MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 106

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At dusk, Anyuan finished his dinner and returned to the inn.

He originally wanted to stay in Yuehua for a while, teach the disciples' martial arts, and accompany the elders to plan and plan for future development. Unfortunately, he did not know how to eat in Yuehua, but he couldn’t help but leave early. Huashan, came to Kunlun Mountain. After hitting him to Kunlun Mountain, he noticed the people around him. Han Changsheng is not an ordinary person. Who knows what he intends to appear this time, and he does not stare at it carefully. He is afraid that he will not recognize it when he is photographed.

Anyuan walked to the door of his room, pushed open the door, and slammed it. When he left, he clearly closed the door. Now he just opened it with a touch. Someone opened his door and entered his room.

Anyuan frowned, his hand on the hilt and slowly entered the room. The room he rented was not big, he could see it at a glance, there was no one in the room, the person who had smashed his room had already left, but he had a big wooden box on his desk.

Anyuan stepped forward and looked at the wooden box with some horror. He slowly reached for the wooden box, but did not open it immediately. On the table, on the side of the wooden box, there is a piece of ink that has dried up.

Han Changsheng squatted out the window and held his breath and peeked.

The air in the room seemed to be still, and Anyuan just put his hands on it and didn't open it. I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly woke up from his dreams and slowly touched the lid of the wooden box.

There are only seven words on the note.

"Judge me Tianning, die."

The size of this box makes An Yuan’s heart as a drum, not afraid to think, can’t guess.

After a while, the wooden box was finally opened, and Anyuan saw what was inside. Through the small slit of the window paper, Han Changsheng could not see the expression of Anyuan, and he saw that he was fixed like a wooden stake.

It was a long time, and Anyuan took the things out of the wooden box.

That is a human head. This face was only seen once in Anyuan. It was only after he had smashed his face that night. When the candle was swaying, he blinked his eyes desperately, and he couldn’t bear to swear, just want to see it and avoid it. I read the wrong details.

That is the head of Gu Mingxiao.

An Yuan put the head on the table, and his fingers gently touched the head and touched the circle without any gaps. The skin is already stiff and chilly, and the complexion is blue. The time when the head was cut is not too long, but it is not too short.

He sat and watched for a long time, then combed the hair of this head. First, it was combed by hand, and it was not smooth. He got up and took the comb. The gentle dripping of the **** hair of the head was smoothed out, and the hair was put up, the hair was combed, and an embroidery was taken out. The scorpion is inserted into the hairpin.

The line of sight was a little blurred, and Han Changsheng slowly lowered his eyes and continued to look at it. Anyuan’s attitude was calm from beginning to end. He was not panicked and grief-stricken. He just shook his hands when he combed his hair. The hair was pulled out of many roots and he was combed again, so it cost him. For a long time.

Then Anyuan picked up the note that had written the word.

The calm night sky suddenly crossed a thunder, Han Changsheng closed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened it, Anyuan had already held the head in his arms.


Anyuan is calling. His voice is very hoarse, and this call is like a low roar of a beast.

Han Changsheng suddenly retired three steps.

The little stinky egg whispered: "Don't you watch it?"

Han Changsheng stood for a while, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Look. Wait for him to bury the head, let us go."

The impulse to change from the sky is constantly rising, but it is constantly being suppressed. He is not alone.

When Momo arrived, Anyuan finally walked out of the inn. Today was originally a sunny day, but I don’t know why the night was flashing and thundering, and Anyuan was on the ground, hand-planing the soil, dug a pit, carefully placed the head of Gu Mingxiao into the soil, another A handful of soil covers it.

Seeing this time, Han Changsheng turned around and pressed the hat of the straw hat lower to cover the look on his face.

"You said that if you can cast three marks on me to him at this time, will he be the martial arts lord?" Han Changsheng's voice is still laughing.

"It's a pity that you can't cast a spell on Xianjun. It's a pity."

"If he can become a martial arts lord, will he immediately bring someone to kill me?"

The raccoon cat looked up and stared at the starry sky. The starry sky tonight is very bleak, only two stars are high and bright, almost overshadowed.

