MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 254 Extra 60 years

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Time flies, and it is another year's eve, and the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In accordance with the rules of the former China, the National Day is usually a five-year celebration, a ten-year celebration, and Xinhua has continued this rule.

This is the first decade of the founding of the New China. After the end of the world, after the darkest times, the survivors have captured one city after another, the provinces, killing countless zombies and worms, and building one after another. New city.

For the more than 20 million survivors of Xinhua, the end of the catastrophe, which lasted for more than a decade, is finally coming to an end, even though the war is not over, even though the area covered by the energy cover is still in crisis under the tiger’s end of the mutant Heavy, but human beings are no longer the lambs that are allowed to be slaughtered, no longer the fish above the knife.

With the end of the zombie era, the hunter was renamed the hunter. This is still a profession of dancing on the tip of the knife. The risk of the mutant bug is not lower than the zombies. They are even more difficult to deal with than the zombies without wisdom. After years of fighting, the hunters are constantly familiar with the characteristics of various mutant worms, coupled with new weapons and armor, new modes of transportation, new medicinal agents, etc., the pace of battle is gradually being mastered by humans, and the hunter’s mortality rate is insufficient for the hunters of the year. 1% of mortality.

From the eruption of the last days to the present, for the entire fifteen years, the elderly (over 60 years old) who escaped from the disaster in the past, there have been very few living to the present, and the whole Xinhua is not added to >

Adolescents between the ages of 15 and 25 are also very rare, accounting for only 1/100 of the total population.

Many children were born after the founding of the Xinhua Kingdom. The age is mostly under 8 years old. Wu Ye has been encouraging fertility since he took charge of the city. Later, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he encouraged birth as a basic national policy. You don't need to pay any related medical expenses, you can also get a one-year nutritional subsidy. This money is not too much, but it is enough for a woman and a basic child's basic living expenses. Children under the age of 15 are sick and hospitalized. All expenses are settled by the financial unified.

In addition, children from the entrance to the 18-year-old high school graduation, all education costs are paid by the state, and the country will also give high-quality students a generous living allowance, once the child's parents have a husband or wife at the same time, the child is in adulthood I will get the life assistance of the country before.

As a result, the cost and risk of raising children are greatly reduced, and the survivors of this plane have no concept of family planning, so many couples are willing to have more children. Especially in the last two or three years, the crystal nuclear industry has completely replaced traditional industries. The economy of Xinhua has developed rapidly, and the life of citizens has improved steadily. It is a new life.

However, in the last days, women were affected by congenital physiological factors, and the number of survivors was only one-fifth of that of men. When the New China State stabilized, many of them had already missed the best reproductive age, even though the ability to transform The age of women's fertility has changed from 24-30 to 20-40 years old. The women in this age group are still pitiful. In total, less than 15 are Wu Ye's repeated encouragement of birth, and the new life born after the founding of the country only accounts for It is about 1/10 of the total population.

However, this data of Xinhua is already a miracle compared to other countries that have perished or are facing extinction.

Male physical and physical advantages make them more likely to survive in the last days, but the serious imbalance between male and female also caused many contradictions. In order to resolve these contradictions, Wu Ye passed the same-sex marriage law in his third year after he took office. Proposal to allow same-sex marriage and provide legal protection consistent with heterosexual marriage. Although many of these bachelors are straight and straight men before the end of the world, but there are too few bachelors in the end of the world, in order to solve the psychological needs, do not have too many friends with good friends and good brothers, anyway, do it anyway. I shouldn’t have done it, and it’s more reassuring to get married.

As a result, the marriage registry was almost not exploding after the law was introduced.

Second, with Daqin taking advantage of his position, he naturally became the first Huaguo first pair of witnesses. Ji Chong and Li Xiazhi have been together for several years, and they have long been looking forward to the day of the testimony. As a result, they just received the news. Registration, there are still people who are more active than them.

When did Qian Xin and Zhao Ganyu get together?

After Ji Chong was planted with a loyalty, he was also a member of the Wu Ye Guards, but he was in charge of all the plantation affairs, and almost did not go out with the Guards. In the impression, Qian Xinhao puts a good loyalty on his face. Although his face is broken and the big man looks a bit fierce, he will find that he is a very humorous and funny person who has a lot of contact. Zhao Ganyu is not particularly good. Usually, he is silent and silent. Like his dark corrosive abilities, he always gives a feeling of sullenness and coldness. Ji Chong has been in contact with him several times, and he has been 'frozen' every time. These two attributes are completely opposite. How do people hook up? !

Not only is Ji Chong curious, Wu Ye is also very curious, but Qin Wuhua has been with Qian Xin for a long time, and he has already found some clues, but he does not like to inquire about other people’s gossip, Qian Xin did not take the initiative, he also I didn't ask.

Wu Ye knew that after the two men got the marriage certificate, they could not restrain the careful liver of the gossip. When Qian Xin sent an invitation to invite him to drink the wine, the two asked directly when they were good. .

