MTL - Endless Pampering Only For You-Chapter 3397 Only Mu Xiaoxiao (1)

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Yin Shaojiu hit her forehead, and her **** voice said, "If I had settled on you as a kid, we have been in love since we were young, so we don't have to wait that long."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "You're called early love, do you understand?"

And, do n’t even think about who bullied her when she was a kid?

Yin Shaojii smiled tenderly and said, "Early love is early, what's wrong? Anyway, we will be together sooner or later. And, it is so beautiful to find someone who is worth going to early love."

Only she can make him understand what is beautiful.

Only Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, "You have a lot of fallacies."

Yin Shaojie stared at her pink mouth and wanted to kiss her, but no place allowed.

"This is not called fallacy."

How happy it is to spend time with the people I like.

Yin Shaojiao's arms tightened her small waist, making them close.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that there were too many people staring at them, and he whispered to him, "Let's stop dancing, go and eat something, I'm a bit hungry."

Yin Shaoji laughed, "Do you want to eat cake?"

I found out that she was staring at the big cake over there, especially with a lot of strawberries on it.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were bent, "You who know me, you too!"

Yin Shaoji said, "Dance this song first."

After the end, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled him to the side and asked Han Qiqing to meet them.

"Qiqing, shall we have something to eat?"

In fact, she usually left at this time. After the banquet, it was just a place for communication.

Han Qiqing nodded. "Okay, I want to eat too."

Although Mo Xiaomeng was not hungry, he followed the trend.

Six people were transferred to the buffet area together.

Han Qiqing was close to Mu Xiaoxiao and whispered to her, "Have you noticed that many people are staring at us?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was also helpless, "Although it used to be, this time it seems to be particularly ... attracting attention."

With that, she glanced at Yin Shaozhu who was beside him, complaining, "I blame you."

Yin Shaoji felt funny, and asked, "Why do you blame me?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "It must be because of your behavior that others just stared at us."

Song Shijun said, "No, when we showed up, many people stared at us. Didn't you find out? We don't wear the same clothes as them."

He noticed long ago that the clothes they were wearing were not ordinary people.

Maybe everyone else is guessing their identity?

Ye Sijue gave Mo Xiaomeng a glass of juice and looked at Mu Xiao novels. "I think it's almost enough to congratulate the king. Should I go now?"

Mo Xiaomeng nodded, "Let's sneak away?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and snapped his fingers handsomely, "Just what I want! Then let's go?"

So the six looked around and quietly left the banquet venue.

Go outside.

Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief and said, tilting his neck, "The jewelry on this head is so heavy, I really want to take it off."

Although this one is gorgeous and beautiful, it is not comfortable for a long time.

Han Qiqing said, "Well, let's go back and change clothes? Then go out and play, I don't think it's too late."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the time, it was not too late.

Mo Xiaomeng said, "Let's find a place to see the night view? The night view of country L is beautiful!"

Han Qiqing kept busy and echoed, "I want to see the night scene!"