MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 20 Gene repair fluid

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Under the threat of the top management of the group, Wu’s father is working on the settlement of the equity in his hands. Because of the huge debts owed, under the premise of not allowing the police to intervene according to the agreement, the assets of his and Wu’s name have been taken care of. The two were driven out of the villa, and they had no choice but to move to the school district that was hung in the name of Wu Ye. Fortunately, the hospital is very close to Wu’s hospital, and the nearby traffic is very convenient. It saves Wu’s mother Wu’s trouble.

Wu Ye let Dad hide the things he brought back. He took a dress from the closet and replaced the t-shirt trousers that had broken the hole. In case, just in case, he put his handgun in the back. After adding a casual suit outside and making sure that I couldn’t see it, I went out with my parents.

People rely on clothing, changed their body, and this month's life and death experience, Wu Ye that Zhang Wannian baby face actually had two more mature and forced.

After leaving the house, Wu Mu did not ask Wu Ye what happened this month, but her hand was holding her son tightly. It seemed that she was afraid that her son would suddenly disappear.

"Mom, you and my father are waiting for me here." Not far from the neighborhood, Wu Ye broke the arms of Wu Mu, and the figure disappeared into the night.

"Aye, what is this going to do?" Wu mother asked nervously.

Wu’s father sighed: “He should have noticed those people.”

In the dark alley, a man with his ugly eyes held his hands and pleaded for help: "Big brother, big brother, have something to say, don't be excited, don't be excited!" The cold barrel is against the temple. He does not bow his head. Nima, who told him that Wu Ershao was a waste wood, and went back to spray him with a look of old blood, this skill is better than his retired veteran!

There was a dangerous light in Wu’s eyes, and the arm on the man’s neck added two points: “Who is letting you follow us?” The mud man has three points of soil, Wu Sen must have to do this. Do you kill it?

This time, Wu Ye is really a Wu Sen.

The man weighed for a moment, "No..." The voice did not fall, Wu Ye raised his knees to his abdomen, and the man suddenly felt the internal organs slammed into the sea, screaming, the pain was almost unstable, and the secret agreement was forgotten. After the brain, "It is Mr. Zhou Wangyuan let us do it."

"We?" Wu Ye snorted. "If you don't want to die, let your people roll away. Go back and tell the old king. He did what he did. Don't tear the last face. Everyone doesn't look good. If we are too big, we will fight a broken net. The barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, I am afraid that we can fight when we can, and some people can’t afford it."

The man saw the murderousness of Wu Ye’s eyes, and his heart was stunned. This cold and violent breath was only seen in some special veterans. Wu Ye is not simple. It seems that this task can no longer be done.

The heart turned sharply, the man changed his face with apology, and whispered: "Yes, I will convey it truthfully, and I promise that my friends and I will never appear around you again."

Wu Ye snorted: "It is best to remember what you said now, let me discover you next time, I will not speak so well as I am now."

From the distance, Wu Ye can clearly see the fear of the man's eyes, and there is a voice in his heart that constantly confuses him: kill him and kill him forever. For a short moment, this man has no difference in his eyes with the stinky low-level zombies. He just needs to pull the trigger gently... Wu Ye is coming back quickly, and the man with a cold sweat has left the gloomy Under the faint streetlights of the people, Wu Ye stretched out his white and slender hands and could barely see the hands of the bones. At this moment, he could no longer deceive himself.

Even if he returned to the world that belongs to him, he could not go back to himself one month ago. It's like opening Pandora's box and releasing the devil in the box. The devil has tasted the sweetness of blood, and all of them can't go back.

[System, I was pitted by you. Wu two less muttered.

System: [If it weren't for me, you died a month ago. Bind together with a stupid host that you are useless, I was terrible. 】

[...] Wu Er Shao discovered that the system is no longer guilty to death, the mouth is getting more and more poisonous.

"Aye, are you okay?" Wu mother asked with concern, pulling her son to look at it and confirming that she had not suffered any harm.

