MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 297 elated

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Chapter 297 Elated

"Happy birthday!"

Ji Xinghuo immediately blessed Ren Mian and said with a smile: "Sister Ren, why didn't you tell me earlier? I didn't even prepare a birthday gift for you."

 He has known Ren Mian for three years, and this is the first time he knows her birthday.

 In the blink of an eye, it is already May 2226.

 It’s been another year in the astral realm.

 At the same time, it’s also a little strange. In the past, my ex-sister’s birthday was not celebrated, so why did it suddenly become so formal today?

"Thank you, there is no need for the gift." Ren Mian chuckled, "I also suddenly remembered that if you can celebrate my birthday with me, it is the best gift. Eat quickly, dinner is getting cold."

Ji Xinghuo started to move, feeling puzzled. Sister Ren seemed different from usual.

  Although it has entered the hot season, the weather is still very cold. Not only did she change into a new skirt, but she also specially wore light makeup to look more charming.

He took a few bites and couldn't help but look at her frequently.

 “Why don’t you eat?” Ren Mian asked.

Ji Xinghuo smiled and said, "Sister Ren is so beautiful today. I feel like I don't need to eat. I'm full just looking at your beauty."

"Glib tongue." Ren Mian snorted, but it could be seen from her smiling eyes that she felt quite satisfied. She opened the fruit wine and poured a glass for Ji Xinghuo. She said softly: "This is what I brewed with Qingkong fruit. The fruit wine, please try how it tastes."

 “It’s too luxurious!”

Ji Xinghuo looked at the light blue wine in the glass and his eyes widened.

One Qingkong fruit can be sold for about 30 million Asian dollars on earth. It is a waste of money to use it to make wine.

Ren Mian poured herself a glass, "Since we can't finish processing the Qingkong Fruit, there's no use selling it for money. We might as well make it into fruit wine and drink it."


Ji Xinghuo was speechless.

“Happy birthday, Sister Ren!” He clinked glasses again and took a sip of the fruit wine. It was refreshing and sweet in his throat. The raw materials were not only Qingkong fruit, but also a variety of special plants. The alcohol content was not low, and the taste was unique, which left him with endless aftertaste.

 “It tastes so good!”

Ji Xinghuo admired sincerely and smacked his lips.

This small sip of fruit wine requires at least three or four Qingkong berries to brew. One sip is a small goal!

Ren Mian didn't care about the value of the fruit wine. He picked up the cup and took a sip. He said happily: "If you like it, drink more. There are still a few bottles in the cellar."

"Okay." Ji Xinghuo didn't show any pretense. He drank the glass in his hand and then added another glass.

  With sky-high price of fruit wine, the two of them chatted while eating.

Unconsciously, the entire bottle of fruit wine was drunk. With Ji Xinghuo's physical condition, it was natural that he would not get drunk. However, under the influence of alcohol, his body still became a little hot, but his mind was still sober.

Ren Mian was also slightly tipsy, with a slight blush on her cheeks and watery eyes.

 “I’m going to wash the dishes.”

Ji Xinghuo stood up and was about to put away the dishes, but Ren Mian called him, "No hurry, let's leave it for now." She pulled Ji Xinghuo to sit by the fireplace. The two of them each sat on a wicker chair, side by side, with a Soft carpet.

 The warm flame shines on her beautiful face, her gentleness and demureness are full of infinite charm.

Ji Xinghuo's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he said with a smile, "Sister Ren is so weird today!"

"It's my birthday." Ren Mian smoothed a strand of black hair behind her ear, "I am one year older, so it is inevitable that I will have some different emotions than usual."

"After this birthday, Sister Ren is only 29 years old, not even 30. She is still very young, so there is no need to think wildly." Ji Xinghuo comforted her.

 In the 23rd century, cancer, including cancer, is no longer a terminal disease, and the average life span of people on earth exceeds 90 years. The lifespan of an alien is longer. As long as you evolve into an alien once, you can easily live to be over 100 years old.

 Each time he evolves thereafter, his lifespan can be extended, and high-level aliens can live up to 120 years old.

Promoting to a super alien is another leap, and living to 150 years old is not a problem.

 Legendary aliens live longer.

 It has been nearly two centuries since the Earth's star gate was opened, but no legendary alien has died of old age, which shows that the legendary alien can live for at least 200 years!

 As for the King of Heaven, Yiren, it is conservatively estimated to have a lifespan of 300 years.

With Sister Ren’s strength and talent, it’s easy to be promoted to a legend, and it’s not that difficult to become a king. She doesn’t need to worry about age at all, and beauty will never grow old. She can maintain her youthful beauty for at least two to three hundred years.

"You do not understand…"

Ren Mian's eyes flickered a little, and he said instead: "I have integrated the plant original body. I have been re-planning the path of evolution these days, and my views and mentality on many things have also changed."

