MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1445

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Speaking, Lin Yun opened the natural half plane, Lena appeared holding a twenty-four-sided ice crystal, and then she pressed Marianna on her thigh with a stunned face, even more than Marianna's head The larger slap slammed into Marianna's **** ...

休 "Out of class, you're finished, you wait for me to tell Uncle Merlin, you dare to beat me and you're dead ..."

"Little bastard, think about escaping again, dad won't die, you are my dad ..."

Mariana's scream and off-duty roar suddenly sounded. After off-duty slap Marianna's two slaps, she suddenly found that she didn't seem to be in the natural half plane ...

After taking a break for a while, Marianna slipped off her off thigh, rubbed her little butt, and trot all the way behind Lin Yun.

"Uncle Meilin, off class stole the fruit you planted by the lake, and then prepared to 揍 I let me shut up and forbid me to tell you ..."

"Fuck, fart, little bastard, come here, I won't kill you today, I'm your father ..."

The off-duty rushed over and rushed over, Lin Yun kicked him over, and he didn't dare to resist, he honestly resisted, and then Lin Yun's foot just hit the side of the off-duty calf, and his body almost fell when it slipped. inverted.

I control the magic to maintain the balance, but I did not expect that the magic was disturbed by the abominable guy who was off duty again, and fell to the ground with a splash.

When he was a strong man of the seventh rank, when he was stunned, he fell down and Lin Yun stood up with a look of shame, and pointed at the **** Lich to the off-duty.

休 "Off work, did you see the old cadaver? Kill this old cadaver, otherwise you will be dead ..."

I didn't think about leaving the class so much. I felt that Lin Yun 踹 he fell and he fell a bit annoyed. Now, after looking at the situation around me, I feel a bit off after work.

The terrible momentum released by the cymbals, especially the **** Lich, far surpassed Lin Yun's, and he turned to the Bloody Lich with a horrified look, and his voice changed a bit.

"Master Meilin, this old cadaver is too strong, I am not his opponent ..."

Lin Linyun patted the off-duty shoulder and pulled the thief Marianna over.

"Out of class, the old cadaver just looks strong, and after entering here, we must kill the old cadaver to leave. We have been fighting with that old cadaver for a long time. Did you see my teacher? With my master, that's all about the same as this old cadaver.

But now, we are all seriously injured. No one can do anything. If you go and smash the old corpse, he is holding out his head and waiting for you to unscrew his head.

要 If you do n’t go, then we may have to stay here for hundreds or even thousands of years, and go on like this forever. You ca n’t even eat **** here ... ”

He flickered off the class for a few moments, holding the slaughter off duty, a little vigilant. When fighting normally, this guy was quite brave, but it depends on the situation.

The blood of the off-duty is fused. After advancing to the heavens, it is like a terrible extraordinary creature entering the growth stage. Everyday, when you sleep, you can improve your strength, especially the strength of your body. Alas, the body is terrible.

Although it is only forty-fourth level, the body is strong enough to resist a nineth-level spell without too much damage. Lin Yun even speculated that a single-level single-level spell could hit him. You can only take off-work when your head is gone, and your skills are obviously crooked.

力量 The blood power in the body is all developing in the direction of enhancing the strength and strength of the body, especially the defense power, which is at least two levels higher than his strange power.

Ice is now frozen by Lena, but she is just trapped and won't be hurt at all.

Nothing else. I heard that I would not be able to eat anything for hundreds of years. The shift was a bit hairy. Then I looked at the surrounding Agalon and Aronzo who was obviously not easy to mess with. That's it.

A veteran corpse who was so badly injured ...

Off class grinned and grinned, and rushed out with a slaughter.

"Old corpse, blame you for having bad luck. You met a great off-duty master. You are dead. Come, obediently let the off-duty master break your head ..."

The class rushed out with a grin, but Lena walked vigilantly next to Lin Yun, looking at the class as if looking at a fresh stupid, stupid stupid than before ...

"Master Merlin, is this?"

Zhe Linyun hadn't spoken yet, Anderfa floated over, and only one face was leaked, and the remaining two faces were hidden in the Wheel of Wanfa to repair the Wheel of Wanfa.

"Merlin, the unlucky guy, was hit by the doom curse, and still uses a piece of flesh of the Lord of Doom as the material for the spell.

