MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 296 Two stars fly together

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Chapter 296 Two Stars Fly Together

 Back on the surface, it's daytime outside.

Ren Mian looked nervously at the forest around him. Everything was calm, and asked in a low voice, "Did you notice anything unusual?"


Ji Xinghuo shook his head. There were only some monsters in the electromagnetic induction that were there before.

 “It’s okay, it’s okay.” Ren Mian relaxed a little.

Ji Xinghuo knew what she was worried about. Diyuan Planet was a super-large alien species breeding room. There might be a terrifying strong man or a huge force behind it, secretly controlling the planet and coming to harvest the alien species regularly.

Phytoplasma must be one of the biggest achievements of this heterogeneous breeding room.

If the other party discovers that something has happened, they may show up.

"They probably haven't discovered it yet, or maybe they don't even know about the existence of the phytoprimum." Ren Mian guessed, "The Jingying tribe has also been on guard against looking for enemies, and they don't dare to show up at will. We need to take advantage of this time difference to stay away from the dungeon. .”

Ji Xinghuo’s understanding of Diyuan Star is far inferior to hers, so he cannot give any insights.

 “Let’s go.”

 Ren Mian re-disguised the two of them and left in a different direction from where they came from. After traveling for three consecutive days and nights, we successfully left the level six area.

 After entering the fifth level area, Ji Xinghuo held her in his arms and flew at low altitude, speeding up.

 It took only one day for the two of them to return to the level four area.

There are underground shelters and stations here. I took the train back to the City of Guards, but I did not return to the star realm from the star gate immediately.

 “Stay a day in the City of Guards.”

Ren Mian is very cautious, "I take the plant primitive with me, and once I enter the star realm, it may cause a solar eclipse."

“Sister Ren, do you want to fuse the alien species immediately?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

 “Well, the nights are long and the dreams are many.”

Ren Mian's eyes were full of expectations, "I just have one more chance. I will fuse the plant primitive first, wait until I am promoted to legend, and then merge with the withered glory and be reborn."

 The two of them opened a suite in the hotel in the City of Guards. Ren Mian asked Ji Xinghuo to protect her and entered the training room.

Ji Xinghuo stood outside the door, electromagnetic induction enveloped the entire hotel and the neighborhood. He took out the "accelerated" alien species and observed it in front of his eyes.

The shape of this alien species is really strange. It is obviously a natural tree tumor, but it looks like a glass marble. The geometric pattern inside is even more mysterious.

 Acceleration is a conceptual ability and also a mysterious ability.

 Violates the rules and cannot be understood.

The mysterious ability of the Starfall level is as rare as the Eclipse level. Its potential must be extremely huge!

Wanxiang Xingpu has a fusion success rate of 98%, which shows how well it fits with me.

 “I have to find a magic item to expand the capacity.”

Ji Xinghuo thought, the two fusion opportunities obtained by using the Diamond of Heaven last time have been used up.

You cannot integrate "acceleration" now, you can only wait for the opportunity.

 The expansion rare items produced in the Bloody Plateau, including the Scarlet Emperor's Blood Crystal and the Heaven's Diamond, have been used, but only the heart of the "Storming Wind Beast" has not been used.

 But after searching for so long, the Windstorm Beast was still nowhere to be found.

As Xia Qingyu said, it all depends on luck.

Ji Xinghuo opened the interface and looked at it. He found that the spiritual source energy was still just over 20,000 points. Diyuan Star could not come back in the short term, so as not to run into bad luck. If the mastermind behind the gene mother tree found out about him, it would be the end.

As a result, if you want to obtain a large amount of spiritual energy in the future, you will still have to rely on wars between Red Emperor believers.

Just in time to look for the Storm Beast.

If you can't find it and there are no other expansion wonders, you can only practice quickly to become a legend and increase the chance of fusion after evolution.

 Legend can still use one more Star Tear, so you should plan ahead.

  After a moment.

