MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 191

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"Su Han, I didn't expect that you are a spy sent to Xia by foreign forces!"

"As I said, the divine beast Reginok, which I can't easily conquer, why did you subdue it casually. It must be some rare Poké Ball that was given to you by foreign forces?"

"Also, you let the super-evolutionary super-evolution stone of the fire-breathing dragon be given to you by foreign power?"

Meng Tianming took it for granted.

As soon as Meng Tianming said this, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Impossible? Su Han turned out to be a spy supported by foreign forces?"

"God Su is a spy? How is that possible!"

Many netizens heard that, of course they didn't believe it.

But many people believed it.

"If Su Han is not a spy, how can he explain that he has the super evolution stone of the fire-breathing dragon?"

"Who said that God Su used the super evolution stone to super-evolve the fire-breathing dragon? Obviously it is the evolution of fetters!"

"That ball conquered the divine beast Rejnock, how do you explain it?"

"And how do you explain the evolution of Super Miao Miao and Miss Skirt? Is this also the evolution of fetters?"


Netizens who supported Su Han were immediately speechless.

"Su Han is a spy trained by foreign forces and can't escape!"

"Damn, I didn't expect that he was actually a spy!"

"Don't jump to conclusions before the investigation is clear, okay? You are spreading rumors, and you will be held legally responsible for spreading rumors!"

"I'll just say, how did this guy suddenly become famous and famous. It turns out that there are forces secretly supporting him."

"Before things get to the bottom of things, be a melon eater and watch the show."


"makes sense."

The live broadcast room of the original frying pan has calmed down a lot.

"Foreign forces?"

Su Han didn't know that Meng Tianming had a live broadcast, so he didn't react much when he heard that he slandered him.

"I died of laughter, continue to make up." Su Han.

"If you don't even refute, that's the default. Very good, I'll take you down and hand it over to the law enforcement officer!"

The first half of Meng Tianming's sentence was naturally intended for the audience in the live broadcast room.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard the words, they boiled again.

Many people have already determined that Su Han is a spy supported by foreign forces.

Otherwise, how could he be so powerful?

Are the audience in the live broadcast room so foolish?

It does.

But to put it bluntly, it is still a matter of people's hearts, people are jealous that Su Han is better than them.

228. The Battle of the Fire-breathing Dragon XY!

Especially boys of the same age, when they see the girls around them, they adore and obsess over Su Han, and they are naturally envious and jealous.

Not everyone is as broad-minded as Houtian and Tang Qiru, and more people are narrow-minded.

Seeing that Su Han is better than them, instead of admiring him, he will become jealous.

Su Han, who didn't know Meng Tianming started the live broadcast, naturally didn't know all this.

Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't explain too much.

The clearer is self-clearing, why do you explain so much?

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, fire-breathing dragon, use dragon claws!"

With Su Han's order, Super Fire-breathing Dragon X immediately took action, waving its huge wings and rushing towards Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y at a very fast speed.

The sharp dragon claws were covered with a layer of light blue flames, and one claws ruthlessly grabbed the super fire-breathing dragon Y.

"Not to explain is to admit."

Even at this critical juncture, Meng Tianming is still saying that there are some things, and the purpose is nothing more than to emphasize Su Han's spy status to the audience 06 in the live broadcast room.

In this way, he can kill Su Han, right?

"Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, use Air Slash to counterattack!"

After that, Meng Tianming gave orders to his super fire-breathing dragon Y.

The collision between the dragon claws and the air slash sputtered countless sparks.

The claws of the two super fire-breathing dragons were tightly entangled, and the ground shattered, leaving two deep traces.

The two sides are evenly matched!

"Oh, Su Han, your fire-breathing dragon is nothing more than that!"

Meng Tianming couldn't help but sneered.

It's no wonder that Meng Tianming would sneer. You must know that the power of dragon claws is not the same as that of air slash, and the power of dragon claws is much higher than that of air slash.

But they collided with each other, but only ended up being evenly matched. What does this mean?

This shows that Su Han's super fire-breathing dragon X is slightly weaker than Meng Tianming's super fire-breathing dragon Y!

It's not just because Super Charizard X is one level lower than Super Charizard Y, it's more important.

Su Han's Super Fire-breathing Dragon X's character is hard work (no change), which also makes its advantages less obvious. Unlike Meng Tianming's Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, its character is conservative (+special attack, -attack), and it fully utilizes its advantages.