Hey, this stupid off-duty is really simple, even if the luck of this Lich is even worse, it is a forty-nine Lich ... "

She Lena's face showed a hint of astonishment. After looking around at the people here, she suddenly understood something. The curse of doom was definitely stronger than she thought ...

The class is forty-four, but Lena is already forty-five. After she has completely transformed, Lena's life level has jumped to the level of extraordinary life, and it is the extraordinary life of the ancient poison dragon.

In terms of strength, Lena has just entered the growth stage. It is when the growth rate is fastest. According to the strength of Taikoo Duron, it is inevitable to grow to forty-nine, and then there are very few who can jump to Fifty, or even more than fifty.

On the way from advanced to forty-nine or ninety-nineth, Lena has almost no obstacles. The ancient poison dragon strengthens the toxicity, while Lena continuously strengthens the frost power.

In fact, the blood of off-duty is stronger than Lena's, but this guy is really too lazy, and the speed of advancement is not as good as Lena's.

The off-duty carried the slaughter to the **** Lich, shouting with a loud voice, and the **** Lich was spitting death smoke on his head, half of his chin was missing from his face, and gray smoke continued to be emitted. It was the smoke that formed after the power of death was too strong.

人类 "Human, as long as you can survive this time, then you are waiting for eternal revenge. Our transaction will never be done. Will you let this stupid orc humiliate me?"

The **** Lich really exploded. After roaring for two sentences, he found that the wounds of his body were condensed into a gray mist.

The body is really exploding ...

The **** Lich didn't want to continue to be angry, and quickly controlled his death forces.

It ’s really possible that everything is under the curse of doom. It almost exploded. The **** Lich has n’t seen this for so many years. Only then did I experience firsthand how strong the curse of doom is. Already.

When you show to others, you know you know, but you will never have such a personal experience. When you experience it yourself, it feels completely different.

The **** Lich looks like a one-legged corpse in a robe, and now the wounds on the legs and face are still erupting in gray mist.

The off class waved the slaughter, chasing behind the **** Lich, flying around in the sky, looking full of funny, a forty-nine Lich, chased and killed by a forty-four orc ...

But this time, no one can laugh. The Lich is not the kind of powerful undead creature. If you change to a 49th-level skeleton king, stand there and let it knock off. Do n’t even break it for a year. A bone.

Because if the **** Lich is knocked off by the offending slaughter, it will really be broken ...

Like Agalon, if he goes off duty, he can absolutely kill him, but if his body is knocked off once, it only takes one time to destroy Agalon's body.

This is a very unsolvable thing ...

The **** lich flew back and forth for five or six minutes, and the off-duty did not catch the **** lich. The death force emanating from the **** lich also slowly dissipated, which means that the **** lich controlled it. The power of out of control death.

The **** Lich turned back and screamed, the screaming was that the intensive spells were compressed together, but still could play the perfect effect of the spells.

It's like when Lin Yun releases some spells, he can use the magical ability instantly. Some spells that need to show their full power ~ ~ even more powerful spells need to chant a spell, and most of the spells are Compressed into three notes, not much different from instant.

But after the **** Lich screamed, a large swath of death condensed in front of him, and the horrible death force even condensed into a solid visible to the naked eye, turning into pieces of white bones.

Tenth-level Undead Skull Roar ...

I felt this terrible spell fluctuation, Lin Yun covered her eyes with a bit of patience.

I do n’t have the heart to look at the misery of leaving the class, but I do n’t have the heart to look at the misery of the **** Lich ...

I was hit by the curse of doom. Just now the power of death was almost completely out of control, my body almost exploded. Now I dare to release the tenth level spell. How stupid it is ...

However, I do n’t know about off-duty. Although my off-duty brain is not very good, but I still have strength. When I feel the moment of fluctuation, I know that he must not be able to resist this spell, but the distance is too far. It's impossible. The best way is to throw the massacre directly. This is the fastest and most powerful way ...

Off-duty is indeed what it is doing. The scared red face is a little pale, and he suddenly throws out the slaughter, then turns around and runs away.

The weight of the slaughter, and the continuous stacking of the law formations, have already weighed at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms, plus the weight thrown off the class, it is not difficult to kill a swordsman of the rank 5 and 5 For the Lich, it's really negligible ...

(To be continued)