MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 22v4 is her? Not her?

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She looked around and saw a group of sergeants walking quickly, looking at the attire, they were the scouts of Di Ge's **** army.

In order to prevent Yu State from attacking, the **** army has been sending scouts to scout around. When Jing Hengbo saw them, he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that this group of people were coming to the forest, he lowered his head and straightened the **** army on him for fear that they would disturb Gong Yin. The soldier put on his clothes, adjusted his hair again, and went out to greet him first, saying: "Brothers, you..."

Before he finished speaking, the leading scout saw her clearly, suddenly changed color, and shouted: "Brothers! It's this kid! Take it down quickly!" Amidst the shouting, the long knife was drawn fiercely, and he chopped off Jing Hengbo's head.

Jing Hengbo's eyes widened in astonishment, never expecting that his own people would suddenly kill him, seeing the dazzling light of the knife and the cold wind blowing against his face, he subconsciously flashed.

This flash didn't work, my internal organs were empty and painful, I only moved a small step and then staggered, a "chi" sound of cold air invaded my body, a piece of sleeve was hung down, a stream of blood splashed with the wind of the knife, shoulders and shoulders There was a long **** mouth on it.

"You..." Jing Hengbo didn't have time to speak, the wind of knives had already intertwined around him, and all the soldiers drew their knives and rushed forward.

Jing Hengbo frowned, pressed the wound, and at a glance, everyone's faces were fierce, and they were completely ready to kill her. She was startled, and wondered if the army of Yu State had already attacked the **** army and changed into scout soldiers' clothes ? Now the **** army is in trouble.

At this moment, everyone was besieging her. Normally, she would get away with a flash of her body, and put these people down with a raised hand. At this moment, her internal organs are empty, her body is weak, and she has no strength to speak. In a flash, it was a foot away, there was a slight **** under the feet, the legs softened, and the bones rolled down.

Several scouts also shouted and chased her down. Seeing her lying motionless in the grass, they thought she had fallen and passed out, so they all rushed to surround her. One of them squatted down and wanted to turn her body. Suddenly Jing Hengbo raised his head, and a cold light In a flash, the dagger had wiped the scout's throat.

Before that person fell down, Jing Hengbo turned around and stabbed another person in the chest. She killed two people in a flash, and the scouts quickly dispersed. Jing Hengbo managed to get up, trying to find a way Killed the rest of the people, leaving one alive to ask what was going on, but saw those people fleeing far away, one of them took out the flag flower rocket from his arms, and a ray of yellow light pierced the sky with a "swoosh".

Jing Hengbo's heart was shocked. She knew the yellow flag flower, which means "when a criminal is found in the army, come and encircle and suppress it immediately", but when did she become a criminal?

The scout had already run away. She thought about it and decided not to go back to the forest. If she really attracted an army that was not good for her, she was weak at the moment, and if Gong Yin didn't wake up, the two of them would be trapped to death.

Sighing Yuyu, caressing her face, she felt that she was the most miserable woman in the world, she could eat by relying on her face, but she often had to fight for her life, if she wanted a man, she had to do it by herself, he was in the golden palace and jade palace, She was in the wilderness; when others were contemptuous and affectionate, she would be stabbed after sex.

I really want a thunderbolt from the sky to strike Xinggong Yin's snow-capped head...

She pressed her shoulders and staggered out. The morning light shone brightly, showing her thin figure.

In the secluded forest, the golden light of the sun is turned over. Shining on Gong Yin's face, he trembled his eyelashes slightly, and opened his eyes for a moment.

There is no one around, and there is a green smell all around. It is the smell of pine needles and fallen leaves.

He lay quietly, but his mind was turning over and over again.

Fainted in the water until now, it feels like time has passed not long ago, but in the chaotic memory, it seems that many things have happened.

It seems that I heard sighs and whispers, I heard someone crying intermittently, it seems that there was a surge of heat in the body, it seemed that there was ice water swimming, and it seemed that...

His complexion gradually became strange.

It also seems to have a rich aroma, a smooth and smooth rubbing touch, like the scorching heat and torment in boiling water, like floating and soaring on the top of the clouds, there are low moans and curses that seem to cry and laugh, and there are painful hisses The sound and the slightly indulgent low shout, the heat of embracing and the ups and downs of churning...