 “What’s going on?” Ji Xinghuo asked curiously.

“There are many things, such as life.” Ren Mian sighed, “From childhood to adulthood, I have been basically alone and helpless. I have lacked a lot of life that ordinary people should have, and I have never felt the warmth of a family..."

Ji Xinghuo sounded a bit weird. He was less than thirty years old, how could he still say "so many years"?

However, this was the first time he heard Sister Ren mention her past.

 “Sister Ren, doesn’t she have any family?”

"No." Ren Mian shook his head slightly, "Like you, I am also a public child, but the situation is different from you..." He suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Ji Xinghuo was confused, "What's wrong?"

"You will know later, we won't talk about it today." Ren Mian changed the topic again, suddenly stood up and sat on Ji Xinghuo's lap, "Anyway, my idea is that I want to change my lifestyle and be more calm. I want to be indulgent, not just for the sake of evolution. I want to experience something I’ve never experienced before, you know what I mean?”

She held Ji Xinghuo's face condescendingly, and the smell of fruit wine mixed with her body fragrance entered Ji Xinghuo's nostrils.

 At this time, all fools understood.

Ji Xinghuo's heart was beating fast. He felt the tight elasticity in his legs, and countless sparks collided with his eyes.

 However, Ren Mian made no next move and closed her eyes shyly.

  No matter how passionate a woman is, no matter how high her attitude is, she will shed her shell of a hunter at the last moment. Her self-respecting instinct will cause her to change roles and become the prey, with the man completing the final blow.

Ji Xinghuo understood clearly and gently blocked his beautiful red lips.

This time, it lasted longer than the last time in the dungeon. It gradually became more enthusiastic and the range of movements became larger.

  Ren Mian's eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

 “Go upstairs…”

 She murmured something, and Ji Xinghuo immediately carried her to the bedroom on the second floor. It was his first time coming in, but he was very familiar with the layout here. He had scanned it countless times with electromagnetic induction.

  When the two were honest with each other, there were only two words left in Ji Xinghuo's mind.

 Small branches bear fruit, thrilling!

 He even forgot what he was supposed to do, his hands and feet were trembling a little, and he was even more nervous than when facing a king-level enemy.

 “What are you doing standing still?” Ren Mian scolded.


Ji Xinghuo quickly opened the interface of Wanxiang Xingpu, invested more than 18,000 points of spiritual energy, and immediately upgraded Qianlingshou.

 Soon, Thousand Dexterous Hands advanced. 【Power: limbs of all spirits (Level 6 1/88667)】

 Ultra-limited powers and limbs, enhanced abilities are no longer limited to the hands, every part of the body becomes extremely flexible and can be controlled at will.

With a moan, Ji Xinghuo also advanced.

Outside the wooden house, it is freezing and snowy, and the cold wind is howling, but inside the room, spring has entered in advance. Two blazing hearts stick together, flying into the sky together, and going to the bliss together.

 The night in the astral world lasts 24.8 hours.

Ji Xinghuo made full use of his strengths and strengths, worked hard, and spent the whole night training his Wanling limbs to fight against the rubber body that also had super-limited powers. Opponents of the same level can make people improve the most, and the upgrade progress increased rapidly.

From starry night to dark night, the sky is getting whiter and the snow outside has stopped.

Jinhui's rays of light fall on the Peach Blossom Valley, and the breeze blows by. The peach blossom forest on the flat lake shore is full of red, colorful and beautiful.

Ji Xinghuo worked hard all night to practice his supernatural powers, but he still couldn't put it down.

But he also knew that the days were long, so he hugged Ren Mian and sat up half-reclined, Ling Neng opened the window and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise.

 “It’s so beautiful…”

Ji Xinghuo let out a praise.

"No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will get tired of it after looking at it for a long time." Ren Mianyi said pointedly.

"How could it be?" Ji Xinghuo turned back and said with a smile: "Although Taohuagou is beautiful, it is still far inferior to Sister Ren's peerless beauty. I will never get tired of seeing it. I wish I could stay here with Sister Ren forever. Together."

 “What about Zhao Manying?”

These words were like an earth-shattering shock. Ji Xinghuo froze up instantly. His blood was still boiling and he almost withered.

Ren Mian asked with a smile: "Why don't you speak?"

"Ahem..." Ji Xinghuo came back to his senses and laughed dryly, "Sister Ren, do you know Manying?"

"I know her, but she doesn't know me." The smile in Ren Mian's eyes has not disappeared, "How could I not know about the number one Sword Immortal in the world? Manying, calling her so affectionate, is worthy of being the man of the Sword Immortal. friend."

Ji Xinghuo's back was already sweating.

Sure enough, Sister Ren also has information channels from the earth in the star realm. She has long been aware of her affairs on the earth, but she has always pretended not to know.

 In this case, why did she take the initiative?

