MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 687 gone back

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  Chapter 687 Going back

  The two left Zhuangzi smoothly, and the old Wangtou looked back from time to time.

   Until Mrs. Wang skillfully ordered an old servant to prepare the carriage, jumped into the carriage again, and called out a guard surnamed Chi who was hiding to drive the carriage, Mrs. Wang did not even look back.

  Old Wangtou was still pulling the curtain of the car, looking back.

   "So reluctant, why don't you stay here?" Mrs. Wang, with her eyes closed, turned to Old Wang's head sideways, but directly pierced him.

"...Old lady, your family is all to blame." Old Wang pretended not to see Mrs. Wang's frown, and said, "The old servant at the door seemed to recognize you just now, his old eyes were so jealous, it was almost I showed you tears on the spot. You didn't intend to hide your identity, why don't you just recognize each other, it's better than you figure it out yourself."

After returning to Wanning City, in fact, they also weaved a network of relationships, which were left behind in the early years, and most of them were useless. Fortunately, that kid Wang Zhuo still had a conscience, and he did not forget their old couple. , It's just that they are all middle-aged, and they are still as clingy as they were when they were young.

  With Wang Zhuo's mediation, the advancement is faster than expected, but there is still a long way to go before the Wang family can really have backing in the future.

The old wife has lofty ambitions. She wants to completely break away from all the benefits of being the princess of Yongchang, and truly use her own strength to make the identity of the "Wang Family" a firm foothold in Dachang, free from suffering, war, and even the burden of dynasty changes. .

  This is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight, and it is not even possible for the husband and wife to accomplish it.

   "We met today, I'm afraid it's a temporary idea, not they want to recognize me." Mrs. Wang is very calm, and there is no joy of meeting relatives on her face.

  She already knew who she was, and she had never been tainted with the glory of her former identity for decades, so she naturally wouldn't be excited to meet her at this moment.

   "I think so too." The old Wang turned his head to look at his old wife, trying to see other emotions from her face, but it was obviously futile, "Are you still blaming them?"

An Guogong's mansion is looking for her, and the royal family has another wave of forces looking for her. The two parties have only been looking for her with great fanfare in the past few years. Otherwise, Dachang has gradually become peaceful these years, and An Guogong's mansion has not been reduced too much. How could it be impossible to find her? ?

  Old Mrs. Wang shook her head: "What is there to complain about? There is a lot of dirt in the courtyards of those nobles."

   What's more, she never resented An Guogong's mansion for not finding her in time, she left An Guogong's mansion on her own initiative, no one else could blame her for that.

If you really want to talk about it, she lost her little daughter, which is really to be blamed by Aibao. Cutebao has never shown any dissatisfaction with her. In the past few years, she only missed her child Zaoer. I haven't read it for the past two years, and An Anxin runs her small grocery store.

  Old Mrs. Wang knew that Aibao had met Zao'er in Anguo Gong's mansion, but Zao'er didn't know her identity, and only thought she was a kind grocery store owner, and went to the grocery store from time to time.

   Aibao knew about it, maybe he had vaguely guessed something, but he never asked himself in the future, so he must have figured it out.

   "Let's go back, there is no need to worry about the others." Mrs. Wang said, "Ayu and the others are in Wanning City, and they don't know what's going on. I'm afraid we will have to think a lot more if we go back later."

  Old Wang saw that Mrs. Wang didn't want to talk more, so he stopped talking. He found a thin blanket, covered Mrs. Wang, and closed his eyes to rest.

  (end of this chapter)