MTL - EVE: Start a Space Station-Chapter 563 Replica plan

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"My lord, the opportunity has come!"

When Sarah Jones and his wife were secretly preparing the inspection plan, their news was also captured by Ola's pervasive intelligence network.

It was less than half an hour before Sarah Jones and his wife prepared to patrol, when Ola hurried to look for the stone man.

The drowsy Shi Man looked at the excited Aura, and was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes.

"Ola, you are in such a hurry, what kind of opportunity is here?"

"The Demon Queen and his wife are preparing to inspect the Sigma star field, and the opportunity for our revenge has come!"

Hearing Aura's words, Shiman lost all sleepiness immediately, turned around and took the windbreaker and walked out of the room.

"Ola, call all officials for an online meeting!"

"Yes, my lord!"


In less than half an hour, every seat in the battle meeting was already full of people.

Because some officials are not in Changxing City, they all use holographic projections to participate in the meetings.

After Shiman sat down and everyone saluted, Aura finally spoke out the information.

"Urgent information, Sarah Jones and his wife are preparing to inspect the Sigma Star Field, and are expected to secretly go to the Sigma Star Field in three days!"

After Ola finished speaking, Cormac Vaga frowned and said, "Ola, do you want to make a fuss about this matter?"


Ola nodded.

This Sarah Jones has been staying in the hinterland of the demon civilization for the past six months. This tour is undoubtedly a good opportunity. It is impossible for Xin Yindian to let go of such a good opportunity!

"Sarah Jones and his wife will definitely bring enough security fleets this time, and the security work along the road must be very strict. We have no chance, right?"

Estamel Ter also couldn't help frowning.

Whether Sarah Jones's patrol work is open or covert, the security work must be very strict, and there must be many fleets along the road for 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance and control, it is impossible for them to sneak attack chance.

At least until now, there has never been a case where the head of a first-class civilization has been successfully attacked.

Um, except for the time when Shi Man was attacked!

After all, it was Shiman himself who was careless at the beginning, and there was not enough security fleet to follow. If you let other civilizations try again, there is absolutely no possibility of success.

Therefore, even if a person at the level of Sarah Jones has mastered the route and time of her inspection, it is impossible to successfully carry out an attack.

Compared to the doubts of Cormac Vaga and Estamel Ter, Jamil Salam said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth: "Ola, you don't want to let the hibernators Fleet to complete this mission?"

Ola nodded, smiled and said to Jamil Salam: "You are still smart!"

"Smart fart, I think you just want to repeat the 'Queen's attack' in this world, but last time it was Queen Emma, ​​this time it was replaced by the Demon Queen.

Now that Ola is about to have another attack by the Sleeper fleet, Jamil Salam always has a sense of community death.

Afterwards, Jamil Salam took his seat.

"If it's the Hibernator Fleet, I have no objection."

The Sleeper Fleet can open a short-term wormhole to enter the target area. This method is more concealed than hiding the war subspace or inducing entry, and the [Lux Spear] of the Sleeper Fleet is also enough to complete it in a short time Mission gone.

Both stealth and aggression are guaranteed, plus Ola has already mastered Sarah Jones' patrol route and time, the probability of success is at least 90%!

As Jamil Salam sat down, other officials also thought of this, and immediately felt that the feasibility of this plan was very high.

But there are still a few problems.

"Ola, this Sarah Jones is on patrol, the **** fleet around here is absolutely airtight, whether the hibernator fleet can break through smoothly.

Also, no matter whether the plan is successful or not, we have to officially start the war with the free camp and the demon civilization. For now, we are not fully prepared yet, right? "

Chelm Solan brought up the issue of this plan straight to the point.

During this period of time, the Sasha Group and the Hibernator Fleet were active in the wormhole, so they naturally understood the strength of the Hibernator Fleet.

If it is said that the sleeper fleet can complete the attack on her letter, but it is still somewhat difficult to break through the blockade of Sarah Jones's **** in a short time and complete the attack.

And once the attack is over, no matter what the outcome of Sarah Jones is, New Yindian will surely suffer full revenge from the entire free camp and demon civilization.

Although Xin Yindian is now capable of dealing with it, it is not fully prepared after all, at least not fully prepared in terms of combat readiness.

So using Sarah Jones' life in exchange for an early outbreak of all-out war is a question worthy of their deep thinking.

In this regard, Ola is also prepared.

After receiving Shiman's nod of approval, Aura was about to tell her plan.

"It's very simple, just give the Carlson civilization the credit for this attack!

This time Sarah Jones not only brought her own personal guard fleet, but also brought five armies with her, bringing the total strength to six armies.

So many fleets are not only for protecting the safety of Sarah Jones, but also for solving the current and dangerous problems of the Sigma star field, and this is where we can make a fuss! "

To put it simply, Xin Yindian will do the work, and then the credit and scapegoat will be taken by Peter Yugudis's Carlson Allied Forces!

As long as the attack is over, at that time, based on wanting to put Lucy Hall on the queen's throne, no matter whether Peter Yugudis is willing or not, other people who support will give this credit to Peter Yugudis body.

And the same this scapegoat was firmly on his body, and he couldn't shake it off even if he wanted to!

Seeing the people who were silent and listening to the plan with peace of mind, Ola continued: "At that time, the main army of the five accompanying demon civilizations will definitely go to the battlefield, and the hibernator fleet will still have to face its pro-guard fleet.

At this time, we need to add fire to the Sigma star field battlefield in advance, and transfer some of its personal guard fleet to create greater opportunities for the hibernator fleet! "

After Aura finished speaking, Shi Man also said at the right time: "Regardless of whether the attack is successful or not, there will definitely be chaos in the free camp, and that is a good time for us to attack. At that time, you need to react in the free camp to get the most out of it." Only the result of the battle will do!

The specific goals, Ola will tell you one by one later.

This time, we have only one purpose, revenge! "

"Yes, my lord!"

Everyone stood up and took orders.

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