother and responded more enthusiastically: "Hello, hello, you look really young, it is hard to follow my brother, your ears are pretty, Wherever I bought it, I also want to buy one, and the masquerade just after school starts.

Chu Rong's face turned black.

"It's not very hard." Georgia glanced at Chu Rong and touched his ears, explaining: "This is not an earmuff, it's true."

Chu Rong was surprised, his gaze was fixed on his ear, curiosity burst into the air: "Really? Actually? Really? In this appearance, are you an evader? Or is it an indigenous person from a marginal planet?"

Georgia stunned, the escapee? what is that?

In fact, he always felt a little strange. People here were not surprised and disgusted with the shape of his pointed ears, as if he had figured out the origin of this ear. More than just ears, after passing the lie test on the warship, the Baimao and his team seemed to find a reasonable explanation for his origins, but the other person seemed to be suspicious of something, and never before him.

The Alec Mountains and the Polit Valley were the only exact information he gave at the time. He didn't know if the other party had checked the two place names, and what they found out in the end, the other party's acceptance of him has always been opaque and Unilaterally, the mismatch of information kept him very embarrassed, but he did not dare to ask rashly, fearing what he would show, which would make the other party overthrow his guess of his origin, and then face the situation suspected of interrogation when he first came.

Tan Shengwei wrote a strange line of letters and numbers to his temporary resident status. He knew that it was a planet number, but he did n’t know the meaning of the number. He passively followed the other party ’s arrangement and was n’t getting it. Before being confined to the light brain, all the known information came from the initiative of the Bai Maoguai and his party. However, at this point, even the most intimate Zhuang Yu who treated him had never revealed too much in front of him. .

He did not know that he had been arranged as an indigenous person until he obtained a temporary identity certificate. Tan Shengwei explained that people like him who are derailed from the current level of science and technology are called indigenous people, but what is the evasion? He had never heard such a statement.

The lack of language made him miss the golden opportunity to listen, and when he was able to communicate successfully, he had the opportunity to inquire about something, but the people around him seemed to have gotten some orders. He only mentioned tacitly in front of him, no Mentioned before.

This kind of almost blind situation made him grateful, always worried, and dare not open himself.

Chu Yan noticed his silence and pause, thinking he didn't like others asking about it, and he waved his hand and explained: "Sorry, I didn't mean it. You don't want to say it. You don't want to say it, and I don't look down on the indigenous people and the evasions. Just me— "

"sit down."

Chu Rong suddenly interrupted his words, moved the auction manual, helped Georgia cut Chu Yan's sight, and gestured to the opposite position to Chu Yan, and asked, "Where did you go on vacation?"

Georgia's thoughts were interrupted, and he turned to look at him, his eyes a little blank and struggling.

Chu Rong frowned, thinking he was remembered by Chu Yan's words for some sad past, and pushing the dessert plate in front of him was a consolation, looking at Chu Yan who had sat down, and asked again: " What did you do during the holidays, why not contact your family? "

Chu Yan looked at the interaction between the two, focusing on his brother ’s hand that had just pushed Dim Sum, scratching his cat's claws in his heart, always feeling something wrong, but honestly explained: "With Yuan Xiu They formed a team to find the baby. Second brother, I made the money this adventure and also met a powerful prospector. He promised to help our family find other missing flagship repair materials. " Compared to a number, his face was proud.

"Funny, what to do if something goes wrong." Chu Rong frowned, pouring cold water.

Chu Yan's expression froze, and when he saw signs of anger again, he added: "The elder brother sent an old man to follow me, and Yuan Xiu's family also let Yuan Xiu take people. The places to go are relatively safe planets, so there is no danger at all Second brother, rest assured. "

"So your brother knows what you went out of, you hide me together?" Chu Rong was not soothed at all, but even more angry.


Chu Yan was so annoyed that he wanted to bite off his tongue, and his hair was erected all over—the idea was that he had sold his elder brother unknowingly, it was over, and it was completely over.

Seeing that he didn't refute, Chu Rong pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered, looking like a storm.

Georgia looked at this, and then looked at that, moving uneasily, trying to relax the atmosphere, but didn't know how to start.

The atmosphere was stalemate, and the hall, which was still calm, suddenly swelled. The screen displaying the products was dark, and after a while of sound effects, a purple sword with a golden pattern suddenly cut through the darkness and pierced the middle of the picture. middle.

"Slumped ..." Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh and slumped to the screen in excitement, drooling: "This is the mysterious weapon of this period? This color, this light effect, great! Purple weapon, is it purple? Made of marble? Or quicksand? Oh my god, the shape of this sword is so handsome! I just do n’t know if it ’s great. "

Chu Rong followed, looked at the sword body, and frowned.

Georgia didn't expect to take the Great Sword so quickly, his heart went to his throat, and his palms began to sweat again.

