MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 81

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There is the generation of the famous broken mouth, and the power of the two families in the compound is beyond imagination.

“Hey? It’s weird, how will the November wine be so nervous?”

After Yu and Shen Shen hang up the phone, they look at each other in confusion.

After the two families finalized their marriage, they naturally had to make a drink, but it was strange that they had called several big hotels and said that the schedule for November was very full.

I don’t want to use the means and the relationship to force the line to destroy the normal wedding process of others. I am deeply confused. From October to the end of this year, it is suitable for marriage. November should not be a peak period. How suddenly is it so popular?

The agreed days are quite satisfactory, and it is just the right unit to take time off. The two mothers don’t want to give up, so they are quite embarrassed.

Grandma Xiao got out of the Buddhist temple and held her favorite bunch of beads in her hand. I saw two young people unable to do anything. I smiled and suggested: "I just choose Yanshi Hotel, but you can't order other restaurants. of."

Yu Xin knows her mother-in-law, this is another red sugar cake, think of the other's blood sugar, and quickly slammed his forehead with a headache: "Mom, I remember the last time you said that the gold ink was used up? Dabao bought it yesterday. A few bottles will be collected in his dad's study."

Xiao’s grandmother grinned and snorted two times uncomfortably, while she went upstairs while she was not filial.

The two mothers went on a wedding banquet and found a few places, but they didn't make any progress until Xiao Miao and Shen Tiantian took their hands home.

"How is it?" Shen Yu first asked her daughter.

"There is nothing big, that is, the spirit has been stimulated a little. The news that Grandpa’s death is estimated to be a big blow to him." Shen Tiantian said that he saw the situation in the hospital and shook his head and sighed slightly. I am afraid that I really want to plant it. Even in the hospital, Shen Tianwei found a lot of guard eyes around the ward. The news that Shi Nanxing released some time ago has an impact on Yan Kai. In addition, there is no such thing as a slap in the face of the old man. The total number of crimes combined is not enough to say that he is sentenced to death or no time.

Shen Tianmei didn't come into the house to visit. I don't know why. Qi Kai's personal protection level is much higher than she thought. Now, in retrospect, she only thinks of the quiet face seen through the glass, and the plain ward. An urn with a bed and a style that doesn't fit well.

The casket is very strange, much smaller than the general specifications, and the flowers are roughly carved on the top, twisted and twisted.

Yan Kai also seems to have something different from the familiar image of Hang Lang Lang in memory. The specific difference is where Shen Tianmei can't analyze it.

She cares about Xiao Miao, who has been silent all the time, and turns the subject away: "Yes, Mom, Yu Aunt, what are you doing?"

"It’s not your brother’s marriage, you’ve seen a ghost. Yan City can’t even order a banquet.” It’s only half-satisfied, and he’s screaming at the temple. The population of Yan City has increased dramatically this year, and it can be seen from the increasingly congested traffic on the streets, but even so, it seems too exaggerated to order a wedding.

When Shen Tianmei was actually listening to this matter, she immediately had no enthusiasm for questioning. To be honest, she has not yet fully accepted the reality that her brother is going to marry.

After getting married, my brother will have his own small family. QAQ

She was half-lost and led Xiaomiao upstairs, opened the computer to organize the website that they are about to put into formal operation, but she was still quiet. Xiao Miao is also very puzzled: "Why do you say that the shocked brother will look at Xiao Dabao? Who gave him a head down?"

Xiao Dabao is bitter and mean, and he is stingy. If you want a pocket money, you often have to come. If your sister is bad, it is not a suitable match!

Shen Tian sweet recalled that he was sincere and steady, and even murder could not leave traces in his heart. The distant mountain was generally strong and has a responsible brother, and he recalled how Xiao Chi bought clothes in the mall and himself. , grievances licked his mouth.

If it’s not what my brother said, I like it...

The two girls looked at the green pages of their websites and sighed, and the new books that had been chasing could not stand. When Xiao’s grandmother went downstairs, she was stopped by two young people.

"Mom..." Yu Yu said and stopped, entangled whether he wants to speak.

But without her having to say anything more, the old lady easily sensed the subject: "How? Can't order?"