It seems to have had a spring dream, but it is extremely real. Even now, he can still feel the fragrance in his ears and the gentle friction of his lips and teeth, as if for a moment, someone bit his earlobe lightly...

His face suddenly turned pale.

Such a memory would not appear so truly in his mind for no reason. What happened before?

Also, where did Jing Hengbo go?

He suddenly wanted to get up, but he forgot the stiffness of his body, subconsciously slapped his palms, turned over, and sat on the tree branch.

After sitting down, he frowned again.

When can you move your wrist?

He had just begun to recover, and he managed to dissolve one of the broken needles that blocked the meridian in his wrist, and his fingers could move. It’s hard to say sooner or later that this kind of needle will be transformed. Sometimes when the true energy runs, the broken needle can be flushed away, and that place can be free. Accidentally hit the blockage at the elbow and wrist?

I always feel that there is still something wrong.

Memory, feelings, body...everything is similar to before, even the clothes on his body have not changed in any way, but his intuition just tells him that something is wrong.

He closed his eyes, began to adjust his breath, and checked the true energy inside his body, but there was nothing unusual.

The true energy flows all the way to the dantian, and it is automatically withdrawn before reaching the deepest part. The poison in his body has been suppressed in the deepest part of the dantian. Over time, it has almost become a chronic block. In order to avoid a large-scale outbreak of the poison, he changed his life The trajectory of true qi never touches that cancerous tumor.

Therefore, he has no way of discovering that in the deepest part of his dantian, in the center of the place where the black air hovers that never disturbs, at this moment, there is faintly more white air. Although the white air is weak, it is bit by bit, swallowing the black. airflow…

He sat on the tree branch and thought for a while, but he couldn't get the answer, but the strange feeling in his heart was hard to erase, so he couldn't help smiling bitterly—it seems that to get the answer, he really has to ask Jing Hengbo.

He clearly wanted to avoid it, but now, he had to chase after her and ask, did this woman make a plan?

There was a noise in the woods, and he tilted his head slightly. Nan Jin stood by a tree and looked at him with a complicated expression.

The slight smile on Gong Yin's lips faded away, and he turned his eyes away without looking at her.

A look of loneliness flashed across Nan Jin's eyes, and after a while, he said, "I won't kill her again." He took out a small knife, pierced his middle finger, tapped it between his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "If you break this oath, you will not enter reincarnation for life after life, and become a Pig dog."

The blood dripped, and the moment it fell, an ice skate appeared in front of her like a ghost, with a sound of "click", it broke into two pieces, and disappeared at the same time as the blood fell to the ground.

Nan Jin's face was pale, and she knew that Gong Yin was ready to kill her. If she was a step too late in making the oath just now, the ice knife would have pierced her heart.

There was a strong bitterness in her heart.

He is really cruel to others, but also cruel to himself...

He only wanted to ensure Jing Hengbo's safety and kill all the crises around her, regardless of her struggling for twenty years to make his medicine cup, and he also lost his vitality if he lost this medicine cup.

Gong Yin finally turned his eyes, took a look at her, and saw her slightly wet boots.

His heart moved.

Nan Jin, it seems that she has been here for a while.

Looking at the expression on Nan Jin's face, it was quite indescribably weird. He seldom hesitated, and finally asked: "Just now, were you nearby? Do you know... what's abnormal?"

Nan Jin's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was shocked.

What's wrong?

Very unusual.

Gong Yin was taken away by Jing Hengbo. She and Chun Shui felt strange, so they discussed it, and she chased it all the way. She has been lying in ambush in the wilderness and weeds. I don't know what the two plan to do, so they didn't make a move. Later, the army surrounded Weitang. After the number of people decreased, she slowly sneaked closer, and was about to go into the water to rescue people secretly, when the two people suddenly flashed out. After the army started up, they found her approaching. The army, but lost the trace of the two, when she finally found the pine forest...

When she gets to the pine forest...

Nan Jin only felt a breath stuck in her chest, full of depression and helplessness, as well as a little dazed and puzzled.

At that time, the pine forest was dark, and she was afraid of being discovered, so she didn't dare to enter the forest. She only heard some faint noises. Through the gaps in the forest, she saw the bright and strange clothes of peonies with black backgrounds being thrown out, swaying in the golden veil-like sunlight, so dazzlingly beautiful.

