MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 299 interrogation with electric shock

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Chapter 299 Electric Shock Interrogation

Ji Xinghuo's eyesight is much stronger than Shen Yucheng's. He can see Shen Yucheng dozens of kilometers away, but Shen Yucheng knows nothing about it.

  He kept "refracting" while flying, but after accelerating, it quickly became ineffective.

 But it doesn’t matter.

Ji Xinghuo didn't even think about hiding. Soon the distance shortened to about ten kilometers, and Shen Yucheng also noticed it.

Shen Yucheng hesitated for a moment, then slowed down and stopped.

 “Not timid.”

Ji Xinghuo didn't run away when he saw that the other party was observing him. It was obvious that a skilled man was brave and not afraid of fighting.

 The two people approached quickly and came within five kilometers.

Electromagnetic induction swept across Shen Yucheng, and Ji Xinghuo knew clearly in his heart that the other person had already been promoted to a legend. No wonder he dared to stop there and wait for him.

 He sped up again.


Shen Yucheng finally saw Ji Xinghuo's appearance clearly. He was like a fighter jet rushing toward him at high speed. His face suddenly changed and he turned around and fled.

He has the "flying" ability, and the burst speed of burning star power reaches more than 100 meters per second, like a flaming meteor streaking through the sky, but it is still far behind Ji Xinghuo's speed.

Shen Yucheng looked back frequently and found that Ji Xinghuo was getting closer and closer to him.

 In just ten seconds, the distance was less than three thousand meters.

 There was panic in his eyes.

 Speed ​​is power, and speed is strength. The faster the evolver, the more powerful it must be.

The exaggerated flying speed of this highlander is far superior to the legendary strong man, even faster than many kings!

Shen Yucheng has always been proud of his speed. With his superhuman flying speed, he dares to roam the **** plateau and come and go with ease. Unexpectedly, on this hunting trip, I encountered a highlander who was flying so fast. It was obvious that he came with bad intentions.

 “He is a follower of the Red Emperor…”

  “Arguing with a **** lunatic is like playing harp to an ox, **** it!”

Shen Yucheng cursed in his heart, gritted his teeth, his pupils were stained with blood and fire, and the star power in his body burned again, bursting out at a faster speed.


Flying for only a few seconds, Shen Yucheng felt extremely painful and found it difficult to hold on.

 He looked back and was immediately dumbfounded.

This time, no matter how much star power was spent, not only failed to close the distance, but the highlander actually got closer to him.

 “We have no choice but to fight!”

Shen Yucheng stopped burning and bursting, conserving his star power, drawing a large arc in the air, turning around and flying wildly towards the enemy.

"Haha..." Ji Xinghuo saw Shen Yucheng's plan and admired his courage. His courage was commendable, but it was of no use.

 The two flew towards each other, the distance quickly shrinking.

 In a blink of an eye, we reached about 100 meters.

More blazing flames surged out of Shen Yucheng's body, and the high temperature spread out. His right hand wearing a glove condensed "Rage Flame Energy", and flames erupted under his feet. He released "Flame Sprint", and his speed suddenly increased, like a bullet. The meteor hit Ji Xinghuo.

 Ji Xinghuo had just experienced this scene not long ago.

On the Earth Abyss Star, he and another legendary fire madman faced off against each other, and directly beat each other to pieces.

Shen Yucheng was promoted to legend not long ago, and his strength was even worse than that of the fire madman.

 Ji Xinghuo didn't want to kill him.

Shen Yucheng sprinted in front of him, and the flames on his fists blasted out as fast as lightning, but in Ji Xinghuo's eyes, it was like a camera moving in slow motion. When the opponent's fist was only about half a meter away from his face, it suddenly disappeared.


The air exploded, and high-temperature flames exploded, sweeping dozens of meters in radius.


Shen Yucheng immediately realized that something was wrong. He had "high-frequency thinking" and reacted extremely quickly. He noticed that the enemy appeared behind him, but before he could turn around or escape, he was hit **** the back.


Shen Yucheng felt as if his whole body was falling apart and he fell to the ground involuntarily.

He turned around during the fall and saw the highlander swooping down about a hundred meters above him and punching him in the stomach.


Even though there was a layer of "red flame armor" outside his body, Shen Yucheng still spat out a large mouthful of blood, and also vomited out all the lunch he had eaten not long ago.

 And this is not the end.

 The Highlanders swooped down again, delivering blow after blow.

Shen Yucheng tried his best to regain flight control, but the opponent didn't give him any chance at all. He could break his red flame armor with one punch from a dive. The huge power in his fist destroyed his flame star power again and again.

There was also an electric current that penetrated into the body, causing numbness and severe pain all over the body.

boom! boom! boom…

With more than ten punches in a row, Shen Yucheng fell faster and faster, and his body became like a shrimp.

His martial arts, combat skills, equipment and other supernatural means are all useless due to the absolute gap in strength and speed.

Finally, he crashed diagonally into a snowy peak more than 2,000 meters high. With a loud bang, a large crater was created. Countless snowflakes flew, triggering a small avalanche.

Shen Yucheng lay on his back in the pit, struggling to keep his mind clear.