Ji Xinghuo put away the accelerating alien species, the door of the training room opened, and Ren Mian walked out, with joy on her beautiful face.

 “Congratulations, Sister Ren!”

  Ren Mian showed a happy smile. No one who has fused a solar eclipse mutant can remain calm.

"Thanks to you this time, Xinghuo." Ren Mian said softly, "Without you, I wouldn't be able to kill the Tengrong Complex by myself. It would be more dangerous to find others to cooperate. It would not be possible for this to go smoothly. Thank you!"

Ji Xinghuo laughed and said, "Sister Ren is still so polite to me. I have gained a lot from this trip."

Ren Mian looked at him blankly, her eyes moved.

She couldn't help herself. She stepped forward, hugged Ji Xinghuo, stood up on her toes, and gave him a sweet kiss. Ji Xinghuo hugged her slender waist and was about to take further action when Ren Mian suddenly escaped from his arms and chuckled: "Bad guy, it's not time yet."

 “Okay.” Ji Xinghuo was not in a hurry.

 A cooked duck cannot fly.

 After the two of them washed up, they rested in the hotel for a day, and then entered the star gate with a group of eternal day guards.

 Coming out from under the Light Peak, the bright City of Eternal Sun comes into view.

Ji Xinghuo raised his head and looked at the sky. It was a starry night outside. He and Sister Ren both carried a meteorite mutant, which indeed caused the meteorite phenomenon.

The two looked at each other, both expressionless.

 Starfall and higher-level alien species will cause corresponding celestial phenomena when they are formed, collected, or enter the star realm for the first time in alien form.

 “Starfall and celestial phenomenon!”

 The surrounding Eternal Sun guards screamed in surprise.

The entire residents of the City of Eternal Day also noticed the strange phenomena in the sky, but because it was a starry night, the celestial phenomena were not particularly obvious.

Ji Xinghuo deliberately chose the starry night to return to the star realm.

There were hundreds of returned Eternal Day Guards. People looked at each other and wanted to know who was the lucky one.

Of course it cannot be seen, and no one will say anything about it.


 Suddenly someone noticed a difference from usual.

Above the starry night, two flying stars fell off from the reflection of the Milky Way, falling towards the City of Eternal Day.

 A flying star represents a meteorite variant.

Two stars flying together, that is, there are two alien species of meteorites. Even the guards of the Jingying Tribe couldn't help but look up at this strange phenomenon.

The residents of the City of Eternal Day did not have a particularly big reaction at first. As the most developed city on the Bloody Plateau, here, several star meteors are seen every year in the astral world. Everyone can guess that there are people coming from the abyss. Xing got the Starfall mutant.

 But two flying stars at once are very rare.

The celestial phenomenon lasted longer than usual. It was not until Ji Xinghuo and the two checked into the hotel that the celestial phenomenon gradually dissipated for more than half an hour.

“Fortunately, it’s just a meteorite phenomenon.” Ji Xinghuo said, “Everyone is used to it and it didn’t cause a sensation.”

If it is a solar eclipse, it will be very powerful even at night, and the observation range is much larger than that of a meteorite, and the entire Bloody Plateau can be seen.

At that time, the city of Eternal Sun will be turned upside down.

 The powerful men from the True Dragon Dynasty will also come.

Ren Mian nodded lightly, "The double star celestial phenomenon is still a bit unusual. If we leave the City of Eternal Day now, we may be targeted by someone."

"Then stay in the city for a few days before leaving." Ji Xinghuo felt that no matter how cautious he was, he could not be too cautious.

 In the next few days, Ren Mian was exploring his new powers in the hotel.

 Ji Xinghuo went out many times.

The City of Eternal Day has concentrated a large number of resources in the central part of the Bloody Plateau, as well as the etheric technology products of the Jingying Tribe, providing a safe trading place.

 In the city, you can buy many rare things. Ji Xinghuo wanted to try his luck to find exotic expansion items that he could use, such as alien species, weapons and equipment, battle pets, etc., but unfortunately there were none.