"Thank you." Han Changsheng sighed softly.

The head made by the blind eye will turn into a stone in three days.

The raccoon cat catches up with Han Changsheng’s footsteps: "Are you really leaving?" Han Changsheng said: "Yeah, don't leave and stay here to do something. After some time, I will see black and white impermanence again. I must tell them, when Xianjun returns to his place." Let them say a few good words for you. Maybe you can make a few scent of Xianjun, and you can become a fairy."

"You let me go." The little stinky egg jumped into his arms. "He didn't lick my fur, thank you very much. I hope he will forget all the trifles after he returns to his place."

"Let's go." Han Changsheng said, "Give me back to Lushan."

In the blink of an eye, Han Changsheng is already at the foot of Mount Lushan. It’s really a matter of saving.

The raccoon cat jumped from the arms of Han Changsheng to the ground and said, "I should go."

Han Changsheng said: "Are you not leaving me to help me a few times? If you are there, it really saves me a lot of things."

The little stinky egg shook his head: "I can't dare. It's good or bad to help you. It's right or wrong. I don't know. If you accidentally hurt someone, I have to be beaten by the sky."

Han Changsheng listened to him saying that he was not good enough to reluctantly, and he thanked him again, and he only went to the mountain.

On the second morning of the second day, Tianning taught the talents to discover that the leader had returned.

When he had breakfast, Han Changsheng brought together his four church owners. Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu have been taken down by the mountain to do the Shadow Moon Gate, and now they are not in the mountains.

Hua Xiaoshuang saw Han Changsheng, very strange: "You are not a martial arts lord, how come back so soon?"

Gu Ming Xiao Luoxin Du Yuefei three people are either face-to-face or bitter. The mixed kings came back so quickly, and they didn't know what to think of.

Han Changsheng said: "Thinking that there is no meaning, the martial arts lord will not do it first, or come back to be my cult leader more comfortable."

Gu Mingxiao clipped a pickled cucumber: "The winter wine has been brewed, and the teacher will finish it after drinking."

Han Changsheng said: "I don't leave. I won't leave anymore."

Hua Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, Gu Mingxiao smiled, Luo Xin's chopsticks in the air, Du Yuefei bite the chopsticks and looked suspicious.

Han Changsheng said: "I don't want to go, Du Yuefei, you have to take a trip."

Du Yuefei heard his name and looked at Han Changsheng in vain.

Han Changsheng said: "You go to Wan Aigu. I heard that the owner of Wan Aigu is studying a drug, which can make people lose their memories. You can help Wan Aigu to perfect this medicine and bring it back to I."

Du Yuefei glimpsed. It doesn't matter how long it takes to get out of Lushan to Wanaigu, and it is possible to develop a new drug for a few months, for a few years, or even for a long time.

Du Yuefei said: "Teacher, this..."

He was suddenly kicked under the table.

Flower Xiaoshuangdao: "Interesting."

Du Yuefei can only be silent.

Han Changsheng seems to be very impatient to want this kind of medicine. At noon, he urged Du Yuefei to pack his luggage and leave.

After urging Du Yuefei, Han Changsheng went to Luoxin again.

"You bring a few horses to the mountains and kill the monkeys who jumped up and down."

There is a Chixia religion in the Lingshan Mountain. It was once considered to be the second magical teaching of the rivers and lakes. Not only did the evils add a lot of trouble to the martial arts, but also the ambitious desire to destroy the Tianning religion. However, a few decades ago, Chihuaxia was once destroyed. Later, although it was rebuilt, it was not a climate. Tianning taught never to look at them.

Luo Xin inexplicably said: "How did the leader suddenly start the idea of ​​Chihuaxia?"

Han Changsheng said coldly: "I met several people from Chihuaxia when I was down the mountain. They almost killed me."

Luo Xin slightly frowned, paused, said: "Chao Xia Jiao has long been a climate, it is to do them, do not need me personally ..."

Han Changsheng interrupted: "You go to see me personally, I am more assured."

Luo Xin’s words were taken back, and they were speechless.

Han Changsheng said: "Start as early as possible." Then he turned around and went back.

The author has something to say: Thanks lwxs520-->