MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 69

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Han Changsheng said coldly: "Abusive lynching, is this the rule of your Rongshan faction?"

"You!" Rongshan sent a big disciple to anger. "We seized the thief and punish the thief. What is wrong with it? So many people have seen him as a thief! Which martial art are you? You and this thief are a group." Ok?"

Han Changsheng said: "The martial art school, ask the martial art if you don't move. Is this a little bit related to the martial art? Or you are just watching people to serve, and you will not be offended by the big door, you will not be offended by the small door or the no door." Can you do anything?"

"You are nonsense!" Rongshan sent a big disciple to face the red ear.

Han Changsheng said: "Speaking like a thief, he said that he is not. You don't believe it. Why? You have the right thing to say right? You are really a thief. He is not a disciple of your Rongshan school. Why? If you are caught by your door rules today, if you are caught by a Buddhist disciple, according to the Buddhist commandments, you will commit a sneak peek into the wall and think about it for 100 days or even expelling from the Buddha. Will you still insist on interrupting his hand? ”

The Rongshan school disciple did not speak for his eyes. If this is the person who meets Shaolin, he certainly cannot break the other's hand.

Another disciple stepped forward and said: "He is not a thief? I think you are a group!"

Han Changsheng looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man said nothing and solved the piano behind him. A disciple of the Rongshan School was afraid that there was any mystery in his piano, and he was about to stop. The sword in the hands of Han Changsheng turned, and the hilt was knocked on the man's hand. The man screamed and took his hand back.

When everyone saw Han Chang’s vivid hands, his anger was ignited, and several disciples picked up their sleeves and flew over to Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng was in front of the middle-aged man, and the sword in his hand was not sheathed, and he swayed the fists that were swaying to him.

The expressions of people around the world are getting more and more different. Seven or eight people besieged Han Changsheng, and no one could touch him. Although his body was evasive, his footsteps did not move in one step, and he was always in front of the middle-aged and prevented others from meeting him. After a while, everyone in the room showed a strange look. Anyone who knows martial arts can see that Han Changsheng’s martial arts are strong, and the seven or eight Rongshan disciples are not his opponents.

At this moment, the middle-aged man finally set up the piano and began to play.

A smooth piece of music spilled from his finger, and Han Changsheng looked back at him quite a bit. I can't see that this middle-aged man is very nice to play the piano. It’s just that this time, this guy has a leisurely mood to play the piano is too out of date, right? If it weren’t for fear that Anyuan would jump out of these Rongshan factions, Han Changsheng would have no intention to protect him.

The beasts who had been squatting at the entrance of the teahouse had been shocked. Although they were shackled by the ropes, they all had the tendency to break free from the ropes, but the sound of the piano was all quiet and the horses were quiet. On the ground, the head is pressed low, listening to the sound of the piano quietly.

The horse led by the Rongshan disciples suddenly walked toward the middle-aged. The Rongshan disciple was too surprised to release the hand of Rama, who went to the middle-aged and went low. With the heart of the head, I gently licked the face of the middle-aged man, and tears flowed in the big eyes.

If only one horse is abnormal, I am afraid that no one will care. From the sound of the piano, all the horses are uncharacteristic, which has to be surprising.

The people around us began to talk about it: "Is this guy seems to be able to control all the horses with the sound of the piano?" "I really have a hand. Is it true that he just said? Is the horse really not going to work?"

The disciples of the Rongshan School were so tired and panting that they could not find anything cheap in Han Changsheng’s hand. They saw this abnormal scene and hesitated to accept it.

Han Changsheng said coldly: "If you see no, this person can use the sound of the piano to let the horse surrender. He sees that there is nothing impossible about the situation of the horse. You bite him as a thief and a swindler. Now there is nothing to say. ?"

The crowds around the crowd have turned their voices at this time, and they have accused the disciples of the Rongshan School of being overbearing.

The faces of the disciples of the Rongshan School could not be hanged. If there is no other person here, the tea kiosk is at the gathering place of the road, and many martial arts people and ordinary people are here to rest. If there are no other people watching, they may not be so overbearing, but the martial arts conference is near, everyone is eager to try out the limelight, and it happens that they have caught up with this arrogant thief, they want to take this opportunity. Establish a prestige, let everyone know that their Rongshan faction is a rigid style of doing things. When you think of this unsatisfied stinky boy suddenly appearing bad things, this stolen horse thief actually played another song that would make all horses abnormal. It turned out to be theirs.

The great disciple of the Rongshan School was blushing and thick, and said: "What about playing a song? Even if the horse really has any problems, he is not allowed by the owner of the horse, and it is not his fault?"

Han Changsheng said coldly: "So, is it worth breaking him? He also said that he is willing to spend money to redeem the horse, but he did not bring enough money in a hurry. How do you know that he can't get the money? You Rongshan Is it so overbearing to do things?"

Many people around have begun to support.

"That is, the person who explained it clearly, they refused to listen, they have to interrupt other people's hands, and they are too overbearing!"

"Yeah, yeah, even if the person is wrong, the hand is over. Is the original Rongshan faction so murderous and unreasonable?" Some of these other martial arts people, just Rongshan When the school came up with the limelight, they looked in the eyes, but they were not happy but did not dare to say that now Han Changsheng jumped out and reversed the situation, and they began to fall into the rocks.