"Yan City Hotel we have just contacted, but they did not have the same..." Yu Yi was embarrassed to speak, in fact, she called Shou Xiaomao to ask if the wedding can be changed to other suitable dates.

"It's normal to order." Grandma Xiao heard only a mysterious smile, then twitched a cane envelope from the coffee table drawer in the living room with a cane twitching. "But don't be afraid, I'm ready."

Yu Yu suspiciously opened, immediately stunned, this is a wine banquet booking contract, the signing person is Xiao grandma and Yan City hotel management!

"..." Yu Yu’s line of sight was removed from the position of the “double brown sugar cake” specially marked in the contract menu, and it fell on the bottom right and had some unsatisfactory signing dates for a long time.

Xiao's grandmother, kindly, got up and left, not leaving slowly, and a group of little rabbits, my ancestors, but I can still fight you?

Amitabha, good and good, it seems that the golden body of the Buddha is a repair.


"Auntie you are awkward." I was informed by the elders that the banquet had been booked. Lin Jingyi thanked him at the office and said that he had no idea what to do with the dishes. Just arrange it.

It seems that the mothers are planning to do a big job, and the light banquet has set fifty tables. After hanging up the phone, he was a little nervous. The 50 tables didn't look much, but for those of them who were simple in relationship, it was almost enough to call all the relatives and friends who met each other, to be honest, from the day they decided to join Xiaochi. He never thought that he could be bright and up to this child.

Lin Jingwei vaguely remembers the last time, there are also some people in this circle among friends. Everyone is an ordinary class. Apart from their families, there is almost no very big social pressure. Even so, these people eventually broke up with most of the breakups, became a family, and ended up with a tragedy of no responsibility.

What's more, from the beginning to the end, no one has noticed this relationship.

But now, in an era of more traditional and rigid thinking, he is actually preparing for marriage! Yu Yu and Shen Wei still have a strong posture to tell the world.

Lin Jingzhen stood in the door for a while, and the meeting room was smugly looking for it: "Lin, is there any problem?"

"No." He returned, regained a calm and clear appearance, smiled and returned to the house with the other side.

Every quarter of the extraordinary network high-level meeting, Lin Jingzhen is never absent. On the contrary, he accounts for 30% of the shares. He is the absolute focus of this meeting, no less than the existence of two managers.

The core employees in the conference room gathered together, and Gao Sheng led the way. After Gao Sheng’s advertisement was established, Gao Sheng had the suspicion of leaving an extraordinary self-reliance. In order to keep him in the extraordinary network operation department, Wu Wangfei and Mink scraped together 4 percent of the company’s shares, which made him It became a logical shareholder of the extraordinary network after the three founders. The organization and conference department consciously arranged his seat in the first place of Lin Jingyu. Gao Sheng also sat without any psychological burden. Under the attention of the staff in the room, he had no intention of covering up.

What happened to him on the side of Lin Jingzhen?

Extraordinary such primitive composition and establishment mechanism, even if the initial stage is simple, after one financing, will one day become the appearance of mutual restraint. Lin Jingyu holds a 30% stake, and usually does not ask the company affairs very much. It is purely a big fat sheep. How many pairs of eyes inside and outside the company are staring at this big shareholder, Gao Sheng knows the truth, the more so, the more he has to show the strength of Lin Jingzhen.

The operation department is the most important department of the company except the development department. Now it is almost completely in his hands from top to bottom. With this alone, there is no unwillingness to ride on the neck of Lin Jingzhen.

Fang Cailin stunned and went out to make a phone call. He stayed for a while and exceeded the start time originally set by the meeting. However, in order to wait for him, a house would not even let go.

I have to say that Gao Sheng is very satisfied with this, especially on the premise that today's theme is mainly for the A round of financing.

Capital entry, equity dilution, while the company's market value rises, while scale expansion, internal struggles will increase.

Early accumulation of power has no disadvantages.

Suede swept the crowd at the conference table, focused on the horror and Lin stunned, and got up and began to explain -

"On March 15 this year, the extraordinary development of the long-time instant messaging software ‘Extraordinary Newsletter’ began trial operation, thanks to the hard work of the staff and managers of the operations department, development team and so on...”