"My relationship with Manying is not what everyone thinks. There is a misunderstanding." Ji Xinghuo's mind raced, "You have to listen to my explanation."

 “Say it, I’m listening.”

 Ren Mian crossed his arms on his chest, as if listening to your quibbles.

Ji Xinghuo's eyes couldn't help but be attracted. It was hard not to notice such a big and jumping thing. He looked away with difficulty and began to say: "It was actually a coincidence that Manying and I met..."

 He roughly talked about how he got to know Zhao Manying and the promise of a hundred days of love.

 The secrets involving Zhao Manying were not disclosed.

"So, Zhao Manying took the initiative to be your girlfriend?" Ren Mian was a little surprised and stared at Ji Xinghuo's face, "You are really blessed. The goddess of the world is pursuing you, but you are not satisfied and come to tease me. .”

 “Who made me handsome?” Ji Xinghuo smiled shamelessly.

 Ren Mian was temporarily angry.

She suddenly said helplessly: "You and Xia Qingyu are indeed father and son. Both are virtuous perverts." Ji Xinghuo told her about Xia Qingyu.

"Why does Sister Ren compare me with Xia Qingyu?" Ji Xinghuo was very dissatisfied, "Xia Qingyu is not shy about being cold and has strong taste. My aesthetics and taste are eight hundred miles ahead of him. I don't like ordinary women at all, and I am not as good as him." More dedicated."

  “You’re getting complacent.” Ren Mian mocked, “Does one have one foot in two boats? That’s called being dedicated?”

Ji Xinghuo immediately corrected him, "I only got on one boat."

 “Huh?” Ren Mian was puzzled.

"Although Manying and I live together, our relationship is pure and pure and has not reached that point." Ji Xinghuo explained seriously.

Moreover, it was you who took the initiative to give me the ticket when I boarded the ship today.

 He thought so in his mind but did not say it out loud.

"Haha..." Ren Mian rolled his eyes, seeming to be very happy about this but concealing it, and asked quietly: "How can you endure a beauty like Zhao Manying?"

"Because I'm thinking about Sister Ren in my heart." Ji Xinghuo hugged her round shoulders and said sincerely: "If I had been impulsive at that time, I would definitely not be able to hide it from you, Sister Ren. Since the first day I saw Sister Ren, I have been Falling in love with you."

 “Flattery.” Ren Mian’s expression remained unchanged, but she did not resist Ji Xinghuo’s embrace. “Did you say the same to Zhao Manying?”

 “Absolutely not!”

Ji Xinghuo immediately shook his head. Zhao Manying didn't even know Ren Mian existed.

However, Ren Mian's next words stunned him, "I don't care what your relationship is with Zhao Manying. I don't care how you deal with it, and I don't want to know. When you are with me, you must be single-minded and never give up." You can't mention other women, and you can't let me find traces of other women on your body. You have to clean it up. You can't let others interfere with me and affect my life, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind. "

What's the meaning?

Ji Xinghuo didn't understand for a moment. After a few seconds, he was shocked and said: "Sister Ren, don't you object to me continuing to date Manying?"

 “I didn’t say that.” Ren Mian shook his head.

Ji Xinghuo asked again: "Does that mean support?"

"Don't push yourself too far." Ren Mian snorted coldly, "I admit that you are excellent and I am attracted to you. You gave up the phytoplasma and proved that you are a man who can be trusted for life, but don't expect me to agree with your left. Hug me right."

“It just so happens that I have changed my mind recently and want to change my lifestyle and experience all kinds of life.”

 “That’s why I didn’t put you in an emotional embarrassment and condone what you did.”


Ren Mian stared at Ji Xinghuo, and a gentle smile suddenly appeared on his face, like flowers blooming and spring filling the room, "We must cherish the beautiful time early in the morning and stop talking about these disappointing topics."

She also knows the taste by eating the marrow, and tasted the sweetness for the first time.

Ji Xinghuo finally understood. He was immediately elated. He put all the messy thoughts behind him and started his morning exercises.

 Until three poles above the sun.

 The progress of his limbs of all spirits has increased a lot.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew in from the window. Xiaokui looked at the two of them and said in surprise: "Sister, why are you and Brother Xinghuo not wearing clothes and fighting?"

 Let the root of the cotton ear turn red.

Ji Xinghuo quickly pulled the quilt over him and said with an embarrassed look, "My sister and I are playing. Xiaokui, go play with Qinghong. I'll prepare delicious barbecue for you later."

 Qinghong teleported into the room and took away the ignorant Xiaokui.

Ren Miancong stuck his head out, looked at Ji Xinghuo, and suddenly laughed.

Ji Xinghuo rubbed his hands together and said, "Continue! Continue! I have been practicing my Qianling Hands for many years, and I want you to feel it today..."

 (End of this chapter)