Although she was educated to be pure and ascetic since she was a child, she is an old woman after all, and she felt that she shouldn't enter, so she has been standing far outside the forest with her back turned to that side.

With her back to the pine forest, looking at the vast wilderness ahead, the mountains are far away, the city is majestic on the horizon, all things are silently treating the heaven and the earth, while behind her there is a lot of noise, weeping, laughing, and whispering... She stares blankly at that piece of land. Empty, and my heart is white, like returning to the white snow of my youth, I searched and searched, but no one was found, a blank piece of snow, a lifetime of waiting for a lifetime of infatuation...

After a long time, she said softly, "No abnormality."

Gong Yin glanced at her back, wondering whether it was the pine needles or her body that was trembling.

Puzzled in his heart, he was about to speak when his eyes suddenly froze.

Through the gaps in the trees, one could vaguely see the foot of the hill ahead, as if someone was there.

Gong Yin immediately swept over, the needles rustled down, Nan Jin also chased after them, the two stopped at the foot of the hill, only to find that they were two dead bodies, not long after they died, the blood was still warm, Gong Yin's eyes fell on The thin knife marks on the wound were very similar to the dagger that Qian Hengbo used to hold him hostage earlier.

His puzzled eyes turned to Nan Jin, but Nan Jin shook her head blankly. She had stood outside the pine forest for a while before, but later she felt that something was wrong and she was disturbed, so she simply walked away for a while. What happened after Jing Hengbo, she Didn't see it.

Gong Yin looked at the corpse's attire, it turned out to be the emperor's guard, how could Jing Hengbo attack his own people, what happened?

On the loess path, a figure flashed back and forth like a ghost, with a crooked figure, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right.

Jing Hengbo's panting became heavier and heavier.

Losing the Mingyue Heart Technique that she had practiced so hard, and sleeping with that guy just now, her teleportation ability was greatly reduced at the moment, and she couldn't get far away after flashing for a long time.

She still went in the direction of the escorting army, because Pei Shu set off the fireworks earlier, obviously he had arrived at the escorting army's camp and was waiting for her to return. She had to figure out what was going on.

The scouts behind her didn't come after her, and she was just about to take a rest, when suddenly there was a rush of horseshoes in front of her, and this was a turning road, she looked around, and saw a group of knights galloping towards them, whether they were dressed or escorted.

She hid her body in a rocky depression by the side of the road, covered in dust, with long hair hanging down.

Sure enough, the group of knights didn't pay attention to her, and the angry horse whipped past. Jing Hengbo stared at the last one, ready to **** the horse.

Seeing that the last rider was about to pass her by, suddenly the man seemed to have a sense, turned his head and stared at her, then turned his face, and shouted: "Here!" He raised his hand and whipped it off.

Jing Hengbo reached out to grab the whip, but forgot that he had lost his real strength, and his hand was weak. The whip tip vibrated in her palm, and it escaped her control like a snake. She flicked it suddenly, "Snap." With a sound, her The palm of the hand was split open, and the long head of the whip even rolled around her neck, leaving a bruised and swollen welt.

Jing Hengbo groaned and staggered, feeling pain all over his body, and hearing the neighing of the horse in front, the knights in front reined in their horses and turned their heads, screaming and shouting, and they were about to surround her.

You must not die here inexplicably!

The majestic queen died inexplicably at the hands of her own army. She will be laughed at by those three for the rest of her life!

With a flash of her body, she was already behind the knight, and her whole body suddenly bumped, knocking the man off the horse's back. She grabbed the rein with one hand, turned the horse's head, and lashed the whip.

The horse was suffering from pain, neighing to the sky, and galloping wildly. She leaned on the horse's back, lowered her body, heard the sound of chasing and shouting behind her, felt the arrows passing by the air around her, tearing her shoulders and skirts, and her eyes were dark. The sky and the earth were spinning, and the trees on the side of the road seemed to be leaning towards them. She didn't dare to raise her head or look back, but whipped and swung all the way...

Thirty miles away from Jing Hengbo's location, in a mountain depression, where the **** army camped, the atmosphere was tense at the moment.

