MTL - Escape from Marriage 100 Days: Sweet Wife Steals a Treasure-Chapter 497 The sky is falling

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Xie Tao said, "The boss has already let go, there will be no one who dares to move here! At most, the child is greedy and ran out, and it is back."

Xiao Qiao squatted weakly, holding his knees, and his heart was broken.

Little thought, where are you going...

These days, the spirit of the little guy seems to be a little bad. I often look at her, and I want to talk about it. I don’t sleep at night when I sleep. I like to stay alone in the garden against the flowers and plants during the day. Speak to yourself or be in a daze...

If she can go to chat with him in a timely manner, she may not have what happened today, but it is too late to say anything now.

"Hey... you are not crying!" Looking at Xiao Qiao's appearance, Xie Tao was a little annoyed. In the final analysis, their negligence caused the child to run away.

"I said it will help you find it back!" Xie Tao said, turned and left to find someone.

"Wait for us." Ling Hao sighed.

I watched the two leave Xiaoqiao and slowly stood up.

She had to call and she called in.

It was Shen Letian’s call.

Waiting for Shen Letian to talk, Xiao Qiao immediately asked, "How? Is Xiao Nian in the company?"

"Hey, little fox, you know? This kid is clearly saying that you are sneaking out of you!"

Xiao Qiao sighed. "I sneaked out and found him in the morning. I just guessed that he probably ran to the company!"

"Little fox, you still have to hurry up! This unfortunate child has to say that I have hidden the boss, is making trouble with me!"

"I'll come over now."

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Qiao went to the company.

It is obvious that the atmosphere around the company is quite tense, and people coming and going are all in a hurry.

She took sunglasses that could cover most of her face, and finished the phone downstairs waiting for Shen Letian to pick her up. During the process, she heard the whispers of the employees.

"Is it true? The president will not really be assassinated?"

"I look at it! Or why the company doesn't appear like this!"

"Scorpio! Don't! Who is so worried, how can a person like the president be so easily concealed!"

"Hey! You still whisper! Be careful to get rid of the upper body! Who knows the things between these high-level people!"

"The sa group will not go bankrupt! The president is dead, the sky is falling!"

"It’s not the sky, it’s going to be a day! The vice presidents don’t know why they fell out with the finance director, and they forced everyone away. Seeing that Tang Shao’s meaning was three years ago, he was ready to stand on his own. Will leave the company.

Now that the whole company is torn apart, the old shareholders who don’t have the money to do the money don’t take the opportunity to seize power! These days, there have been non-stop meetings, probably to force the selection of the CEO, and how many people are cold and vacant! ”

"How is this! It's too dark! The president has nothing to do yet, but they are so arrogant!"

"Since they dare to do this... I see, 80% is fierce and more ugly! What happened before, the tree is down, everyone pushes! Hey! We are just working, or concentrate on doing things right and wrong!"



After a while, a small secretary came over with Xiao Qiao to go upstairs to Shen Letian’s office. 2k novel reading network