He hesitated for a few days before selling the Great Sword. After inquiring A1, he used Light Brain Search to review most of the terms of the auction house. After confirming that once the anonymous auction is selected, no party has the right to review the customer information. The Great Sword should not cause any trouble before deciding to sell the Great Sword.

But ... he glanced at the golden magic lines on the great sword, sweating his forehead.

Low-level mistakes, again and again ...

As if knowing the customer's concerns, a heavy mech model suddenly stabbed at the top of the freeze frame. The model took a giant sword and landed on the ground stably after a sharp flip.

Chu Yan excitedly patted the table: "Master! The person who operates this model is a master! The one who just turned over is too neat!"

After the mech model stood holding the giant sword, another mech model holding the energy sword suddenly rushed out from the edge of the screen and attacked the former, and the customer immediately mentioned it.

"It's actually a fight. It seems that the famous brand attaches great importance to this weapon!" Chu Yan said excitedly, and Georgia glared silently, lowered his head, and his thoughts fluttered.

The mech model holding the giant sword blocked the energetic sword attacked by the enemy with a single wave, and then did not wait for the opponent to gain momentum and slammed back. The latter could not escape, and quickly blocked with the energy sword.


A clear crackling came, and the energy sword was broken in half. After the giant sword cut the energy sword, the offensive remained unabated, and the induction chamber of the sword rubbed across the chest of the opponent.

Another harsh scratching sound came out, and the model's chest cracked into a big opening, losing energy and reacting, and the smoke fell to the ground.

The whole battle process was less than ten seconds, and there were no gorgeous fighting skills. The two models attacked each other like a friendly exchange match and blocked for a round. Then the attacker holding the energy sword stopped eating, or was completely scrapped. Take a break.

There was a silence in the hall and a silence in the box. Georgia moved, feeling that his back seemed to be sweating.

The picture on the screen stagnated for a few seconds, then the battle picture disappeared, the specific values ​​of the giant sword appeared on the screen, and the densely lined up. At the same time, the detailed shape image of the giant sword appeared next to the data, 360 degrees Rotating slowly.

"Oh my god, the special level of activity? The hardness is also a special level? Am I dreaming? Mech weapons rarely reach this value. Are the famous products falsified?" Chu Yan almost jumped in surprise, and Georgia also jumped. Almost startled with this exclaim.

The temperature in the box seemed to drop a bit, and Georgia was keenly aware that Chu Rong was looking towards him.

"I ..." He straightened his ears tensely, trying to say something, but found that his throat was extremely dry, and he couldn't say anything for a while.

"The material is unknown? What ghost, how could it be unknown?" Chu Yan was still mumbling to the data sheet, excited and confused: "Is there a new material? Is this the master who tested the water with the new material? The work? Ah, it turned out to be an anonymous auction again. Now these people are really too cunning. "

Georgia clenched her clothes and dared not look up.

The unknown material is what he asked the famous product to bid. After casting the great sword, he scanned it with the famous product's evaluator, and the result was unknown. Later, he guessed that this change would occur because he added the great sword. In order to avoid any troubles, he let the fact that he knew the famous materials of the Great Sword were so famous.

This is a kind of self-protection and market test. There is a magic circle in the future, and he may come up with more such "material unknown" things. Now that he has not formally integrated into the society, except for Bai Maoguai and his party, When no one knows he exists, try the public's acceptance of unknown things, it can be regarded as a small patch for the future.

Of course, these are some of the ideas he raised while trying to make money. The main purpose of selling giant swords is to make money to buy pharmaceutical manufacturing tools.

Just when they looked at me differently and I didn't look at you, the introduction of the Great Sword ended and the auction began.

"I have to shoot this sword. It's too powerful. This is definitely a master's work!" Chu Yan rubbed his hands excitedly and went to get the bidder on the table, but was stopped by Chu Rong.

Chu Yan got stuck, and then realized that there was still a road rover sitting next to him. The thief never touched the bidder under Chu Rong's hand and said, "Brother, I guarantee a reasonable consumption. Really, I keep my pocket money. Just use the money I made during the holiday and you let me buy it. This sword is really good ... "

Someone has already started quoting outside of the talk. Obviously everyone is very interested in the giant sword. The handsome young boy Xiang Kun who was put together by Chu Yan directly quoted a high price of one million, which caused a burst of exclamation.

This is just a mech model weapon, which is a little over one million. This price is enough to buy a low-level mech.

When Chu Yan saw her urgency, she continued to reach out and said quickly: "Brother, I promise that this is the last thing I bought during the holiday. Really, I will never spend money again. This is unknown material. Kun's bid is definitely an idea of ​​unknown materials, and we have to-”

Chu Rong blocked his hand again, hitting the price of five million yuan directly on the bidder, and then regardless of the exclaimed sound in the hall and Chu Yan's disorientation sound like being pinched his neck, he looked nervous all over. Georgia said, "