The assassin has already left, and the traitor has been found out, but there are still a bunch of dead and surviving Linzhou sons and sons in the tent. Whether to send them back to Linzhou or use them for negotiation requires a charter, but no one cares now This issue.

All the big and small leaders of the **** team are now gathered in the main tent, listening to Young Marshal Pei lose his temper.

Pei Shu got the news last night and came here this morning. He didn't hear any report when he came here. He first looked for Jing Hengbo, but there was no trace of him. He asked Jiang Ya and the others, but Jiang Ya and the others hesitated and forced In a hurry, he said that his distant relative was a spy. Pei Shu was annoyed and funny, but without Jing Hengbo's permission, and it was inconvenient to reveal her identity, he had no choice but to scold Jiang Ya and others without thinking, and then took people out to look for her.

Not long after he left the camp, he galloped straight into the **** camp.

Immediately, Jing Hengbo was bouncing up and down, and her figure was on the verge of falling. If the pursuers hadn't been chasing her all the way, and she hadn't been biting her tongue to prevent herself from fainting, she would have fallen off the horse already.

Seeing the camp at this moment, seeing that the camp has expanded, behind the tents of the escorting army, there is still a large black tent indistinctly, and the flying flag is the flag of the Henghalberd Army. She felt relieved and shouted from afar: "Pei Shu! Pei Shu! pivot!"

Behind her, the group of persistent pursuers shouted: "The spies have broken into the camp! Capture them quickly!"

The sound of horseshoes and shouts alarmed the people in the camp, and Jiang Ya rushed out with a group of subordinates. When he saw Jing Hengbo, he couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, because the son of Linzhou was killed that night, Jing Hengbo inexplicably escaped from the guards and disappeared. The whole camp regarded this distant relative of Marshal Pei as a spy. As soon as Jiang Ya saw her, he thought of this pile of difficult to solve. I was so angry that I didn't even think about it, and I shouted: "Take it!"

A large number of soldiers rushed out, Jing Hengbo shouted: "Pei Shu!"

She knew that it was useless to declare her identity at this time, because her identity was too good, but no one would believe her, and she would die faster, and only Pei Shu was the savior at this time.

"Stop shouting! Even if the young commander is here, he can't save you. Selling out the army, colluding with foreign enemies, and fleeing without permission, no matter what, it's a capital crime!" Someone yelled.

Jing Hengbo's heart sank, Pei Shu was not there!

Do you really want to die here unjustly today?

A large group of soldiers with swords and guns slowly approached, Jiang Ya shouted: "Abandon your weapons! If you dare to resist, you will be shot!"

Jing Hengbo took a few breaths, turned over, and climbed off the horse.

Leaning on the horse, she thought for a while, then smiled, "Okay, I surrender." Slowly raised her hands.

Everyone looked over suspiciously, seeing that her face was covered with blood, sweat and dirt, she was panting, her eyes were scattered, she was at the end of her strength, but even in such a mess, she was still smiling.

Everyone felt the shock, as if they saw the national beauty blooming in the mud.

Jiang Ya was also a little puzzled, and waved her hand to signal the sergeant to stop advancing, and spread out slightly.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly Jing Hengbo's figure flashed.

The next moment she appeared beside Jiang Ya, staggered and knocked him over, reached out to grab the flag flower rocket from his waist, and pulled off the cover suddenly.

"Hoo." A ray of fire went straight up, crimson, calling for help.

The soldiers were in an uproar, and charged forward with their guns again. Jing Hengbo elbowed Jiang Ya's throat, "Stop!"

Everyone stopped, their faces panicked.

Jing Hengbo was trembling all over his body. At this time, he was unable to hold the knife, so he pressed his whole body on Jiang Ya's head and face. Jiang Ya wanted to scold and struggle, and asked the soldiers to continue to fight, but his throat was tightly pressed, and he rolled his eyes. , where can I still say something.

Jing Hengbo was coughing while talking, and laughing while coughing, and she could still laugh because she thought it was absurd. Such a fight between life and death was against the officers of her own army. It seems that the game of hiding identities still needs people. Goods...

"Stop...stop...all walk away mellowly..."

His mouth was calm and calm, but he knew in his heart that something was wrong.

She felt that she couldn't hold on any longer, her eyes turned black and her body was covered with cold sweat, and she would faint right away, or in the next second.