Qian Xin was carefully stared at by Wu Ye’s twinkling peach blossom eyes. The five big three thick men rarely showed a shy side. The voice was eight degrees lower than usual: “...some, there are years, Xiaoyu started. I don't care much about the little wolf, the little wolf is sick, I, I will help him, then..." Then I took care of the bed.

Two less subconsciously nodded, sighed: "You can do it, the confidential work is done well." Wait, it seems that something is wrong, Zhao Ganyu is not quite will take care of his contract beast? When Fu Shuai didn't join them, he also helped him to feed the rabbit boss. The little guy will occasionally ask him for food. Two less, look at Qian Xin’s shyness, and he seems to understand something for a moment.

Qian Xin has always been straightforward. "It is not that we keep our secret work well, but that we often take turns to be stationed in major settlements. There is not much time together."

Two little grinning smiles: "Quiet me?"

Qian Xin received a line of sight from the devil's instructor who smiled and laughed. He immediately felt that his leg was a little soft, his head was shaking like a rattle, and he found a reason to go to another house to send a wedding invitation. He left.

"Bet a radish, Qian Xin is the one below!" Two less words, a pair of people look like.

Daqin smiled and shook his head. Qian Xin was only relatively shy about emotional matters. He used to be straight and straight. He wanted to marry a man and a **** to be his wife. Zhao Ganyu wanted to bend him, not to pay a price. Not too possible.

No matter who they are, they can find the people who are with them for the rest of their lives. It is the greatest happiness and luck in this last age.

Wu Ye is the boss of the guard team and the president. Qian Xin and Zhao Qianyu are not only his escorts but also his comrades. They will have a long time to fight together, so Wu Ye generously took it. Two eight-level Amethysts gave gifts to the two people. The gift of such value is not worth knowing how many people have been married.

After Qian Xin and Zhao Ganyu, some of the guards were married and held weddings. Wu Yetongtong sent a valuable gift, but Amethyst was Qian Xin.

In addition to Qian Xin and Zhao Qianyu, among Wu Ye’s other comrades, Fu Shuai’s heart was on his contract beast, and he was not at all concerned with the emotional things; Li Wei was stared at the daily service by Da Qin. There is no time to fall in love; Su Jianbang, a fire abilities, has a good eye. She has long been eyeing Yang Lina, but Yang Lina was deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend. She has some rejection of her feelings. She has never caught up, anyway. The life of the capable person is much longer than that of the average person. Su Jianbang said that he is not in a hurry (just blame); Zhou Jiabao’s children are a little bit of a thief to An’an’s children, but everyone who has a close relationship with him is drawn, but Wu Yegang announced At the time of the same-sex marriage law, the pair of small bamboo horses were still underage. Later, when the two men were established in adulthood, Wu Ye held a grand wedding for them as a parent.

The time of ten years is very long. The survivors are working hard every day to survive. However, the time of ten years seems to be astonishingly fast. Unconsciously, the new country was established and the new system was established. Xinhua is not only developing on its own borders. Wu Ye also sent a large number of safe aircraft to all parts of the world to provide assistance to survivors who have been scattered around the world.

Although many years later, the historians did not particularly praise the Xinhua’s assistance behavior. The radicals who stood and did not talk about the pain even put the Xinhua’s rescue operations on soft colonization, plundered the nuclear resources, and hypocrisy. Waiting for malicious labels, but at least at this moment, at least when survivors around the world see Xinhua’s safety planes slowly entering the line of sight, the gratitude and hope that comes to life is real. The help they have received is also true. Of course, the Xinhua country headed by Wu Ye did accumulate a lot of capital in the dark end era. With these capitals, Xinhuaguo sat firmly in the years to come for thousands of years. The position of the world's number one power.

Regardless of how Xinhua will develop in the future, and no matter how future generations will comment on Wu Ye’s merits and demerits, he is most concerned about the most things he wants to do, that is, bring Daqin back home to see his parents!

Tong Huang’s shameless face, it’s enough to show his love with his stupid brother. (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Li Wei has practiced for more than ten years, and the second has spent a lot of money to buy him exercises. He has also subsidized many of his crystal nucleus and even gave him the fruit of his tree of life. His space power is finally a breakthrough. To the cosmic level that can take people through space. In the past few years, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have been assisted by the "Chaotic Double Repair". The progress is very fast, and from time to time, the fruit is pitted from the tree of life. It has already entered the late stage of the universe, as long as there is a suitable opportunity. You can step into the domain master at any time.

With the repair of the two of them, there is very little something on the ordinary life planet of the zombie plane that can cause harm to them. But to cross the space plane and shuttle the twisted space wormhole, no one can guarantee absolute safety. .

Wu Ye spent a lot of money from the system, bought a pair of plane locators for Li Wei, and responded to each other through the plane locators to determine the position, which is the most common means of shuttle planes in the higher universe. .

