MTL - Enter the Room-Chapter 295

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  Chapter 295

   Song Jiyun couldn't help frowning.

The quarrel outside became louder: "Okay, we won't take your boat anymore, you give us back the rest of the boat fare. It's a total of two hundred taels of silver, you've walked half of the way, give us back one hundred taels of silver That's it."

   is Hong Xi's voice.

  Song Jiyun couldn't help but walked over and opened the window.

  Hong Xi supported the limp Hong Zhao, and said to the captain in a cold voice: "Don't think that you can enjoy the cool with your back on the Cao Gang. I'll go to Yingtian Mansion to ask."

As he said that, he took out a red post from his pocket, and said loudly to the people around him: "I am a relative of the Yin family in Shuntian Prefecture, any kind-hearted person can deliver a letter for us, I have serious remuneration."

  The people who watched the excitement were all taken aback.

  The owner of the ship was a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "If you refund the money, you will get the money back. What are you doing so stupidly?" Then, he called his apprentice to come over and asked for the money back.

   Hong Xi stopped arguing with him.

  Someone next to him asked: "Master, do you want us to help deliver the letter to Shuntian Mansion?"

  Hong Xi thanked the man, and said: "It's not good, just go to the relative's door like this. Let's find an inn to freshen up and then go visit."

  No one dared to underestimate him, so he called the sedan chair and left the pier.

  Song Jiyun smiled, feeling that the greeting card in Hong Xi's hand was eighty or nine out of ten trying to fool people.

  She sat down in front of the desk again, and went to sleep when she heard the sound of midnight.

  Zhou Zheng waited for the others to come back the next morning, all of them were yawning, and they were a little embarrassed to see Song Jiyun walking on the deck.

Song Jiyun used to stay up all night, so he felt nothing about it, and greeted them with a smile: "I'm back! Have you had breakfast? Today, the boat made a duck blood stew, and it's okay to eat. Do you want to eat something quickly so you can go to bed?" .We set off at noon."

  Zhou Zheng nodded in embarrassment, and ran away in a hurry.

   Exuding a little youthful air.

  Song Jiyun smiled slightly, while walking on the deck, he continued to think about going to the capital in his mind.

   "Miss Song!" Someone called her in surprise.

   When she turned her head, it was Hong Xi, accompanied by a fourteen or five-year-old man dressed as a servant, who supported Hong Xi with a burden on his back, and was boarding the boat next to her.

   "It's really you!" He revealed the surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign country, "Why are you here?"

  He looked at Song Jiyun's boat.

   It seems that he still doesn't know about her going to the capital.

  Song Jiyun thought to himself, walked to the side of the boat with a smile and talked to him: "I'm going to the capital, and I'll resupply here."

  Hong Xi was obviously very happy, and said: "I'm going to the capital too, I didn't expect us to go together."

  The two were talking, and there was a quarrel from his cabin.

Song Jiyun and Hong Xichao looked over the quarrel, and saw a man who looked like a ship owner blocking the side of the ship to prevent Hong Zhao and the boy from entering: "I don't care who sold you tickets, our ship has already been taken by someone. Hurry up." Find another ship."

  Hong Xi's expression changed, he walked over quickly, and said, "What's going on?"

  The owner of the ship said bluntly: "We don't take guests like you on this ship."

   Hong Xi was furious, and said: "When I asked you yesterday, you promised well."

  The voice of the captain gradually became louder, and he said, "But you didn't say that your companion was sick."

   "He's not sick." Hong Xi couldn't help arguing, "He's just seasick! If he's sick, I'll definitely take him to see a doctor, and I won't take him far away."

The owner of the ship was unwilling to let them enter the cabin no matter what, and finally even begged Hong Xi bitterly: "Please do me a favor, I will refund you double, no, triple the cost of the boat. You can't let my brother just because your brother is alone." Can't do business?"

  People in the cabin poked their heads out from time to time to look around. From the look, someone should have said something, which made the people on the boat unwilling to accept the Hong Xi brothers to go with them.

   Hong Xi should have noticed it too. He was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

  Hong Zhao looked like he was not afraid of the height of the stage when watching a play, and smiled at Hong Xi, and said, "You don't have to play brotherly love with me, just throw me out of here. Anyway, I don't want to live anymore."

  Hong Xi pursed his lips tightly, and wanted to say something to the captain, Song Jiyun couldn't stand it anymore, and sighed: "Mr. Hong, if you don't mind, come and be my company!"

  He was stunned.

  Song Jiyun said: "I want to wrong you to live in the stern. There are quite a few people traveling with us, so there is no way to spare two cabins."

   "Thank you, thank you!" Hong Xi was overjoyed.

   Song Jiyun looked at it, and always felt that the corners of his eyes were shining, as if there was water shining.

  The Hong brothers boarded the boat, Song Jiyun arranged for Zheng Quan to receive them, and returned to the cabin by himself.

   After a while, Zheng Quan came over and said: "Then the second young master of the Hong family is really not sick. If I read correctly, he probably doesn't want to live without eating or drinking."

   This is even more troublesome.

  If he committed suicide on the boat, the boat might be lost.

  Song Jiyun felt that his thinking was still too simple. I can only ask Zheng Quan: "I would like to trouble you to make Dai Sishi watch more."

   Zheng Quan agreed, turned around and ordered.

   At noon, they left Nanjing.

   Hong Xi asked to see him.

  Song Jiyun met him in the reception cabin.

"Things are different from people." He said with emotion, "Since I was recognized by the Hong family, I have looked at a lot of eyes, but I still didn't expect that after the Hong family tree fell and the monkeys were scattered, I would meet more than before. Unbearable people and things."

   It can be seen that after the fall of the Hong family, he suffered a lot.

   Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering from others.

  Song Jiyun could only comfort him in a general way: "Life is always like this, and no one knows what tomorrow will be like."

Hong Xi was silent for a while as if pondering her words, then smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "Don't worry, I will take a good look at Hong Zhao." He also said, "I am going this time to seek refuge with the Secretary of the General Administration. Mr. Cao, the right general envoy. He was a classmate of my mentor when I was studying in Hangzhou, and it was recommended by my mentor when I went to the capital this time."

  He also told Song Jiyun that he went directly to Hangzhou after he was released from prison. He originally wanted to continue his studies, but for some reason, he couldn't calm down and study. His mentor suggested that he study abroad for a few years first, and also suggested that he visit the capital.

"I think what my teacher said makes sense." He said with a wry smile, "Who knows that I met Hong Zhao in Nanjing. He was feverish, sick, and unconscious, and was thrown on the street by the owner of the inn. It's not that I took a second look..."

  He shook his head: "I thought I would hate him. I walked two streets away, but I still couldn't hold back. I went back and sent him to the hospital."

  Everyone in Liang County knew about Hong's family, and everyone knew about his grievances with Hong Zhao.

  Song Jiyun felt that he didn't want her to comfort him or comment on these things, but that he was depressed and needed to talk to someone.

"I took him to the capital, but he was still unwilling. He kept arguing with me. It was said everywhere that he was dying. I don't know how much I explained to others along the way... But when I think of my father, I can't bear it. He When the old man was alive, he didn’t want us brothers to recognize each other because the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh.”

  He was rambling on and on, causing Wang Hua to visit frequently.

  (end of this chapter)