Once she fainted, the furious Jiang Ya and the soldiers would definitely kill her immediately.

That cowardly boy Pei Shu, why hasn't he come back yet!

She pinched her thigh desperately, trying to keep her consciousness longer. If she died wronged like this, she would definitely become Sadako...

Consciousness does not cooperate, and sinks irretrievably into darkness bit by bit.

In the intertwined world of darkness and light, amidst the ringing in her ears, she seemed to hear the neighing of horses and the sound of rapid hoofbeats in a trance, and even magically sensed the sound of the wind on the sleeves in the distance, all of which were approaching like electricity.

who is coming...

She couldn't think anymore.

One second before the darkness fell, she murmured: "Gong Yin, come now, I will **** you next time..."

As soon as the hand is loosened, the body softens.

Jiang Ya suddenly stood up and threw her into the dust.

Jiang Ya's face turned red when he jumped up. It was a great shame to be crushed to death in front of his subordinates, and he couldn't resist. His rage made him lose his mind, and he shouted: "Kill!"

With a backhand, he drew a knife from the waist of the sergeant beside him, and suddenly chopped it down.

The long knives flash in succession, and the chaotic blades will add up.

Suddenly there was a flash of cold light.

Then there was a crisp sound, Jiang Yahu's mouth felt a sharp pain, the knife in his hand suddenly flew up, spun in the air, turned in mid-air, and hit the knives slashed by the other soldiers, crackling There was a series of sounds, broken blades splashed, and the cut knives were smashed away, and the snow-white knives blossomed in mid-air, crashing down again, hitting the soldiers on their heads.

At this time, the angry shout came: "Stop!"

Jiang Ya, whose hands were full of blood, raised his head in shock, and saw several riders approaching like angry dragons, dancing wildly in his clothes, King Kong glaring, murderous and angry on his face, which made him shiver.

"Young commander!" He lost his voice.

Pei Shu who was on the horse didn't look at him at all, and his eyes fell on Jing Hengbo who was on the ground. She looked like she was dead, motionless, covered in blood and dust, her hair and clothes were messy, her sleeves had been scratched, and she showed her condensed body. The snow-white skin covered with large blood clots.

There was a crash in Pei Shu's mind.

"Hengbo!" The next moment he had already rushed over, hugged her in his arms, felt for her pulse first, then let out a long breath, seeing that her clothes were messy and exposed, he quickly took off his outer robe and wrapped her up, Wearing only a snow-white coat, he thought for a while, and shouted again, "Your Majesty!"

Everyone was stunned to see his series of actions, but when they heard this sentence, Qi Qi also felt a crash in his head.

The sound was so loud that it woke Jing Hengbo up, and she opened her eyes slightly. At this moment, her mind was not clear, and she was in chaos. She only saw a clean chin and a piece of snow white in her shaking vision.

She let out a sigh of relief, stretched her arms, hugged the waist of the man in front of her, and pressed her face against his chest.

"You're sister is so happy...well...I'll sleep with you next time..."

The last sentence was especially soft, Pei Shu didn't hear it, only heard the first two sentences.

But Jing Hengbo's almost unique initiative and enthusiasm made his body stiff, and after the unbelievable surprise, a wave of ecstasy surged into his heart.

He knelt down on the ground, rubbed her into his arms violently, pressed his chin tightly against her hair, and wished he could imprison her person, her fragrance, and her soft words in his arms from now on until the end of time, Don't let go.

Telling the truth at the moment of life and death, she is finally willing to confide in him, how will he let go from now on?

The mood was so intense that even such a strong man couldn't help but choke up.

"Yes, I'm here. From now on, you can rest assured to rely on me...I swear, from now on, if there are knives and axes that fall from the sky, they will only fall on me, and they will not hurt you at all!"

The world before Jing Hengbo's eyes was once again chaotic and turned upside down. She stretched out her heart in that warm embrace, smiled softly, and nodded in a daze.

The wind was quiet, the soldiers stood stiffly, and the center of the field, including the sky and the earth, seemed to be staring at the pair of embracing people.

Not far away, the treetops in the forest.

The white shadow that flew over stopped there.

Also staring for a long time.

A moment ago, he had planned to run wildly, but after a moment, he couldn't move anymore.