MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 178 little trick

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"Don't step back first, I'm here to ask you a question?"

Zhu Houzhao suddenly stopped Ouyang Jing, which made her feel at a loss.

"Your Majesty, the slaves are only responsible for recording the affairs of the female officials. Who is your Majesty asking?" Ouyang Jing was still very clever in grasping the key point of Zhu Houzhao's question.

"I'm here to ask you, can you record the time when I was with Shangguan Haitang before?"

Ouyang Jing calmed down a little and said, "If you go back to Your Majesty, of course, there is a record, and it is very detailed."

"Then has anyone read it?"

Zhu Houzhao is very concerned about this issue now. He is facing an unknown event. If this matter is not handled well, it will be very bad for the reputation of tomorrow.

"Go back to Your Majesty. Yesterday, the Queen Mother sent someone over, copied a copy, and sent it directly to the Cining Palace."

"No one asked you to destroy that book, right?"

"If you go back to Your Majesty, no, if someone really destroys it, I can write another copy from memory."

Zhu Houzhao nodded, and now he was full of doubts, Shangguan Haitang disappeared immediately, revealing unusual news.

Zhu Houzhao sat at the desk and wrote a secret document, and handed it to Xiaofangzi: "You send this secret document to the six doors quickly, and ask Zhuge Shenhou to take it personally and investigate the matter secretly."

"Remember, tell the Marquis Zhuge to bring Shangguan Haitang back to me. You want to see people in your life, and you want to see corpses in your life. No matter what, don't spread the word about it."

"According to the order!"

Xiao Fangzi cautiously caught Mi Zhe, bowed and exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The emperor was determined to protect Shangguan Haitang. Whether it was the cabinet or the Queen Mother, he was the emperor after all, and the imperial power was greater than that. After all, the ruler of the Forbidden City was himself, and he would use the imperial power to protect this woman.

In his opinion, Shangguan Haitang is smart and beautiful, and is the perfect choice for the queen. If the queen mother can forgive her this time, he will make Haitang the queen of the harem and let her manage the harem.

Zhu Houzhao felt that Shangguan Haitang could take care of the No. 1 village in the world in an orderly manner, and he would definitely be able to manage this harem well.

However, if she had an affair with other men outside, it would be difficult to handle.

When he thought of the cold palace, he thought of Liu Ruyue who was in the cold palace, and he didn't know how she was doing in the harem now?

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "Alas! It's a pity, who would have thought that she would be able to use such means to make Zhen submit to her, but, during those days..."

Ouyang stood silently beside Zhu Houzhao, she suddenly noticed that Zhu Houzhao's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she knew that he must be thinking about men and women.

"Your Majesty, when you favored Sister Shangguan that day, with the help of alcohol anesthesia all night, the slaves called out for many times and His Majesty did not come out. I think that Sister Shangguan must be pregnant with a dragon seed, right?"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty... Your Majesty"

Before Ouyang Jing finished speaking, she saw Zhu Houzhao glaring at her, and she immediately shut her mouth wisely.

Ouyang Jing had never been so stared at by Zhu Houzhao before, so she broke out in a cold sweat.

She wants to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation, at least at this moment His Majesty is not in a good mood.

Zhu Houzhao glared at her coldly, and said, "The fewer people know about this, the better. You are the third. I hope that this matter will not be brought up again from now on."

"The servants obey, remember your majesty's decree!" Ouyang Jing hurriedly replied.

"Well, if there is nothing else, you can retire." Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and motioned her to go out.

Ouyang Jing just wanted to leave here, but she suddenly remembered what the Queen Mother had said before, so she boldly said to Zhu Houzhao, "Your Majesty, there is something this servant has to report to Your Majesty."

Zhu Houzhao looked up at Ouyang Jing, put down the tea bowl in his hand, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Go back to your majesty, during the period of your majesty's trip, all the beautiful girls in Jiangnan have entered the palace. These Jiangnan girls are all very beautiful, they are like fairies in the sky, and your majesty has worked hard for a few days, so you can give these maidens to your majesty. To relieve fatigue, they can sing and dance one by one..."

Ouyang Jing knew that His Majesty was very disgusted by the matter of flipping the brand. No matter who he favored, if two young people who did not know each other were together, they would favor him when they met. This kind of feeling, the emperor is also a person, how awkward it is, only Only the emperor knew.

Zhu Houzhao looked up at Ouyang Jing and said, "Are all the beautiful girls in Jiangnan really as good at singing and dancing as you said?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, Qin Huai Bayan, you should have heard of it, right? Many of these beautiful girls are from Jinling and Nanjing. They are the peerless faces. Do you want to..."

Ouyang Jing wanted to say whether Zhu Houzhao would favor someone tonight, but she took it back when she said it, and I'm afraid she'd say the wrong thing again as before.

"It's all up to you!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

As soon as Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, Ouyang Jing replied quickly, she was deeply afraid that Zhu Houzhao would change his words again.

She is finally able to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation happily now, and she has finally done what the Queen Mother explained.

Today, let the beautiful girls in Jiangnan start to play and sing and show their talents, then they may be favored by the emperor tomorrow.

Since His Majesty intends to make arrangements for himself, then it should be no problem to arrange according to this meaning.

Ouyang Jing left the Hall of Mental Cultivation with uneasy thoughts. Now she wants to complete the first task at hand, first place a talented girl with a better level next to Zhu Houzhao.

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she felt that the weather outside was getting colder and colder, and it seemed that it was about to snow.

In the Warm Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Houzhao had already ordered someone to send the burnt charcoal and started to set up a brazier.

At the same time, flakes of snow have fallen on the Liaodong Peninsula, and the temperature is close to freezing.

Wang Shouren with 200,000 troops stationed in the school field barracks in the small and small Xing'an Mountains, looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky, he was filled with emotion.

This war was the most difficult battle since the founding of the Ming Dynasty and was recorded in the Ming Records.

Because of the division of the post-Golden Tatars, the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen became stronger and stronger, so that later, the Manchu Aixinjueluo clan gradually became stronger, and took advantage of the troubled Ming Dynasty to replace the rule of the Han people. .

As Zhu Houzhao who came from later generations, of course he knows But now, he can't let his country decline from his own hands. Daming has a history of more than 100 years since the founding of the country. unbreakable into their hands.

Jianzhou Jurchen hid deep in the mountains. Wang Shouren meant to rely on the freezing weather to freeze them to death, but unexpectedly, not only did they not freeze to death in the depths of the mountains, but they were also training the army.

At first Wang Shouren thought this strategy was good, but when the first snowflakes fell, he didn't believe in himself.

This general soldier, who is called a saint by later generations, is still training in the military camp, but he has not forgotten his ambition to "learn from things".

He suddenly realized that his strategy was wrong.

Because these Liaodong people have grown up in the depths of the mountains for generations, driving them into the depths of the mountains is equivalent to letting the tigers return to the mountains.

They are born with the ability to survive in the deep mountains, but on their own side, so many people, so many days, the consumption of people eating horse chews is really too much, just guarding like this, when the spring of next year, may not be able to overcome these post-Golden man.

This difficulty stumped Saint Wang.