MTL - Everyone Thinks That the Fake Daughter Has Deep Problems-Chapter 113 picking the moon

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Xiaoying's skirt spread out on the snow like a flaming red flower in full bloom.

She sat quietly with her eyes closed, like a beautiful porcelain doll.

The black trees in the distance seem to be infected by her beauty and become embellishments.

The three pure colors of black, white and red are intertwined, making the picture in front of you look like a perfect artistic photo.

Mingjiao was not in the mood to appreciate this kind of beauty at all, and she couldn't help raising her vigilance while walking towards Xiaoying at a faster pace.

Because she didn't expect to see Xiaoying so soon, although she has stayed in this space for a long time, but according to common sense, the captured hostage is always the hole card that will be thrown at the most critical moment.

It's so easy for her to find it now, it's hard for her not to suspect that this is a trap.

The system can sense the vigilance on Mingjiao's body, and also knows what she is thinking, and it reminds her very forcefully, [Don't worry, host, I can be sure that the little shadow in front of you is a genuine product. 】

Mingjiao felt much more at ease with a systematic guarantee, but she did not let down her vigilance.

Whether people are real or not, they don't hinder the hunters who lure them in and set traps for them.

Fortunately, until she walked in front of Xiaoying, only a few steps away, nothing unusual happened.

Moreover, Mingjiao found that Xiaoying's body was surrounded by a faint ice blue, like a layer of water curtain. She was far away from it just now, and she didn't notice it. Now she found that this power undoubtedly protected Xiaoying in the middle, and she was very familiar with it.

The system said, [The host is the supernatural energy left by the protagonist. 】

Mingjiao hummed, her eyes searched around for the last time, and then fell back on Xiaoying's face.

Xiaoying's condition is undoubtedly not good, her skin was originally very white, but now it is even more bloodless, like a delicate doll.

What's more important is that Mingjiao didn't deliberately hide her footsteps along the way. After standing in front of her for a long time, she didn't respond, and she didn't know if she had lost consciousness.



The night wind in the high-rise building seemed to be extraordinarily cold. Amidst the strong wind, the hem of the white clothes was rolled up, and a pair of slender thighs slowly climbed up the steps.

When the angle of view is shifted upwards, you can see that this is a woman wearing a black suit inside and a white coat on the outside. Her appearance is very ordinary, but she is also full of affinity.

She walked up to the rooftop that should have been firmly locked, and looked down, as if she could see the carefree smiling faces in the crowd through the lights.

The wind seemed to be getting stronger, blowing her ear-length short hair a little messy, she moved her eyes to her side as if feeling something, and a black ball of light floated quietly beside her.

The black ball of light asked, "Is the matter arranged?"

The woman in black nodded slightly, "It's all arranged, our manpower has been distributed in every corner of the city."

The black ball of light said, "Very good. Next, I will help you extend the time for the space-time rift to appear. You follow the plan."

The woman in black replied respectfully, "Yes."

The light on the black ball of light flickered twice, and an invisible wave slowly spread out, and black cracks quietly appeared in the dark sky beyond people's sight.

However, this process is very hidden, and people who are currently in the carnival have not realized what they will face next.

The black ball of light quickly said, "Asuka's people have also entered the set, I will go back to the hunter to assist him, lest he repeat the same mistakes."

In fact, Hunter's code name in the organization is Wild Ghost, but after the title of hero Hunter was published, the name within the organization changed to Hunter, and this code name was gradually forgotten.

"You seize the opportunity and don't let us down like hunters."

Before the ball of light finished speaking, it had already disappeared into the dark sky.

The white coat of the woman in black danced with the wind, and her lowered eyes became more and more tender and compassionate. She quietly stared at the lights and crowd below, waiting for the coming of death and destruction.


the other side.

Mingyue had already returned to Ming's house to change into clothes that were more convenient for her to move around. It was rare for her sister who hadn't worked overtime to be affected by her powers, and she fell into chaos and tiredness and went to bed early.

The communicator in his hand issued alarms one after another, indicating that many parts of the city were facing crisis tonight, and they needed support from supernatural beings.

Her cat-like round eyes shone brightly in the night, like uneasy vigilance, but also like murderous intent to stare at the prey.

"Xiaoying, can you hear me?"

Little Shadow's crow-like pitch-black eyelashes trembled slightly, and she seemed to be struggling to maintain her consciousness, and she opened her eyes after a while.

She didn't show any surprise when she saw Mingjiao, but her eyes were very complicated, and her silver-gray pupils seemed to be covered with mist.

"This is not where you should be."

Mingjiao sighed vaguely, "Friend, don't be so heartless. As your ally, your boss, I risked my life to find you, don't you feel moved at all?"

Xiao Ying's eyelashes drooped slightly, and she said nothing.

Mingjiao didn't expect Xiaoying to give her any response, anyway, she couldn't leave or move, so she could only listen obediently here.

Na Mingjiao had no choice but to seize the opportunity and say, "I told you a long time ago that there are risks in going it alone. You see, this time is a living example."

"And sometimes you can't be too polite." Although she didn't know how the hunter brought Xiaoying into this space, judging from Xiaoying's behavior of asking for leave from the studio, it proved that she was not suddenly Attack the ones who fell into the trap.

"You know that the hunter may dig a trap to wait for you, and you just follow him. You still ask for leave, and you are still stuck before the holiday. If there is no hunter, send me a message , I may have to wait until the end of the Hanfu Festival to find out that you are missing."

Xiaoying has always only thought that her too young boss is difficult to figure out, and it was only today that she discovered for the first time that she is still a talkative person.


