MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 688 Envoy from Westwind

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  Chapter 688 The Envoy from the West Wind Kingdom

  In the autumn of the 23rd year of Minghua, on the tenth day of August, Mrs. Wang and Lao Wangtou arrived in Wanning City.

  The city has been decorated with lights and festoons everywhere, waiting for the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Ayu and others had received the letter from Mrs. Wang in advance, so they were waiting at the city gate early.

   Zhu'er was holding a big candied haws in his hand, and suddenly waved towards one place: "Brother Zao'er!"

   "Zhu'er, who are you calling?" Ayu turned his head to look, only to see people coming and going at the city gate, and several people turned their heads following the sound, but they didn't know who Zhu'er was calling.

"He is a very good brother, he often goes to my little aunt's grocery store!" Zhuer said, pointing to a person and said to Ayu, "Look, sister, the one with the blue hairband is him. "

  Ayu is taking a rest today, and the other brothers are still studying in the academy. Today, only a few sisters-in-law brought her and Zhu'er to pick up Grandpa and Grandma.

She heard the words and went to look, and she really found a young boy, about ten years old, with a lake-blue hairband on his head, a green jade pendant around his waist, and a wooden fan in his arms, directing two The servant of the small wooden box.

  Hearing Zhu'er shouting, he took a look and found them.

  Zhu'er stepped forward, greeted several people, and then found Ayu: "Girl, it's you."

  Ayu also recognized Zao'er: "What a coincidence, it's you."

   The two had met before. At that time, there was a very arrogant young man beside Zao'er. Qin Huai cut off his hand because of his rude words.

  It was then that Ayu discovered that Qin Huai might have psychological problems, and would accompany him to relax whenever he had a chance, for fear that he would accidentally become a little devil.

"I didn't ask the lintel properly before, so I wonder how your brother is doing?" Ayu also asked casually. The man's words were really annoying. After so long, she didn't make up for it at the beginning, and it is even more impossible for her to be hypocritical now. up.

  Zao'er shook his head: "He has been sent to the countryside by his aunt."

  Zao'er didn't say much about all the things here, but said: "Don't worry, are you going out of the city?"

   "No, we are here to pick up our family. How about you, are you going out of town or just coming back?"

"I'm coming back from outside the city. Recently, the Xifeng Kingdom will send envoys to visit. There are some bad stalls set up outside Wanning City. They are all foreign goods, and there are also many exquisite products. The elders of the family like one of the spices, so they come to buy them. Some. If there are elders in your family who like it, I will give this to you." Zao'er said, and was about to give one of the small wooden boxes as a gift.

  Ayu hurriedly said: "No, no, aren't you a regular customer in my little aunt's shop? In her grocery store, there will be a few copies of any fashionable goods. She has asked people to buy such spices a few days ago."

"That's right, I almost forgot, you and Aunt Bao are relatives, there must be no shortage. Then I will go first, and I will present the gift to the elders in the family first." Zao'er said, looked at Ayu, and added , "By the way, I heard that there are so many envoys from the West Wind Kingdom, Wanning City will open a half-month joy party until the ugly time after nightfall. If you like to be lively, you can ask your family to book some restaurants and Accords in advance so that you don't have time to find them. Not in a good location."

   "We didn't know this, thank you."

"You are Welcome."

   After Zao'er left, Ayu got into the carriage and told several sister-in-laws about it.

  Jiang Turnip said: "We are not from Wanning City. We really don't know that there is such a rule. There is a curfew on weekdays. Now that it is extended to Choushi, I don't know if there will be a rest in the academy."

  The academy in Wanning City spends much more holidays than in Wangbei County before, and they also rest on various festivals, sometimes for half a month in a month.

  Ayu: "If the third uncle and the third aunt were here, they would definitely prepare a few new recipes in advance. After such a long time, I don't know how much more money I can make."

   "You!" Wei Qianying tapped her finger on Ayu's forehead, and shook her head helplessly, "Don't make fun of the elders like that, and be careful not to be heard by the fourth aunt and say you again."

  Zhou Chuchu also laughed: "Third sister-in-law, you are wrong, fourth aunt would not be willing to say about our Ayu. If she heard this, she must prevent Ayu from sneaking out at night."

   "What did you run out for?"

   "Selling sachets secretly!"


  The Wang family knew about Ayu’s sale of the No. 1 sachet, and even the sisters-in-law are now involved. The brothers of the Wang family helped write it, and the sisters-in-law helped cut it out, and they did a lot.

