MTL - Escape from Marriage 100 Days: Sweet Wife Steals a Treasure-Chapter 498 Beauty

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When Shen Letian saw the savior coming, he immediately let his eyes shine. "Little fox, you can be considered!"

Shen Letian walked on this side, and dragged a stalker on the side of his leg.

"Bad man, give back to the little thoughts!" A little man is angry, and the momentum is not weak.

"Hey! You see who is coming! Don't let go!"

"Is there a place to be there?" Xiaoyan’s eyes reflected in the garden surrounded by the greenery.

The haunted house in the night is like a beautiful fairy tale world in his eyes.

Gong Xiaoqiao: "Well."

I got a positive answer from Mommy. The expectation and tension on the face of the little guy immediately turned into joy and excitement. When Mommy’s hand was loosened, she ran into it and ran inside.

Two black bodyguards at the door were unclear, and they watched as a child yelled "爹地" and ran over here.

The two are about to stop, and see the gesture of Shen Letian behind, and then retreat to the side with peace of mind.

Entering the room, the little guy couldn't wait for Mommy to take him to find someone. He had already turned around in the room and looked for it.

"Slowly to the ground! Little thoughts come to see you!"

"Probably in the study room!" Shen Letian sat down on the sofa and stretched out comfortably. "I am exhausted..."

Boss, wife and children have brought you! It’s time to take a break now!

Is it not in the house? I can't hear the big voice, but he can't hear it...

Xiao Qiao suspiciously groped in the direction of the study.

As long as you are in front of outsiders, you will definitely enter the "state of blindness" and it has become a natural conditional reflection.

Xiao Qiao knocked on several times and no one responded, so he went to the bedroom and the result was still no one, so he turned the door lock and pushed the door open.

"Gu Yan Shen? Are you there?"

Looking around in a circle... no one in the bedroom, is it in the study?

"Where to go..." When Xiao Qiao was about to leave, the door of the bathroom was pushed away from the inside, and the waist was surrounded by a towel and stood on the side of the door with a cane.

The drops of honey on the honey skin slipped sexyly, because there was no haircut for a long time, his hair was a little longer, and the bangs almost covered the half of the face. It didn't look like the old-fashioned, but it added a bit of charm.

Suddenly, the beautiful male bathed out and let Xiao Qiao stand in the same place. What surprised her was that the gauze on the deep face of Gu Xing had been removed, and the smooth and smooth skin was restored through the hair.

All the suspicions were only a few seconds, and Xiao Qiao quickly recovered.

It is true that the gauze will be removed tomorrow. She will not remember correctly. Why did it be dismantled in advance?

His hair is blocked, and he can't read it clearly when he is still in the blind. Xiao Qiao is more anxious and confused.

"Little Joe? How come you come?" Gu Xing looked at her with horror, subconsciously reaching out and touching his face, and there seemed to be some confusion in his eyes.

"Oh, I..."

It’s a bit embarrassing to talk so naked, and Gu line is holding her to the bed. “I just took a shower and waited for me to change my clothes first.”

"do you need my help?"

"No, I can, you wait for me, it will be very soon."

"Oh..." Xiao Qiao answered completely conditioned, because he was completely fascinated by the beauty of his eyes. =2k novel reading network