MTL - Eternal Country-v2 Chapter 2285 10 years VS Wannian

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Time is like flowing water, and there is no trace of the passing water. In the blink of an eye, a year passed, and this year is a year of the outside world, that is, a year of the eternal world. During the year, the outside world paid no less attention to the Fairy Garden of the Day. The heavens and the races were paying attention, and even the eyes and ears of Yongye were also concerned. They were very concerned about the changes in the Great Yi and wanted to find out. Changes inside.

But no matter what methods are used, once you enter the Great Yi, it is a stone sinking, and there is no news or feedback. In short, all of a sudden, Dayi lost contact with the outside world. In, no news about Dayi was leaked out. On other external networks, there is no way to spy on the internal network. Now, the use of Starnet is always normal.

Moreover, Xingwang seems to have undergone some transformation during this year, becoming even more mysterious.

Shooting, live broadcasting, etc., in the star network, it is becoming hot and in full swing.

Many realms rely on Starnet for transactions and exchanges. Completely shorten the distance between each other in an instant.

Most importantly, Xingwang can now deliver items. Through the watch, the items that need to be traded can be quickly passed through the star network. Of course, this kind of delivery requires a cost. The farther the distance, the higher the cost of express delivery. Sometimes, if you are separated from the sky and the earth, once the express is carried out, the cost required may be more expensive than the items you bought yourself. More. The price is even higher.

But there is no doubt that the importance of the star network to the heavens and races of the eternal world has risen a lot in an instant. Has reached the point where it is closely connected with life and inseparable. Relying on the existence of the star network, in many barren realms, many creatures who should starve to death under the devil's disaster have obtained supplies and depended on their lives. Some rare treasures that cannot be collected can be posted on the Star Network, but can be purchased, and the corresponding resources can be obtained.

It can be said that Starnet completely changed the life form of the eternal world.

Even under the disaster, he didn't completely sink his soul into despair, because in exhaustion and despair, there is a pure land like Xingwang, which can soothe the wound and pressure in the heart. Let yourself become no longer alone.

During this year, a large number of creatures have fallen, and all the heavens and all the races are facing a huge test.

The emergence of a large number of magic caves has caused wars to be almost continuous, and the infrastructure and material production of all major realms have fallen into a state of stagnation. Even if they exist, they only maintain the continuation of life. In the development of civilization, they have fallen into a state of stagnation. To the stage of stagnation or even regression. All major fortune dynasties are exhausted.

On the whole, it is still stable.

The battle of Tianjiao is still going on, and, regardless of eternal night or eternity, almost all Tianjiao are desperately pursuing the various good fortunes in the mountain. There is already Tianjiao, relying on chance for good luck, instantly stand out from Tianjiao and jump up.

On the battlefield of Gods and Demons, the war has entered a state of anxiety, extremely tragic.

Fortunately, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn are fighting hard, leaving the situation of the entire battlefield in a supportable state.

"No matter what mystery Dayi is doing, since it is blocked, then we should ignore Dayi for the time being and focus on attacking other realms. Do our best to cause damage to these realms. Killing is not the goal, but destruction is the goal. Destroying them The living environment will naturally fall into decline."

"The attention to Da Yi is still going to continue. No one knows what he will make. You must stare at him, but you can't touch Da Yi first. It's best if he doesn't move. Anyway, our goal this time is not. Great easy."

In the Hydra, there is a dialogue.

For Da Yi, Hydra has temporarily given up its plan to die.

If you die, the price you have to pay is too great.

The most important thing is to give up the Great Yi temporarily, to circle the Great Yi and not to let it expand. It now appears that their plan has been successful, and Da Yi really has no way to continue its expansion. Moreover, in the process, it has begun to lock down the country.

Now, the outside world believes that Da Yi is closing the door, digesting the dozens of realms previously swallowed, and thoroughly integrating it into Da Yi, avoiding external influences before making such a move.

This speculation has been recognized by many forces.

So, I didn't care too much.

Subconsciously remove your attention from the Great Yi.

No one knows that Da Yi is undergoing an earth-shaking transformation.

Time is constantly losing.

One year!

Two years!

Three years! !

In a blink of an eye, it came to the sixth year after Dayi was locked.

This year, in the world of nightmare, you can see a dark pyramid floating in the void.

This pyramid, as if illusory, can be seen but never touched, drifting between heaven and earth. Surprisingly, it is the Hall of Evil.

After Yi Tianxie went down to the sea mouth in the Demon Temple, he completed the transformation, and the Wanxie Hall directly followed a passage into the world of nightmare, and began to wander in the nightmare. At the beginning, it seemed to be aimlessly running around. . Go south for a while, and north for a while.