   It’s just that they were sold frequently in the past, but now Ayu directly sends the glutinous rice **** to Puji Temple, and Puji Temple buys them all, puts them in front of the Buddha, consecrates them, and then sells them to those who are destined.

   In this way, although each piece sold for less money, it can sell hundreds of pieces at a time, and it will not be sold at all next year, which is not bad for Qin Huai's reputation.

   What's more, Qin Huai also shared a sum of money.

  Although Ayu is young, she has already become the most profitable person in the Wang family. No one knows how much money she has now.

   "Okay, you are all making fun of me, I won't buy you anything from now on!" Ayu pursed her lips deliberately, making everyone laugh again.

  While talking and laughing, Zhu Er raised her voice and shouted: "Look, it's Grandpa and the others!"

  Everyone looked, and as expected, they saw the old Wangtou sitting outside the carriage, holding the horse rope in his hand, and there were several things wrapped in large paper bags piled up next to him. It was a gift for his family at a glance.

   "Grandfather!" Ah Yu shouted.

  Hearing Ayu's voice, the old Wangtou handed over the certificate in his hand to the city guard for inspection, and looked up. When he saw Ayu, his old face was wrinkled with a smile.


   When they got close, everyone got out of the carriage, and Ayu looked at it with distress: "Grandpa, why are you driving by yourself, what about the others?"

"He just has itchy hands, so ignore him." Mrs. Wang got out of the carriage with Old Wang's head, and said angrily, "The official road over there has been expanded, so he wanted to try the fast horse, and he almost failed. Shake this old bone of mine to pieces!"

Their previous carriages were taken away by two young men from the village. This carriage was prepared by An Guogong. Not only is the carriage itself spacious and comfortable, but even the horses are retired war horses. Although they are old horses, they are not ordinary. The horse can compare.

  When he got to the official road, Old Wang couldn't sit still. On the road, he met a few Xifeng people who were galloping on horseback. He wanted to compete with them.

   In the end, it was obvious that he lost. He was not satisfied yet, so he pushed the guards surnamed Chi away, and hurried all the way to the gate of the city.

  Old Mrs. Wang's eyes would be turned upside down. If she didn't have a foundation in martial arts, she might really be crushed.

  Ayu was amazed when he heard it. He didn't expect Grandpa to have such a side, so he wondered whether he should find a way to prepare a good horse for Grandpa.

   It's not impossible to get a first-class horse, but it's too eye-catching. Get a second-class horse to make grandpa happy. Anyway, their family doesn't have much now, only the school field, which is very suitable for horse racing.

  The family chatted and laughed, and left from the gate of the city. There were still some things that were not suitable to be said here, so they didn't say much.

   Not long after they left, they heard a loud sound of horses running, and everyone gathered at the gate of the city to watch.

   "Those are the former envoys of the Westwind Kingdom, right?"

   "Every one of these, looking at the stately appearance, there is really no shortage."

   "It's just that the former envoy acted like this. Could it be that he came to give us Dachang a blow? Xifeng Kingdom and our Dachang have not had a big war in the past few decades. They are not here to find fault?"

"You don't understand this, but I heard that the old master of Xifeng Kingdom is critically ill, and the children are restless. I heard that they want to usurp the throne! The person who visited our Dachang this time is said to be a prince. He came to Dachang to seek foreign aid, so that he could go back and win the title."

   "Tsk, how do you know so much? If you want me to tell you, the prince is not here to find foreign aid, but to find relatives."

   "Looking for relatives? We have only three princes in Dachang, and the eldest prince can barely get married, but they are all married. If it is a princess, then Princess Ruyi is too young to be justified..."

  Everyone you say, I say, are hearsay, and no one can clearly say one, two, three.

There was only one person, holding a jug in his hand, and said drunkenly: "Wrong, you idiots are all wrong. The reason why Xifeng Nation came here this time is not to find relatives, but to find people! The most favored princess of Xifeng Nation is here!" Dachang's whereabouts are unknown, so they came here to ask for someone."

  Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then immediately dispersed.

   "Go, go, where did you come from, the wine lunatic."

   "Who doesn't know that Xifeng Kingdom doesn't have a princess and is the most favored? Why haven't I heard of it?"

   "Forget it, whoever cares about the affairs of Xifeng Kingdom, I have to go home and cook for my wife."

   When everyone dispersed, they didn't realize that the drunk lunatic who spoke was no longer far away.

  (end of this chapter)