In the introduction of his voice, Lin Jingyi opened the introduction document he had previously obtained.

After the establishment of the extraordinary network, the search engine of “extraordinary search” was launched for the first time, and the entire domestic search market was quickly won by the market gap and the relatively simple convenience of the network. The combination of Wu Wangfei’s two-person quick-minded brain development and Lin’s capital support is amazing. As the number of domestic computer users increases, extraordinary search is based on the initial customer base. It has become the tool of choice for new users after networking. This small, well-organized company has grown rapidly into a mature state of hundreds of employees and a clear division of labor management in the past year or so.

Obviously this scale will be improved after the company's A round of financing.

At the same time as the launch of the search engine, Wu Wangfei and Supi have led the development team's employees to start the development of real-time communication software, and finally achieved results at the end of last year. In mid-March this year, the company officially started the trial operation of this second project, and through the extraordinary search of the country's current largest search site, quickly promoted new software among users.

Until June, the extraordinary newsletter has had a total of more than 20,000 downloads. Do not underestimate this number. After all, according to the current statistics, together with the major schools and institutions, the national computer usage is only tens of thousands, which is the data after the increase of netizens after the start of 1992.

Converted into the calculation method of later generations, extraordinary communication almost occupied more than 70% of the market share of the communication market, which is definitely a terrible number.

The insiders know this well, and on the day when the extraordinary newsletter trial operation was released, there were more than three times as many large capital companies to contact the mink to discuss cooperation financing.

The suede has been delayed for three months before finally finding the most suitable object in his mind -

TIME, a manufacturing company, relies on television sets and has larger color TV brands and factories than Wang Quan. In the past few years, the domestic manufacturing industry has developed rapidly. Participants have almost earned a lot of money by relying on factories. However, TIME has a longer-term vision than Wang Quan. As early as a few years ago, he began to get involved in other electronic products production. .

Air conditioners, projectors, big brothers, and even computers.

The suede is the computer brand that has developed a small and effective effect on the other side, and some of the overseas resources that the other side of the domestic company has.

Lin Jingyu knew that his ambition was great, but there were still some accidents at this time. Perhaps because of the stereotype of thinking, in the domestic online market of the previous generation, it seems that most companies are copying the successful route of the overseas network industry. Imitation has become a group of commercial means for domestic network people. Except for a few large enterprises, almost no one has been spared.

There are many objective reasons for this. It is difficult to say what is right or wrong. But it is hard to imagine that in the initial stage of the career, the skin has the guts to define the future battlefield of the company as the whole world.

This made him awe-inspiring to the seemingly ordinary ordinary young man who was standing in front of the curtain.

The launch of extraordinary communication quickly pushed the valuation of the extraordinary network from more than one million at the time of its creation to 80 million to 90 million today. This is the value of a medium-sized enterprise in Yan City. The construction of the entity, which was originally part of the fast-growing part of the real estate, is far behind.

It is necessary to know that the net worth of hundreds of millions of people is only estimated by the industry to give Lin Jingzhen personally. Although it is undoubtedly the most popular newcomer in the domestic real estate industry, the scale is definitely not up to this number.

The value of 30% of the shares in Lin’s thriller has been turned over several times. This figure is even more alarming than his original estimate. The high return phenomenon of the Internet industry has already begun to take shape. In the next few decades, this The situation will only intensify.

Fortunately, before the rocket flew into the sky, he got a stable position in advance.

"We must be vigilant!" The excitement in front of the curtain interrupted his thoughts. Lin Jingyu looked up and saw that Wang Wang was excitedly patted the table to alert the staff. "Don't think that this battle will be here and we will win." A round of financing is only the beginning. In the next few years, it is the real golden growth period of the domestic Internet! When we meet us, there will be countless enemies and competitors! We are the first to start, but we may not be able to laugh at the end. !"

"Just take the most well-known network companies in China for example. In addition to us, Yanshi's immortal technology, Shenshi's Wanjie Group, and the SAR's time-out optical network are our strong competitors in the future! The three companies are currently in the news of the intention to get involved in real-time communications, Wanjie Group has even tried to steal the search market with us, but the most alarming, or immortal technology!"

