MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1199 神煌成神

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"The younger Ye Chenfeng, see Hongzhen God!"

Ye Chenfeng walked slowly to the front of ‘Hong’ and squatted on the ground, screaming at him three respectfully.

And these three heads, he is completely from the heart, willingly.

"The true spirit of God, I did not expect you to get the true spirit of God!"

Although the man did not open his eyes, but his body sounded a thick, majestic voice, echoing in the ears of Ye Chenfeng, for a long time.

"If I had a blood of true God, I would not die!"

"Well, lucky boy, get up, look at the true spirit of God, I will not test you!"

"Do not test me!" Ye Chenfeng browed and said: "Then I can get the opportunity to become a **** directly."

"Yes, you can inherit everything from me, but you have too many distractions, so when you inherit my clothes, you need to read four words!" The true meaning of ‘Hong’.

"I don't know the four thoughts!" asked Ye Chenfeng

"Evil thoughts, greed, obsession, desires! Only by smashing these four thoughts, you can achieve true self and have the qualification to become a god!" The true meaning of 'Hong': "But the process of reading four is very The pain, can you stick to it, it depends on whether your heart is strong."

"If you can't keep it, you will still die!"

"Hongzhen God, before the four thoughts, the younger generation has a question to ask you!" Ye Chenfeng is not afraid of the so-called 斩四念, but he has a big question.

"Do you want to ask why there are two opportunities for God in the market of the gods!" The true spirit of 'Hong' seems to see through the heart of Ye Chenfeng, and asks.

"Yes!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "According to common sense, in the case of Hongzhen God, you should only make one person become a god. It is impossible to have two true gods buried in this ruins."

"Why, is this strange?" The true spirit of ‘Hong’: “Who rules, there is only one true God buried in the market.”

"There are two true gods buried in the ruins of the gods!" Ye Chenfeng took a breath.

"Shenzhen is the tomb of God. In the ancient times, there were six true gods buried in the ruins. However, when the ruins appeared in other universes, the other four true gods have already found the heirs of the cloak, so for so many years, Only the clothes of me and 'Yuan' are left in the ruins."

"But I and Yuan are dead, so I hope that you have inherited my clothes and can beat the descendants of ‘Yuan’ and give me a bad breath!” The true spirit of ‘Hong’.

"Well, as long as the person who inherits the ‘Yuan’ is not my father, I will help you to destroy him!” Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"You have the true spirit of God. You will go further than anyone else after you become a god. You are more likely to become a super-god." The true spirit of 'Hong' said: "Okay. When you are ready, when is it, tell me, I hope that you can stick to it, inherit my clothes, give you the clothes, and I can safely break into the reincarnation."


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat down on the floor, silently adjusting his interest.

About a day or so, Ye Chenfeng adjusted his own state to the best.

"Okay, I am ready, I can start!" Ye Chenfeng opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of gas, and said with a firm tone.


A golden flower that was unmatched split in the true spirit of ‘Hong’ and turned to Ye Chenfeng.

This golden light does not seem to be thick, but it can penetrate the nine days and ten places, and pierce the ancient stars. When you lie on the body of Ye Chenfeng, he directly smashes his body and soul, and the painful Ye Chenfeng is almost fainted. past.

"Inheriting the heart, the law is not extinguished!"

Ye Chenfeng died because of the painful death, but he relied on the uncontrollable willpower, persisted in persistence, and kept his heart, trying not to let himself faint.

Because he knows that once he is faint, everything will end.


Another golden light broke the body of ‘Hong’, and turned to Ye Chenfeng, who quickly healed his body and the soul opened again.

When Ye Chenfeng accepted the true thoughts of ‘Hong’, the first emperor who rushed into the temple was also accepting the test of the true spirit of ‘yuan’.

But the Emperor did not have the good luck of Ye Chenfeng. He exhausted everything and used all the means to complete the test of the true spirit of ‘Yuan’.


The emperor's chest trembled and fell out of the real test space of the 'yuan', falling to the ground, without blood.

The opportunity to become a **** is close at hand, but the last moment is a loss. This makes the ambition of the emperor, the ambition of the ambition in this moment, and he falls to the ground, motionless, like a late old man, become lifeless.

The test of the Emperor failed, Shenhuang, Ye Wuji, Tian Xuan, Taiyi flew to the test space at the same time, and they all wanted to rush into it, accept the test of the true spirit of Yuan, and compete for the opportunity of becoming a god.

"Space Shenmu, block space!"

At this time, the strength of the horror of the gods was revealed. He blocked the Ye Wuji three with one enemy and three, and then he summoned the space god, and controlled the space into a world, blocked. Space, stop them.


Looking at the space of the blockade space, Ye Wuji played a small six-way, Taiyi, Tian Xuan also played the strongest blow, bombarded the space to the space of the gods.


With the strongest blow of the three leaves of the Promise, the world of space illusion is instantly broken, and the power of horror directly smashes the space of one of the three great gods of the universe.

Catch the moment when the space is blocked by the gods, and the gods inspired the strongest body potential and rushed into the real test space of the 'yuan'.


Looking at the gods that disappeared in the test space, Ye Wuji three people speeded up and wanted to rush in.

But the test of 'Yuan' is only for one person, and Shenhuang rushes in, and Ye Wuji three can't enter it at all.


The moment when Ye Wuji three rushed into the real test space, he was hurt by the power of ‘yuan’, like a broken kite, falling from the air and leaving a lot of blood fog in midair.

"Awful, let the gods come first!"

The three leaves of Ye Wuji wiped the blood from the corners of the mouth and looked at the test space of the complete blockade. The whole heart fell into the trough.

At this time, they can only pray for the failure of the test of the gods, or the fear of waiting for them will be ruined.

"The emperor, the hatred between us, can you count it!"

The chance of scrambling for the test failed. Taiyi turned his gaze to the old emperor, and said with amazement.

"Forget too much, wait for everything to end, then decide his fate, maybe we have to snuggle him!" Ye Wuji grabbed Taiyi and shook his head at him, and said.

"Okay, then I will live more for a while!"

Thinking of the consequences of the gods becoming gods, Taiyi resisted the killing in his heart and waited patiently.

Soon, eleven months have passed.

After the end of the starry sky, the ancient road was closed. In less than a month, a breath of fear that the four leaves were fearful in the test space.

The next moment, the test space is broken.

The body is filled with the power of the true God, as if the gods who can dominate the heavens and the earth appear in front of Ye Wuji and others.

The gods who watched the qualitative leap of their own strength, the face of Ye Wuji and others changed at the same time.

The gods won the opportunity to become a god, bringing a deadly threat to Ye Wuji and others.