MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 298 Hot spring water smoothes and removes fat

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Chapter 298: Hot spring water washes away fat

 The sun rises and sets.

The door on the second floor of the wooden house was opened, and Ji Xinghuo walked barefoot to the balcony, only wrapped in a silk cloth around his waist. The cold wind blew on his body, shivering.

 He took a deep breath of fresh air and felt refreshed.

 Three astral heavens have passed.

 From Ren Mian’s birthday to now, this is the first time he has stepped out of his room. He has hardly rested or eaten anything in the past 160 hours or so. He has been working hard day and night, absurd and hearty!


Ji Xinghuo had a proud look on his face.

  The blood of the titanium cobalt dragon combined with the rotating magnetic field made the body tireless, and with the assistance of the six-level all-spirit limbs, Sister Ren finally gave in.

"No wonder Xia Qingyu enjoys it so much that he doesn't practice any day long." Ji Xinghuo finally understood, "It's really refreshing..."

 He stretched his muscles and felt a little sticky.

 It is noon now and the sun is shining brightly.

"Take a bath." Ji Xinghuo looked at the snowy scene of Taohuagou and suddenly had an idea, so he flew up from the balcony, passed through the secret realm, and landed on the lake in the canyon. The ice was still two or three meters thick, hard and cold.

A section of the Spirit Sword bracelet fell off and turned into a "fire sword". The high-temperature sharp blade was inserted into the ice and cut out a circle about three meters in diameter, but it did not penetrate the ice. The sword light was inserted into the center of the circle. The red light blooms, releasing a large amount of heat energy.

 In a dozen seconds, the ice melted.

Then the ice water is rapidly heated, white mist evaporates, and an outdoor hot spring pool is built in a blink of an eye.

Ji Xinghuo put away the light of his sword, tore off the silk cloth around his waist, and jumped in naked. The scalding hot water soaks the whole body, causing the pores all over the body to expand and making everyone feel uncomfortable.


 He leaned on the edge and soaked for a few minutes. When the hot water became cold, he reheated it. "Sister Ren, come and soak in the hot spring."

 After calling several times, Ren Mian came out wrapped in a blanket.

Compared to three days ago, her expression was a bit more lazy, her shoulders were half exposed, and her every move revealed amazing charm. Her skin was smooth and soft, as if she had been adequately moisturized, and it was as white as gelatin, setting off the eyebrows. The peach blossom mark is more charming, delicate and charming.

Ji Xinghuo had already taken in the sights, tasted and played with them, but when he saw her slowly walking over, he still couldn't take his eyes away.

“There’s no one else here, and it’s so tight.” Ji Xinghuo said with a smile.

The electromagnetic induction scanning radius is five kilometers, and apart from myself and Sister Ren, there are only some wild beasts and monsters in the entire Taohuagou.

 “I don’t want to run naked.”

Ren Mian glanced at him, walked to the ice hot spring pool, took off the blanket, and slowly sank into the hot water, leaving only his head exposed.

 Her face was also very satisfied, and she breathed out lightly.

 There was a crash.

Ji Xinghuo approached and saw Ren Mian subconsciously placing his hands across his chest. He couldn't help but smile and said, "I've tasted every inch of your body from head to toe, and you're still so defensive about me?"

"I don't know your virtue yet? You are like a hungry ghost in your lust. Once you get started, you will never finish it, tossing me for hours." Ren Mian said angrily, "At least let me rest for half a day and come back in the evening."

Ji Xinghuo blushed, "I just want to give Sister Ren a massage and relax."

 “Then press it.”

Ren Mian turned around, leaned on the edge and faced him with her smooth back.

 Ji Xinghuo gave an honest massage.

Although he is not a professional masseur, he knows the principles and has the help of all kinds of limbs, so he quickly mastered the tricks.


There was a rhythmic sound of banging in the hot spring pool. Ji Xinghuo's hands were nimble and fast, like a pair of delicate mechanical arms. They pushed, pressed, kneaded, and pinched, up and down. The strength of each movement was just right, fully moving the muscles and bones. , promote blood circulation.

Ren Mianwei’s eyes were wide-eyed with great enjoyment on his face, “The technique is good. If you become a masseur, you will at least be a gold medal technician.”

"That is."

Ji Xinghuo laughed and said, "I can do a lot of things with my hands. Sister Ren should be aware of that."

 “Bah!” Ren Mian’s ears turned slightly red, as if he had remembered something.

"Hahaha..." Ji Xinghuo felt that the water was a little cold, so he heated it with the fire sword for a few seconds.

Ren Mian turned around and came back to ask him to stop: "Okay, you should also rest. You have worked too much these days, don't get exhausted."

"Sister Ren still feels sorry for me." Ji Xinghuo stopped massaging and sat down next to him in the hot water to soothe his body. Although there is a saying that only exhausted cows do not plow the fields, but in fact he is not tired at all.

He looked at the woman in front of him, admiring her peerless appearance, and sighed: "It's like a dream, very unreal."

"Me too…"

Ren Mian leaned on his chest, closing her eyes and murmuring.