"You!" Although the great disciple of the Rongshan School said that the fist is hard, but the partiality is a mouthful. It is not known how to say it by Han Changsheng. I am so anxious that I will be red-faced. You can’t say a whole for a long time. The sentence comes.

Han Changsheng took out a piece of broken silver from his pocket and threw it to the big disciple: "I bought this horse. Do you have any opinions?"

auzw.comWhere the Rongshan School’s disciples were willing to collect his money, he took the money back. Han Changsheng caught the broken silver and groaned in his hand.

"Let's go!" The big disciple of the Rongshan School could not stay, turned around and left. The other disciples were also anxious and quickly kept up. Everyone turned over and the big disciple, because there was no horse riding, shared a horse with his younger brother, and stunned Han Changsheng with a sigh of relief, and then went away.

After the disciples of Rongshan sent away, everyone also dispersed. The middle-aged man confessed to Han Changsheng: "Thank you for helping the little brothers, if you are not you, I am afraid that this hand has been scrapped."

Han Changsheng looked at him with a lack of interest: "Oh, be careful later." As he walked, he was ready to leave.

The middle-aged man took him and smiled. "Little brother, you are not seeing the road, helpless, I have not thanked you. Did you ask the name of the little brother?"

Han Changsheng didn't want to do more entanglement with him. He said: "If you meet, you don't have to care."

The middle-aged eyes brightened and praised: "Oh! Good! I don't know which Master can teach such a disciple, it is admirable!" After touching the body, he took out a wooden sign to Han. Longevity, said: "You don't want to be named, I don't want to force you. If you have this opportunity, if there is a chance in the coming day, if there is anything I can help you, this thing is a certificate. As long as I can I can't get rid of it!"

Han Changsheng put the wooden card into his sleeve and did not go to the heart. This middle-aged man is not good at martial arts. He doesn’t even have the money to buy a horse. It’s not a thief, it’s a piano that plays a horse. If you want to come, you don’t have much skill. Even the value of Tianning’s teaching is not. .

Han Changsheng returned to Anyuan and turned to the horse. Anyuan asked him: "Why don't you let me out?"

Han Changsheng said: "I will come to the troubled sinners in the future. You don't have to take it out yourself."

Anyuan asked: "Why?"

Han Changsheng said: "You will have great development in the future. It is not wrong to sin less people."

An Yuan stunned: "You... are you really?"

Han Changsheng glanced at him inexplicably: "What do you want me to do?"

An Yuan’s face was weird, and he said halfway: “This... how is this possible?”

Han Changsheng said: "What is impossible? You are the martial arts leader of Tianding!"

This remark came to An Yuan’s ear, but he became an excellent person in the eyes of Han Changsheng. Anyuan had some heat on his face and said: "This... can't say that..."

Han Changsheng went on and said: "You are destined to eradicate the devil and help the right way."

After listening to this, Anyuan stunned and swallowed the words behind. Eliminate...magic?

Han Changsheng had already rode out, so Anyuan did not see the expression on his face. I want to ask again, Han Changsheng rides very fast, and he is too late to catch up.

In the past, Han Changsheng once said that he would help Anyuan to take the position of the martial arts ally. Just because it was too unrealistic, Anyuan thought that Han Changsheng was just a joke, but from the matter of the moon to today... Han Changsheng Is it serious? ! But this person has not even told him about his true identity. Could it be that he has something to hide?

The two men fluttered on the road, and no one knew where the other's thoughts had flown.

The closer to Kunlun Mountain, the more martial arts people encountered, and the two of them have been inquiring about Tianyuan Mountain Villa. However, Tianyuan Mountain Villa has disappeared for fifteen years. After all, the younger generation of Jianghu children have never heard of this mountain village. The older generation has heard of it. Most of them are little known, or they have long been known. Forgot. Han Changsheng also secretly inquired about the Xiudaomen. Like Tianyuan Mountain Villa, this martial art was originally famous for a small number of years. It has been extinct for many years, and there is no useful news at all.

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountains, many sects have arrived. The crowd is very lively and very lively. Fortunately, the martial arts leader Lu Honghua has already prepared a lot of accommodation for the martial arts people, so it will not be nowhere to go.

On this day, Han Changsheng and Anyuan Da had left their residences early in the morning to inquire about the news.

Every inn in the inn has a "Little Smart", which is specially used to inquire about people. It is the concentration of gossip. Every day, there are new sects, which sects and which sects have conflicts. Which sect is going to be at this year’s martial arts conference. What kind of motions are proposed, etc. These gossips and babies are most proficient. Yesterday they heard a few well-informed PHS, and today they are going to ask them to help them.

Han Changsheng and An Yuangang walked into the backyard where Xiao Lingtong was located, but saw several disciples talking around PHS. Han Changsheng was waiting to go forward, and suddenly heard the PHS said: "This morning the Yuehua faction also came! The lord arranged for them to live in the east side of the inn!"

The author has something to say: thanks to the twenty-four bridge moonlight night, cxf_80 mines and 芷芷, Murong 澜 的 rocket launcher