MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 23v4 Whoever hurts you will die

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In the camp, Pei Shu gently hugged Jing Hengbo, his eyes swept across the field, and everyone still kept their mouths open. Jiang Ya's face was blue and purple, and if you look carefully, you can still find that your legs are shaking.

There is no need to verify whether the sentence "Your Majesty" just now is true or not. Young Marshal Pei's famous eyes are above the top, and his eyes are clean. According to legend, he only has a special liking for the queen and is loyal. The scene in front of him is not exactly "love alone" The best portrayal of the bell?

As soon as Pei Shu's dark eyes swept over, Jiang Ya felt as if he had been hit by a vajra pestle, his head was buzzing, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Bastard!" The expected roar of the young commander resounded through the camp.

"Plop." With a sound, everyone knelt down, and Jiang Ya was the fastest, his legs were so weak that he could no longer support it. Fortunately, he knelt fast, and Pei Shu followed him with an angry palm, which roared from him. Rolled over the head. There was a loud bang, and half of the camp tent fell down behind him. Jiang Ya fell on the ground, not even daring to turn his head. It was chilly on the top of his head, and he didn't care about the fear. He just felt lucky that it was only a moment away, and now he was a headless man. dead body.

Pei Shu had checked Jing Hengbo's pulse, and knew that she was fine, but the skin was traumatized, but the internal organs became empty at some point, and the true energy of three years of hard training was gone, which made him furious, helpless To vent everywhere, I wish I could kick this group of guys to death with a heart-warming foot.

"Idiots! Blind idiots! Are your brains filled with swamps! How was Lei Xi discovered? How were the captives trapped? Why didn't the elite soldiers of Yu Kingdom ten miles away never get up? Who did they belong to?" You didn’t even think about it! Medical officer! Medical officer! Roll over within half a stick of incense! If you can’t roll over, offer your own head!”

He rushed into the tent with Jing Hengbo in his arms, leaving everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

Lei Xi's spy was found out by the queen?

The captive was taken by the queen?

That elite soldier of Yu Kingdom who was ambushing in the valley but somehow did not make a move, the entire elite soldier was controlled by the queen alone?

Jiang Ya stayed pale for a while, connecting everything together, her face became uglier the more she thought about it, and after a while, she punched the ground fiercely, "It's really stupid!"

Pei Shu entered the tent with Jing Hengbo in his arms, and the soldiers dispersed angrily.

On the treetops over there, Shirai Shadow remained motionless.

Gong Yin's eyes kept falling on the tent, there was sadness and thought in his eyes.

A tall and thin figure quietly turned around from behind the tree, and Nan Jin silently stared at his profile.

I saw him only a few times, but I couldn't figure out his thoughts. He was like a sea of ​​broken ice, cold and far away.

The medical officer who was escorting the army came running panting, but Pei Shu didn't let the medical officer touch Jing Hengbo, and checked her wounds first by himself.

He felt that Jing Hengbo had already opened his heart to him, and he had already made a promise. The previous waiting had come to fruition. From then on, he and Jing Hengbo were naturally a couple who were destined to be together. Naturally, there are not so many defenses between men and women. It is only natural for a husband to undress his wife.

He snatched the medical officer's medicine box, drove the medical officer out of the tent, and began to check Jing Hengbo himself, first looking at her upper body. The blood was only on her arms, all of which were flesh wounds.

The wound always hurts when touched, Jing Hengbo woke up from the pain, opened his eyes, and immediately met a strange face with frowning and smiling.

The face is too close, the pores are too close to be seen, Jing Hengbo's mind just floated "Which sissy's skin is so good, I want to take off his face and stick it on my sister's face. Lustful and painful, could it be that he was raped..." Suddenly he was startled, shrank back, and said in amazement: "Pei Shu!"

"It's me." Pei Shu smiled brighter and brighter, "Don't move, I'll treat your wound." As he said that, he came to unbutton her.

"What are you doing?" Jing Hengbo slapped his hand, looked around, hey, where is Gong Yin? Isn't he here? Just before he fainted, he clearly saw the white shadow...

"Treat your wound." Pei Shu leaned forward, raised an eyebrow, looked at her in surprise, amused and tolerant, "You, you don't care about yourself too much, why do you have to charge first in everything? , you are the queen, how about the queen! You are so reckless, do you mean that you don't want me to have a good life?"

Jing Hengbo stared straight at him, his hairs were numb by his suddenly intimate tone - what happened to this kid all of a sudden? Spring? Although he had a heart for her before, wasn't he always reserved?

She suddenly remembered her actions before she fainted, as if she was hugging a person, she thought that person was Gong Yin, but now it seems that it is not Gong Yin, then who is that white shadow, her eyes suddenly fell on Pei Shuyi At the corner, I was shocked again, why is this guy only wearing his underwear?

