MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 198 sidekick

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"I called you here this time, I have another thing to arrange for you!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go through fire and water for Your Majesty, and do whatever you want! Please order me!"

Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction and said: "This time the vassal kings enter the capital, there will definitely be some of them who have bad intentions. I want you to spy on these feudal lords secretly. If anyone has bad intentions, you will immediately exert your power."

"Even if they don't have any intentions, then you must monitor what they do in their daily lives, especially who they are in contact with!"

"The minister obeys the order!" Cao Zhengchun hurriedly bowed his hands and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation to arrange the matter.

In a post station thirty miles away from the capital.

The vassal kings from all over the world gathered together and quietly discussed the matter of meeting the emperor tomorrow.

"Prince, you said that the emperor suddenly summoned so many of our vassal kings into the palace. Could it be that he wanted to cut the vassal?" The King of Shu asked in a low voice.

The so-called prince made a gesture of forbidding speech, looked around unconsciously, and said calmly: "This is His Majesty's holy will today, how can I easily guess?"

"However, the matter of King Lu has failed, and it has long ago caused His Majesty's vigilance. In my opinion, this is also reasonable."

The King of Shu rolled his eyes a few times, and said with concentration: "Brothers, if Your Majesty really wants to cut down the clan, what should we do?"

Zhu Houzhao's plan to cut the vassal has been issued to the cabinet, and the next step is to implement it seriously.

However, the vassal kings from all over the world are now gathered in the capital, and most of them are in a state of panic, because none of them know what will greet them in front of them?

Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and the others had not left the Hall of Mental Cultivation when the **** Xiao Fangzi stepped forward and said, "Report to Your Majesty, Minister of Rites Yang Tinghe asks to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Yang Tinghe walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and saw that Xie Qian and Li Dongyang were both there.

Yang Tinghe was isolated in the Gongyuan, and he didn't come out for more than 20 days. He did not dare to slack off in the Gongyuan, for fear that something else would happen outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang!"

Both people in the cabinet complimented Yang Tinghe before they started talking about the official topic.

A few Jinyiwei followed Yang Tinghe to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with all the test papers of the candidates in their hands.

"Your Majesty, I have selected a total of 400 copies of all the articles in this imperial examination. Please take a look at your majesty."

Jin Yiwei presented the tray, Xiao Fangzi quickly ran over to catch it with both hands, and presented it in front of Zhu Houzhao.

The first article, titled "On the Seas", was written by Xia Yan. Xie Qian and Li Dongyang both stood aside, quietly looking at Emperor Zhengde. This article by Xia Yan explained the relationship between the Daming Navy and the sea, and most importantly, he also explained how to build the Daming Navy.

Zhu Houzhao first read the article, and then handed the paper to Li Dongyang who was standing. Xie Qian also stretched his neck and leaned over to read it.

Zhu Houzhao then flipped through other people's articles. He flipped through several well-written articles, and then flipped through a few articles by students who failed the exam. There is indeed a gap between the two.

Among the articles on the list, Zhu Houzhao saw an article written by a talented man signed Wen Zhengming.

Most of them are praising the beauty of the Daming sea area and the majesty of the Daming navy. Basically, the content is empty, with only gorgeous rhetoric. It is obviously a talented person who dances and writes, but there is nothing practical.

Zhu Houzhao put Wen Zhengming's article aside and didn't read it again.

Yang Tinghe stood beside Zhu Houzhao, observing Zhu Houzhao's face from time to time. Since the leak of the exam questions, Yang Tinghe was walking on thin ice, trembling with fear, for fear of another omission.

You must know that the famous fraud case during the Hongzhi period involved a large number of ministers in the DPRK and China.

After reading a few articles, Zhu Houzhao put down the papers, turned to Yang Tinghe and said, "Yang Aiqing, who do you think will be the Huiyuan who will be tested this time?"

Yang Tinghe cupped his hands and said, "Returning to Your Majesty, this minister thinks that Xia Yan's article is well-targeted, to the point, and has a clear point of view. It can be regarded as the source of this new meeting."

After Yang Tinghe finished speaking, he bowed his head and stood aside. Li Dongyang and Xie Qiandu both frowned, Xia Yan's article was really well written, basically what Yang Tinghe said.

Zhu Houzhao put down the paper in his hand and said to Yang Tinghe: "Since Yang Shangshu thinks Xia Yan is a talent, then let's follow what Yang Shangshu said! Then start the list!"

Huiyuan, that is, the first place in the Jinshi examination, was very eye-catching at the time.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Yang Tinghe presided over the imperial examination and performed his duties with due diligence. Zhu Houzhao obtained information from Dongchang. In this imperial examination, more than 30 candidates were caught and entrained. All of these people were banned from taking the examination for life.

In the examination room, Yang Tinghe personally invigilated all the candidates and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

"Yang Shangshu"

"The minister is here!"

Zhu Houzhao suddenly turned his head to look at Yang Tinghe, which surprised him.

"You've worked hard during this time. Take a few days off. I'll ask the maid to deliver some food to your house. In the next two weeks, you can take a vacation at home, so you don't have to go to court."

"It is the duty of a minister to be loyal to His Majesty..." Yang Tinghe immediately thanked the saint. He did need to rest for a while. This month, all kinds of ups and downs have really overwhelmed him.

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand, the cabinet Li Dongyang and Xie Qian bid farewell to Zhu Houzhao, and all returned to the mansion.

Just after the few people left, the **** jogged over and said to Zhu Houzhao, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager of Cining Palace has an invitation."

"Well, I know, you go down first!"

Zhu Houzhao finished the matter at hand and went to the Cining Palace.

In the Cining Palace, only the Queen Mother was there. When the Queen Mother saw Zhu Houzhao, she stood up and said to Zhu Houzhao, "Zhao'er, please accompany Ai's family to the West Lake!"

Zhu Houzhao followed the Queen Mother to the West Lake in the Imperial Garden, and the Queen Mother chatted with Zhu Houzhao as she walked.

"Zhao'er, the Aijia heard that all the vassal kings have entered the capital? What do you plan to do with these vassal kings?"

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "Empress mother, do I have to kill them all?"

"The ancestors left these vassal kings to protect me, Daming, and to prevent others from usurping the throne. You have to put these vassal kings in the correct position, otherwise they are likely to bury hidden dangers."

"You have to think about it, they are your enemies."

Zhu Houzhao said: "This matter will be handled properly by the child, and the mother does not need to worry."

The queen mother listened to Zhu Houzhao's words, but refused to believe it. She knew her son too well. If there was a threat to his country, he would not be merciful.

Zhu Houzhao accompanied the Empress Dowager to play in the back garden. She told Zhu Houzhao side-by-side that he should not go too far in cutting the vassal, and the king of Daming could help Daming to a certain extent.

Don't listen to the words of the ministers and exterminate all these vassal kings, otherwise, the emperor will be overthrown in the future if there are powerful ministers.

This has basically become a rule of the past dynasties. If all the vassal kings are killed, if there is a minor emperor in the future, others will stare at the throne.

If you don't have the help of your own relatives, even if you are the emperor and no one listens to you, it will not be far for people to change dynasties...

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