MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 808 Night visitor

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"Worried about Liu Yinfeng the most?" Luo Qingyan said he didn't understand, raised his eyes and looked at Yun Chang, "Why do you say that?"

Yun Sang walked around the house before whispering: "Cao Wenxi is the biological mother of Liu Yinfeng and Xia Houjing, but he is almost separated from Xia Houjing at birth. Xia Houjing is afraid of her. Feelings, if she can get the throne if she is killed, I am afraid that Xia Houjing will not hesitate. But Liu Yinfeng is different. When Liu Yinfeng was separated from Cao Wenxi, he was six or seven years old, knew the world and told Cao Wen Xi's feelings are deeper. If he knows that Cao Wenxi is still alive and is now in my hands, I'm afraid he will do everything to save him. "

"What you are thinking about is a completely possible thing. Although Liu Yinfeng looks at Wenrunruyu, he is very affectionate in his bones. If he stands opposite to us, he is a strong opponent." Luo Qingyan said He sighed softly.

Yun Chang nodded: "What I am worried about is this. Does Your Majesty have a good way to circumvent this?"

Luo Qingyan walked down to the soft collapse and sat down, tapping on the table gently, and he was silent for a long while before he said, "You dare to gamble."

"Gambling?" Yun Chang's face was full of doubts, not understanding what Luo Qingyan said, "How is your bet, what is it?"

"Bet on how Liu Yinfeng will choose." Luo Qingyan pulled Yun Chang and sat down beside him: "Since we are worried about Liu Yinfeng's reaction after knowing the matter, we might as well go with him in person instead of letting others tell him Having said that, at least, how he reacts and thinks at that time, we can also understand one or two, and be prepared. "

Yun Chang heard the words and sighed lightly: "I don't know if this is good or bad for Liu Yinfeng. However, Liu Yinfeng has always been upright, but I am willing to believe him this time. When to say ? "

Luo Qingyan thought for a while, Fang Ying said: "This matter should be sooner or later. Tonight, we will go to the Royal Mansion in person."

"But now that Xia Huanyu has returned to the palace, he must follow our whereabouts very tightly. We want to leave the palace silently, but we are afraid of difficulties." Yun Chang could not help but worry, "Why not Liu Yin The wind calls into the palace? "

"The palace is not the place to speak, Xia Huanyu will take care of it for me." Luo Qingyan looked lightly, but seemed to have the guts of a brave face.

Yun Chang was a little curious: "What will your Majesty do?"

Luo gently said that his index finger was tilted up and said with a smile: "How did Xia Huanyu and Huayu in Lingxi Town get away?"

Yun Sang thought about it. At that time, she sent the dark guard to follow Xia Huanyu and Huaying, but it was because she saw Xia Huanyu and Huaying leaving, and then Darkwei chased out. But don't want to, the two who left are not Xia Huanyu and Huaying at all.

"Jin Chan peeling?" Yun Chang blinked.

Luo Qingyan laughed: "Don't Changer often say that he should treat his body in his own way? This time, let's do the same thing.

Luo spoke softly, then leaned over and said something in Yunshang's ear softly. Yunshang listened, and couldn't help laughing, her eyes and brows were playful: "Your Majesty is wise."

After dinner, Yun Chang went to Chengye's house first, and Chengye fell asleep early. Yun Sang returned to the dorm, took the book to look at, and talked to Luo from time to time. After a while, it was late at night.

There was a sudden noise outside, and Yun Chang faintly heard someone clamoring again and again: "Your Majesty, mother, something is wrong."

Yun Chang frowned, a little displeased: "What's so panic? Slightly, go out and see."

After a brief response, he opened the curtain and went out. In a few moments, he hurried in. "Ma'am, something happened in the private cell. It seems that someone came to save someone."

When Yun Chang heard the words, he stood up abruptly, the tea cup on his hand was surrounded by the sleeves, and he fell to the ground, making a sound of "嘭", but Yun Shang couldn't bear it anymore, and his voice was a little higher: "How come? That's so secretly hidden? How could it be discovered? Not yet take this palace to see."

Luo Qingyan also stood up and pulled Yun Chang and said, "Let me go, too, don't worry, the guards are strict there, even if someone wants to come to save people, it will be fine for a while. It's cold outside at night, so you can get me and my queen's cloak. "

Shallowly responding, hurriedly took the cloak, Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan put on the cloak, put on a hat, Fang out of the dormitory, and hurried towards the private cell.

The loud noise gradually disappeared with Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang, but in the Weiyang Palace, it gradually quieted down.

About half an hour later, the two figures fell into the Xianwang Mansion next to Qinglong Street, not far from the Jincheng Palace. There were not many people in the Xianwang Mansion, and the guard was naturally very lax.

The two figures were not discovered until they fell into the courtyard where King Yin lived. "Who?"