The Hall of Evil is in the power of various desires. In the world of nightmare, it can be said to be like a fish in water, and it has not been targeted by the will of the nightmare.

"Six years, it's almost okay, Yong Ye's tail behind should have been thrown off. It's time to do business."

Yi Tianxie sat in the Hall of Ten Thousands of Demons, a flash of evil light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the void with a smile.

The purpose of wandering around aimlessly for these six years is actually to paralyze the eternal night. He didn't think that Yongyehui only sent himself to the world of nightmare to search for the whereabouts of the pioneers of the night. It was only an accident that he asked to come in, and there must be a means arranged by the masters of the night. It is unrealistic for the confidant of dispatch to just put hope on him. If you really want to do that, that's a joke.

If he really feels okay, he is a fool.

These six years are to dispel the doubts of those who dominate.

He didn’t even deliberately hide his traces, just to let the tail behind see with his own eyes that he was indeed searching for the trail of pioneers in the nightmare world. Only now did I relax my vigilance. The tail behind disappeared, so I should look for pioneers The trail of the person.

However, this nightmare world is really too big, and various laws are completely in the midst of treacherous changes, which may change at any time. The impact is not generally large. Searching is as difficult as the sky. Even Yongye may not have much hope in itself.

"You are gone, then it's up to me to take action. Hei Tian, ​​head toward the target and move forward at full speed."

Yi Tianxie quickly issued the order.

brush! !

Wanxie Hall was completely hidden in the void, and at the same time, following the coordinates of the mark. In the void, it shuttles at an inhuman speed, and if anyone sees it in the direction it is going, they will find that it is heading straight towards the seal of the pioneers of Yongye.

Under the premise of having the right direction, at the speed of Wanxie Temple, it still cannot be reached in a short time.

"One year, it will take another year to arrive."

Yi Tianxie glanced at Void and muttered to himself: "Let's see if the deity can complete the final transformation this time. After ten thousand years of time, what kind of sparks Da Yi will burst out. At that time, It is bound to bring a great surprise to Yong Ye. The decisive battle is about to begin. The pioneers of Yong Ye have fallen, but the pioneers of the eternal world are returning. This is the only opportunity to reverse the situation. It depends on whether you can catch it. ."

Why did Yi Tianxing and the others after calculating the pioneers of Yongye obtain a huge amount of heavenly merits? It is precisely because of this move that the power gap between Yongye and Eternity has been reversed, and it is truly difficult to win or lose. The material stage. Created the possibility of real victory for eternity.

As long as the timing is right, it can be 50-50.

Such an opportunity is too rare, the timing is too good, even Yi Tianxing has to make a choice. Directly reverse the time difference.


In the blink of an eye, it has come to the tenth year of retreat.

For the outside world, it was only ten years.

It seems that the change is not great.

But at this moment, in the territory of Dayi, a full ten thousand years have passed.

Looking at the Great Change, the Iron and Blood Great Wall is enveloped. Great changes have already taken place in the territories ruled by Da Yi.

It was amazing to see that the traces of the years had been engraved on the fairy cities, and there was a kind of vicissitudes of time. In the city, you can see a lively and prosperous scene. If you look closely, you will find that within this fairy city, it seems to be much larger than what you can see from the outside, as if the scope has expanded more than ten times. The population is much larger than under normal circumstances. The various facilities in the city have undergone tremendous changes.

For example, in Xiancheng, there are two towering towers. This tower is a product refined by Tiangong Pavilion. The name is—Sun Golden Light Tower, Lunar Moon Tower. It can pull the power of the sun. Gathering in the tower, one tempers the body and the other tempers the soul. It is a treasure of practice. Each pagoda has eighty-one floors. The higher the top, the better the effect. In the tower, the sun golden pond and the Taiyin cold pond are cast.

It can have miraculous defensive effects and can have offensive power.

It is a treasure that integrates assistance, defense and attack. Condensed the wisdom of countless monks in Da Yi.

After being cast, it will immediately become the supreme treasure of Da Yi, and every fairy city will inevitably cast the same high tower. Has become a symbol of Dayi Xiancheng.

In addition, countless novelties have emerged among the people. All kinds of foods that have never been seen before, all kinds of precious materials, are not materials that are already in the world, but special materials synthesized with special formulas.

For example, the city walls and casting materials of Dayi City have changed. It's not just black and yellow bricks. It's an upgraded version of Xuanhuang Brick, called Xuanhuang Naturalization Brick.

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