Lin Jingyu feels very familiar with this name, but it is not because of the great influence of immortal technology in the future.

Then he suddenly remembered, this is not the **** network company that Xiao Chi is quick to invest in?

Suede has been vigilantly said at the top: "The immortal technology currently manages the three most popular forums for domestic traffic, plus other industries, the scale and influence are not inferior to us! By then they will enter the market, will definitely It is a very fierce battle to launch a fierce attack on us, coupled with the cooperation between Wanjie Group and the time-out optical network!"

"..." Lin Jingyu listened silently for a while, and there were some embarrassing traits in the hearts of the enemy. "I have already got the exact news about the strategy of immortal technology for us?"

"Not yet!" Although the suede answered this question, she was still worried. "The secret measures of the other company are very strict. We have no loopholes to search for. Even their news of developing the real-time communication industry intentions is inadvertently obtained. As for the in-depth news of which stage the other party has developed, we have no way of knowing. This opponent is very troublesome."

The core employees were scared by his words and hurriedly returned to their busy jobs. After the shares, they really became a close relationship with the company's interests. No one wants to see the company's market value being dragged down. The technical impact is even a little bit.

Lin Jingyi stayed behind and discussed the specific content of financing with the fur. TIME's capital injection amounted to 20 million. At the same time that the ally was stationed, it will inevitably lead to dilution of the equity of all shareholders.

However, Lin Jingyi has no opinion, the stock of this kind of thing, the focus is never on the ratio, but in the market value.

A 100% stake in a small broken company without such a name may not be comparable to those of giant enterprises in later generations. If the extraordinary network can really develop to such a degree, even if he is in the hands of this percentage Thirty is diluted to 5.3 percent, which is enough for him to be rich.

He has confidence in the ability of Wu Wangfei and Suede, so he is particularly tolerant, which makes the two partners embarrassed.

There are some shame in the mink, his mind is slightly more than Wu Wangfei, and it is not so easy to trust people. Therefore, in the early stage of the establishment of the extraordinary network, he also played with the horror of the forest, and insisted on asking himself and Wu Wangfei. The right to make decisions about the company. At that time, Lin Jingyi did not raise any objection. Sueding thought that the other party did not see his own thoughts, but the more he found it, the more he found out that it was just the tolerance of the other party.

The situation they are worried about has never happened. Lin Jingyu, the investor, does not say that the company is operating normally. Apart from the fact that the shareholders meeting must be on the sidelines, even the company rarely comes.

After realizing the heart of his own villain, Suede has always felt embarrassed, and it is precisely because of this that he will acquiesce in the position of Gao Sheng as a forest horror, and firmly control one of the most important departments of the company.

In the future development of the company, the sense of existence will only become more and more important. In addition to development, the resources and interests of the entire company will tend to be here.

He knows that Gao Sheng is because he saw the problems in the equity allocation of the company when he was established, and he was so cautiously wary of his anti-water. He had nothing to say. After all, he decided to do it himself. Therefore, in today's success, after a small achievement, only compensation is optional.

Lin Jingzheng faced the damage caused by the dilution of the shares this time. Actually, he still did not hesitate: "No problem, there is a general check, I have nothing to worry about."

The mink is quite self-defeating: "Lin, I don't say much if I have more. I am here to assure you that I will do my best to ensure everyone's rights and interests, as well as key departments such as the Operations Department and the Development Department. Everything will not be made to the slightest concession by welcoming the entry of capital. The core managers are always in this group."

Lin stunned his head and made tea. Although he didn't come often, the mink still gave him a good office in the company. The interior is arranged according to his preferences, the landscape is transparent, the furnishings are simple, the green plants are dense, and the fine tea sets are readily available. Shen Tiantian’s Dahongpao from her grandfather’s family was soaked in water and exuded a refreshing fragrance. He didn’t hear the suede’s military order, and he poured a cup of tea without hesitation: “Taste, this The outside of the tea is rare."

He didn't talk, and the psychological pressure on the mink was bigger. Feeling the different imposing manners of the other side and the younger appearance, and the smiling face that is as calm as if there is no special emotion, this tea has a sweaty sweat on the forehead.