Li Wei first took a small animal test. After success, he tried with the mutant beast. Even after the rabbit boss was successfully sent to the z-level plane, he decided to take Qin Wuhua to shuttle the barrier.

"You must be careful and pay attention to safety!" Wu Ye had long been eager to bring Daqin back home, but when the day really came, he was all kinds of uneasiness, for fear of accidents during the crossing.

How could Qin Wuhua not see his fears? He did not avoid Li Wei’s presence. He hugged Wu Ye and gave him a hot and hot kiss. He smiled and said after he was faint. wait for me."

"Yeah." Looking at Daqin's eyes, the second time I felt that my heart was settled, and I nodded.

Li Wei: Too inhuman, the single dog is flashing and there is wood qaq!

Wu Ye passed through the system portal and appeared in another plane for one second, but he waited for three hours before finally waiting for Li Wei and Da Qin in the agreed place.

Li Wei is already the nth time to this plane. As a poor single dog, he is not willing to be someone else's light bulb, and he has found an excuse to sneak out.

When Li Wei left, Wu Ye could not wait to urge Daqin to say: "Come on, hurry, my dad, my mom, they know that you are coming over today, have called several phone calls, and are waiting at home!" Attention to others, they will transfer the landing site to a very remote mountain village, and drive back to H City for at least 3 hours, but with Wu Ye and Da Qin's current speed of 10 minutes, Wu Yong He Yushu, after they knew that Qin Wuhua had come to this side a few months ago, they had been looking forward to seeing this... daughter-in-law.

Comrade Daqin, who has become accustomed to showing a gentle expression in front of Wu Ye, today is a rare and tight-fitting face. There is a sense of tension in the whole body, and there is no way to turn the sons for so many years. Can you not be guilty when you visit the door for the first time?

Many days ago, Daqin quietly checked on the Internet for the first time to see the one hundred things that the father-in-law and the mother-in-law paid attention to. He had already turned the one hundred iron laws into a mess, and now that he is here, the impression has actually become A bit fuzzy, it must be caused by the plane crossing, the cliff is!

Daqin strongly pressed the nervousness of his heart that he was not willing to admit. He said to Wu Xiaoye with a calm face: "Wait for me, I change clothes."

"What to change, you are already handsome enough, you can definitely get the old monster eight streets of Wutong phoenix!" Wu Ye looked up and down the Xinhua ** official uniform of Daqin, and tailored uniforms just right out the outline of Daqin Wide shoulders, long legs, and then perfectly integrated with his military field, with the angular and handsome and domineering face, can not be more handsome! (")

"I think it's better to wear a formal dress. After all, it's the first time to go to the door!" Daqin could not do it according to the iron law, or should listen to Wu Xiaoye.

Wu Ye was busy taking him home to see his parents, and in his opinion, Daqin wore anything handsome and shook his head: "No need to change, just like this, believe me!"

Therefore, Daqin really believed Wu Xiaoye. Ten minutes later, the two appeared in the living room of the newly built mansion in Wujia.

Everything here, Wu Ye has already seen him with video shoots, and now he is in it, as if he has been there for countless times, the tension of Qin Wuhua’s heart disappeared instantly.

"Old man, mom, you see who I brought back!" I hoped for so many years, and finally hoped that this day, Wu Xiaoye did not know how happy it was.

"Dad, Mom!" Qin Wuhua said, while he used the courtesy of the Chinese side to give a deep bow.

"Okay, okay, come back!" He Yushu was busy with Daqin. They had communicated many times in the video. The tensions between the two sides had not happened, as if they were family members who had been together for a long time. There is a natural tacit understanding between the manners of the demeanor, which is really the fate of the destiny.

"Xiao Qin, I have already heard Aye say that you are playing chess well, and I will go with me for two laps!" Wu Yong said. He thought that Qin Wuhua himself might be different from the video on the video. Now he finally sees the real person. He only seems to be more handsome and handsome than the video. The person is also very peaceful, and there is no such thing as killing. Qi, my son’s eyes are good, like him.

"Go and go, Xiao Qin just came over, what chess, just come over here, talk to my mother, and listen to Aye, you have basically lifted the crisis now?"

"Yes, now I mainly consider the post-reconstruction work..." Daqin took a very serious look at the situation there. Everyone asked questions from time to time. Daqin was patiently answering questions and even should be away from Wu. I asked to perform my own abilities and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The rabbit boss had been playing in the outside garden and was bored. He smelled the taste of the owner and Daqin. Limasa scorpion ran in. The fat short legs hugged Wu’s legs and looked at the expression, as if to say, how can you Leave me a rabbit in this strange place? You are all over, my number one younger brother?

Second, the fat rabbit was picked up, and the two hairs were taken. The line of sight fell on the face of Daqin, who was patiently communicating with his family. He could not help but bend his mouth.

The feeling of family reunion is really good, I hope that the warmth and happiness of this moment will last forever.

In the dark universe, a huge black meteorite flies straight to the earth...