 He opened his eyes.

Seeing the highlander descending slowly, hovering at the edge of the pit, looking down at him, with a fierce and savage look on his face. He didn't reveal much aura, but he was horrified. This Red Emperor believer was too strong!

However, Shen Yucheng was very surprised, why didn't the other party kill him?

 “Shen Yucheng?”

 The Highlander spoke.

 At this moment, the expression on Shen Yucheng's face was very wonderful. Being called by his real name by a highlander in the star realm, in standard Asian language, was more shocking than being beaten up, as if he had seen a ghost.

 “Who the **** are you?”

Shen Yucheng realized that the person in front of him was not a highlander at all, but a disguised Earthling.

"You forgot so quickly?" Ji Xinghuo smiled, and his deep voice returned to normal noise, "You are doing well in the star realm."

"It's you!"

Shen Yucheng immediately remembered, "You are the swordsman of that sharp sword bureau, codenamed Xintian! How is this possible?"

His eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe it.

When he fought with Ji Xinghuo at that time, the other party was just a senior person. Although his strength was strong, he could kill himself in an immortal city.

It has only been more than a year, but the opponent's strength is even more terrifying than the legend, and he beat himself half to death.

 But he obviously hasn't used his full strength yet.

"Nothing is impossible." Ji Xinghuo's face turned cold. He had no good impression of Shen Yucheng and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, what will happen in Qianyuan? Why do you want to defect? ​​What key things do you hold in your hands? "

"Have you ever fought against the Qianyuan Society?" Shen Yucheng's expression suddenly relaxed, and he kept observing Ji Xinghuo carefully, trying to see his true appearance.

Last year in the Eternal City, Ji Xinghuo changed his appearance.

Now disguised as a Highlander, Shen Yucheng only knows that the code name is "Xintian" and knows no other information.

 He was really curious about the true identity of the swordsman in this sharp sword game.


Thunder exploded, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, striking Shen Yucheng. The high-voltage current caused severe pain all over his body, and it took half a minute for him to recover.

Ji Xinghuo looked at him expressionlessly, "You answer whatever I ask. This is an interrogation, do you understand?"

"Kill me if you dare." Shen Yucheng said bitterly. Another bolt of lightning struck.

"I know that you have a cloned twin, and you can be freed by death." Ji Xinghuo said lightly, "In front of me, you can try to see if you can successfully commit suicide. Even if you die, I will find your true body and let you Completely settled.”

Shen Yucheng's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Although he was previously the deputy director of the Exploration Department of the Astral Ministry, he did not have access to the Sword Bureau. His impression of this organization is the same as that of ordinary people in the Asia-Pacific Community. It is mysterious, powerful and awe-inspiring.

 The swordsman in front of me also proves this point.

It has only been more than a year, but I can actually find myself in the vast and endless star realm. It is really a magical power.

 It is not impossible to find one's own identity again.

 “You can ask.” Shen Yucheng finally lowered his head.

Ji Xinghuo asked directly: "Who are the members of the Qianyuan Society?"

"have no idea."

Shen Yucheng lay in the pit and shook his head in pain, "When I was the deputy commander of the Exploration Department, I once led a team on a mission. A stranger came into contact with me and became a friend. He made an offer that I couldn't refuse. , let me speed up my cultivation and evolution, and my strength will be greatly increased."

 He slowed down and continued: "I found out his intentions later, but I had already boarded the pirate ship and couldn't get off."

 “Every time we meet, it’s in the star realm.”

“When I was performing the exploration mission, the other party also provided me with a lot of information and assistance, which allowed me to make great contributions and advance rapidly in the Exploration Department.”

 Speaking of this, Shen Yucheng laughed at himself with a complicated expression.

 “Who is that person?” Ji Xinghuo asked again.

"Not one person, but many." Shen Yucheng replied, "They all have the ability to transform. Although they come into contact with me with the same appearance every time, I have already seen that they are at least three different people. .”

He looked at Ji Xinghuo, "I've checked it a long time ago. There is no identity information on the earth at all. In this case, it is most likely that he has never been to the earth. Otherwise, there will be clues left."

 “Are you so sure?” Ji Xinghuo’s eyes flashed.

"Haha..." Shen Yucheng's eyes were full of confidence, "Do you think that I can become the deputy director at the age of 40, all because of others? In terms of information collection ability, I am definitely no worse than anyone else. Ever since I know the origins of those people There is a problem, and there is a huge force organization behind it. I have been secretly investigating and collecting their information, and then I found out the name Qianyuanhui. Otherwise, you, the Sharp Sword Bureau, still know nothing about it until now."

Ji Xinghuo nodded, "What else do you know? Tell me."

“The Qianyuan Society is a global organization, and all major countries on the planet have their members and institutions.”

“Their organization is very strict, and they have secretly cultivated many strangers who are lurking in the country and corporate institutions. They have reached a very high level. Not only are there legendary strong men, but they also have kings!”

“The Qianyuan Society has at least one earth star gate in its hands and can enter and leave the star realm at any time.”

"I suspect that they are organized in the star realm, and even the mastermind behind the scenes comes from the star realm!"

