MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 190

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The results are predictable.

Seeing that, Su Han and the fire-breathing dragon were both engulfed by the raging flames.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were nervous and sweaty.

Sure enough, is this the gap between the average person and the top ten talents in the youth training super freshmen?

Has it been decided in one move? This gap is too big.

Su Han still can't do it.

Although Meng Tianming has bad conduct, his strength is still strong, not to mention, he also has a fire-breathing dragon super evolution stone.

At this moment, almost all the netizens in the live broadcast room flashed similar thoughts in their minds.

While they were worried about Su Han's safety, they were also deeply shocked by the power of Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y.

Su Han is finished!

"and many more!"

However, a small number of sharp-eyed netizens suddenly discovered that at this extremely tense moment, Su Han was not panicking at all. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an extremely confident smile.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, Su Han suddenly spoke up.

"Fire-breathing dragon, it's your turn to perform!"


As Su Han's voice sounded, the fire-breathing dragon let out an earth-shattering roar.


Along with the roar, there were also fiery red energy ripples.

The energy ripples formed a hurricane of energy, and the flames of the spraying flames were blown so close!

Not only the fire-breathing dragon, but Su Han's body also spread small fiery red energy ripples.

A looming, burning flame connected Su Han and the fire-breathing dragon together.

That's... a bond!

Then, a completely shocking scene appeared!

The large-scale energy ripples spread on the fire-breathing dragon and the small-scale energy ripples spread on Su Han's body, at a certain moment, were perfectly synchronized!


What is this situation? ? ? ! ! !

For a moment, this idea flashed in the minds of all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

But no one sent a barrage to ask.

On the contrary, the barrage of the entire live room suddenly cleared.

Because everyone was completely shocked by the scene in front of them, and even forgot to post the barrage.

However, this is not over yet.

This is just the beginning.

When the energy ripples spread from Su Han and the fire-breathing dragon reached complete synchronization, the form of the fire-breathing dragon underwent an earth-shaking change.

Its body began to swell, and the fiery red skin continued to deepen in color, and finally, it turned into pitch black!

The originally white belly has also turned into a light blue like a ghost fire.

Also, the fiery red flames at the end of the tail were replaced by icy pale blue flames.


At the corner of the fire-breathing dragon's mouth, there were also two cold flames, which burst into flames!

The form of the fire-breathing dragon has completely changed!


Is this Super Charizard X?

Su Han was very satisfied with the handsome and mighty form of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X.

The electronic eye scanned the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, and immediately, the data of the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X appeared in front of Su Han.

Elf: Charizard

Level: LV70 (quasi-king LV61-70)

Gender: ♂

Attributes: Fire, Dragon

Features: Hard Claw [The power of moves that come into contact with the opponent will increase. 】

Personality: Hardworking (no change)

Race Value: HP: 78, Attack: 130, Defense: 111, Special Attack: 130, Special Defense: 85, Speed: 100 (total 634)

Individual Value: HP: 25, Attack: 31, Defense: 22, Special Attack: 31, Special Defense: 18, Speed: 22


Skills: Hot Air, Dragon Claw, Air Slash, Grab, Scream, Spark, Smoke Screen, Air Slash, Dragon Breath, Flaming Fang, Cleave, Jet Flame, Ghost Face, Flame Vortex, Inferno, Flash Charge, Destruction Death Light, Ultimate shock...

Potential Quality: Quasi-God

At the same time, the jet flames spewed out by the super fire-breathing dragon Y finally broke through the violent hurricane and slammed.


The Super Fire-breathing Dragon X actually let out a disdainful snort, and then the sharp claws were covered with a layer of light blue cold flames, and it was a claw facing the jet flame.


With just one claw, the bursting and burning jet flame went out instantly!


The people watching in the live broadcast room didn't come back to their senses until this moment.

Shock! Shocked! Horrified! panic!

Of course, the most shocked person was Meng Tianming who was at the scene!

"This...what's the situation?"

"This is Super Charizard X?"

"No, absolutely impossible! Xia's only super evolution stone is clearly in my hands."

Meng Tianming was frightened for a while.

He couldn't believe that Su Han's fire-breathing dragon had super-evolved into a super-fire-breathing dragon X!

However, even if he didn't want to believe it, it was useless, the fact was right in front of his eyes.