The Exotic Auction House also checks every few hours.

 However, he wanted to clone twins, but they never appeared again, and there were no other mutants suitable for him.

There were a lot of things that could be used by family and friends. Ji Xinghuo bought a lot of them. He spent more than 30 ether crystals and more than 200,000 real dragon coins for this purpose. He put them all into his dimensional stomach bag and prepared them. Bring them back to Earth.

 After staying in the City of Eternal Day for five days, Ji Xinghuo and Ren Mian left.

After flying for more than 30 hours continuously, the two returned to Taohuagou. The snowy scenery was still picturesque and beautiful.

 Go through the ripples of space and enter the secret realm.

"elder sister!"

A ray of light flew over from the garden, revealing Xiaokui's figure. Her cute little face was full of happiness, and she shouted: "You guys are back! And Brother Xinghuo, Qinghong, I miss you so much!"

Ren Mian touched her head lovingly and asked with a smile, "Is everything okay at home?"

“I followed my sister’s instructions and took care of a lot of flowers and plants…”

Xiao Kui surrounded Ren Mian as if dancing, chirping and reporting on what she had done these days.

Ren Mian listened quietly and walked into the wooden house.

 After a while, Xiaokui jumped on Qinghong and started playing with it.

"Xinghuo, what are your plans next?" Ren Mian made a pot of scented tea in the kitchen, took it out, poured a cup for Ji Xinghuo, and asked softly.

Ji Xinghuo asked: "Sister Ren, won't you go back to Olympia?"

It has been a year and a half since their teams separated. According to the previous agreement, Ren Mian should return to Olympia. Chi Zhonglin and Jiangnan Caiyi are waiting for her to return.

"I won't go back for the time being." Ren Mian sighed, "Because of your appearance, the plan has changed. Not only has your strength improved by leaps and bounds, but you have also helped me obtain the plant primitives in advance. In the next few years, I will focus on studying plants. , choose the most suitable one to graft onto me, and re-plan the path of evolution."

Ji Xinghuo understood what she meant.

 He had already guessed that Sister Ren had trained her two teammates and herself in the past in order to help her in the future.

 But now, the strength of her and herself has far surpassed that of Chi Zhonglin and Jiangnan Caiyi, and they are no longer suitable for team adventures together.

 The targets worthy of Sister Ren’s attack are at least legendary or natural disaster monsters.

 They cannot participate in this level of combat.

 Less than legendary or natural disaster monsters, you can easily deal with them by yourself without the need for other teammates.

“What about Zhonglin and Caiyi?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

"I will continue to help them improve their strength. I will prepare some things these days. When you return to Earth, bring them to them for me." Ren Mian looked a little sad, "You tell them my decision."

 “Caiyi will definitely be very sad.” Ji Xinghuo shook his head.

"If Caiyi is willing, you can bring her to Taohuagou." Ren Mian couldn't bear to leave Jiangnan Caiyi.

"No problem." Ji Xinghuo agreed. As for Chi Zhonglin, that guy must be very happy, and no one will restrain him anymore.

Ren Mian looked at him, "What about you?"

"I haven't thought about it," Ji Xinghuo said truthfully, "I want to stay on the Bloody Plateau for a few more months, practice hard, and occasionally go out to try my luck to see if I can find the Windstorm Beast. Sister Ren, you won't drive me away. Bar?"

"You can stay here as long as you want." Ren Mian's face turned red. "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, little pervert."

"It's unfair, I really didn't think about it that way." Ji Xinghuo felt aggrieved for himself.


 Ren Mian got up and went to the second floor.

Ji Xinghuo looked at her back, chuckled lightly, walked out of the wooden house and called Qinghong, who teleported directly in front of her with Xiaokui on her back.

 “Eat it.” He took out the alien species that revived life.