"Good tea." The food is not known, but the skin can still be praised by the scalp.

"Hey, yes, there are some words, you don't need to say too much, the action is more important, so I use actions to support your decision." Lin Jingyi's words mean, "The work between departments, of course, is also your own arrangement." I heard that Gao Ziao, this stinky boy has recently caused you a lot of troubles. I will restrain him after I go back."

"Nothing!" I know that the other side is supporting the move of Gao Sheng’s monopoly of operation. After all, the mink is not a person who specializes in the plan. He can’t stand this temptation, and he is outspoken. “His ability, the company is up and down. It is obvious to all, the operation management, he sits right, you can rest assured that the company's original shareholders will stand together at any time, our attitude, all in the 4% of the shares."

Lin stunned and nodded: "I understand."

I don't know if the other party believes or not, and there is some helplessness in the fur, but after all, as the other party just said, he will use his actions to show his position.

So I had to turn around this embarrassing topic and talk about the rival companies I just mentioned at the meeting.

There are so many Internet industries, and companies can't specialize in one of them. Therefore, there are some competitions between the larger companies. The development of the domestic Internet is still in its infancy, including the extraordinary network. Everyone wants to take advantage of this easy time to monopolize the real-time communication market, so fighting is inevitable.

Suede integrated all the network companies mentioned by him, and finally felt that immortal technology is the most difficult one.

"Now the industry is saying that their company has a profound background. I am afraid it is really possible. I have been exploring for a while, but I have not been able to find out. The management of their company is very strict. There is no leakage in the future development decision and business planning. This opponent is terrible."

Lin Jingyu listened awkwardly. Fortunately, the surface did not show up. It was only as usual: "It’s better to fight against you than to fight for it."

"Hey, how can it be so simple." When he heard this, he shook his head and sighed. "The share is now so small, can monopolize the market, who will be willing to share the interests with others? Everyone has no emotion and trust accumulation before, it is immortal. The overbearing style of technology is very unlikely."


Lin Jingzhen looked at this one and sat on the sofa and said that he was smashing the curls that asked for help again. He recalled that the suede was full of vigilance and said that you still have this ability to bear?

However, it seems that it is correct. Lin Jingyi was also with him for a period of time before he discovered that this person is lacking in mind. Xiaochi is still calm and restrained, and he is decisive and decisive.

Mr. Xiao, who was decisive and decisive, frowned and criticized: "Hu Shaofeng is a confetti. I don't know where to get a convertible. If the convertible is taken back, it won't rise."

He just blew back all the way, blowing the morning stunned Lin Lin to give the perfect shape of the small pimple.

Lin horrified with his fingers to help him comb the hair of the top of the head, holding a small shackle in his hand, and attached a resentment: "He is getting more and more disappointing!"

Xiao Chi was so happy that he took the beads and talked about his own experience today.

Lin Jingzhen thought about it or asked: "You didn't say that you are going to see Yan Kai in the morning? How is he?"

After the other party was escorted back to China and heard the news of the death of the old man, he fainted in the detention center. In a short period of time, he spread in all the old acquaintance circles. Lin Jingyi originally wanted to follow him, but Xiao Chi did not let .

"There was someone outside watching, they didn't go into the ward, but he had nothing to do, no arms and no broken legs, no malnutrition and emotional excitement, but when we went, the mood stabilized."

Lin Jingsheng heard that even Xiaochi did not enter the ward, and said: "Look so tight?"

Xiao Chi was afraid of him asking, just a bang, then nodded, and pointed at the hair: "loose."

"Oh." Lin Jingyi was immediately distracted, and the loose hair that had nodded because of the other side was regained, and then carefully tied up.

Xiao Chi saw that he no longer asked more questions. He was relieved. He didn't want to hide any problems from Lin Jingsheng. But for those who want to worry about it, for safety reasons, don't let the other party know.

Those outside are speculating that Yu Kai was so heavily guarded because the punishment was too heavy to prevent him from escaping, but Xiao Chi knew that the things inside were not so simple. The meaning and nature of those guards were more like imprisonment. Protect each other.