"Could it be that this is the evolution of the fetters in the legend?"

Recalling the scene where the fire-breathing dragon evolved into the super fire-breathing dragon X, Meng Tianming became more and more frightened the more he thought about it.

227. The live broadcast room exploded! Su Han's true identity...

That is indeed a phenomenon that can only occur due to the evolution of fetters.

But he couldn't accept it at all.

"No, how could it be the evolution of fetters? There are only sixty trainers in the world who have the ability to resonate with elves. There is absolutely no way that Su Han is one of these sixty people!"

"By the way, he must have accidentally picked up the super evolution stone of the fire-breathing dragon when he was exploring in the Tianhai Forest. Or..."

"Or maybe he is a spy sent to Xia by foreign forces!"

The more Meng Tianming thought about it, the more he felt that there was a possibility. There was indeed only one piece of the super-evolutionary stone of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaguo, but there were quite a few abroad.

If there are foreign forces secretly supporting Su Han, then he has an unknown mysterious elf celestial beast, who can subdue the divine beast Regilock with just one ball, and super-evolve the fire-breathing dragon into the super fire-breathing dragon X...

"Twenty Seven" All of this makes sense!

At the same time, the live broadcast room also exploded after a brief silence.

"Wow, what the **** is going on!!!"

"Evolved, Su Han's fire-breathing dragon has evolved into a super fire-breathing dragon X!"

"Is this really Super Charizard X?"

"You can't go wrong, it's Super Fire-breathing Dragon X! You can open the illustrated book to see it!"

"Mamma Mia, it's really Super Fire-breathing Dragon X!"

"It's as big as the Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and it's dark all over, and it's covered in pale blue cold flames. Omg, this is too handsome!"

"Old spray, the eternal **** of war in my heart!"

"Why is Su Han's fire-breathing dragon able to super-evolve?"

"Nonsense, of course, because he has a super evolution stone in his hand."

"You are talking nonsense upstairs. You think that the super evolution stone is as bad as the giant wristband and Z ring. Xia Guo only has a super evolution stone of a fire-breathing dragon, and it is in Meng Tianming's hands!"

"What, our Xia country, the great country of Yangyang, actually only has a super evolution stone of a fire-breathing dragon?"

"There used to be a lot, but since a mysterious accident a long time ago..."

"It turns out that there is only one super-evolution stone of a fire-breathing dragon in the Xia Kingdom, and it is in Meng Tianming's hands, so how did Su Han super-evolve his fire-breathing dragon?"

"Who knows."

"No, it's impossible, is this the legendary... bond evolution!!!"

"Yes, there is also bond evolution!"

"Wow, Su Han is one of the sixty people. It's unlikely, right?"

"What's impossible. Don't you know that Su God used to make Super Miao Miao evolve into Dilu Beast, and then evolved into the generally recognized Wife Beast, Tian Nu Beast."

"Shen Su? Is Su Han's new nickname?"

"And Miss Skirt evolved into a flower fairy beast."

"Whether it's the evolution of Super Miaomiao or the evolution of Miss Qi'er, these evolutions have never been heard of before. Su Han can make them evolve. This is not more proof that Su Han has the ability to evolve the fetters of elves. ability?"

"That's not right, bond evolution, like super evolution stone, can only super-evolve a certain kind of elves. According to what you said, Su Han has already evolved at least three kinds of elves' bonds."

"Unscientific, too unscientific."

"With Su Shen, you guys still seek science?"

"I don't think it's a bond evolution."

"Why isn't it possible, didn't you see the fiery red light emitting from Su Han and the fire-breathing dragon at the same time? This is exactly what happens when the trainer and the elves achieve synchronization."

"How do you explain the evolution of Super Miao Miao and Miss Skirt?"

The quarrel in the live broadcast room became a group.

Many people think that between Su Han and the fire-breathing dragon, a bond evolution has been achieved.

But many people disagree with this statement.

After all, this is the ability that only 60 people in the world have.

Su Han is one of the sixty? This probability is too small.

What's more, Su Han let Super Miao Miao and Miss Qi'er evolve before, which is contrary to the evolution of fetters that everyone knows, that is, the restriction that can only allow the evolution of elves that resonate.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room confused for a while.

what is happening?

People are very curious.

At this moment, Meng Tianming spoke.