MTL - Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo-Chapter 17 , beautiful men

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Lin Changan only felt that this last chance was very stressful.

After all, this dungeon has been explored so many times, but it is still limited to the periphery.

[The simulation starts! 】

[You jump into the city, the surroundings are pitch black, as if shrouded in dense fog. 】

[You start all the way towards the maze. 】

[After half a day, you came to the labyrinth, where you can't see the end at a glance, and you began to think about the way to pass through the labyrinth. 】

"Everywhere is guarded by monsters, so here is no exception." Such thoughts flashed through your mind, and you felt that you had found the right direction. 】

[You enter the labyrinth, hold the wall with your right hand and start exploring inch by inch. 】

[This time, you found that the maze moved. 】

[It's like ripples from water waves, and the coldness of the wall you touched with your palm turned into softness, as if you were touching some delicate and delicate skin. 】

[You suddenly realize that this maze seems to be a human body! 】

[The moment you woke up, a phantom appeared in front of you. 】

[She is dressed in red, with a fluttering gauze skirt, pale complexion, long and slender legs, and a red veil covering her face. She seems to be a bride who is about to get married. 】

["What a great figure." You sigh, remembering a certain movie. 】

["Young Master, can you help me lift the veil?"]

[You subconsciously stretch out your hand and want to uncover it, but the 1.77-fold persistence in your mind makes you abruptly wake up and stop just before touching the veil. 】

[You realize that this good-looking female ghost is the monster in this level. 】

[At the same time, you realize that because of the improvement of your temperament, the female ghost seems to have taken a fancy to you. Because there is no other difference between you and the last time you came, except for the change in temperament. 】

["The female ghost is also a Yangou?" You are thinking. 】

[You used the handsome man's trick. 】

【you succeeded. 】

Lin Changan was taken aback.

Is this successful? Can't believe it!

The other two paths died directly, without even struggling.

Does this one pass directly?

However, it's a good thing anyway.

[You have passed through the maze. 】

[Inside the dungeon, at a glance, it is extremely desolate and dead. 】

[You keep going deeper and deeper, there are no signs here to judge the distance. You don't know how far and how long you have walked, and you quickly feel a strange fluctuation. 】

[Your body is resonating, and you feel your physique is improving weakly and slowly. 】

[It seems to be the beating of the heart. 】

[You are very pleasantly surprised, but the more you look inward, the faster your heart beats, and soon you feel like you can't hold on anymore. 】

[You keep testing your limits, and your heart almost jumps out. 】

[The further you go inward, the faster your physique will improve, but the more unbearable it is. 】

[You are a little unwilling, you find that you are still far from the deepest part, but you can only withdraw. 】

[You have returned to the labyrinth and sacrificed your hue again. 】

[You successfully passed the maze and returned to the fork in the road. 】

[You tried another route. 】

[In the endless darkness, a dream eater appeared and plundered your brain. 】

【you are dead. 】

Lin Changan woke up from the simulation and took a deep breath.

I spent a lot of money to inquire about the news from the simulation, and the treasure that improves talent seems to be the strange thing at the core.

What is it, with his current ability, it is obviously impossible to approach.

However, the harvest this time was not small.

"According to the last simulation, I can stay in it for five days and go to the deepest part. Five days is enough to greatly improve my talent."

Lin Changan didn't think too much of a genius, as long as he could reach the level of an ordinary person, his talent was ordinary!

As long as his talent is ordinary, he can achieve several times higher achievements in the simulation, which means many times the chance.

There is no rush to select reserved items.

Looking at Chu Li: "Boss, lend me your space ring."

Chu Li shrank back involuntarily, and touched a simple ring on her index finger: "Do you know how much this thing costs?"

"one million?"

The specific price is not clear. After all, this thing is too far away from the previous self, but I only know about it.

To open up space in the ring, at least someone who has a certain understanding of the laws of space can do it.

The size of the opened space is determined according to the perception of the laws of space and the means of refining.

Comprehend the laws of space, that is what a great cultivator above six realms can do.

And the great cultivator of the Six Realms can start with a million in whatever he does.

"Mr. Cong made this himself!" Chu Li was very nervous, as if afraid that Lin Changan would rob him.

"It's not like I won't pay you back."

"What if you die?"

"Crow's Mouth..." Lin Changan was helpless, "Boss, I definitely won't be able to hold much of the contents with these hands."

That pile of black iron cannot be moved by ordinary people.

"But..." Chu Li hesitated, looked Lin Changan up and down, and felt uneasy no matter what.

"I swear, I will never die."

"I still want to swear that I can live forever."

"Well, I'll give you a higher percentage, five or five points!" Lin Changan gritted his teeth.

"Okay!" Before he finished speaking, a ring was handed to Lin Changan.

The smile blossomed on Chu Li's The enchanting eyes were filled with happiness and a smile from the heart.

It seemed that Lin Changan had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Lin Changan rolled his eyes.

"You will fall into the eyes of money sooner or later."

"That's great!" Chu Li's eyes lit up, "When?"

Lin Changan threw his hands away in disgust, then opened the door to get out of the car without further delay.

Since the longer you stay inside, the more your talent will be improved, of course, as soon as possible.

He took up the hat of the sweater, lowered the brim of the hat, wrapped his whole body under the wide clothes, and came to the guard place of the two soldiers outside the collapsed area.

"employees only!"

Lin Changan took out his passport.

The two took it and looked at it in surprise.

Seeing the other party like this, he seems to be a son.

But the young master came to take such a risk?

This dungeon hasn't been explored yet.

The level has not yet been determined, the spatial turbulence has not stopped, it is too dangerous.

But someone seemed to suddenly remember something.

Wouldn't this be an artificial creation of a godsend?

A year ago, in an A-level dungeon, a stone carving was found that said "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky stands."

At the beginning, it was rumored that the dungeon itself was conceived and appeared, and it was a sign given by God, which made people panic.

Only later did I find out that someone actually threw it in during its gestation period.

The younger brother who can't see his face clearly in front of him seems to have the same plan.

In such a major event, the two of them are absolutely not qualified to be involved.

"Please come in!"

They didn't feel that the word "please" was used, and the two of them turned their heads, not wanting to add another sentence.

Where can they ask such a big thing.