"Nothing. Old man, do you know that Zhou Wang Ba sent people to secretly monitor and monitor you?" Wu Ye turned to ask Wu.

"What old man, no big or small!" Wu Yong slaps his son's head and slaps his head. He looks at his son's bitter face and hurts. He knows that his son is deliberately making him happy. Warm, the suppression of my heart has been scattered since this day. He exhaled a long breath and ridiculed himself: "He is not afraid that I will run with your mother, and I will not get equity and money."

"Wang Ba Gu, I said that he is not a good thing, you do not believe it? If it is not you, he may now be where to guard the door." Wu Ye angrily.

Zhou Wangyuan was the old man who first followed Wu Yong to fight Jiangshan. He had a junior high school culture and his brain did not see Duoling. Wu Yong felt that he was faithful and always took him with him. Let him step by step from the original errand driver to the second largest shareholder of the Wu Group today. It is undeniable that Zhou Wangyuan did pay a lot of effort in this process, but if he did not have Wu Yong’s support and maintenance, he would pay 100 times. It is absolutely impossible to have a 20% stake in the group and a net worth of more than one billion.

Wu Ye doesn't like Zhou Wangyuan, not because he walks close to Wu Sen's yin and yang, but dislikes every time he attends a banquet. Zhou Wangyuan drinks a few drops of cat urine and continues to brag about his achievements there. He saved Wu Yong several times, how he sold the house and sold land in the factory to help the factory through the storm, and he and the x line of someone is a fellow company loan depends on him, etc., as if Wu can have today It is all his merits.

Ding Ding’s big things were blown up by him more than the sky. Wu Ye hated the set of his arrogant talks. However, the Zhou Wang veteran liked to put a face of an elder in front of him, often teaching regardless of the occasion, Wu Ye did not Give him face, often make each other not come to Taiwan. To this end, Wu Ye's old man was not awkward, but Wu Yeqi gave him a nickname for Zhou Wangba. After the nickname spread, Zhou Wangyuan was almost mad and his relationship with Wu Ye was getting worse.

Wu’s father sighed and sighed: “Yes, I blame me. I have always been self-sufficient in my life. I didn’t expect anyone who came to the end to see it.” Wu’s wealthy but not listed company, many large and small. The company consists of a lot of fields, and some places are really big. The group has been developing for more than 20 years, and there is no hard background. Wu’s father has accumulated some contacts, but there is no younger energy to make a top-down deepening change for the company. He wanted to let Wu Sen Wu Ye He completed these things, first to understand the operation of the company, and second to stabilize the company. Wu Cheng simply could not accommodate the existence of Wu Ye.

He still remembers that he was proud that his eldest son sneered and said to him: "Wu Ye is a waste that can't help the wall. Wu is a sick man. Why do they want to inherit as many shares as me? My mother is for the group, I have to go in with my life, why should I finally be cheaper?"

He regarded the old man of his brother as saying to him: "Wu Yong, Wu's group can have today, I don't pay less than you. When the factory was in a fire, my only son was burned alive in the factory. I didn't say anything. The emperor took turns to do it. You have been in charge of Wu for so many years, and should my husband’s name come back to the boss? Don’t be reconciled, don’t hate me, hate you and hate you for a good son.” "Aye, you don't say a few words, your dad is very uncomfortable." After Wu and Wu's father got married, they worked as a general manager for a few years in a company owned by Wu. Later, After giving birth to Ah, she had decisively retired from her post because she had a serious congenital disease. She has been an ordinary lady for more than ten years, taking care of her son's family affairs and rarely asking about the company. However, like Wu Ye, she did not like Zhou Wangyuan's sect. She also had a gift with Wu's father to redeem the shares in Zhou Wangyuan's hands. Wu's father read the old feelings, and things were gone, which eventually led to the bitter fruit of today.

