MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 107

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In Losin and Du Yue, they called their residence and threw a letter on the table: "Let's see for yourself."

Gu Mingxiao took the lead in unfolding the letter, which is the word of Han Changsheng. His expression changed from curiosity to surprise and became contemplative.

Hua Xiao Shuangdao: "Be careful when you look at it, don't leave any traces. I will put the letter back later, don't let the leader find it."

The letter was passed down in turn, and soon Luo Xin and Du Yuefei also finished reading. Du Yuefei is incredible: "The teacher colluded with the martial arts right way!!" This sounds a bit weird. The word "collusion" is often followed by the evil spirits and the devil. However, in the Tianning population, the nature can only be martial arts. Right way.

Luo Xin’s expression was dignified, and his brow was wrinkled to smash the flies.

This letter was written by Han Changsheng to Lu Honghua.

"The devil teaches evil, and the day will not be removed. The rivers and lakes will never have a day. I have long been disgusted with the devil, and I will cooperate with the chivalrous people to annihilate the devil, to help the world, and to marry the martial arts."

The letter also depicts the topographic map of Tianning, where there are signs of defense, if the martial arts are really getting this map, they can be said to be a breeze.

Seeing that everyone has read the letter, Hua Xiaoshuang coldly said: "It seems that the temptation of the martial arts lord is really not small. The teacher is to take Tianning as a sacrifice."

Gu Mingxiao did not speak, but just grabbed his chest. It hurts a lot.

Luo Xin stood like a wooden stake, his lips moving, and a word could not be said.

Du Yuefei buried his face in his hand and said, "The teacher has changed."

Losin turned and walked away: "I will ask him."

"Wait!" Hua Xiaoshuang stopped Luo Xin. "He still doesn't know that we have read this letter. After he wrote the letter, he hid the letter under his pillow..."

Luo Xin angered: "I have long wanted to ask him, it is you have been stopped! You said to see what he is doing, this is good, understand, you are happy?"

Gu Mingxiao sighed: "Enough. It is not a matter of day to teach the Lord to do this. It will be pierced early, will he not play this idea?"

Du Yuefei stood in the same place: "I am going to go to Wanwan Valley?"

"Go." Hua Xiaoshuang. "Do you still know him? He has all the people, except to make it easier for others to go up the mountain. It is not a 'good intention'. Do you want to earn a living for us?" Two words, he bite extraordinarily heavy, almost a bite of silver teeth.

Gu Mingxiao smiled bitterly: "Yes, since he means this, it is better to follow him and not let down his ‘good intentions.'

Luo Xin angrily took the sword to the ground and strode away.

In the afternoon, Du Yuefei and Luo Xin went down the mountain.

Two days later, Han Changsheng will find a small pair.

"I want you to go down the hill to do something for me."

Hua Xiaoshuang had expected it, and smiled and said: "What do the teachers want?"

Han Changsheng said: "I looked at the books of Tianning, and I didn't expect that our property was so small. I plan to build a new palace, and I plan to expand our sects. The money is not enough now. You have the talent to collect money. I will send you down the hill to rectify the development of our foreign students. I plan to triple Tianning, and you will find ways to earn three times the number on our books."

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "That is really a lot of money. If I can't do it?"

Han Changsheng said: "You are so smart, how can you do things that you can't?"

Hua Xiao double brows, whispered: "I am so smart... there are many things that can't be done."

Han Changsheng is silent.

After a while, Hua Xiaoshuang smiled again: "I know. Since the teacher delegated this task to me, I will try my best to do it."

Han Changsheng nodded: "You go down early."

Hua Xiao double turned his head and walked away. He stopped suddenly without two steps. He turned his back to Han Changsheng and muttered: "What is the world that the teacher can't do?"

Han Changsheng groaned: "Probably... I can't fight God."

Flower Xiaoshang went out, and the day he went to the mountain.

In the next two days, Han Changsheng also found Gu Mingxiao.

Han Changsheng said: "I know that you have always wanted to learn the technique of the beast. I know that there is a strange beast island overseas. Where are the exotic animals you like..."

When he hadn't finished speaking, Gu Mingxiao interrupted: "I like the Lord more than those animals."

Han Changsheng stunned. He grew up and ate the vinegar of the cats. If he had heard this for a few years, he would be very proud. But now, only nasal acid.

Han Changsheng wrinkled his nose: "If you go to see it, pick a few strange animals and bring them back to Laoshan."

The hall was filled with silence.

After a long time, Gu Mingxiao sighed and whispered: "I am leaving, there is no one around the leader." Han Changsheng bit his lip and said: "You will always come back."

Gu Mingxiao looked at his eyes for a long time without saying, and finally said: "I know, I am ready, go down as soon as possible."

Things are much smoother than Han Changsheng's imagination. It didn't take long for Gu Mingxiao to take people away. So far, Tianning teaches that all the important people and the vast majority of people have been sent out by Han Changsheng for various reasons, and that the support of the Tiannanhaibei, no three or five years can not come back to several batches People.

On the afternoon of Gu Mingxiao’s departure, Han Changsheng returned to his room and took a letter from the pillow to Lu Honghua.

