MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1292 Time corridor

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Tianzhou City, Tiandan Xuan Shen is in the third-level Shencheng where Mingguang is located.

Like the Stove City, Tianzhou City is one of the few third-class **** cities that have always been strong.

This is mainly because the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, is a landlord who majors in the rules of time. On the frontal combat strength, he may not be as strong as the firehouse leader, but on the means, the ten stoves are not as good as the Lord. he.

There was no way for him to be there. The six-level lords had teamed up to kill him, but he did not hurt him.

On the street, Yu Mingguang is talking and laughing with a butterfly-like young woman.

Today, Yu Mingguang, the temperament looks mature and more attractive. This abyss invasion is an indelible memory for him. It is this abyss invasion that changed his attitude towards life.

In the past, he only wanted to prove himself with Dan Dao. He wants the world to worship him. Now, he feels that the previous ideas are too naive. Dan Dao is not used to prove himself, but to enrich himself and let himself Living is more meaningful and there is a pursuit.

On his side, the butterfly-like young woman is the butterfly of the Butterfly Dan of the Shuguang City.

Twilight City broke, Li Butterfly fled to Tianzhou City with his family, and then naturally met Yu Mingguang, after all, both of them participated in the four-star Dan God Conference.

The two Dandao geniuses, under the eve of each other, have already produced feelings, and maybe they will become a Taoist.

"Yu Mingguang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

A clear voice sounded.

"Li floats."

Yu Mingguang and Li Butterfly turned their heads and saw Li Fuchen.

Although Li Butterfly did not speak with Li Fuchen, she knew Li Fuchen.

At the four-star Dan God Congress, Li Fuchen was too dazzling, just like the king, covering all the Dandao geniuses, even the genius of the top dan, such as Mingguang, was in front of him.

Speaking of it, she and Li Fuchen are still their own?

They are all surnamed Li.

"Yu Mingguang, don't you introduce it?" Li Fuchen said with a smile.

How can he not see that Yu Mingguang and Li Butterfly have a bad relationship.

Yu Mingguang introduced: "She is the Butterfly of the Butterfly Dan of the Shuguang City. I have participated in this four-star Dan God Conference, Butterfly, Li Fuchen, I don't need to introduce it!"

Li Butterfly smiled.

Li Fuchen looked at Li Butterfly and said: "Your name is very similar to one of my sisters. Her name is Li Xiaodie." Li Fuchen looked at Mingguang again. "Yu Mingguang, you have changed a lot!" Oh, the realm has also broken through, and it is the lower domain god."

Yu Mingguang smiled bitterly: "People will always become, you are not the same, I feel that I have completely missed you, right, what are you doing in Tianzhou?"

Li floats: "I just can't sleep, I want to sway, first smash the bloodstained continent, then other continents, then the gods, maybe I am born to be everywhere!"

Yu Mingguang said: "I finally know why I can't compare with you. Compared with you, I am a frog at the bottom of the well, and you are the Dapeng bird who has seen the world."

People who practice Dan Dao generally like to be quiet, and he is no exception.

He doesn't want to go around, and at most he occasionally takes risks nearby.

Li floats: "I am different from you. In addition to being a **** of Dan, I am a sword god, a sword god. I can be partial."

Near noon, Yu Mingguang asked Li Fuchen to eat.

In the restaurant box.

Yu Mingguang said: "You have to enter the time corridor?"


Li Fuchen came to Tianzhou City because he wanted to enter the time corridor.

The time corridor is close to Tianzhou City. It is the first dangerous place in the northern land of the blood-stained continent. The reason why the Tianzhou landlord can cultivate the time rule to the realm of the boundary is also related to the time corridor.

In the corridor of time, many gods and their legacy were buried.

The purpose of Li Fuchen is the wealth of these gods.

He is too poor now, incorporating the forty-five kendo domain skills, raising the martial art metaphysical index to more than 550 billion yuan, consuming his 15,000 gigabytes of top stone, including five gigabytes. Or did he ask Danta to borrow it.

Next, his kendo will certainly continue to improve. Every time he raises, he will consume a lot of top-grade gods. Therefore, he must make a stone while he is swaying.

The time corridor is his first stop.

Time corridors are dangerous and dangerous. It is not dangerous to say that they are not dangerous.

The reason why it is dangerous is that once you enter the depths of the time corridor, even if you are a god, you must be trapped inside, unable to come out until you die, or die madly.

It is not dangerous because it is really no danger, that is, time is a bit confusing.

Li Fuchen feels that as long as he keeps his heart and does not enter the depths of the time corridor, there is still a chance. The most important thing is that in the time corridor, he can also understand the rules of time.

"Remember, don't enter the depths of the time corridor. The heavenly kings have said that in the depths of the time corridor, the power of time is extremely violent, below the bounds of God, and the power of these times will instantly die."

"I know." Li float nodded.

Although the time corridor is very dangerous, it is very likely that it will not come out after entering, but there are still many people entering the time corridor.