However, even without Zhou Wangyuan, with Wu Sen’s ambition, it is difficult to prevent Li Wangyuan and Chen Wangyuan. After all, who can think of getting along with his loved ones, and turning around will give you a fatal blow? Can only say that the wealth of people is moving, want to | look hook | people.

Wu Ye saw the old man's sorrowful look, and his heart was uncomfortable. He patted his father's shoulder and comforted him: "Okay, old man, big deal, we will start again from the beginning, what's so sad? Sai Weng lost his horse, knows me, believe me, In a few years, our Wu family’s achievements must be more brilliant than now!”

"No big, no big, big talk." Wu’s father took a look at his son. "The taxi is coming, and I don’t want to stop."

"Do you know how to enslave me!"

Seeing her son's unwilling face, Wu's face was always a little smiley, no matter how the road ahead, as long as her son could return to her side safely, she would be content.

After ten minutes, I arrived at the hospital.

Wu Li has been temporarily out of danger and transferred to the general ward, and is now falling asleep. Wu Ye was very upset when she saw the younger brother who was wearing a mask of oxygen on her face.

[System, can you redeem the heart that matches my brother? Wu leaves Wu’s hand on the outside and carefully put it back into the quilt.

[Can,] The system's icy electronic sound can't hear emotions. It tells Wu Ye objectively. But his age is not small. With your medical technology, heart transplant is not the best for him. s Choice. And his body is very weak, even if you can now redeem to the heart, he has more than 90% chance of dying from surgery. 】

Wu Ye’s heart was hurt by a needle-like cone. [...Do you have any other way? 】

The system did not speak, pop-up control panel, above is a picture of a syringe with red liquid, [low-level genetic repair liquid? 】

There is a note below the picture: This agent is used to repair damaged genes, awaken cell vitality, stimulate life potential, repair defective organs, and correct deformed organs to some extent.

This stuff is simply tailor-made for Ah.

[System, can this thing really cure Ai? Wu Ye asked excitedly.

[At least five or more low-level gene repair stocks are required. 】 Under the sound line of the system icy machine, with a trace of fish hooked.

As long as you can cure Ali, let alone five, that is, fifty, five hundred, he will find a way to get it!

[This stuff is low-level, you have no intermediate, or advanced, and it is best to solve the problem once? 】

[Yes, but you can't afford it. 】

Wu Ye is a bit discouraged. [Right, how many points and crystal nucleus do you need for a low-level genetic repair solution? 】

[10000 points, 100 orange crystals (three | grade crystal nucleus). 】

"Where, you don't want to grab it!" Now that the red crystal (quasi-three) is still scarce, he has never seen the orange crystal long, so where can he find it? The exchange criteria of the partial system are irreversible, and the advanced crystal core is converted into a low-level one.

The system does not say anything.

Wu’s father saw that Wu Ye’s face was not very good. He was busy with a low voice and asked: “Is it too expensive to save Ai?” Wu’s father knew little about the system. He hoped that the younger son could survive without a fake, but he did not want to The son paid an unbearable price.

Wu Mu also looked anxiously at Wu Ye.

"It's just a little expensive, don't worry, I will find a way." Wu Ye pretends to be easy.

[So, can you give me a genetic repair solution first? When I ask for help, Wu Ye smiles are always extraordinarily sincere.

[There is not enough energy left to synthesize. 】

Wu Ye’s smile is stiff in the corner of her lips, and a pit of goods (╯‵ □ ') ╯ (┻━┻.

In order to appease his parents, Wu Ye is resistant to the temper, and the role of the low-level gene repairing liquid is probably told to the parents. " you can rest assured now, and Aya is sure to be better. However, we have no synthetic genes here. The material needed for the original liquid, I have to go to another plane to find it, it may take a while. Dad, before I leave, there are some things we have to plan well."

Wait, Wu Ye suddenly thinks of something, his face is white, busy asking: [System, your remaining energy is enough to take me back to the zombie plane? 】