Suddenly his pants were pulled, Jing Hengbo looked at him in amazement, and slapped Pei Shu's hand off again, "What are you doing!"

Pei Shu half-kneeled in front of her, stared at her trousers, frowned and said, "Why do you have wounds on your legs? Why is there only blood but no damage to your clothes? Where is the wound?"

Jing Hengbo looked down, well, at some point, Pei Shu had already taken off her robe, and the gray-black soldier's trousers were stained with some fresh blood near the inner thigh.

She didn't react at first, but when she thought about it carefully, her scalp suddenly exploded.

What the hell!

This is that... that blood!

Pei Shu was chattering in confusion, "Strange, is it a knife wound? Where is the wound? What did you do, why did you get hurt there, what kind of indiscretion, how could you make such a move..."

"Get away from me, you bastard!" Her Majesty the Queen screamed, and kicked the young marshal out of the tent...

The tent shook for a while, and then, Young Marshal Pei who had just entered was kicked out, and the soldiers turned around in astonishment, all staring at them.

The face-saving young marshal coughed, turned around, and said sternly, "Women are just so capricious. We men, be more tolerant..."

All the soldiers nodded with sympathy, yes, women are so hypocritical, and a woman who is a queen is naturally the hypocritical of hypocrisy. It is not easy for a young commander. With such a fiery temper, he has to be tolerant when he meets such a tigress. Let it go.

Jiang Ya made a mistake, and now she just wanted to make up for it, so she hurriedly said with a smile: "This... woman, she will only be willful in front of people close to her. Young commander... so lucky."

The last sentence was in a low voice, but Pei Shu's eyebrows were beaming, and Jiang Ya said beamingly, "I wish the Young Marshal and His Majesty an early wedding, and congratulations to Wang Fu at that time." Well said! When the time comes, the whole world will naturally celebrate! You kid has eyesight, so I will reward you when I look back!"

The discerning Captain Jiang, who was scolded as a blind fool just now, nodded frequently, thanked him frequently, and wiped his sweat frequently...

In the woods not far away, Gong Yin, who had been staring silently over there, suddenly twitched his lips slightly.

Then he turned silently.

Nan Jin had been looking at his back, but now she raised her eyebrows, revealing a hint of surprise.

Gong Yin suddenly asked: "Do you have a mirror?"

Most women would carry mirrors with them, but Nan Jin was not an ordinary woman. She shook her head and pointed to a small ditch in front of her expressionlessly.

Gong Yin passed by like a stream of kindness, facing the water to take a picture. Nan Jin didn't move, but a strange feeling filled her heart.

It is impossible for a person like Gong Yin to look in the mirror suddenly, let alone in front of her. What does he want to do?

The level is like a mirror, and the white shadow in the mirror is like snow.

The shadows were vague, and there seemed to be a deep meaning in his eyes, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a while, he raised his head and let out a long breath, as if he solved the world's problems in a flash, or accepted the ups and downs of the world in a flash, but he was still so quiet and calm, and said: "Go."

Pei Shu stood outside Jing Hengbo's tent, listening to Nan Jin who just came back, talking about what happened before Jing Hengbo.

In Nan Jin's narration, he naturally omitted the existence of himself, Gong Yin and the Long family, and only talked about what happened between Yu Guangting and Jing Hengbo.

Pei Shu has always been expressionless, but his subordinates who are familiar with him know that the young marshal is full of joy and anger, but if he suddenly has no expression, but his eyebrows are twitching, then it is really murderous.

After Nan Jin finished speaking, regardless of what Pei Shu thought, she entered Jing Hengbo's tent. Pei Shu seemed to think of something, and followed her and said earnestly: "The queen seems to have injured her leg. She is shy and refuses to show it to me. Help her get well. Treat it, don't leave a wound."

Nan Jin paused and turned to stare at him.

Pei Shu only felt that the woman's eyes were strange, she seemed to be clear and melancholy, and she even seemed to have a little sympathy, so she couldn't help but looked at herself in amazement, and said, "What's wrong?"

Nan Jin lowered her head, smiled faintly, and said for a long time: "In this world, if you are infatuated with me, it is doomed to fail in the end..."

"What did you say?"

The curtain fell, Nan Jin had already gone in, Pei Shu looked at the back of the woman who disappeared in a flash, and stroked his chin in wonder.

"She won't see me too..."

When Jing Hengbo saw Nan Jin coming in, he greeted him calmly. There is a bit of inquiry in the eyes.