"The skills I had been holding back for twenty-five years were released all at once. The relationship between men and women turns out to be so happy!" Ji Xinghuo said jokingly.

Ren Mian looked relaxed, "You are only twenty-five years old, and I can't hold it in for six..."


Ji Xinghuo's face froze, and he lowered his head to look at Ren Mian in his arms. He saw that she also opened her eyes, her expression flickered, and she did not dare to look at him.

 He was sure he heard correctly, "Well, how old are you?"

"Can you not answer?" Ren Mian smiled, "I'm a little older than you, but age is a woman's secret, so you can't ask questions casually."

 “The beginning of six is ​​just a little bigger?”

Ji Xinghuo felt very strange. If it was acceptable to be over sixty, it couldn't be over six hundred, right?

Isn't it that he was born in the Ming Dynasty, and the star gate was not even opened?


"Don't make random guesses!" Ren Mian knew what Ji Xinghuo was thinking as soon as he looked at Ji Xinghuo's expression. With a look of helplessness on his face, he had no choice but to confide: "Okay, I am sixty-five years old this year."

"so far so good."

Ji Xinghuo breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was sixty-five years old, only forty years older than himself. But then she thought about it, she and Xia Qingyu were of the same age and belonged to her parents' generation. If she got married early and had children, she could become a grandmother.

  Although it is now the 23rd century, due to the increase in average life expectancy, strangers can live longer, year-end love is very common, and people can accept it.

 However, the age difference between the lovers is forty years, which is still a bit outrageous.

Ji Xinghuo couldn't help but complain: "When I first met you, you said you were 26 years old, four years older than me. It turns out that you were 62 years old at the time, forty years older than me..."

 “Why, you dislike me for being old?” Ren Mian’s eyes became a little dangerous.

 “Absolutely not!”

Ji Xinghuo quickly denied it, "No matter how old Sister Ren is, she will always look the most beautiful. She is younger and more beautiful than an eighteen-year-old girl."

 He was telling the truth. If Ren Mian hadn't said it, no one would have known that she was sixty-five years old.

We have known each other for three years and nothing has changed.

She still looks to be in her early twenties, and she doesn’t feel the influence of age at all when she is in contact with her at a negative distance. Her youthful vitality, firming suction, and soul-sucking charm are simply life-threatening.

However, sixty-five-year-old spinsters are rare.

Ji Xinghuo suddenly remembered that he had said several times that she was an old cow eating young grass, and it was actually true, but he did not dare to show it at all.

 “That’s pretty much it.”

Ren Mian was very satisfied with Ji Xinghuo's answer, caressing her delicate skin, and said softly: "I have fused an extremely powerful plant-based alien species, which allows me to stay young forever, and my body will not age for the rest of my life, which is all for your benefit." ”

 “What kind of alien species is so powerful?” Ji Xinghuo was a little curious.

 In fact, he already had some associations.

Given Sister Ren’s talent and strength, her evolution speed is so fast, and she is still only a super alien at the age of sixty-five. It should be related to this alien species.

 At least it’s a meteorite variant, maybe even a solar eclipse! "I'll tell you later." Ren Mian shook his head.

Ji Xinghuo did not ask any further questions.

  Although the relationship between the two has become close, they still need to retain some personal privacy. It is not convenient to ask more about such an important secret of alien species.

Even though he thought so, he was still a little unhappy. She had too many secrets.

 Neither say this nor that.

"It's not that time yet, don't be angry. One day you will know everything about me." Ren Mian smiled softly, hugged Ji Xinghuo's neck and apologized. She bit her lips and suddenly plunged into the water.


Ji Xinghuo took a deep breath and tightened his toes.

The water surface in the pool soon rippled, becoming colder and hotter, hotter and colder again, and the sound of massage could be heard intermittently.

 At night, the two of them went back to the cabin, got dressed, and cooked the first meal together in three days.

For more than ten days in a row, Ji Xinghuo was immersed in the happiest days of his life. He was indulgent and unrestrained. He didn't even practice much. He spent most of the time without clothes. He was inseparable from Ren Mian. The two of them were like conjoined twins.

Ren Mian also enjoys it, as if he wants to make up for the regrets he has missed for decades, and cooperates with Ji Xinghuo's sexual preferences, obeying everything, and experiencing thousands of tastes.

 All things revive and the earth rejuvenates.

 After the "Star Moon", the second month of the hot season enters the "Dew Moon", and it is the mating season of animals.

Ji Xinghuo stood up from the entanglement and reached out to take out the microphone. The crystal disc vibrated slightly.

 Chief Hanqiu sent a message of war.

 The distance is not far, it is located in the south of Tianhui Cliff, and it only takes more than a day to fly from Taohuagou.

 “It’s time to calm down.”

Ji Xinghuo put down the microphone and secretly said to himself.

After so many days of indulgence, he finally realized what it means to be "a hero who has a hard time with beauty" and why there is a saying that "the king will never come to court early from now on". When you have a strong physical support, a peerless beauty, and everything you want, it's really hard not to be addicted. .