This letter he never intended to send out, let Lu Honghua take the martial arts right way to annihilate Tianning education? how is this possible! He is a daydream in the martial arts and waits for ten generations! This letter is actually written by Hua Xiaoshuang and others. He took all the members of the Tianning religion away. In addition to not wanting them to blend into this matter, in fact, there is also the selfishness of letting Tianning teach the full strength. When he died, the church members discovered that the things that Tianning was sold were coming back, and the foundation was still there. The only loss was that he was not a lot of incompetent teachers. When they re-elected a teacher and reorganized Tianning, Anyuan should have completed the robbery and returned to heaven. And his lord guards saw his letter, thinking that he was ignorant of the martial arts, wanting to subvert Tianning, and dispelling their revenge for him, or would not believe that he was really dead, thinking he was just Changed an identity into the right path... In short, all the debts of the industry are caused by him alone, and it is enough for him to bear one.

One day after January, Han Changsheng was sitting in the hall and screaming, and suddenly there was someone running around in a whim.

"Teacher, it's not good. There is a man who claims to be a prince who is good at picking up Lushan. He said that he is going to take revenge for the leader. He has already reached the mountainside! They can't stop him!"

Han Changsheng took a golden mask from his seat and took it to his face without hesitation. This mask covers his half face and makes him look very charming. He heard his voice very calm: "Is he alone?"

The believer panicked: "Yes, his martial arts are strong, and the masters on the mountain are no longer..."

Han Changsheng said: "When you go, tell the mountain, don't stop him, let him come up, the teacher will personally teach him."

An Yuan’s sword method was personally directed by Han Changsheng. He knew that Anyuan’s talent was outstanding. Now Wugong’s accomplishments have long been different, but the opportunity he had previously shot was always intercepted by Han Changsheng. Nowadays, there is finally an opportunity for him to show his talents. Unfortunately, all the people who can play in the teachings have long been sent away by Han Changsheng for various reasons.

Not long after, he saw the familiar back with a blood-stained sword stepping into the hall step by step, he carried the light, the glow of the sunset behind him was like from his body, as dazzling as the **** of war in the sky, .

Han Changsheng walked down from the throne and said coldly: "Huangfu Anyuan. How come you seduce me to teach people to renegade me to teach, even dare to go up the mountain to die?"

An Yuan will have a sword and a cold voice: "You are the teacher of Tianning?"


"He, are you killing?"

"What about it?"

There is no more nonsense in Anyuan, flying to attack Han Changsheng! Han Changsheng took a sword instead of a long knife. He framed the sword of Anyuan, shaken with internal force, and counterattacked forward!

The swords constantly collided and wiped out the fierce sparks. Han Changsheng's moves obviously fell, but his reaction speed was fast enough, and the internal force was strong enough to suppress the opponents. At the same time, the two played equally.

Jian Feng crossed the front of Han Changsheng and opened a crack in his mask. But if he didn't notice it, he only handed the knife in his hand to the front.

Anyuan avoided the blade and stepped back two steps. Before turning the body, a sword stabbed Han Changsheng's abdomen. Han Changsheng leaned back and Anyuan Jianfeng turned to the next, and passed the tip of his nose. The seam on the mask cracked even more.

Han Changsheng flew a foot and kicked it to Anyuan’s wrist. Anyuan’s hand was loose, and he changed his hand in the air and held the sword. He did not hesitate to push Han Changsheng’s heart. Han Changsheng’s blade also bowed to his abdomen. . This trend is the same as the move, but Anyuan has not bitten his teeth.


The sword stabbed Han Hansheng's chest, and Han Changsheng's knife was released before he hit Anyuan.

Han Changsheng slowly raised his hand and grabbed the sword inserted into his heart. He did not pull the sword out, but he even inserted it inside, as if he wanted to use his sword to pierce his body. At the same time, the half mask on his face was completely broken and fell to the ground.

Anyuan's pupil shrinks: "You..."

The blood ran down the corner of Han Changsheng's mouth, and he raised a weak smile: "You take revenge."

Anyuan swallowed and couldn't speak, only staring at Han Changsheng's face with his eyes. Suddenly, his hand holding the sword began to tremble.

Han Changsheng stepped forward, the sword pierced his body, and he used his last strength to put the sword into his chest, and the man had already walked to Anyuan. He lifted his hand full of blood and gently stroking Anyuan's face, revealing his last beautiful smile in the world: "I wish you an early ascent."


Anyuan sat down on the ground, and the beautiful face floated with indescribable fear. He shook his head and muttered: "Impossible... No... you are..."


"I wish you an early rise..."


Anyuan looked at the man sitting in the hall. He slammed up the mountain, and almost no one blocked him. He simply suspected that he had gone wrong. How can the defense of the first magical teaching Tianning in the rivers and lakes be so weak? But this is obviously out of the mountain!

He walked unimpededly to the main hall on the top of the mountain. When he entered the door, he saw a man with a half-gold mask on the main hall. The man closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping. He did not dare to rush forward, because this thing is a bit strange, it is not allowed to be a slap in the middle of the bureau, there may be ambush in the hall.

Suddenly, the man with the golden mask laughed: "I wish you... as soon as possible..."

The expression on Anyuan’s face suddenly became very alert, clinging to his hilt. Ascend early? Is he cursing himself to die early? Is there really an ambush in this hall? !

After a while, the gold mask man's eyes slowly opened.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the scorpion, Ke Zhizhen, ≥ _ _ Mei Qiang

When I saw the first half of the chapter, someone wanted to hit me → _ → Rest assured, Xiaoshengsheng is the fighting mother in the mother!

By the way, the propaganda of the villain has started to be pre-sold. It is expected that the top 50 of this month will have a gift. This shop will also have a personal makeup/medication, and the individual of the Sujia three brothers. Oh!