Too specific, even Xiao Chi is not clear, even Xiao Shenxing only knows one and a half points. It seems that after Kai Kai wakes up from the ward, a tear does not fall. He calmly said that he wants to expose some previous and Shinan Star. Participated in the domestic black underground drug chain when it was involved in drug trafficking.

The inspection department of Yanshi City was active overnight. Other provinces and cities within the United Nations, although seemingly still singing and dancing, have already had countless battles in the dark.

The strange thing is that Xiao Shenxing also got the news. The public security department of Yan City suddenly joined the Interpol and recruited several police officers who were said to be very experienced and who were good at dictating portraits. They didn’t know what the purpose was.

Although very curious, it is no longer necessary to go deeper, and a bad one may lead to the disclosure of confidential information.

Therefore, Xiao Shenxing and Xiao Chi both closed their hands. In any case, safety is the most important thing, knowing that people are alive.

Or just like the current historian, I learned that after the death of Shinan Star, the mad death of the mad, the living people are like a walking dead. This furious family has made the three or four provinces and cities in the southwest now in full martial law. In less than a month, many guns and savage drug dealers have been shot, and even other unscrupulous underground industries have been seriously injured.

Shen Tianmei just turned and was pulled by Xiao Miao. When she saw Xiao Miao’s face, she became red. She squinted and followed the other’s eyes. Then she whispered her mouth – her brother at the corner Also holding a kiss with Xiao Chi.

After the accident, for safety reasons, Xiao Chi took Lin Jingzhen from the Dongtai Community and moved to the compound. The family is no more than their own small family, the elders and sisters are there, the two have almost no room to get along alone, so the relatives are mostly in the room, and the outside is rarely too close.

When the hair was tied, the man who began to be inexplicable and confused made Lin’s horror quite unstoppable. He touched the other side’s curled hair. He sighed with some emotion: “The banquet was booked, November 6th.”

He said that this news is embarrassing, the family that has never been obtained in the past, this life seems to be inexplicable.

Xiao Chi is very calm: "The invitation is printed more, the original number is not enough."

"How come?" Lin Jingzhen thought about a circle of two relatives and friends, very puzzled.

The calculation is very good. Xiao Chi’s tone is very serious: “I forgot to count my classmates in junior and junior high school.”


Lin stunned and shouted at him: "You roll."

"Amitabha, now I want to roll." Xiao Chi asked him. "After a car accident, I am afraid that I will be a nightmare to hold me to sleep. I am going to ask Bodhisattva."

Lin stunned and grabbed his hair: "Don't go to Bodhisattva!"

When they talked together, they became a group, and they screamed. Xiao Miao saw that the top of his head was smoking. He quickly dragged his friend and said, "Let's go to the other side."

She knows her friend's brother-in-law complex, so she sympathizes with the other party to see this scene, but the strange thing is that Shen Tian's face did not show any dissatisfaction, but she was dragged away by her.

Two unrestricted brothers kissed for a while, thinking that the family should get off work, and Lin Jingwei took the opportunity to start Xiaocai.

From the development of the second middle road complex to the vacant land of Wubaoshan, Lin Jingzhen suddenly remembered another embarrassment and asked: "Right, I remember if you invested in what is immortal technology?"

Xiao Chi nodded.

Lin Jingyi said to him about what he said in the extraordinary network meeting today. He smiled and said: "My partner is afraid of being embarrassed. If you have any internal news, give me a thorough explanation."

He thought that Xiao Chi was the one who told him the direction of some immortal science and technology planning. Who knows that the voice just fell, Xiao Chi called out and called.

"Well, um, ok, I know, you keep working."

After hanging up the phone, he opened his mouth and said: "I am really studying the real-time communication software. The development progress has exceeded 60%. It is expected to be launched before August of this year. The next step is to seize the market. They intend to..."

Lin Jingxi quickly hit him and told him to shut up: "You are nervous, who told you to trade secrets."

Xiao Chi took his hand and rubbed his fingers against the two stringed beads on his wrist, revealing a pretty smile, looking serious and sharp: "I secretly told you, I put the quarterly documents of immortal technology on us. The room is in the safe, the password is ******"

Lin was shocked and laughed, holding his forehead and said: "Don't be so troublesome, let's work with the two companies, and first defend against foreign enemies."