Someone reprimanded sharply, alarming those who hadn't rested in the room, the door was opened, and the attendant beside Liu Yinfeng leaned out his head and asked softly, "Uncle Hu, what happened? "

When they saw Yun Chang and Luo in the courtyard talking softly, they suddenly screamed. Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang took off the cape's cap, and the scream of the attendant suddenly stopped abruptly, and said again and again: "The Lord, the Lord, Your Majesty, and the Queen Mother."

After speaking, he hurried out and knelt down in front of Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang: "Meet your Majesty, see Niangniang."

The servants who had previously found Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan were stunned when they saw this, and then hurried to kneel.

Liu Yinfeng stepped out of the room, and saw Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan being a stun, Fang quickly walked out, "Your Majesty and his wife visit late at night, but what's the matter?"

Yun Chang nodded, looking at Liu Yinfeng, Liu Yinfeng seemed to be a little thinner, and his clothes were a little wide. Looking at the appearance of the wind falling down, Yun Chang frowned, and whispered softly: "But there is something urgent to tell you."

Liu Yinfeng lifted his eyes and looked at Luo Qingyan, Fang said: "Your Majesty and his wife should go into the house and say, this night wind is also a bit cold." Liu Yinfeng said, then stood aside and made a " Please "action.

Luo Qingyan took Yun Sang into the house, Liu Yinfeng stood outside the door for a moment, his brows frowned, I wondered what he was thinking.

"King of Kings." Luo Qingyan had entered the room, found a place to sit down, and then turned to look at Liu Yinfeng, who was standing spontaneously outside the room.

Liu Yinfeng responded quickly and hurried into the room.

"Breeze, go and buy two cups of tea for Her Majesty and Niangniang." Liu Yinfeng commanded the attendants standing outside the house, and Fang sat down.

Luo Qingyan knew that the cloth in the house could not be concealed for a long time, so he directly cut into the theme: "Today's come out, but there is something tricky, which was discovered by Sang Er, she knew it in more detail Some, let her tell you. "

Liu Yinfeng heard the words and looked up at Yun Chang.

Yun Chang felt a little ignorant of where to start. After thinking about it for a long time, she said quietly: "This matter is about the father-in-law of Liu Gongzi."

"Mother?" Liu Yinfeng froze. "Mother went after she gave birth to her brother more than 20 years ago. Is there anything else related to her?"

Yun Sang nodded gently, only a moment before she said: "I heard that after Ling Zun died earlier, Ling Ci entered the palace to conceive, and lived in Cao Taiyu Palace?"

Liu Yinfeng nodded: "Yes, Cao Taizhang is a cousin of her mother, and the relationship is relatively close."

Yun Chang nodded, and then remained silent for a moment, then sighed, and said quickly: "Lingci is not dead, but she is still alive."

Liu Yinfeng heard the words and was shocked. His eyes were full of unbelievable color. Half a while later he recovered his voice: "How is that? At that time, I had already entered Jincheng. After the death of my mother, I will see you in the palace. After her last time, she was my mother, how could I possibly admit the wrong person? "

"Ling Ci is good at Yi Rong's technique, can Wang Ye know?" Yun Chang knew that Liu Yinfeng would not believe it, and immediately asked him when his voice fell.

"Yi Rongzhi?" Liu Yinfeng heard it, and seemed to be caught in the memory. After a while, he shook his head: "I haven't heard that my mother knows this."

Yun Chang whispered softly: "The prince was afraid that he was also deceived by Ling Ci. The person who died that year was the real Cao Taizheng, and Ling Ci was Yi Rong becoming Cao Taizheng, who lived in the palace for more than 20 years. year."

Liu Yinfeng remained stunned for a long time, still unable to believe it, and shook her head again and again: "Impossible, why did she do this? When she first entered the palace to prepare for birth, she was dead, and she has always been lost after her father died. The soul is so ordinary. If she wants to survive, why should Rongcheng Cao be confined in that palace? "

Yun Chang sighed, she also understood that the incident had a great impact on Liu Yinfeng, and the next thing to say was afraid that it would make him more unacceptable, but Yun Shang had to say it.

"At that time, Lingzun entrusted the emperor to the emperor because he did not like being an emperor, and left Jincheng for free. But what your mother didn't expect was that after the emperor emperor ascended to the throne, he found that the Cao family had a different heart and were in the family Corruption is nature. If you want to keep Xia Guojiang Shanshe, Cao will be eliminated. In this matter, the Emperor Tai wrote to your father and made it clear that he also had your father's consent, and he ordered the Cao family to be eliminated. This incident was introduced When your mother was in your ears, the Cao family was overwhelmed. Although your mother was in deep grief, she pretended not to care much, but she moved her hands and feet in the daily meal of your father and emperor. "Yun Chang's voice was gradually heavy Up.

"At that time, you were still with them. Think about it carefully. When your father left Jincheng, he was still in good health, but then he gradually got worse?"

Liu Yinfeng trembled, his eyes full of sorrow: "You mean, is my mother poisoning my father?"