MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 725 West Wind National Teacher

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  Chapter 725 West Wind National Teacher

  Ayu decided to listen to what Shi Zhou wanted to say.

  It is night, the lights of Wanning City are on, and it is not yet the curfew time. There are many tourists outside the Moon Tower.

"Shi Shi, you should know that I will not believe what you say, and everything must be based on evidence." Ayu poured a pot of water for Shi's porridge, and then sprinkled a handful of white rice into it in front of his face. powder.

Before Shi Porridge could speak, Ayu said, "What I put just now is a kind of medicinal powder, which can measure whether a person is lying. It seems that you are also a person who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. You should also know this kind of medicine. As long as you say If you tell the truth, this medicine powder will not cause any harm to you, but if you tell a lie, I can't guarantee what the consequences will be."

  As soon as Ayu finished speaking, Shi Porridge picked up the water glass in front of him without hesitation and drank it down in one gulp.

He turned the water glass upside down to make sure there was no drop left, then wiped his mouth, and said, "You can believe what I say next, or you don't need to believe it, this is your freedom and your right, I am only responsible for what I say bring."

  Ayu made an allusion to listening: "Then, please speak."

   "If we want to talk about your life experience, we have to talk about it sixteen years ago..."

   Sixteen years ago, the West Wind Kingdom was no different from today's, but for the West Wind Palace, a major event happened.

  In that year, the national teacher suddenly predicted that a cataclysm would fall from the sky, and people would be devastated. Not only would Xifeng Nation be affected, but other surrounding countries would also fall into melee.

  Different from Dachang, Xifeng Kingdom is larger in size, but it is surprisingly harmonious inside, and even the royal family rarely fights.

  Especially when they witnessed the emperor of Dachang suddenly going crazy, causing the entire people of Dachang to die and mourn.

"Although Xifeng Kingdom does not worship witchcraft, it believes in gods more than Dachang. Over the years, the country's stability has largely depended on the divination of the national teacher. Because of the prophecy of the national teacher, Xifeng has several They have all escaped the disaster, so the prestige of the national teacher in Xifeng country is also very high, and they are trusted by the people."

Speaking of this, a sarcastic smile appeared on Shi Zhou's face: "Perhaps because of this, the national teacher was able to blatantly say that my royal family of the West Wind Kingdom was about to suffer a disaster. At that time, the common people thought that only Prince, there is no princess, because our emperor has protected her very well."

Ruan Ruan is the nickname of the princess of the Xifeng Kingdom, and it is also a name known to the royal family and important officials of the Xifeng Kingdom. It is just that this little princess is weak and sick, and she is worried that her prestige will be too high, which will impact her luck, so she has not been announced to the people. I didn't know there was a little princess who was very much loved in Xifeng Kingdom.

"As soon as the national teacher's prophecy came out, before the emperor gave an order, some people killed babies in private in order to please the national teacher. For a while, everyone in Xifeng country was in danger. No one dared to marry or have children. Hide it, for fear of being seen by those people."

Ayu was very angry when he heard this: "This is too much, how can you just take someone's life at will with a lie! What do children know? What can they do? When they are young, educate them well, Isn't it possible to become a kind person? What's more, how can such a big crime be placed on a child, it is obvious that an adult is doing it deliberately!"

  (end of this chapter)