Xiao Chi replied quickly: "Okay!"

In the evening, Lin’s horror called the suede: “I have already talked to the person in charge of the immortal technology. They are also very interested in the cooperation strategy of the real-time communication market.”

"..." Mink felt that he might not wake up yet. "Are you mistaken?"

In such a small communication market, the other party is really willing to give in? Do not eat alone?

Lin Jingsheng said: "If you have no objections, you can meet with the person in charge on Monday and discuss the details of the cooperation."

"I, I, I... I certainly have no objections." It’s good to be able to fight you, and to live with me, especially between the two companies that are destined to be tit-for-tat, and the mink hurriedly promised that he couldn’t hang up for a long time. calm.

Wu Wangfei is watching the programming language, seeing him in a daze, raising his head in confusion.

Suede slowly turned his eyes to his own partner, and after a long while, he spit out the turbidity.

God, his heart is touched and shocked, and he will be moved to negotiate with his rival company for his own worries, and shocked the other party to get the industry in such a short period of time. A well-known big company.

Fortunately... Fortunately, I changed my mind in time and didn’t always play with each other.

Otherwise, relying on Lin’s horror as a means of negotiation, it is estimated that raising his hand will kill him.

When Xiao Chi went out, he heard a call from behind, and he stopped and looked at the sweetness from the house.

Before Shen Tiantian and he even said that he couldn’t be bothered, and the struggle was never less. At this time, he was buried in his head and slowly approached, like a pig.

There is no way we believe in Buddha is like this metaphor!

Xiao Chi looked at each other with vigilance: "What's wrong?"

Shen Tiantian sneaked up and looked at the appearance of Xiao Chi’s alert. He remembered two voices in his heart, but recalled the time when the car was in a car accident, Lin Jing’s comfort and protection of himself was as strong as water and fire, and there was no way to tell. The emotions are spreading.

During that time, my brother was afraid that I couldn’t sleep?

Shen Tian sweet licked his mouth, finally gave up the Panasonic shoulders, stretched out his hands behind his back, and handed a small box to Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi hesitated or took it. When I opened it, it was actually a pendant. The green jade showed the eyebrows of Bodhisattva's compassion. The carving was extraordinary. At first glance, I knew that the price was high.

"What is this?" Xiao Chi asked doubtfully.

"This is what my dad left for me. I always wanted to give it to my brother, but..." Shen Tian was sweet, but that was her father. The origin of this gift may be for Lin Jingsheng and Lin Runsheng. It will become very embarrassing.

She sighed and her eyes fell on the Guanyin. It became long and complicated. After a long while, it returned to a brisk tone: "Okay, now that you want to marry my brother, when I am jealous, then this thing I Just give it to you directly, you have to keep it carefully."

Shen Tian's father's past is also an open secret in the courtyard. After Xiao Chi heard the words, he looked at the other side and turned to show his good looks. He finally sighed.

He took the first two steps, it was very difficult to open the arms to give each other a hug, whispered: "Thank you, I will take care of it."

Shen Tian sweet took a sniff and choked and said: "You will be good to my brother in the future, not let him have a nightmare, or I will not let you go!"

Xiao Chi gently patted her back for comfort. As soon as she let go, she looked up and saw a shocked face.

Xiao Chi: "..."

Xiao Miao’s eyes widened: “What are you doing?”

Shen Tian sweet quickly wiped his eyes and resumed nothing, and Xiao Xiao said nonsense: "You brother is pleaseding me!"

Xiao Chi: "..." This pig is really annoying!

Xiao Miao did not do it immediately, staring at her brother, and Xiao Chi turned and ran.

Xiao Miao immediately pulled her brother: "I want to hug!!"

Xiao Chi's goose bumps are all up, and they are free to break free: "Roll!"

The car went away, and the tail sprayed a fascinating face.

"..." Xiao Miao looked at the far-away car with tears in his mouth, what a garbage brother!

She is looking for a forest horror!

Lin was shocked when he got up early in the morning and was hugged by two sisters: "???"

Holding the two soft and fragrant bodies of the sisters, Lin sighed and greeted the fresh air of the morning.

Life is really beautiful.