There are more Tiancheng cities, and more are other **** cities.

It is at least a mysterious **** who is low in cultivation. If it is high, it is a domain god. Occasionally, one or two gods can enter it.

In front of the huge circular light hole, Li Fuchen stepped into it.

"The power of time for chaos."

The time corridor is actually a cave, a cave like a labyrinth, filled with the power of chaos.

Under normal circumstances, the power of time is difficult to perceive, but the power of time here is so confusing that anyone can easily perceive it.

Just coming in, Li Fuchen did not intend to go to the time rules so quickly, and continued to walk along the cave.

Walking, a cave hall appeared in front of you.

In the middle of the cave hall, there is a fountain.

Around the fountain, more than a dozen figures waited quietly.

Among them are mysterious gods and domain gods.

"This should be the time fountain!" Li floats the dark.

The time fountain, a very special existence, will spew out some things deep in the time corridor whenever the fountain starts to spew time spring water.

Therefore, entering the time corridor, it is not necessary to enter the depth of the time corridor to get good things.

"New, you should know the special nature of the time fountain. When it comes time, don't do anything, whether it is grabbed or not. Once the time in the fountain is triggered, we can't go."

A domain **** reminds Li to float.

Li float nodded, "I know."

The time fountain contains a very strong time force. It doesn't break out. Once it breaks out, everyone can't escape. After all, you can go faster and faster.

This is also the reason why there are domain gods here, and those gods have not gone.

Because they know that it is not suitable for hands-on, it is relatively safe.

This is a month.

During the period, some people left, but a few new ones came.

"Forget it, I have waited for a few thousand years, and I haven't put one in the fart. It's unlucky." A top-ranking **** shouted and left.

Time fountains, the time of gushing spring water is uncertain, luck is good, maybe you can see it within a year or two, bad luck, and it is normal for thousands of years.

But as long as the time fountain is gushing time spring water and then grabbing a treasure, then everything is worth it.

The treasures in the depths of the time corridor are the worst.

Someone once got a time gem, and after selling it to the gods, he immediately made a fortune.

Someone has also got a powerful artifact, and after selling it to the gods, it is also a big hair.

All in all, no one knows what good things the time fountain can squirt, everything depends on chance.

"Oh, I don't wait any longer. It seems that I have no chance with this time fountain." Another person left.

Sitting on the floor, Li Fuchen did not care for these people, he is feeling the time rules here.

The time around the time fountain is much milder, and it is easy to get to know a lot. Li Fuchen can let go of this opportunity.

In the middle of the metaphysical god, the middle of the mysterious god.

In a few months, Li’s time rule has raised two small realms.

Oh la la!

On this day, there was a sound of spring water.

“The fountain of time began to spray spring water.”

Everyone is overjoyed.


Large springs rose from the sky, and everyone saw that a gem that radiated illusory light appeared in the spring.

"It's a time gem, mine."

A superior domain **** flew up and reached for it.

However, his speed is faster and one is faster than him.

When I saw the jewel of time, Li Fugu didn't move much. I came to the time gem and stood up and took the time gem.


This superior domain is stunned by Li Fuchen.

If it is not near the fountain of time, he will definitely break the worms of Li.

"You said that yours is yours?" Li Fuchen ignored the other side.

A superior domain god, he is not in the eye, whether it is near the time fountain.

"Well, you wait, I remember you in the light field." Jiguang domain **** suppressed the anger.

Almost instantaneously, the second treasure appeared, still a time gem.


The Jiguang domain **** is overjoyed. This time, the time gem is almost at his side. He can hold it as long as he reaches out.

"Sorry, it's mine." One hand grabbed the time gem first.

Not who is Li Fuchen.

"You are dead, you are dead, I am going to kill you." Ji Guangyu is crazy, and his body is surging, and he will kill Li Fu.

Of course, he is also lucky. In his opinion, killing Li Fuchen should not require any force. The reason why the other party is quick to grab the time gem is that he also sees it. This is because the other party has cultivated the time rule. .

"Jiguang, you stupid, you want to die, don't bother us, the time fountain has just begun to spray spring water, wait until the end." A terrible voice came into the eyes of the Jiguang domain.

Wen Yan, Jiguang domain God immediately wake up, yes, even if you want to kill Li floating dust, there is no need to be so anxious, Li Fu dust can not fly.

Soon, three more treasures were sprayed out.

The three treasures sprang in different directions.

"How do you watch this time?" Jiguang domain **** hates.

But what made him desperate was that Li Fu's body was a illusion, three Li floating dust appeared, and he immediately took away three treasures, one of which was not left to others.

"The rules of time, is it so powerful?" Everyone hated Li Fuchen.

If Li Fushi has been stealing treasures with the help of time rules, then they are likely to have no grain, which is not what they want to see.

At this moment, they understood the mood of the gods in Jiguang.

This person is really too odious, and it is difficult to calm down the bad spirits.