At this time, she probably guessed that Nan Jin really had a certain relationship with Gong Yin, and this relationship was unusual. Without him, the way she looks at Gong Yin is too strange. As a woman, as a woman who is very interested in love affairs, her eyes are very vicious in this regard.

Because of this, in her enthusiasm at the moment, she was a little more defensive.

There are many weirdos in the sects outside the world, and it's not like she didn't understand everything that happened in Yelu Manor earlier.

Nan Jin's demeanor was more comfortable than hers, and she didn't feel guilty about having her secret exposed. She grabbed a small bundle beside her and threw it to her.

"What?" Jing Hengbo flipped through the bag, inside was clean and soft underwear, and a small porcelain bottle, unplugged and sniffed, the smell was cool and comfortable.

Nan Jin replied numbly, "It's for pain relief and infection prevention."

"How can this little thing be enough..." Jing Hengbo shook his head with a smile, and when he shook his head halfway, he suddenly stopped, staring at Nan Jin, but Nan Jin didn't look at her. Flowers come.

Jing Hengbo's face turned red and turned white, as if she really wanted to go underground, but she jumped up suddenly and grabbed Nan Jin's arm, "Did you see that?"

Nan Jin shook her head resolutely.

Just as Jing Hengbo breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly remembered a more important question, and grabbed her again, "You... did you tell him?"

This time Nan Jin shook more resolutely, her neck bones rattling.

"Excellent." Jing Hengbo put his arms around Nan Jin's neck, thought for a while, and then asked ghostly, "Then what, the thing you gave, isn't it some kind of safflower musk contraceptive pill..."

Nan Jin suddenly threw her arm and strode out, "You don't have to follow me!"

"Hey, don't go! I've read too much homework..." Jing Hengbo watched Nan Jin finally go out, and the corners of his mouth collapsed.

"Nimma's face is so embarrassing... Is it too late to kill people and silence them?"

As soon as Nan Jin stepped out of the tent, she stopped in her tracks. His nostrils twitched and his face was gloomy.

With the curtain lifted, Jing Hengbo, who had finally adjusted his mentality, poked his head out, sniffled and said, "What's wrong? It smells so strong of blood."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Pei Shu leading his group of loyal men striding over. While walking, the group of people were still wiping the knives on the soles of their shoes. The knives were stained with blood. Blood was splashed all over, and behind them, in the tent where the exiles were held, there was a strong smell of blood.

Before Jing Hengbo had time to ask what happened, a soldier passed by the tent, looked in with his head, and staggered.

"It's not good, the exiles were all killed by assassins—"

Everyone was shocked, and the entire camp was in chaos. Jing Hengbo's heart skipped a beat.

"Shut up!" Pei Shu yelled violently, "What assassin! He ordered the killing!"

Jing Hengbo frowned—what's wrong with this guy? What a murderous intention.

"Young commander!" Jiang Ya rushed over and knelt down on the ground in despair, "You are going to kill the last general..."

His duty is to **** the more than one hundred exiled prisoners to Hawksbill for supervision. It is already a crime to run away from the eldest son of Yelu's family, but now that Pei Shu has killed more than a hundred people in one go, this crime can wipe out his whole family.

"Pei Shu, give me an explanation." Jing Hengbo stared at Pei Shu, and in his dark pupils, he saw endless murderous intent and determination.

She was secretly disturbed, Pei Shu's temperament was too violent and domineering, more than a hundred people were killed, and he didn't even hit a single one.

Pei Shu smiled nonchalantly, looked up at the sky.

"An explanation will naturally be given, but why are you and I in such a hurry?" He stretched out his hand, and the guard led the mount, and he turned over and sat on it, pointing forward with a whip.

"The Halberd Army has already set out. Immediately, the **** army of two thousand people will also be merged into the Halberd Army. If you still carry the hundred burdens, how can you fight? Anyway, they are all prisoners of death. Instead of trekking thousands of miles to go to the Tortoiseshell to suffer, Why don't you help them out here?"

"War?" Jing Hengbo only noticed these two words.

"Yes, let's go to war. I will send my troops into the center of Yu Kingdom immediately. I will kill Yu Guangting first, then the King of Yu Kingdom, and finally destroy Yu Kingdom. Gods will block and kill gods, and Buddhas will block and kill Buddhas!"

"Pei Shu, you're crazy!" Jing Hengbo was furious—what sort of insanity is this?

"I'm not crazy." The young marshal leaned over from his horse, his black eyes as bright as glass stared into the sea of ​​peach blossoms in her eyes, "Hengbo, when the man is alive, every word is a nail in the board. Yu Guangting If I dare to bully you and hurt you, I will kill him. Not only him, but also everyone in this world who betrays you, hurts you, and betrays you, I, Pei Shu, will never die as long as I live!"