"I can't give up the hunter's clues, so even if it's a trap, I have to move forward."

"I'm not worried about disappearing until my death and no one will find me."

Xiaoying raised her eyes to look at Mingjiao, her voice was cold and crisp like a mountain spring hitting a stone wall, but she was also firm, "Because I believe you will be the first person in this world to look for me."

When she was tossing and running in this vast snow field looking for a way out, she had an inexplicable premonition in her heart that the person in front of her would definitely look for her after she realized that she was missing.

This makes her life hanging on the cliff seem to be tied with a safety rope. Although the rope may not be so strong and reliable, she knows that someone is willing to hold her at the other end of the rope, and that is enough.

Mingjiao blinked her eyes in surprise, and it took a while to taste the melting ice and snow in Xiaoying's attitude, "You...admitted."

Admit that we are allies, admit that we are friends.

Xiaoying looked up at her, "Yes."

Mingjiao, Mingjiao's current mood is as if Wu Xie was facing a little brother who threw a straight ball at him in the opposite direction and said, "If I disappear, at least you will find out".

It's like a non-Emirati player has won the SSR card in the card pool, in short, he is very happy.

She squatted down and let her apricot-colored skirt drag on the snow, but she couldn't touch Xiaoying through the ice-blue water curtain.

But she is a family member after all now, and she can no longer hold hands with other girls as casually as in the past.

Mingjiao thought with regret and complacency.

But a pat on the shoulder is okay.

"That would be wonderful," she said at last.

Although I have received a precious SSR card in my cat illustration book, no, although I have made another friend, which is worth being happy, but the current situation is still important, "Have you seen Nightingale?"

Xiaoying nodded indistinctly, "She went to find the center of this space."

Mingjiao pondered, "Then you found out from her that I also came in, no wonder you weren't surprised at all."

Then she couldn't help complaining, "You know I don't know much about your supernatural world, so can you add some explanation, for example, what will happen if she finds the center of this space?"

Xiaoying looked up at Mingjiao, and actually started to explain, "There are two ways to leave this space. One way is to catch the hunter and force him to let us out. The second way is to find the center of this space." , destroying the entire space.”

Mingjiao asked, "So the center point is the most vulnerable point in this space?"

Xiaoying, "On the contrary, it is the source that supports the operation of the entire space, which means that the energy there is the thickest, and there will be more dangers."

After thinking about it, Mingjiao understood that although this space will cause the loss of the abilities of the supernatural beings, there is a process to some extent.

It is impossible for Tang Xiaoyu to find a needle in a haystack to find the hunter in the entire space. He has no time or opportunity, so before the power is completely lost, it is the most sensible choice to find a central point that will not move.

This matter seems to be common sense among the supernatural beings. In other words, other supernatural beings who followed up should also search for the center of this space like Tang Xiaoyu after realizing the loss of their supernatural powers.

After thinking about this, Mingjiao felt that she should also contribute.

"Are there any obvious features at the central point? Point me in the direction, and I'll go and have a look."

She questioned Xiaoying.

Xiaoying heard her relaxed tone, as if she was going on a spring outing, staring straight at her with eyes like silver moons.

Mingjiao felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by her, "Why are you looking at me like this, as if I'm about to be taken away by a ghost."

Xiaoying, "You didn't listen to what I said just now. Hunters will not be surprised by such a way to break the game, so the closer to the center, the more crises there will be, such as the monsters you saw before."

"Oh, I understand, you want me to stay by your side." Mingjiao said with a smile, "If you care about my safety, just tell me."

Although Xiaoying has a cold personality, she is not arrogant, and said directly, "I am really afraid that you will die."

Mingjiao choked, sighed again, and then waved the sword in her hand, "This is different from the past, I am no longer the powerless me I used to be."

Of course, even if she hasn't practiced her previous skills, she can't be regarded as powerless. It can only be said that he will never be able to beat the hunter, but it may not be the case now.

"Otherwise, why do you think Nightingale would allow me to come in. I have encountered the monsters you mentioned before I came to you. If I hadn't beaten them, I wouldn't be able to stand here and talk to you now."

She said, "Anyway, I'd better go and have a look. This space is really unfriendly to you supernatural beings. Maybe you will have to rely on me as a warrior to turn defeat into victory at the last moment."

It is rare for Xiaoying to hesitate. Of course she knows that Mingjiao has kung fu, but she doesn't know how deep it is.

She frowned and thought for a while, "If you can feel the energy flowing in this space, then you can follow your own feelings. Whichever direction has the strongest energy may be the center point. If not..."

She paused, her gaze shifted slightly, "Nightingale walked in that direction before we parted ways."

After Xiaoying clearly pointed out the route for her, Mingjiao felt worried, "Are you staying here alone? Can you still go, or leave with me?"

She was very worried that hunters or monsters would suddenly pop out after she left, smash Tang Xiaoyu's defense, and then kill Xiaoying.

Although the possibility of this is not very great, it is not ruled out that the hunter will capture Xiaoying again as a hole card to threaten them.

Xiaoying shook her head. Her current state is worse than that of ordinary people, and she can't act independently. "It's best for me to stay here."

Mingjiao was a little worried, "By the way, I forgot to ask just now, how did you enter this space? Since the hunter let you enter this space first, there is no reason to let you move freely without controlling you? "

Just as Xiaoying was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded, "I seem to hear that an old friend is missing me, and if I don't come out to see her, I really let down her profound friendship."

Mingjiao's expression changed suddenly, she stood up slowly, turned around, and sure enough, she saw the hunter in black, standing not far away, looking at her with a half-smile.

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