That kind of happy and wonderful feeling cannot be described in words. Even the most determined people will be corroded.

Ji Xinghuo's eyes gradually became firm and he whispered: "I want to go out."

 Ren Mian poked her head out, her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion.

 She thought about it for a few seconds before she realized what Ji Xinghuo meant, sobered up and asked, "When?"

 “Now.” Ji Xinghuo replied.

 “Okay, go ahead.” Ren Mian nodded lightly, “Go early and come back early.”

Ji Xinghuo crawled out of the warm bed with difficulty, quickly put on clothes and armor, put on the ferocious arm guards, and once again disguised himself as a highlander, carrying the Ice Veiner's Ax and the Black Eternal Crystal War Bow.

 He leaned over the bed and kissed Ren Mian gently, turned around and flew out from the balcony.

Qinghong teleported over, shrunk and hid on his body.


Ji Xinghuo immediately accelerated after passing through the secret realm, soared into the sky like a rocket, and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Ren Mian watched Ji Xinghuo fly out of sight. After she was out of sight, she stretched out her hand to touch her abdomen with a gentle look on her face. She didn't know what she was thinking about.

High in the sky, Ji Xinghuo flew as fast as lightning.

 His speed became faster again.

 After the star force reaches 8000 points, the repulsion generated by the rotating magnetic field is stronger, which can speed up the flight speed.

Perhaps initially, magnetic field flight is less turbulent than shock waves, but has greater potential.

 As the star power becomes stronger and stronger, the speed will become faster and faster.

At the same time, the Ring of Photosynthesis comes with an "etheric resonance", which nearly doubles the recovery of its own star power. It can still maintain a balance between consumption and recovery at higher flying speeds. When necessary, the full-speed burst can be maintained for longer. .

Ji Xinghuo felt the howling wind, flying through the clouds freely.

 Then we started to explore.

  After a moment.

“My current cruising speed can be maintained at about 56 meters per second.” He quickly calculated, “The converted speed is about 200 kilometers per hour, which is already very fast, but it is still slower than expected.”

 He has long discovered that the increase in flight speed increases in a curve.

 The recovery of star power has doubled, but the speed has not doubled. It has only been accelerated by about 60%, and the consumption has also increased simultaneously.

 The faster the speed, the harder it is to improve.

The same is true for bursting at full speed. Ji Xinghuo has been tested and found that his current limit flight speed can reach 150 meters per second, which is about 540 kilometers per hour, with a smaller increase.

However, the endurance time of full-speed flight has been extended.

 It only lasted 5 minutes before, but now it can last about 20 minutes, and it can fly 180 kilometers in one breath.

“It’s still far from supersonic flight…”

Ji Xinghuo sighed in his heart, the speed of sound on the earth is 340 meters per second, and the speed of sound in the star realm is even higher, reaching 1021 meters per second.

 At its own speed, even supersonic flight on the earth is still out of reach.

That requires too much star power.

"If 'acceleration' is integrated, the difficulty should be reduced a lot." Ji Xinghuo thought that the meteorite variant in his hand was short of an expansion item, so he lowered the flying altitude, and the electromagnetic induction swept across the plateau land at high speed.

 However, when he flew all day and approached his destination, he did not find the Windstorm Beast.

Ji Xinghuo landed.

 Two days later, he harvested nearly 30,000 points of spiritual energy and left the battlefield quietly.

 Reconnaissance, disguise, blend in, paddle, leave.

Ji Xinghuo has done this process many times and is very familiar with it.

  After receiving the spiritual source energy, he immediately took off in the direction of Taohuagou, but on the way back, he slightly changed his flight route. Electromagnetic induction searched for areas that he had not searched before, increasing the chance of encountering the wind-blasting beast.


 The snowy peaks on the earth have become smaller, and the clouds are retreating rapidly.

At dusk, Ji Xinghuo, who was high in the sky, suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked dozens of kilometers away, close to the ground, where there was a ball of flame flying. After careful observation, he found that there was a figure in the fire, and the speed was not slow.

 “Fire maniac.”

Ji Xinghuo is not surprised. This advanced profession is famous for its speed, and it is normal to be able to fly.

He has flown on the **** plateau many times, and when he encounters other flying creatures, whether they are monsters or aliens, he usually avoids them to avoid conflicts.

 The same is true this time.

Ji Xinghuo was about to change directions when the Wanxiang Xingpu magnified the opponent's details in his field of vision, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

 “He’s actually an Earthling!”

The appearance of this fire madman from the earth is very strange. I have never seen it before, but there is a vague feeling of familiarity.

Ji Xinghuo thought for a few seconds and finally remembered, "He is Shen Yucheng."

"Depend on!"

It was precisely because of Shen Yucheng that he was targeted by the Qianyuan Society and attacked many times. However, Shen Yucheng took the opportunity to escape and feel at ease. Ji Xinghuo had long suspected that this man was not dead, and sure enough, he met him on the **** plateau.

 He turned and accelerated without hesitation, diving towards the human-shaped flame.

 (End of this chapter)