 After Qinghong’s last evolution, the chance to fuse with alien species was automatically increased. I haven’t used it yet, so I happened to use the fusion “Life Revival”. The fusion success rate is 85%, so there is nothing to hesitate about.

 In fact, Ji Xinghuo considered leaving the "revival of life" to his second brother Zhong Ming.

He is a "Fire Maniac" and will advance to the "Fire Maniac" in the future. During battle, he will enter a burning state, bursting out star power and vitality like crazy. He is often on the verge of risking his life. Life recovery is a perfect match for this profession.

However, it will take some time for me to return to Earth.

 Let’s fuse it with Qinghong first.

Voidlinger's transaction list also sells "Life Resurrection". When you return to Earth and pass by, you can buy one with an ether crystal.

 Qinghong swallowed the alien species in one gulp and began to fuse it.

“Brother Xinghuo, what kind of good food is this?” Xiaokui looked at Ji Xinghuo eagerly, “I want to eat it too!”

Ji Xinghuo coaxed her, "This is a mutant species. If you eat it, you will get a stomachache."

 “Oh, forget it.” Xiaokui immediately changed her mind.

 Qinghong lay on the spot, while Ji Xinghuo watched from the side. A few minutes later, Qinghong's power information was refreshed on the Wanxiang Xingtong interface, showing a new power.

 【Power: Life Resurrection (1/199)】

Ji Xinghuo reached out and put his hand on Qinghong's head, invested more than 4,000 points of spiritual energy, and quickly reached level 4 (1/13099).

Life resuscitation has the effect of quickly recovering injuries.

 The higher the level, the faster the recovery.

Furthermore, the critical point for triggering recovery is also higher. It originally took about half a minute to return to peak condition. After reaching level four, recovery can be completed within ten seconds. The consumption is also reduced, and more recovery times can be achieved.

Qinghong felt herself strengthened and licked Ji Xinghuo's hand, her tail wagging happily.

Ji Xinghuo couldn't resist, so he used the rest of his spiritual energy. "Vacuum Sensing" and "Teleportation" were each upgraded one level, reaching level four.

 There are less than 3,000 points of spiritual energy left.

"No more." Ji Xinghuo spread his hands, "Next time, you and Xiaokui go to play."

Sent Qinghong away, he walked into the Qingkong Forest, took out an aether refining solvent, drank it, and started today's practice.

 The two etheric resonances, plus the one attached to the Ring of Light, make a total of three.

Ji Xinghuo immediately felt the change.

 He can initially control the ether energy within a hundred meters around him, compress them, further increase the energy density, and speed up his own absorption efficiency.

 After a training cycle was completed, Ji Xinghuo opened the interface and took a look at the values, and was suddenly surprised and delighted.

 Three hours, the star power increased by 7 points!

  If an Astral Realm cultivates for 40 hours, it will increase by 90 points every day, which is more than double what it was before.

 “The legend is just around the corner!”

Ji Xinghuo was very motivated and continued practicing immediately.

He immersed himself in it in the following days and went out several times, twice to receive news from Chief Hanqiu, but only once to catch up with the war and harvest more than 20,000 points of spiritual energy.

 The other few times I went to the City of Eternal Day to check the situation of the Rare Treasures Auction House.

 It’s a pity that there is still no expansion of rare items and the desired alien species.

However, the star power has improved by leaps and bounds.

At the end of the "Xingyue", the first month of the hot season, Ji Xinghuo's star power has exceeded 8,000 points!

 The weather in the star world is gradually getting warmer, and spring flowers are blooming.

On this day, Ji Xinghuo finished his training, jumped into the lake to take a bath, and returned to the cabin. He found that today's dinner was particularly sumptuous, and there was also a bottle of fruit wine. Ren Mian also put on a beautiful new dress and sat at the table.

"Is there any happy event, Sister Ren?" Ji Xinghuo sat down opposite her.

Ren Mian replied with a bright smile: "Today is my birthday."

 (End of this chapter)