Although both X and Y, everyone's race value is 634, but the duel between masters is often to see who can use their respective advantages!


However, Su Han didn't care at all.

Although it is important to give full play to the advantages, it is not impossible to make up for the lack of advantages.

For example, skills!

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the wave of the dragon!"

With Su Han's order, Super Fire-breathing Dragon X opened its **** mouth, and a white distorted light wave burst out.


Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y was unable to dodge, and was directly hit, making a painful scream.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use it to hold on!"

Meng Tianming hurriedly ordered, and then Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y used his strength to hold on, he just held on with perseverance.

"Idiot, even teaching Super Fire-breathing Dragon X Dragon's Wave, don't you know this is a special attack move?"

Meng Tianming said sarcastically.

"What's the point, anyway, Super Fire-breathing Dragon X's special attack and physical attack racial values ​​are the same, it was originally a double swordsman!"

"Speaking of which, you are the one who made the mistake. I never said that my fire-breathing dragon is a physical attacker."

Su Han spoke again.

When Meng Tianming heard the words, he realized that it was indeed his preconceived idea that he mistakenly thought that Su Han's fire-breathing dragon was a physical attacker.

However, to cultivate a elf, the cost is very high.

General trainers will choose to cultivate in one of the directions of the elves' physical attack, special attack, or special defense and physical defense.

This is also a good way to pair them with skills and buy some powerful skills that are ridiculously expensive.

For example, the skill machines of earthquakes and thunder and lightning are ridiculously expensive, and they have been sold for millions or even tens of millions.

To cultivate the elves in the direction of the two swordsmen, the money spent is tens of millions or hundreds of millions. How can ordinary people cultivate them?

Many poor trainers, who have used elves all their lives, have only mastered the skills they can learn by leveling up. It's already enough money to cultivate elves, how can there be money to sell skill machines!

Therefore, the double swordsman elves, to put it bluntly, are just the stuff of some wealthy rich people.

Even if Meng Tianming, a genius in the top ten of the youth training, has a lot of resources given by the state, he still does not have enough economic ability to cultivate a double swordsman.

Therefore, he could only reluctantly let the fire-breathing dragon take the special attack route.

Now that he heard Su Han actually say that his Super Fire-breathing Dragon X is a double swordsman, he almost burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, two swordsmen, do you think you are a multi-millionaire, oh no, a billionaire?" Meng Tianming.

Multi-millionaires can't afford two swordsmen.

"Why, don't believe me?"

Meng Tianming didn't believe it, what Su Han could do was to let him see it with his own eyes.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use Earthquake!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use big characters to explode!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use Bite!"

In just a few seconds, Su Han made Super Fire-breathing Dragon X alternately use physical attack skills and special attack skills.

Moreover, they are also some extremely destructive skills!

"Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, use Dragon Breath!"

"Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, use the smoke screen..."

Meng Tianming hurriedly let his Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y deal with the fierce attack launched by Super Fire-breathing Dragon X.

Soon, however, he felt powerless.

The skills mastered by Super Level 207 Fire-breathing Dragon X are too many, both physical and special attacks, even if they want to deal with it, it is not easy to deal with.

In addition, the dragon breath used by the super fire-breathing dragon has a power of only 60 points, which is far worse than the fluctuation of the dragon whose power is as high as 85 points.

Don't ask Meng Tianming why he didn't let the super fire-breathing dragon Y use the dragon's wave, but he just didn't have the money to give it skills!

Dragon Breath is a skill that can be learned by fire-breathing dragons at level 12.

With so many skills he mastered, Su Han's Super Fire-breathing Dragon X quickly regained his advantage.

The fight that followed was even more exciting.

Super Fire-breathing Dragon X relies on the various skills it has mastered, and it is a burst of output against Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y.

The two sides fought back and forth, very intense.

Su Han's Super Fire-breathing Dragon X has a variety of skills emerging in an endless stream. After playing for more than ten minutes, there is not a single skill that is repeated.

And Meng Tianming's Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, relying on the advantage of character and special attack racial value as high as 159 points, just didn't fall behind.

This battle is simply not too exciting!

In other words, it is exaggerated to describe it, that is - the two supreme battles have reached the borders of the universe, and the avenues have been wiped out!

"It's... too powerful."

Yasina and Yang Jie, who were watching the battle in the distance, looked at each other.

229. Everything is in Su Han's calculations

Is this the super war?

Is this a showdown between super fire-breathing dragons?