MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 29 seek

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The time that Hua Jing chose to go to Ningguo Temple was set at half a month, and Yun Chang also cooperated with Qin Yi and Qin Meng to pack things, but only took Qin Yi out.

It was true as Hua Jing said along the way. Don't rush to hurry and take a rest. It took a full day for half a day to reach Ningguo Temple. By the time Ningguo Temple was darkened.

I just settled down in the temple and was eating, but I heard a small newspaper from the temple, saying that someone had an urgent request to see Princess Hua Jing.

Hua Jing frowned, summoned the man, and the man hurried to salute as soon as he saw Hua Jing, "Princess, the old lady broke her leg while walking in the garden this afternoon, and the house is in chaos. The housekeeper asked the villain to pick up the princess and return to her house. "

"What, my mother broke his leg?" Hua Jing suddenly stood up. After receiving a positive response from the audience, Hua Jing hurriedly turned around and apologized to Yun Sang, "The emperor, I'm so sorry The original sister was called to this Ningguo Temple in order to pray for the horse. How did you know that something had happened in the Fuzhong? The sister had to rush back overnight. If you are not well, you can rest in this temple for two days. The carriage and the driver The emperor sisters are all staying in the temple, when you want to go back to the imperial city, you can tell me. "

Yun Sang nodded and said softly, "Well, Sister Huang is assured. I am very familiar with this temple, and nothing will happen. Even though Sister Huang returns home, Xing Ye hurries away, Sister Huang must be more careful."

Hua Jing said "Thank you" and hurried out.

Yun Sang watched Hua Jing's figure disappear into the night, then sat down with a smile, took the bowl and continued to eat.

"Princess, such a coincidence that the horse's mother-in-law happened, slaves always felt something wrong. Princess Mo Feihuajing wanted to be bad for the princess in this temple?" Qin Yi still looked out of the door, worried and authentic.

Yun Chang didn't answer and ate quietly. As a result, Jinpa handed over by Qin Yi wiped her hands and said, "She knows that I have lived in the temple for many years. It is definitely not wise to start in the temple. She would not do that. Stupid, I think, as long as I tell the groom when I set off for the palace, there will be a killer on my way back to the palace. "

Qin Yi was startled and frowned, "Ning Qian they are now in the imperial city, and the princess only has a slave, if it is an ambush on the road, it is not very dangerous. Princess, do you want the slave to break up with you, the slave first, go away Chase. "

Yun Chang smiled, "Stupid girl, we still have time. Since Hua Jing said, I can live in the temple for a few more days, then I will live for a few more days. In these few days, there will be countless variables. At that time, let you see what your princess has learned over the years. "There was a flash of killing in Yun Chang's eyes, and it was fleeting.

"That princess, when are we going back to the palace?"

Yun Chang counted the days in his heart. Now it ’s the seventh day of September. In the last life, there was a big event in September of this year ...

There was a smile on Yun Chang's mouth, "Four days later, we will return to the palace."

Yun Chang stayed quietly in Ningguo Temple for four days. On the early morning of September 12, Yun Chang asked Qin Yi to notify the driver and prepare to leave.

Hua Jing left Yunshang with two guards and a coachman. The group slowly walked towards the imperial city. After walking for about an hour, the carriage entered a dense forest, but the carriage stopped suddenly. Qin Yi was curious. Looking at the car curtain, his face became a little pale. "The princess, the driver and the guard are gone ..."

As soon as the words fell, I saw more than ten masked men rushing over on horseback, and Qin Yi screamed, "Princess, there are assassins!"

Yun Chang looked calm and whispered, "Qin Yi, close your eyes."

Qin Yiyi closed her eyes, only to hear the sound of fighting outside, panic-stricken. Although she was curious, she didn't dare to open her eyes. She only reached out and grabbed Yun Sang to make sure she was fine.

Gradually, the sound outside was low, Qin Yi opened her eyes, lifted the car curtain, and looked out, and saw the corpse all over the ground. Qin Yi shivered for a long time, then she calmed down slightly, but "ah "..." cried out, hurriedly lowered the curtain, turned around and said to Yun Chang, "Gong ... Princess ... there are many ... many people outside."

"Master, everything has been cleaned up, and the escaped driver and guard have also been resolved." A calm voice came from outside.

Before Qin Yi had returned to her senses, she heard Yun Chang say, "Good job."

Yun Chang reached out and pushed the door of the carriage open. Qin Yi turned his head and looked at the man in black kneeling outside. "Change the clothes and do as I said that day."

"Yes." The black men kneeling in the front flashed into the jungle, and after a few moments they walked out of the jungle. Qin Yi took a closer look and found that some of them were wearing the same clothes as the just-in-hand driver and guards, and one was wearing the clothes of the dead man in black.

Yun Chang nodded, "Did you find out where they were in these two days?"

The leading man dressed as a black man who just died just nodded, "The subordinates have already explored it."

"Well, how long has King Jing's men and women passed?" Yun Chang said again.

"Two quarters of an hour," the man in black said again, "Yes, Lord Jing's men and horses really met an ambush here, just a little ahead, the master is like God."

Yun Chang smiled, "What is like God, Lord Jing has a lot of enemies in the DPRK. He didn't have the opportunity to start in the border. Lord Jing returned from this victory, and he can't bring all the soldiers and horses. It must be a little guard. If you want to get started, the woods here are dense and naturally the best place. You know what to say when you see her? "

The man in black nodded. "The subordinates said," We set up an ambush at the original location. Unexpectedly, we encountered the assassin ambushing Lord Jing Jing. He was discovered by King Jing Jing. In a panic, the brothers were Jing The Lord ’s guard was killed, and his subordinates had to sacrifice to death, and escaped, leaving a small life to report. "

"Well." Yun Chang smiled slightly. "Good job, go, come back and have a reward."

"Yes, my subordinates obey." As soon as the words fell, the group disappeared without a trace.

Yun Chang closed the door, "Let's go."

Qin Yi just came back to this place, with a big mouth and eyes full of incredible, "Public ... Princess ... People in black outside are princesses?"

Yun Chang turned her head and smiled at her, "How about, your princess hasn't stayed idle for years?"

"No ... no ..." Qin Yi still had an incredible expression on his face, and sighed in his heart, it was more than just idiot.

The carriage gradually walked out of the dense forest. Only two people came out slowly in the woods on the side. The man standing in front wore dark gray clothes, a tall nose, thin lips, and sword-like eyebrows flying obliquely into the wisps of the corners. Ufa. Handsome side face, impeccable facial contour.

At this moment he was lowering his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, I don't know what I was thinking.

The man standing behind had a big beard, a rough face, and a little dissatisfied. He hummed, "This little girl is really brave enough to pull out Wang Ye as a shield. Wang Ye, do you want to solve it?" <