MTL - Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo-Chapter 16 , elegant sleeves

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[You found the footprints, and sure enough someone was in front of you. 】

[You heard the excited roar of the giant, and then saw half of his body was thrown to the ground in blood. 】

[The giant turns his head and finds you. 】

[You gallop up, your body at the perfect level makes you as light as a swallow, the giant's palm sticks out a long distance, and the strong wind rips your back to shreds. 】

[The giant did not pursue. 】

[You survived by luck, but you stumbled into a bamboo forest while you were still in shock, and found that they were all high-quality bamboos. 】

[You continue to go deeper and find treasures everywhere. 】

[Ming Bamboo, Yin-Yang Wood, Wanshenguo, Dark Night Wish... This place doesn't seem to be a dungeon, but an underground treasure house. 】

[You continue to move inward, the treasures seem to be endless. 】

[You're going to be stunned, feeling that you have a destiny for the rest of your life. 】

[You pick up a grain of gravel, you have never seen a football-sized gravel, and it feels heavy in your hand. 】

[The gravel begins to bleed out. 】

[You are stunned for a moment, and take a closer look. 】

[You suddenly woke up, the illusion was instantly shattered, and you saw what you were holding in your hand—a human head. 】

[Even if you have talent and are not afraid of life and death, you are still taken aback. 】

[I hurriedly threw it out, and at a glance saw the real treasure in the distance-Desire Aromatherapy. 】

[You realize that it was all hallucinations caused by desire. 】

["Generally, warriors have to lose their minds in the face of it, and this is still under the condition that no one is urging them to naturally emit aura." You sighed. 】

["Yes." A voice came from behind, and your head was thrown into the sky. 】

【you are dead. 】

Lin Changan came back to his senses.

I have to sigh again at the terrifying difficulty of C-level dungeons.

"It seems that every treasure is guarded by a monster. This monster has both tyrannical mental ability and certain combat power."

Lin Changan looked at the balance.

There are only three chances left, and time is running out.

Soon the dungeon will be fully conceived, and then it will be too late.

At this moment, Chu Li looked at him expectantly.

"Forget it if it really doesn't work, little Changan~" Although what Lin Changan said was very heartwarming, Lin Changan listened to what he heard in his ears.

The proprietress, a money fanatic, would give up so easily?

Sure enough, before I could think about it, the proprietress continued: "Go sell yourself and pay back the pass money I invested in earlier~ Oh yes, there are still 60,000 yuan for three spirit fish~"

"Well, let me do the math. With the appearance of a little Chang'an, it costs at least 400 yuan per sale, and it only takes about 300 times!"

Lin Changan rolled his eyes.

Speaking of which, he has already invested a huge sum of 30,000 yuan in this matter.

He gritted his teeth, chose talent, and then continued to click on the simulation.

Under the superposition at this time, the degree of adherence to the mind has reached 1.77 times that of ordinary people.

【Simulation Start】

This time, let's look for ordinary opportunities first, and ignore everything that may be precious.

[You have found Tongyou Grass. 】

[You found a hidden air mass, but you didn't have a gas tank, so you had to give up. 】

[You found a broken sword, it is dark and dark, and it is extraordinary at first glance. 】

[You found a strange little black stone. 】

[You found piles of black iron masonry. 】

[You have searched the periphery. 】

[You try to turn inward and avoid the house and the aroma of lust. 】

[You come to a labyrinth, and you can't see the end at a glance. You hold the wall on the right with your hand and start walking along the route. 】

[Three days later, you stroked the right wall of the entire maze and returned to the original point again. You realized that there was no exit in this maze. 】

[You start looking for a way through the maze. 】

[Try again for two days, when you have a clue, a three-level cultivator came to the labyrinth, saw you at a glance, but ignored you. 】

[Someone came soon, surprised at how low your realm is, you can still come here. 】

[People pass by one after another, and finally someone realizes your peculiarity. 】

["You definitely have a big secret, please explain it obediently." It was the second young master of the Rong family in Qindao City, looking at you with a wicked look and licking his lips. 】

[He exudes a smell that is somewhat similar to Desire Aromatherapy, a kind of ecstasy fragrance. 】

[You are instantly alert, and your mind is firm. 】

["Beauty~ it won't hurt." He just wanted to restrain you, but you chose suicide. 】

【you are dead. 】

Lin Changan recovered from the simulation: "I am decisive enough."

In this simulation, too much time was wasted in it.

After a long time, the dungeon has been fully conceived and formed, and a great monk entered.

"This second young master of the Rong family is really not a thing."

The Rong family in Qindao City, a famous big family, controls the economic lifeline of Qindao City.

In the whole of Qindao City, almost one hand covers the sky, and he speaks the truth.

Lin Changan had heard about the second young master of the Rong family having a good relationship with Longyang.

It is said that a popular actor came to Qindao City to promote his new work last year, but he was killed by him that night.

The cause of death was asphyxiation, and the conclusion was suicide.

But the outside world has always been rumored that it is sexual suffocation.

Lin Changan didn't believe too much before, but now, looking at the words in the simulation, he already believed it by three points.

"You have to avoid this person."

There is another problem.

Lin Changan frowned, what he had inquired about was a treasure that could improve his physique?

After so many simulations, I didn't even see a shadow.

Looking at the is not enough for me to splurge.

There are only two simulation opportunities left. If you can't find the treasure, you can only make money and spend hard work.

According to what I found in this simulation, I should still be able to break even.

[This simulation is over, please select one of the following to keep. 】

[1. Talented sleeves are graceful (C-level talent, your temperament will soar with the improvement of life level.)]

[2. The Realm of Death (Qi and Blood 862)]

[3. Combat experience at the time of death (Xiaocheng's boxing, perfect movement, perfect defense)]

[Fourth, the practice experience at the time of death (no practice experience)]

[5. Some memory fragments. 】

Apart from one and two, the other three were useless, so Lin Changan thought about it and chose one.

C-level talent is rare, and qi and blood can be added at any time.

Anyway, there is one more simulation opportunity.

The moment he clicked to choose the elegant sleeves, Lin Changan only felt that his temperament was suddenly elevated, and the faint nobility exuded from the inside out made him feel surprised for a while.

The indescribable ethereal meaning emerges, like a fairy.

Chu Li was even more stunned, looked at Lin Changan, and suddenly felt more pleasing to the eye for some reason.

"Little Chang'an, why do you seem to be a little more handsome?"

"I'm so handsome, you're wrong about the boss." Lin Changan said lightly.

Click again to start the simulation.

"It can be simulated twice in total, and the last time must be reserved as a back-up. This time is equal to the last time. It really doesn't work, and it can only be guaranteed."

(The author is guilty! I repent! I'm not updating again! As long as there is less than two updates in one day next week, I will wear women's clothes! Sun!)