Ji Xinghuo felt solemn when he heard this.

There are thirteen star gates on the earth. Even if they all lead to Olympia, it is still a very serious matter if one of them is controlled by someone outside the earth. This threatens the safety of the entire earth and all mankind.

If true, Qianyuanhui is a "ball traitor"!

 “The Dagon people, or the Tianyu Royal Court?” He immediately asked. This was the only force that could be so hostile to the earth and organize the Qianyuan Society.

Shen Yucheng replied: "I don't know."

“Is it unclear or do you want to say it?” Ji Xinghuo’s face turned cold.

"I really don't know!" Shen Yucheng quickly defended, "If I were to make a judgment, the Yi Ren of Tianyu Royal Court is more suspicious."

"How to say?"

"I have worked in the Exploration Department for more than 20 years, and most of the time I have performed tasks in the Thousand Peaks Abyss Forest. The Qianyuan Society can always help me. The Dagon people should not have such great energy. Except for the Yi people, I don't think so. No one can do it." Shen Yucheng expressed his speculation.

Ji Xinghuo touched his beard and was shocked.

 He believed this speculation to a certain extent. It was really amazing that the Winged Man had penetrated into the earth.

"You should report the news instead of defecting." Ji Xinghuo was very dissatisfied with Shen Yucheng's choice. At that time, the Sharp Sword Bureau traced Ji Zongbang and found Shen Yucheng, which alerted him to defect.

"How do I know if I will be intercepted by the Qianyuan Society if I report it?" Shen Yucheng snorted, "There must be a traitor in your Lijian Bureau."

Ji Xinghuo was speechless.

There was indeed a traitor in the Lijian Bureau, and he suspected that there was more than one, and there were others lurking deeper.

Shen Yucheng continued: "I deliberately made the matter bigger by stealing information from the Exploration Department, and even sacrificed a clone to tell the Sharp Sword Bureau about the existence of the Qianyuan Society through you. I have already done my best for the country. .”

 When a clone created by a cloned twin dies, the original body will also feel the pain of death.

  Recreating the clone is time-consuming and labor-intensive, delaying the cultivation and evolution.

 If the clone dies too many times, it will cause damage to the soul, and it will be difficult to cultivate the star power back.

Shen Yucheng's actions are understandable, and Ji Xinghuo doesn't want to criticize. He just wants to know more about the Qianyuan Society.

 “Do you have a list of the Qianyuan Society?”

"My level in the Qianyuan Society is not high, and I have always been in single-line contact. The upline is in the star realm, and the contact has been cut off long ago. There is also a downline who committed suicide before I was exposed." Shen Yucheng recovered a little Injured, he sat up from the pit.

He continued: "I don't have access to the list, but there are several key suspects that I collected and analyzed."


“The first one is the Giant Consortium. I already hinted at it when I was in the Eternal City.” Shen Yucheng said.

Ji Xinghuo frowned.

When he was chasing Shen Yucheng in the Eternal City last year, he suspected that there was something wrong with the Giant Consortium, and he was right.

 The Giant Consortium is a behemoth, with hundreds of companies under its subsidiaries and tens of millions of employees. It is also one of the actual controllers of the American Federation. Even if it is known that they are related to Qianyuan members, it is extremely difficult to bring them down or track them down.

Shen Yucheng reported seven or eight suspected targets in one breath, but none of them were specific individuals. They were all companies, institutions or organizational units.

 Scattered in various countries around the world, three of them are in the Asia-Pacific Community.

Ji Xinghuo has never heard of it.

He suddenly doubted the credibility of Shen Yucheng's words, or that Shen Yucheng was just making random claims without evidence.

 “Where are the things?” Ji Xinghuo noted down these suspicious targets and suddenly stretched out his hand.

Shen Yucheng was confused, "What?"

"Don't pretend to be confused with me." Ji Xinghuo stared at Shen Yucheng and stepped closer, "If you hadn't taken away the important items of the Qianyuan Society and put the blame on me, the Qianyuan Society would have been full and kept struggling. Send someone to assassinate me?"

His eyes were flashing with lightning, and lightning was about to burst out.

 “In Chang’an!”

Shen Yucheng looked panicked and finally shouted: "I buried that thing in Lishan Park. Go get it yourself."

 He named a specific burial site.

 “What is that?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

"Before I was exposed, the top line in the star realm gave it to me and asked me to take it back to Earth to wait for the next order." Shen Yucheng said quickly, "I have studied it quietly. The shell of the thing is very hard and cannot be opened. It should be an alien product."

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

He asked a few more questions, and Shen Yu Chengdu answered them honestly, telling everything he knew.

"You'd better not lie, otherwise you won't be so polite next time." Ji Xinghuo flew into the sky and disappeared from the horizon in the blink of an eye.

“Fuck, beating me like this is still polite?”

 Shen Yucheng cursed.

After lying in the pit for more than ten minutes, he got up with a look of pain on his face, gritted his teeth and took off, leaving in the other direction.

 But he didn't notice a vague figure following behind him in the sky dozens of kilometers away.

 (End of this chapter)